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Never Close Our Eyes (R3hab Remix)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, August 3, 2012

Posted at : Friday, August 03, 2012

CLICK HERE to Listen to this new fan made Dub Step Remix of "Never Close Our Eyes"

Artist: Adam Lambert

Genre: Electro
Post by: canuck
Submitted on: August 04, 2012

Size: 10.9 MB
Bitrate: 320 bps
Length: 04:34


Anonymous said...

Is JB imitating Adam? Watch NCOE mv with JB's promotional ad. on the mv's background. JB's hair style looks just like Adam's.

Anonymous said...

pretty good remix but I don't understand what's going on. Adam has his own remixes for sale. Is this free? 10:22 this is old news

Magiclady said...

Really like it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JB has been duplicating ADAM from his album cover Believe as twin of Trespassing and yes, down to his hair style. Best compliment as they say.

Anonymous said...

I hate these re mixes, much prefer the original!!

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted

Yeah off the grid my ass

and gave a youTube link to

this video. So he must approve of


Anonymous said...

This is more for dance or drama and I don't mind this kind of electro-funk music, invigorating; but the problem is the accompanying music seems to be a little off-key to Adam's singing, so doesn't blend in as well as it should; liken to a super-imposed photo where the main subject does not blend in well with the backdrop. So it sounds like Adam is singing and the backing music is banging on its own, a sort of divide between the music and Adam's singing...tweak it, revamping required especially the key.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Adam but it seems he really has no idea what is popular with the majority of the public. Every time he says a song is hot or a remix is sooo good or recommends a weird song, I'm like Oh God imagine what kind of record he would put out if it was not for the record label having a say in it. When initially I heard he was working with pple like Alisan Porter and Uh Huh Her Music on his album, I was like it's going to be some songs that he thinks are hot but don't resonate with the target audience.

His album is really good, the lyrics are a bit cheesy but hey this is Adam we are talking about and this is all after working with tons of producers and co-writers. He has the talent but at times I question his taste level when it comes with what is popular and what will be a hit with the public. Even his music videos are luck luster for me, look at Rihanna's videos they are all so so good and artistic. His FYE videos are still my favorite, his BTIKM video was okay as for NCOE considering how much he hyped the video being so dope, it was very meh for me and it didn't even excite non fans and didn't garner any additional interest in the song. I hope the next video he lets the vision be created by those that are experts in such stuff and not create another video that is just average in terms of impact or visual aesthetics.

He has the voice, the looks, the style but hasn't really made his mark in music so far and if he continues to do pop music which doesn't really distinguish his voice from other pop artists then he will always be playing catch up to the Rihannas, Britneys, Gagas etc. He seems happy doing pop and he is great live so let's hope smth happens because if he doesn't sell more albums or get airplay even with all the critical praise in the world won't get him grammy, ama, mtv or any other awards or chance to perform on this big award shows.

HK fan said...

Great remix. Sounds perfect for listening to in a club, which is probably why its cracked the top 10 on the dance chart.

Anonymous said...

The remix is ok,I guess..for dancing,& if it helps to keep BB's name & music out there until we know what's gonna happen after the olympics..then we'll see what the next single is,etc.I think there are things still"up in the air"..maybe about Idol,etc.Adam can't tell us yet what all is going on.That's why he says"when the time is right" about a real tour,& "everything"..I miss those live videos,but we'll get some more soon,I hope.BB deserves a little R & R now.

Anonymous said...

I don't think his lack of sales is due to the type of music he has more to do with the god awful taste young people have in music..they just do not recognize how fantastic he is...

Anonymous said...

gotta share somethin' with you guys..I personally do not, nor have I ever had, any gay friends..but my granddaughters do..I was over at their house last nite for a send off to the oldest leaving to go back to college..there were three gay people there (young, 16, 17 and 23)..super nice and super I was remarking to the 17 yo (who is going on 40 btw)..about his rings and black nail polish (he is extremely flamboyant and funny as hell)...and I told him that I am in love with Adam Lambert..well..he is a talker extraordinaire, and he said that he knew someone (Eric) who actually "hooked up" with Adam when Adam played here for GNT...(Norfolk, VA) said the guy is a dancer and he showed me his pic on internet (a beautiful bi-racial guy)..well this boy (who is about 6'4" immediately became my best friend (and I am 70)..I know, weird to the max..but whatever..this young man is so open and honest and easy to talk to..I felt somehow a connection, albeit small, to Adam...well, just wanted to share...Oh, btw, he said that the guy Eric was really into Adam..(who wouldn't be??)

Anonymous said...

OLYMPICS ! Still ? WTF ?

SG said...

Anon 1.35

Adam has a very good idea about what is popular for the public.He goes to clubs,he tested his own music with lots of friends and family.His song are NOT cheesy. His songs have meaning and sense.Every song takes you to a diferent kind of mood, from party,to smile, to sexy ,to cry your eyes out or to look deep into your soul.
His videos are also really good,not just PUMBA PUMBA music, a few words in spanish,some girls showing her asses and BANG!! a hit song! Shitty, but HIT!a hit that you will probably forget about the second it ends but hey!It's a hit!Like Rihana,Britney,JB, Pitbull(..btw...I can't stand him)and lots of them...
On the other side is Adele,overrated in my opinion,but she has a good voice, her song have meaning even she does not transmit too much and her vids are boring, BUT she is on TV every 5 minutes and for a looong time and people like her.So in the music industry is all about money interest!!Is about listen some song buy it and trash it, so you can download another shitty song right away! BUT good artist and good songs last forever!! So we only have to wait and be patince and I absolutely sure that Adam time will come and the whole world will know about his music.Rock legents, Brian May & Roger Taylor recognise his talent, so the rest will do.Meanwile, let's enjoy this amazing album!!

SG said...

Anon 3.10

Agree!Hopefully they will grow up and clear they minds!!:))

Anonymous said...

I ADORE the BTIKM video clip. I'm in awe of Adam's acting in it. He's simply superb. Hoping he's given the opportunity to star in movies at some stage.

This remix is OK - a track one would hear in a club which is what, I imagine, Adam would love - but I prefer the original song.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:35 a.m. I hope you don't get a lot of static or be called a troll just for being honest. Especially since this party of one agrees with everything that you said.

I just keep telling myself, Adam and I are from different planets, I'm almost 40 years older, straight, and remember the days when a beautiful voice like his would not have been singing what we called novelty songs. He would be singing love songs and powerful
dramatic songs. And he'd have his own television show weekly. Yes, I'm talking about 'the old days'.

But, I know the old days are gone and yet here I am living in the present, thankfully. So I just adjust. It's not surprising that my tastes are not the same as a 30 yr old gay mans. I'm just happy when I play Soaked, Sleepwalker, Underneath, Outlaws of Love and his 'oldies' Come to Me, Bend to Me, Want, I Just Love You, etc.
I have all 6 Queenbert concerts and the EMAs saved and watch them again and again. I am besotted with him and thrilled when he sings. I wish him great success, good fortune and lasting love.

Anonymous said...

The remix is pretty good for a remix I don't really get into remixees but some people do. I guess this thread is into rehashing Adam's career for the millionth time. lol

Anonymous said...

JAK here....most of you know how I feel about remixes :(
In spite of that I gave this a listen, fool that I am. Now both ear drums and head are aching, where's the vicodin?

I still haven't forgiven whoever remixed the beautiful Feeling Good from Idol......:O

Anonymous said...

wow cool I didn't think we would have any new threads for a week. Get a little tired of that lady that sounds like a broken record but what the hay I just use my scroll. The remix is ok but appreciate Adam sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's tweet. Yeah off the grid my ass. This time really be off the grid and get some much needed rest Adam !! And I pray no one finds you and snaps a picture of you and sends it to us, much.

Anonymous said...

I hope wherever Adam is that he's a gazillion miles away from the paparazzi so he and Sauli can enjoy some time of perfect peace.

Anonymous said...

PUMBA PUMBA sounds like a good beat; reminds me of this really upbeat song that goes like la la pumba...followed by Spanish words, a hit at one time. Do you know the name of this song? Yea agree, Brian and Roger truly love Adam; I can feel it from their closeness on stage and it's not staged, this time it's for real.

Anonymous said...

The remix was okay for me, but I'm old too.

I absolutely loved this article:
It's a must-read.

OT - I've noticed with my local radio station, that if I request WWFM,I might not get to hear it, but it does show up on their playlist. If I request NCOE daily, it NEVER shows up on their playlist. I really think Adam's latest CD is being blocked from radio play on many stations IMHO.


Sometimes there are not-so-nice comments by another JB, but it's not me!

Anonymous said...

Please vote for Adam to perform at the Q102 Jingle Ball 2012 ....

Bieber fans are hot on our trail!

SG said...


The famous la la la pumba pumba "hey chico ven "pa ca" y bailala!!Amazing song!!LOL!!
Yes, they love Adam.I read on twitter,the article that JB has posted, is sooo good!! You must read it!They are the best team!! It's a WIN WIN!!


I don't know what is wrong with radio station. Adam itself said that Radio stations "decided" that they want NCOE as a single and now they don't play it!? BUT Somehow,Somewhere,Someway Adam's talent will be recognize!!omg...I sound like West side story!!Oldie but goldie!!

Anonymous said...

This remix is OK although I'm not crazy about it. My fave remix is the instrumental version of If I Had You - love it. <3

Anonymous said...

Remixes never thrill me much, but I guess they're ok. I LOVED the article about Queen and Adam. What a GREAT expression of understanding and "getting it." The writer really showed what a difference Adam has made with Brian and Roger, too. They have come alive again, because they know what a gem they have found. This article is a keeper, for sure!


Anonymous said...

I was shopping one time then heard ADAM singing and it was a remix, forgot now what, but from FYE, and I was quite shocked that it didn't come off well. I love to dance but it just didn't feel right the way it was remixed. I felt sorry really because even how much I'm nuts about him I will not buy that dance tune if I'm a casual fan.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to get a rapper on this remix.everybody is doing it katy perry & kanye west e.t huge hit.

Anonymous said...

Remixes are played at clubs usually.NCOE is #10 on BB dance song chart. I also hear remixes at stores like Hollisters where teens shop. In fact this summer I heard the Aftermath remix in that store when I was shopping with my daughter. Got very excited!Some pop stations after a certain hour on Saturday nights play just remixes. What is so cute is Adam is suppose to be off the grid haha I think he is addicted to twitter!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a phenomenal and a superb performer. He is an excellent in his own rights. Right now especially in this generation they don't like his style of music. I asked my daughter earlier and she likes Adams versatility but not his music. She also mentioned that Adam was a great singer. Take note my daughter is 17 duh!


Anonymous said...

I guess that jingle ball poll is unlimited voting?It takes lots of votes to make the percentage go up,it finally did,tho.You all KNOW that Biebs fans will prob win this one since he already has a high percentage( I hate percentage polls unless they also show how many votes each person has) I will vote here today as much as I can,tho.I would think that Adam will sing @ one( or more of the jingle ball shows) Let's keep voting tho,ok?

Anonymous said...

Not good remix. I felt it was weak

Anonymous said...


Tennis doubles(a few days ago) @ Olympics

French team player on ground the other on top and he kissed him on the lips.

Wondering if NBC got any phone calls????

Anonymous said...

I love the remix! Great dance beat!

Anonymous said...

I wish someone that is good at doing videos would do a video of Out laws of Love and have pictures of all of this Chick Filet crap being shown through out it.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertRUAB: Glamily, please, vote for Adam Lambert on Russian radio >> & TV >>

@AdammeArtistry: @adamlambert it was awesome to meet you and chat it up on my bday at mr. blacks thanks for the photos! I was in apache drag paint! C u soon

‏@arjanwrites It seems that most of you think Queen and @AdamLambert are the perfect pairing for the James Bond Skyfall theme song…

@SmoothMancunian: Wow, I’m hearing an Adam Lambert song for the first time. I think it’s his newest one … whoa, where I have been?

@aylalipstick I think I’m starting to sort of become an adam lambert fan. I mean, I’ve been listening to his music looooads lately.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....what a good idea!

My daughter and I were out shopping yesterday and since I only last till about noontime, we always stop at Chik-fil-a for lunch. This week we drove past and said "no more". I'm sure 2 less sandwiches and 2 lemonades won't hurt them....but it's the principle...we told ourselves!

Anonymous said...

I am feeling really nervous for Adam !!! He doesn't need a GPS or a Map and he is off the Grid. lol

Anonymous said...

JAK I totaly agree. I haven't eaten at a Chik-Fil-a in about five years. My daughter worked at one back then and the stories she would tell would turn your stomach. Not to mention the way she would smell when she got in the car. I would make her take her shoes off and put them in the trunk, because they smelled so bad. She says the laugh is on the Chik-Fil-a supporters , because she knows what it is like in those kitchens.Chik-fil-a's are a franchise operation I believe, would be interesting to know if there are any gay franchise owners. Don't get me wrong I am a conservative, sunday school teaching baptist christian lady. I just do not support people condeming and hating others. You can never reach anyone through hate. I have tried to teach my children to love and accept everyone no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed that on twitter a lot of young men and women are listening to Adam's music for the first time. At these past off-concerts there were a lot of guys and teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam is waiting for something. Which might be why they can't start the tour yet.There is something in the wind, that he cannot talk about. The best way to stop Adam talking is tape his mouth or get him off the grid.I may be wrong, but he is being very secretive. He also did not say he would be off the grid for the weekend, he said I will see you next week. We already know he wants to make an album with Queen, and also get out a DVD of the concert with Queen.2013 is prolly the best time to do the tour.

Anonymous said...

Also, IMO Adam's Wiki page needs a great deal of updating with detail chart datas for both of his albums. I noticed P2 wiki page has well organized charts for his AI cover songs and he doesn't have his own album out yet. New fans always check out artists' wiki page before checking out other information.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping the thing that is holding up his tour is that he is going to be on Idol. Not holding my breathe but there is still a slim chance.

Anonymous said...

I like that Adam charts his own path in music. I love the cd and though it may not be for everyone-IT's really EXCEPTIONAL! I love that he is himself and promotes what he loves!

Anonymous said...

Keep us updated on that Q & A CD

Anonymous said...

@ 10:15 A.M.......JAK here

Don't be "skerred" for Adam. Maybe he wants to be lost. I had some of best discoveries and adventures by getting lost.

I'm sure he and Sauli are very happy to share a "Lost Weekend."

Anonymous said...

Whatever is going on behind the scene must really exciting!:)

For now, we just wait and smell the bacon in the kitchen:)

Oh! Forgot sake! I really want to see him face to face again and to tell him how much he intensify his fans from being a teaser ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

I meant For God sake!!!! Crazy me!!!


Anonymous said...

1:35 AM please stop and go somewhere else ASAP. success is measured in many ways and to say that BTIKM or NCOE are not artistic is just your opinion. CRAP is what sells to young people these days, and no true fan wants Adam to just put out crap. perhaps Adam is too intellectual for some, but anyway your post was really irritating.

Anonymous said...

3:10am - sadly have talked to many younger fans, but most of them download for free

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why fans think a trespassing tour could be this year? Hey, it's already over half of the year and Trespassing has just been released in other countries. Reasonably, it should be next year, whether there's Idol judging on the plate or not. You need so much time to develop and present a tour. Definitely NOT this year, for GOD's sake!

Anonymous said...

Alex Kleinert ‏@alex_921
@milestougeaux what's your favorite trespassing song?? :)

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux

@alex_921 Currently, Pop That Lock and Chokehold are Runnin neck and neck

Anonymous said...

@12:19PM Mostly international fans who don't understand ins and outs of US Music business demand Trespassing tour.

Anonymous said...

Most of my family mainly the younger ones think I'm crazy for paying for my music.....they even give me DVD's that are good as the ones you buy before they are out on DVD...

Anonymous said...


"Hi folks,

Well, as QUEEN tours go, it was...short!

But really quite amazing. We put a lot of work into rehearsing the show with ADAM LAMBERT...and it was quite an undertaking. Especially since there was no chance to 'warm up' before we plunged into a huge gig in front of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians! But every step we took out there, in Kiev, Moscow, Wroclaw and good old Hammersmith, we felt there was MAGIC in the air. It all feel very worth-while.

For me, it was amazing to work out front with ADAM, because he, like Freddie, is a very spatially connected was constantly stimulating for me play with the available space on stage and use it to project to maximum power out to the audience - and back again. Like in the old days, the show felt interactive, and fun.

And what an extraordinary voice!

The music, in a situation like this, does catch fire, and I thought there were some really great 'loose' moments on that tour.

I have to thank once again our fans - our audience, our friends around the world, who once again gave back energy in bucket-loads...and made the whole experience very rewarding."

"Roger and I are now preparing ourselves mentally for an appearance in the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, which was supposed to be a secret but it's definitely well leaked by now! Every day a new adventure. I am thankful, grateful and blessed! What does the future hold? I don't know...but I guess that's always why there is fun to be had. Take care out there...

Much rockin' to be done!

With love, Bri "

Anonymous said...

USA fans want Tresspassing tour.

Anonymous said...

Where in the world is Adam?

:) :) :)

Care to guess?

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts from Brian.

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love Brian May!!!Hoping for Queen and Adam to eventually sing together in the U.S.Wherever Adam and Sauli are, I hope they are having fun and relaxing. I have a feeling there will be lots to come,some of which may surprise us. I love surprises!

Anonymous said...

OT On Nick Jonas's twitter he tweets that it is true that he is being considered for the AI judge and if he gets it it will be a dream come true. Yuck will never watch idol again if Adam is not on it. Was so done with that show after Adam's season but if he were judge of course I would watch again. Isn't Nick Jonas a kind of has been unless he has new music he wants to promote. Still not giving up hope totally. That's because I am always an optimist.

Anonymous said...

Well Nick tweeted CONSIDERED, and it seems with all the names flying around there may be a few being considered. Hopefully Adam is really one of them. I want him to get the AI position because he said he would jump at it. Also visibility which at this point could give him the push with his new single and more Albums bought. Money for the tour also!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem like Nike would tweet anything unless it was almost a done deal. Beyond disappointed and wish Adam had never been mentioned as a judge because his not getting it is so depressing. I will never watch Idol again.

Anonymous said...

That'll teach em!

Adamluv said...

I'm just surprised how many of you have continued to watch Idol after Adams season? I watched it from season 3-8 and really loved it but after Adam not winning I realized what a joke the voting system was since he was clearly the best singer and entertainer. In other seasons it was not so evident IMO. There were only 2 seasons where my favorite won but could fully understand why someone else won in the other seasons, and it was OK until season 8. Again, JMO. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv I have watched beyond Adam's season and was always comparing everyone to Adam. No one could even come close to his voice and charisma. But the reason I did was my kids wanted to watch it so they kind of hooked me in. It was family time and I just kind of got curious every week.But whenever Randy would tell someone they were the best ever I wanted to scream NO THEY ARE NOT and then I would talk about Adam. My kids I think got a little fed up with me lol!

Anonymous said...

Maybe.....Adam has gone to the Olympics to join in the event watching until the closing ceremony when maybe he will sing. Maybe. don't mean to start a rumor or nothin'

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too! I was so disgusted after Adam's loss on Season 8 I really never got over it. My family also thinks I'm crazy and kids me about Adam all the time. I vowed I'd never watch Idol again after S8 but got pulled into it with family members. I had the same reaction as you, whenever Randy said they were the "best ever or best performance to date on the show" I scream too. How could he possibly forget Adam and his magnificent voice, charisma and creativity in presenting the songs? He blew the audience away week after week and left them all waiting in anticipation for the next week to see what he'll come up with next.

I hope there is still a chance for Adam to judge on AI but Nick Jonas? Really? I don't think I'll be watching if Adam is not involved in some way. If this is what Adam wants he certainly deserves it.

BTW, I listened to the remix, a few times now, and it does grow on me. It's got a great dance beat and would be good to work out to etc. It's a free download so Adam gets nothing? Sure doesn't seem fair to me.

Anonymous said...

I semi-watched the DeWyze year. What a joke. I semi-watched the Scotty year and was equally bored. I watched because my two sisters watch and I wanted to be "in the loop" and talk to the about it, but I did not enjoy watching. In fact, it kind of gave me a stomach ache. I watched one episode last year and found nothing to keep me watching. Now, I am DONE. Adam was the end for me, really. I know they have some talented people on the show, but I have NEVER seen one even come close to Adam. EVER. So, unless he gets the judging job, which isn't likely, AI is history for me. It just isn't fun anymore. I give those of you credit for stickign with it, but I have no use for it anymore.


Anonymous said...

BB & Justin Bieber are TIED exactly on Q102 jingle ball poll.Come on,let's vote SOME,OK?the link is @ anom.@ 6:am this morn.THANKS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry... not a fan of this remix.

Anonymous said...

I watched AIS8 religiously because of Adam with his epic performances each week. Prior to S8 I watched S2,3,4,&5. Skipped 6,7 cause none of the contestants were my cup of tea. Checked S8 because my co-worker was talking about it until the week Adam auditioned and I loved him. Check him out on internet with his youtube videos and loved him even more. Settled on AI website to chat with fans to find out more about him. Adam even posted comments couple of times there. DVR'd Seasons 9, 10, 11 and watched the shows under 20 mins. skipping judges comments. If Adam won't be on AI12 I'll do the same DVR and skip bad performances.

Anonymous said...

Biebs is beating Adam now on that poll.):

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had a good feeling about Adam being judge in the beginning but I don't have that feeling anymore. esp since Nick Jonas tweeted he is being considered it is prob a done deal already. Adam never even tweeted that. I think he was hoping the rumors would catch on but they didn't.JMO

Anonymous said...

Just voted a bunch of times for the Jingle Ball. We can pull ahead, Glamberts! This is one of those things that keeps Adam's name out there.


lorraine said...

The only reason I tuned in {not regularly} after Adam's season on AI was because Adam was keeping his "radar" on it and would comment about the contestants from time to time, especially in the final weeks of the show. And of course would tune in whenever Adam performed. I really don't see any reason to watch it any more.....unless Adam is selected as a judge.

Anonymous said...

Just voted on the Jingle Ball Poll many change in numbers tho. I'll go back to it later.

Now I'm feeling sad about the AI judging thing. So what's it going to be...MC, BP and Nick Jonas? No interest there for me at all without Adam. Don't the producers realize how brilliant it would be to have a judge that's actually been a contestant on the show before and who could really understand what's going on behind the scenes and offer very wise and intelligent comments, i.e.Adam ??? Well it's not over until AI makes an official announcement.


tess4ADAM said...

I just came here to share this link with you all ...

[7-Cam Mix] Queen + AdamLambert- Who Wants To Live Forever(Live)[ 2012.07.14- London, UK]

THIS!! is the most FABULOUS video I have seen of ADAM's performance of this song from all 6 nights ... CHECK IT OUT!! I'm still crying ... if only ADAM would release this video ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I just wonder why Nick Jonas would tweet that to let everybody know whether it's still in negotiation or already a done deal. Usually those involved would NOT tweet to say something or mention it. If it's a done deal, why not let Idol make the announcement? If still in negotiation, why tweet? ADAM mentioned it during an interview. No tweets from him at all.

Anonymous said...

BTW, over at mjsbigblog, all comments so far like this remix, a few said it's their favorite remix so far and in fact better than the actual NCOE song. IDK, just sharing.

Anonymous said...

I won't even eat Chic-a what ever even if it's free...several church groups kept bringing It around after the tornado last year ...they were very kind people but you gotta stand up for what you husband came home the day of the kIss in at Chik-a-what ever...he said he was gonna go there for lunch and show support but he couldn't get anyone he worked with to go with him and kiss him ...our neighbor was there and thought he was kidding ...but I know he wasn't ....he can't stand it that we live in a country that won't give equal rights to all its of the many reasons I love him.

Anonymous said...

Do remixes ever help a song get more popular and get more radio play? They are cool no doubt, but beyond that is there any big advantage for the artist in having one of their songs remixed?

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please check where NCOE is now at this:

It was at No.2 for the whole week last week. But I don't know what's happening but I can't open it to see. Would somebody please check? Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

8:13 why bring snarky stuff over from MJ'sbigblob or whatever the name of it is to this site? I notice this is happening more.

Anonymous said...

@August 4, 2012 12:27 PM

I'm an international fan and I understand what happens in the music world so don't blame the international Glamberts for demanding a Trespassing tour. I don't know who started the 'We Want Trespassing Tour' trend on Twitter and unless you know who started it, don't play the blame game.

Adam said a good while ago that there wouldn't be a Trespassing tour until next year so I don't know why people would expect a tour any sooner. However, some fans think they're entitled to whatever THEY want.

Anonymous said...

If international Glamberts want a Trespassing tour, it's because, unlike the US, they haven't had the opportunity to attend the mini concerts Adam has done in the US - and I understand where they're coming from. When the time comes for Adam to embark on his Trespassing tour, let's hope he tours worldwide so that every Glambert at least has the opportunity to attend his concerts.

Anonymous said...

@Tess4Adam That 7 cam video of Adam singing WWTLF is the most beautiful video. I had tears in my eyes,the way he sings it and how the video is done!Thanks.Someone should tweet that video to Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:21 I just went to that site and it is blank. It has a bunch of pictures around the blank area, none of Adam that I noticed.

Anonymous said...

the we want TP'ing tour trending worldwide was alot of fun and lasted three hours and got TP mentioned. Even Eber got in on it. Who cares who started it only that I am glad they did. Love the innovative fans in the glamily.

daydreamin said...

Anon 8:17 I loved your story. Your hubby sounds awesome!

daydreamin said...

Nile Rodgers playing his guitar for "Shady"

daydreamin said...

Get your heart medications'll need them:

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin Well, by now I've seen millions of photos of Adam- but the one you just posted is incredibly beautiful. What else is there to say?

Anonymous said...

I've never seen such a close-up showing Adam's BEAUTIFUL eyes like that.THAT IS one great pic,& ditto to what Loraine said!

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous beautiful face, so full of emotions!!! can it be Adam's singing" outlaws of love"

So so handsome!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course we'll get an international Trespassing Tour. Adam is at his finest overseas.
AND don't worry about the large venues because the very best of ADAM is when he hits the clubs.

HK fan said...

I think the fact that Nick Jonas is texting about being considered for the AI judge role means that he won't be. All the people now and in the past that have tweeted about it have not gone on to be the judges.i.e. Mariah, JLO, Steven Tyler.....So maybe the fact that Adam hasn't tweeted anything, even a denial is a good thing!!!!

Re the Jingle Ball votes, whilst its great that Adam comes first, and I do sometimes vote, and certainly helps to keep his name out there, please be aware that even if he wins it doesn't mean that he will be playing. He won at least a couple of the jingle polls last year but wasn't picked to take part. The polls are, who do you want to see, not who you will see. But Adam coming first can only be a good thing, shows TPTB that he;s in demand.

Anonymous said...

Never Close Our Eyes Remixes - there are 4 including the one that's the subject of this thread ....

I haven't listened to them yet (except this one).

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin....JAK here

I'm not concerned with the photo (gasp) stopping my heart, but I have "saved" it for a little while to give my heart a morning "kick start" if needed. \o/ <3 <3 <3

There, I feel much better!

Anonymous said...

@HK For the Q 102 Jingle Ball this year would be relevant for Adam because he has new music to sing. Last year he didn't so I hope he will be part of the Jingle Ball. Even though I know if he wins doesn't necessarily mean he will be asked,but they will see how much we want him. Plus Q102 has always been good to Adam.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for that close-up photo link. I was stunned. Just mesmerized for a long while breathless. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

I wish we'd get an old "new" pick or anything...even some fan pix,videos,etc today.This thread is toooooo long~I'd even take a pic or two of Adam in Whole Foods or anywhere!lol!!I was looking @ the Biebs cover for Believe,& he really DID copy Adam's Tres cover quite a bit..even the title has a gold & black "banner" going across it..Somebody on this looooonnnnnnnnnnnnng thread mentioned that he tried to copy Adam's hairstyle even..ha! but his hair isn't as thick or as long on top as BB's...Like somebody also said,it's flattering,I guess,that he likes Adam's style.He prob likes his voice,too..but he can't sing like BB;that's for sure!I miss BB already..but hope he and Sauli are having a nice time,where ever they are.

Anonymous said...


Thanks, this is 8:21. I've been voting there pushing NCOE for No.1 and that should be this week because he was 2nd last week and again I made sure he got the highest votes. It's supposed to show the new line up every Saturday afternoon. but still it's all blank. I just wonder why???

Something wrong with my laptop I can't view video and what's happening here:

Anonymous said...

Nick Jonas AI judge, seriously? If he does get it, well I've lost all respect for AI..Only reason he would get it, they want the younger girl viewers interested..

Anonymous said...

Adam really needs to do some professional photos, for like a men's fragrance, clothing line or something.. Like you see in up-scale departments stores, like Dillards, Macy's..He is absolutely breath taking.. He would stop men and women in their tracks..those eyes..and that mouth, check bones, he is prefect.


Anonymous said...

Just a said note, Justin Bieber reminds me of a young lesbian girl!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:48 a.m.

Why would you lose respect for A.I.? They have to choose judges that will bring in an audience, they are in business to make money.
Young girls have the time and energy to vote and vote and vote. If Nick turns them on they will swell the number of viewers. Makes sense. It's a business.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you stamping your foot and saying, if they don't hire Adam as a judge, I just won't watch anymore would do any good?
Put your energy elsewhere.

Anonymous said...


Truthfully, I lost faith in AI when Adam did not win, so I take it back, already have lost faith in it. Nick would just make it worse, he is just a teen heart throb, no real musical skills to speak of, and he would be judging?

Anonymous said...


I already stopped watching it when Adam lost, so I don't care who they hire, if Adam doesn't get it.

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