New Picture + Twitter Party!
Filed Under (pictures,twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Posted at : Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Adam Lambert tweeted a new picture and took questions from fans!
"Twats from the pillow"

TWITTER PARTY TRANSCRIPT (Via @DariaBatina and Adam Lambert Fan Club!)
Adam Lambert: Tossin and turning jet lag!!!
Adam Lambert: Can't stop thinking about the list of things I pledge to do tht aren't career related this week. It's time to re-connect w friends and craft
Melanie @GLAMBERTROSE: were supposed to have a song called 'making love' on Trespassing?
Adam Lambert: according to who? There was never a song called I wasn't. Who said? Lol
the bad wolf @badwolfyy: wake Saulí up so you don't have to be awake alone lol
Adam: your evil. He's sleeping like an angel.
Monica もふ公爵 @DukeHarebert: pls get head and neck massage!! I'll send you some kirakira golden light to you.
Adam: oh ill get head.
@Shelltwitt86: Interesting!!!!! Any advice for those going to Burning Man?
Adam: bring lots of water. Lip salve. Extra brain juice. (5htp) coconut water.
pialoveadam @pialoveadam: pls let us know if u will be a judge in AI. Can't take it anymore:(
Adam: I knoooow! I'm waiting too. It's stressing me out girl!
@adamlambert still tongue dive?? ;) maybe 3rd time a charm for me;) ♥
Adam: @darcnelson not now doll, I ain't single anymore.
Monica @Glambert_Lady25: Have U ever watched Queer As Folk ? :D
Adam: yeah I used to jerk off to it. (UK version)
Valery ツ @lerunchick
@adamlambert did you see the final episode of True Blood? Do you like it?
Adam: caught up all day today. Love TrueBlood.
LILLIPOP :P@--- @lilybop2010: A recent WWFM w/ keys, symbols reminded me of Queen. Was that the intention? It's gorgeous.
Adam: naw. U were prob just projecting.
Jennifer @JennyRunsToo
@adamlambert What do you look forward to doing them most now that you are home?
Adam: eating healthy veganish food and de-puffing
@arwa_buraik What is that avi!!? Lol some of y'all are so cray.. Lol as if there was some big love triangle conspiracy. God how exciting !
Lidia Ratliff Koala @Liduteczek
@adamlambert what it feels like to sing with queen?
Adam: royal
Olya Lambert @DREAMaboutADAM
@adamlambert when will be your single? you promised it and forgot!!! :(
Adam: oh Olya- I didn't forget. I just can't say yet. For promotional strategic reasons. Trust a bitch!
Roxy ☮ @RoxyHatesYou
@adamlambert what's the last movie you watched?
Adam: saw Snow White and the Huntsmen on the plane. Really awesome production design and visual fx! Gorgeous.
SleepwalkerAries @SleepwalkrAries
@adamlambert If you were running through a tall-grass prairie, what color would you wear to capture the mood?
Adam: purple. Lol
Steph. @Meandmyradio
@adamlambert top or bottom??? ;-D
Adam: top
kinkykiedis @kinkykiedis
@adamlambert Are you excited for Saturdays show? It seemed a little last minute, was it?
Adam: @kinkykiedis It's not a full show. It's a club appearance. Its a big gay dance party. I'm performing to get a better look at the guys. Lol
lili Black @liliyGlambert9
@adamlambert What Do you think about @NICKIMINAJ ?
Adam: i think she's a good entertainer. Skilled rapper. Wig expert. ;)
Bren @crazyforadam
@adamlambert Would LOVE for u to perform w/ Rhianna.. that way Me AND Hubby would be satisfied!
Adam: just give me the time and place. Lol
@adamlambert see what Ambien does? Try melatonin! Natural (of course I have to take like 10Mg)
Adam: I took some earlier. This ain't my first rodeo mama
Sveta @svetapeabody
@adamlambert who's you favorite designer? :D
Adam: Gareth Pugh makes me happy
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Goodnight beautiful Glamberts. Try and be your most authentic, honest self today.
L!SU @xLisek
@adamlambert your version of 'is this love' is amazing! Have you ever recorded or written any other reagge songs? I want to hear it! ;)
Adam: @xLisek check out "By the Rules" bonus international cut from Trespassing. It goes there.
"Twats from the pillow"
TWITTER PARTY TRANSCRIPT (Via @DariaBatina and Adam Lambert Fan Club!)
Adam Lambert: Tossin and turning jet lag!!!
Adam Lambert: Can't stop thinking about the list of things I pledge to do tht aren't career related this week. It's time to re-connect w friends and craft
Melanie @GLAMBERTROSE: were supposed to have a song called 'making love' on Trespassing?
Adam Lambert: according to who? There was never a song called I wasn't. Who said? Lol
the bad wolf @badwolfyy: wake Saulí up so you don't have to be awake alone lol
Adam: your evil. He's sleeping like an angel.
Monica もふ公爵 @DukeHarebert: pls get head and neck massage!! I'll send you some kirakira golden light to you.
Adam: oh ill get head.
@Shelltwitt86: Interesting!!!!! Any advice for those going to Burning Man?
Adam: bring lots of water. Lip salve. Extra brain juice. (5htp) coconut water.
pialoveadam @pialoveadam: pls let us know if u will be a judge in AI. Can't take it anymore:(
Adam: I knoooow! I'm waiting too. It's stressing me out girl!
@adamlambert still tongue dive?? ;) maybe 3rd time a charm for me;) ♥
Adam: @darcnelson not now doll, I ain't single anymore.
Monica @Glambert_Lady25: Have U ever watched Queer As Folk ? :D
Adam: yeah I used to jerk off to it. (UK version)
Valery ツ @lerunchick
@adamlambert did you see the final episode of True Blood? Do you like it?
Adam: caught up all day today. Love TrueBlood.
LILLIPOP :P@--- @lilybop2010: A recent WWFM w/ keys, symbols reminded me of Queen. Was that the intention? It's gorgeous.
Adam: naw. U were prob just projecting.
Jennifer @JennyRunsToo
@adamlambert What do you look forward to doing them most now that you are home?
Adam: eating healthy veganish food and de-puffing
@arwa_buraik What is that avi!!? Lol some of y'all are so cray.. Lol as if there was some big love triangle conspiracy. God how exciting !
Lidia Ratliff Koala @Liduteczek
@adamlambert what it feels like to sing with queen?
Adam: royal
Olya Lambert @DREAMaboutADAM
@adamlambert when will be your single? you promised it and forgot!!! :(
Adam: oh Olya- I didn't forget. I just can't say yet. For promotional strategic reasons. Trust a bitch!
Roxy ☮ @RoxyHatesYou
@adamlambert what's the last movie you watched?
Adam: saw Snow White and the Huntsmen on the plane. Really awesome production design and visual fx! Gorgeous.
SleepwalkerAries @SleepwalkrAries
@adamlambert If you were running through a tall-grass prairie, what color would you wear to capture the mood?
Adam: purple. Lol
Steph. @Meandmyradio
@adamlambert top or bottom??? ;-D
Adam: top
kinkykiedis @kinkykiedis
@adamlambert Are you excited for Saturdays show? It seemed a little last minute, was it?
Adam: @kinkykiedis It's not a full show. It's a club appearance. Its a big gay dance party. I'm performing to get a better look at the guys. Lol
lili Black @liliyGlambert9
@adamlambert What Do you think about @NICKIMINAJ ?
Adam: i think she's a good entertainer. Skilled rapper. Wig expert. ;)
Bren @crazyforadam
@adamlambert Would LOVE for u to perform w/ Rhianna.. that way Me AND Hubby would be satisfied!
Adam: just give me the time and place. Lol
@adamlambert see what Ambien does? Try melatonin! Natural (of course I have to take like 10Mg)
Adam: I took some earlier. This ain't my first rodeo mama
Sveta @svetapeabody
@adamlambert who's you favorite designer? :D
Adam: Gareth Pugh makes me happy
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Goodnight beautiful Glamberts. Try and be your most authentic, honest self today.
L!SU @xLisek
@adamlambert your version of 'is this love' is amazing! Have you ever recorded or written any other reagge songs? I want to hear it! ;)
Adam: @xLisek check out "By the Rules" bonus international cut from Trespassing. It goes there.
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BEST EVER!!! Adam fucked on Ambien is one of my Sound of Music Favorite Things!
Thanks for posting! Just read this on the AO site. Love Adam's "oh, I'll get head," comment. Naughty boy, for sure. He sounded so delciously drowsy and loose and sexy. Mmmmmm.
I don't get AI, so they have talks with these entertainers and just leave them hanging? What a bunch of bullshit! Stressing out our Adam, makes me mad..that might be one of the reasons he can't sleep.
On a lighter note, Adam is so funny and down to earth, he just loves to have a good time, even when he is tired. Hope he had some sweet dreams finally!
Go back to sleep Baby!!!Rest up
Keep returning to Keiv Concert
Love it so much!!!!!
I know how he feels with jetlag not an entertainer but own my business travel to Europe etc it really does throw your whole system off.I thought a lot about Adam doing all that air time & still had a smile every time I seen him on shows&interviews.I felt very sorry for him I was & still am under a lot of pressure but not near to the extent he is.The Idol thing if they don't pick him I will be done with the show & I know a lot more will it seems like they are just using peoples names especially Adams .Adam is gratful to them but enough is enough I don't see how the poor guy can sleep at all.It just makes me angry how big business uses their power. GOOD LUCK ADAM LOVE YOU!
I loved Adam's answers. Now this is sort of off topic but about Adam of Course What is everybody's 5 favorite songs from For Your Entertainment including bonus tracks. Then 5 Favorite from Trespassing? Here is mine:FYE,IIHY,Voodoo,CLYG,Aftermath.
Next: Pop that lock, Trespassing,Cuckoo,Map, Chokehold. Course I Love all the songs on both Albums these are just my personal faves.
God I love you. You crack me up, and may I say...I totally agree with you.
Darn I thought Adam knew but was unable to tell us now I realize he really doesn't know about Idol What an x rated twitter party.
I like x-rated Adam..more please!
Who could sleep while lying naked next to that dreamy, sexy, naked, gorgeous, did I say sexy, man. So funny and intelligent. I love his quick witted n. Minaj comment.....wig expert. But really, that man.....yummmmmmmmy.
he should know a little more about AI if he was on the short list, I think they are going to sign someone else and if that fails Adam will be on the hook. Doesn't look good to me. I had a good feeling but now I don't.
Jet Lagged Adam with an Awesome Good sense of humor:)
Especially hard to get over jet lagged coming back from Asia & down under Australia route:(
I know exactly how he feels when I had to go home for family matters to Asia & Australia & back to US, your body clock gets thrown in the future, back in the past:(
as we loose aday then gain a day coming back west!!!
Adam just sleep Rest & go with LA time:)
Love ya !big fan
11:07 for some reason I am getting bad vibes about AI and don't think Adam will be on it this year.
He wants a TWAT on his pillow???? what?????:))))
I sware he is Nekkid from the chin down.
So sweet of Adam on Sauli awwww" sleeping like an angel"
@ 11:30
Good one, I am peeing my pants..
someone gets IT and I luv u 4 it:))
maybe he was just a tad turned on at the Tommskinen avi. his mind probably went a little further with it than it had ever gone before.
Still peeing my pants over that one..LOL
that twatter party was intense.
I see that the Bieber is mentoring on X-Factor, ha ha ha ha ha ha
He will tell them it doesn't matter if you cannot sing, you just let them adjust your voice to hit the right keys ha ha ha ha
Adam says he always sleeps in the nude. Yum! Wonder if "the angel" does, too? Wow! This twat party has really got us heated up! In a good way!
Bieber a mentor????? Whuh? The thought of it is just too embarassing.
@Uree & PRS
IKR! Right up there with raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
ps. Def brown paper packages ;)
They need to tell Adam one way or the other so he can fill up those months, he has to make a living and promote this album! There fools if they do not get him, I sure as heck not watching it, if he not on it especially how ugly they are doing him, if they do not give it to him. He be way Better than that NM thing. Think he would pull it all together and make it work with people talking about so far. They need to tell him one way or other so he can go on with his life. I have known all along the idol thing if it happens is what R CA was waiting for, to release new single! If he does not get it hope be on good tv show to show case it. Idol may be good for his career not worth making him sick over!
Sigh..thud...sigh...I love naughty Adam!! I'm always my most authentic self, like Adam I have no filter I say what l think and don't care if others like it of not. As of late I've been trying to be a little less shall we say free with my opinions , I work around a bunch of republicans. As you might guess we don't see eye to eye on anything but after this little bit of advice from Adam I just gonna say fuck it snf give'em hell.
one of the things I LOVE about Adam is his lack of filter..he just tells it like it is...God, he is sexy...reading his tweets even managed to cause a release of a long dormant hormone in I probably need to be put in an asylum cause I would love to be a fly on the wall of his house...interpret as you will..
we all want a younger fan base for Adam and he is talking about wacking off to a song? I Don't get him at all anymore, sorry.
he may regret a few of those later, but hey it doesn't seem to affect other 'celebrities' popularity. and TBH pretending to be tame does not help either, so it's just 'throw caution to the wind' in terms of being PC.
Chill out FANS!
Have a sense of HUMOR!!!
Love, Light & Lots Of Laughter always!!!
Have Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......
Gees !!!People!
Don't know why Adam has twatt or twat on his pillow, that is part of the female part or vagina or vulva. ha ha :)
2:00 they also use that as a twitter word.
Love his sense of humor.
Damn I was in that twitter party as it was happening ,didn't know how twitter my questions? I did however bring it here first last post, so glad it's here! Thanks adm!
Adam is hilarious! It's just one of the many parts (uhumm) I love about him LOL!
Sleepy, sexy, very clever Adam....I think he may know more than he's telling us about AI but just can't yet...maybe contractual restrictions? That answer of his about waiting for "promotional strategic" time for the next single release really made me think the PTB are waiting til after the AI announcement of the judge position ( I can only hope!).
@1:42 PM..thing is..the younger crowd these days is extremely informed and savvy about sexual matters..I think older folks would possibly be offended..more than younger ones..I love that he just puts it out there and I am 70 yrs. young..altho, I can understand that everything little thing he says can affect his career and popularity...but, if Adam is not worried about it, I won't either..
jack off and head in one twat party???? ohhh lord
twiddle dee twat. hehehehehe Adam knows how to cause a stir doesn't he?
just read that Nicki and Keith have finalized deals for AI..and Randy is still on the fence..but that he could be a fourth judge..I just wish that if Adam is no longer being considered, he would tweet out that info to us and put an end to our endless speculation...
maybe Adam was twating naughty tweets is cause he is frustrated by lack of AI gig, single delay, tour delay, etc...but, he is def not frustrated little beast that he is...
I heard he was nude during the party but how do we know that? Did he mention it? I was just curious. Thanks!
Adam is not going to be an AI judge and this senseless twitter party is one of the many reasons why.
@3:46 PM ..please elaborate..
anon @3:35...I think I agree with the comment you made with all that is not happening right now in Adam's life. But I also find some truth to the comment from 3:46 because some of his twitter remarks might offend a certain group of individuals. Although if you are not on twitter or on this blogsite, how would anyone know. Adam says exactly what he thinks and feels because he is so honest but it could also be something that turns off others. I just want him to be successful esp. with this Trespassing cd, and to have a long and respected career in the music business.
3.36 Dont be ridiculous!
Sorry comment was for 3.46 not 3.36. Got a bit annoyed not concentrating.
@4:01 PM..Adam really does practice the advice he gives about being least we know where his heart and mind is...and lets face it, if everyone voiced these type of comments, you would not find a much different conversation..alot of people of just too prudish to express themselves in a sexual way..
I happened to be reading the twitter feed as this twitter party happened last night......can't begin to tell you what images some of these answers put in my head!!!!
Love it:)
@4:01 PM .... just about every word Adam utters is reported in the media, not merely on Twitter & Facebook,
OMG the thought of Adam tweeting naked is too much for me to handle lol!I thought he was very funny and I love dirty Adam and his openess. If some people don't, Oh Well!Just hope this AI thing doesn't take much longer.They would be fools not to hire Adam!
@ Anon August 28, 2012 3:46 PM
OMG... just ffffffuuuuuuu_____kkkk off. I'm sorry, I'm having a momentary slip of being civil...
oh yeah, cuz being PC has served him so well...
move along, JFC
love unfiltered Adam
4:39 here
sorry 3:46. Sincerely, I offer my apologies... I just can't stand the judgement ... and bottom line, your post was judgemental. Gosh, the dude, Adam, is so decent and good on so many levels... the boy next door really, just a different kind of boy next door... I can't stand the judgement on him when he's such a good guy
but, sorry... always better being civil
what I love about Adam is that he can be so sweet and adorable and loving, and then he can be fierce and sexy as hell..he is not boring..liked that he admitted the hair color change was due to his being 'bored'..he is such a beautiful man with a beautiful talent...and no, he is not perfect..but is anyone???? at least he really is human like the rest of us..
@4:46: that is exactly it, right on
4:42 dont fucking apologize. you were DEAD ON the first time. People need to FUCK OFF!
He IS who he IS. End. Of. Story.
What's your source of information? Just rumors until official announcement made from Fox/AI. IMO
If Adam were my son I would wince at his language and his lack of a sense of disgression, but he is not my son and he is a grown man. He realizes that his language and behavior many people will find offensive, he's not concerned with guarding his mouth or reputation.
That distresses me because it will keep many people from appreciating his many good qualities and talent.
He's not going to change and conform so he willingly sets himself up for criticism. I don't admire that quality I think it's foolish, I think it's careless and childish. But, while I regret his attitude, I hope, sometimes even pray, for his success in spite of everything.
He reminds me of the expression, "He's his own worst enemy."
I know what u r thinking folks about if Adam was naked or not ha!ha! ha!
He was naked beside his angel partner Sauli:))))
Naughty me!!!!
Poor Adam!! AI is stressful topic indeed!
I hope they will announce it sooner before we all get naked ha!ha!ha!
Being honest does not mean just opening your mouth and letting everything fall out. First you think and then you speak. That's what we teach our children. It wouldn't be a good idea for my son to be too honest to his teacher since his honest opinion is that she's ugly and smells bad. Grown ups censor themselves. Does Adam?
Sometimes I wonder. Please don't screw up Adam, please give yourself a chance to be the shining star that destiny may have meant you to be.
Could soneone please answer 3:42. PLZ! ;)
I have to, unfortunately, agree with those of you who think that Adam goes over the line with his 'honest revelations' really does not help him at all, and in fact, prob hurts him..I can only hope that not too many people are privy to this particular twitter party...I cannot understand why Adam feels it necessary to say such private around friends..ok, but not tweeted out to the universe..even tho he was sexy on stage during GNT, he refrained from issuing statements about his sex life..I mean, come on, we all know what that is like anyway..Oh Adam..I just love you so much and want you to be successful..but, if you keep pulling stunts like this, it may never happen dude..remember the fallouot from AMA's '09?? I am going on like Adam will read this blog..when in all probability he will not...
@6:12 what revelations?
Adam is Adam.Love him.
If he wanted AI, I feel it is very poor judgement to go off like this right before the decision. And these two major decisions, AMAs and this party are miscalculations that could really hurt his career. He should have and could still be the next Elvis, MJ, etc. He is that talented. But this was not funny nor will it help. Plus, f$&ing America is so stupidly conservative, that he may not be accepted for 20 years. Maybe he knows that and just went off. Who knows.
@ 2:46 pm The younger crowd is savvy and informed about sexual matters? If you are 70, where have you been? Sex has been around for a long time, even back in 1950's when I assume you were the younger crowd. I don't think the basics have changed since The Dark Ages or The Stone Age.
As for the racy twitter party, he said he was jet-lagged and had taken Ambien so that explains him having even less filter than usual.
In a recent interview, Adam said that he knows some people will never accept him and he was ok with that.
Adam said be your authentic and honest self but he did not say that means to say whatever you want regardless of the situation. I'm actually quite amazed at the discretion, patience and subtlety he displays when I would have lost all my patience.
We ALL love Adam. We want the best for him. But everything that is said or done can have devastating effects on what could be an illustrious career. He is so smart & yet.
@6:37 yea, and Gaga's perfume smells like Holy water..
3:46 and 6:12 are right.
Idol isn't looking for this and, if it's brought to their attention they won't want it. Pray no hopeful soul in another "wanna be judge's" camp doesn't wrap it up in a twitlonger and send it to Idol.
OMG, some of you are over-invested and crazy. This is Adam's life, not yours. The twitter party will not hurt his career. And the Idol thing will happen or not happen on their time schedule and there is nothing you can do about that. So just chill out.
I guess it's acceptable for other celebrities to be overtly sexual, but not for Adam.
this twitter party sucked the big one and I won't have Adam's back this time. He is not some cute 17year old that gets to say anything that rolls off his tongue.It was vulgar. Time to grow up Adam.
Nicki and Keith are for sure? This has been confirmed by AI? Well, I guess Adam's only hope is if Randy becomes a mentor and a judge's slot is still open. It's a long shot, though.
@6:50 Anon
OMG, I hear worse things said at my office, hell I've heard my boss say worse things then this. What world do you live in? Lighten up, please! And BTW he can say anything he wants, because he is an adult..If you don't like it, don't read it..
OT. but I just learned that Nicki Minaj is not a stage name. It is an alter ego. From wikipedia:
As a means of escape, she would create characters and live her life through them.."'Cookie' was my first identity – that stayed with me for a while. I went on to 'Harajuku Barbie,' then 'Nicki Minaj'. Fantasy was my reality."
7:01 good for getting attention too.
Adam has a strange idea of honesty, yes one definition is truthfulness, but also dignity, propriety and decency.
He is often crass, lacking in discrimination and sensibility, coarse and vulgar.
I imagine his mother has a lot of "Oh Adam!" moments. As a fan I have a lot of "Oh Adam!" moments.
And don't tell me I'm not a fan just because I don't think everything he does is perfect! Be reasonable, no one is perfect!
7:08, couldn't disagree more. He shows incredible amounts of discretion, sensibility, dignity and decency.
We have all seen him change his performances for particular audiences. He shows tolerance for those those that give him none and holds his head up with dignity in a country that still doesn't give him equal rights. He is way more sensible and smarter than you give him credit for.
if only he had said the same things but in a different the bj comment..he could have said "I have a boyfriend who takes care of that", and the jerk off comment, he could have said "yes I watched the UK version of Queer as Folk and it really turned me on"..same inference but would not have offended anyone..I wonder, Adam will you ever learn???? but, I will always love him..
@7:08 I bet you think Tommy is perfect..
6:59 PM Where on earth do you work that you hear worse than this from co workers and your boss?
Adam needs to get over the idea that TWAT is funny. It isn't, it's rude. We don't all talk Urban Dictionary language.
What is wrong with you people????
You are here to read comments and news about Adam right???
So why are you complaining about him for
being open and honest????
Are sure you are in the right direction???
Go and just fuck yourselves!!!!!
The complainers are full of BS and rubbish!!
This site belongs to people who are open minded and cuckoo with Adams vision:)
@ 7:20 PM
You'd lose that bet, I can't stand the twirp!
Adam: "Goodnight beautiful Glamberts. Try and be your most authentic, honest self today."
Yes it is taking place here..
R u sure you are in the right direction???
If Nicki is in after her little twitter tirade, Adam has nothing to worry about.
6:59 - your co-workers aren't up for judge on an all-American show like Idol. And did they talk like that in the hallway just outside personnel right after thier job interview?
I just read Nicki's comments and they aren't as indiscreet as Adam's imho.
@ Canadian Well you are certainly open and honest and you put it so delicately. Does foul language emphathize your point?
We are all giving our opinions, they are bound to differ, but they can be decent.
I got a kick out of Nicki's twitter but found Adam's vulgar and disrespectful. Don't ask me why.
Have you ever heard Nicki Minaj talk on twitter? Have you heard her songs? Well she is in the running for AI and getting paid big money too! Apparently AI doesn't care about the way she talks, sings and acts, they want her for the judge seat. She makes Adam look like the Pope!
So again lighten up!
I can't believe some of these comments. Adam has always said he sleeps in the nude and he was just putting his spin on some of your tweets. This is so far removed from AMA's just the mention of it is ridiculous.
He's laying in bed talking to us relaxing and nothing he said was a big deal.
What he says is so much less controversial than most of the other artists out there!
It is interesting that she says "I am human" although Nicki is an alter ego, a fantasy character, that she created.
So calling your fans every foul word you know is entertaining or not indescreet while Adam is vulgar? Whatever. Bottom line is Idol doesn't seem to care.
7:33 I can't stop laughing at you.
7:33 I agree with you.
And Nicki sells millions, When you're as hot a she is you get away with sh*t. We all know they won't let Adam get away with anything.
Well I'm glad I made you laugh - at me or with me I don't care. I don't know who in f*ck you are so it's hardly a big deal if you're laughing at me.
I guess I see Nicki as having a legitimate health problem and he fans probably told her to eat sh*t and die so she sounded off. Adam has only Ambien and congential indiscretion for an excuse.
I think some people on here live in a bubble. They must not follow other entertainers and see and hear what they say and do.
Steven Tyler was a judge and believe me he can be vulgar and dirty, AI didn't care!
Homophobia is a delusional disorder..
I work for one of the biggest insurance companies in the U.S., been there 25 years! I guess that's why I've been there so long, I don't act like a child if I hear people say dirty, funny things or get offended. Heck I laugh right along with them!
I am not on twitter and really don't find it necessary to be. It does have its positive aspects, but also negative too. Once a comment is out there, that's it for all to read and see. Look at all the negative and positive comments here on this site about Adam's comments on twitter. Some people were offended and others thought it was Adam being Adam, so honest and loving a good time. I suppose as long as it doesn't hurt his career as did the AMA performance(and most have gotten over that), then Adam must realize that much of what he says and does will appear somewhere for someone to criticize or praise. I have always thought him to be articulate, smart and charming so some of these remarks by him were just unnecessary and maybe a bit disrespectful. But someone mentioned the NM tirade on twitter recently, and she seems to have the Idol judge position on the panel. I suppose those of us not part of the younger generation just don't find that kind of language and frank remarks so appealing or respectful. But after all is said and done, Adam will be Adam with no apologies for being himself.
Oh yeah, because Steven Tyler and even j lo have such clean pasts. Give me a frickin break u pearl clutchers . nicki just blasted her fans in the most vulgar way. Adam is not perfect, but honest ... I don't find honesty vulgar ... And now I'm off to get some head ... Cuz that's an honest part of life
If Idol wanted Adam they would have signed him back in July and not be talking to Enrique. I just think he sets his fans up for disappointment by talking about waiting for a decision. I hope he isn't really that naive.
well!! I plan to lance a boil at the dinner table tomorrow that's how honest I am.
I don't find honesty vulgar either
I thought Enrique lives in Europe.
@8:23 PM Exactly. Adam will be Adam with no apologies and consequently accept the possible consequences of his actions. I just wish he wanted success more than he wants to remain unfiltered.
Adam IS naive and I really think he thinks he is still in the running for AI and he is not just stringing his fans along. The Idol judges know who they are but you need a few standby people in case something falls through. Business is business.
Howard Stern is currently a judge on America's Got Talent. He makes Adam look like an angel. Adam will always make waves but I think he has learned from the AMA thing. I think he will do fine on AI. I am sorry I missed the twitter party. I can't even imagine him talking to us from his bed and yet in the buff!! Such a sexy beast!
some of these posts make me insane. some of his tweets might not be in the best taste but they are far from vulgar - you can hear songs on the radio worse than this. have you listened to lyrics that are out there? it bugs me that some fans still insist on putting adam in a box where he has to behave a certain way. no one can live up to this level of perfect all the time.
What twats are u all reading?????
I don't find it vulgar at all
Adam's just being Adam with a sarcastic sense of humour & jet lagged whatever state he's last night " tossing & turning"
It's all in Good Fun:)
s a grown man & not that dumb! people!!!
Love Adam!
What twats are u all reading?????
I don't find it vulgar at all
Adam's just being Adam with a sarcastic sense of humour & jet lagged whatever state he's last night " tossing & turning"
It's all in Good Fun:)
s a grown man & not that dumb! people!!!
Love Adam!
What about Steven Tyler's creepy leer..
If anyone is still looking at these comments, here is a hysterical entry from Home Planet:
Always funny! LL
Would you really mind changing the subject? Has anyone watched Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert tonight? It's funny, JAK called it, Tampa is getting a going over as a convention city. Strip club skits, crappy weather, heat and giant bugs. I guess she's smart to be out of town.
I watched about 15 minutes of Gov. Christie's speech, tell me if any of you watched it, in that huge audience, was Condoleeza the only black face in that sea of white people? She's the only one I saw.
Advice to Adam:
1. Remove medge
2. Open mouth
3. Insert foot
4. Say goodbye to that singing career you wanted so much.
Signed: Simon Lithgow, Brian May, Roger Taylor, RCA Execs.
To all you posters above who cannot see beyond the length of your nose: You pointed out every person you think has tweeted or said things worse than Adam but forgot that he is ONE thing that they are not.
I watched the Home Planet link.
Well, so much for an intimate little chat between Adam and the entire world!
I'm watching Colbert now, yes he and Stewart are going to have plenty of material this week! lol
10:41: screw civility and screw you. Adam is honest and up front, as opposed to many RNC goers
Had a good chuckle reading Adam's twitter party's comments!!!:):):) Ha! Ha! Ha!
Adam U da Best!!!
Filters are only for coffee percoolaters & all out of Stock On Line for ADAM!!!:):):)
Read on Home Planet ! HILARIOUS!!!
Adam Thanks for the Laughter!!!
So Needed It!
Love U angel!:):):)
yes, I hear people say the things Adam said in his tweets all the time, when I'm with my friends, male and female, a lot of the talk is innuendo and double meanings, its really no big deal and how most people talk to each other. I loved the twitter party, I felt like Adam was 'talking' to us as equals and as a friend.
And twat seems to be an acceptable word to use in the world of twitter, maybe it says more of you immediately thinking of something else entirely....
10:41 obviously doesn't know anything about Brian May or Roger Taylor.
9:54 pm, just saw the beginning of Colbert and it was hilarious!
I think we are getting our panties in wad over "much ado about nothing"..I mean, the only things he said in the whole twitter party(btw..he has referred to tweets as twats for a long time)..anyway, the only remarks he made referenced "head, jerk off, and top"..not too bad..he didn't knock anyone, fans or other entertainers..what is so wrong that his whole career is now hanging in the balance??????
@7:34 PM,
Well too bad if you are offended or my response was foul for you dear!!
Live with it or just just get out as fast as you can if you feel that he is vulgar and disrespectful!
No one is begging for you to stay here and beside Adam showed his vulgarity the first time he opened his mouth at the AMA dear!
No surprises anymore when it comes to him right??? He is full of sense of humor....
Are you one of the moms that he fucked recently ha???
Are u concervative enough to stay as a fan of Adam????
Weel thank goodness Paula always appeared to be on something, and Steven for that matter. Steven also has a fou mouth and I think the AI bleeper had to be a very alert person. Not to mention that Keith Urban has been in rehab so who knows what could happen. And then there's Nicki.
Clearly Idol isn't that picky if they really want someone. And there is a double standard for Adam vi a vis sexuality.
I get the feeling some of the people upset about this wouldn't be if Idol wasn't on the table. it's not their personal sensibilities that are offended. It's about a show with the word "American" in the title.
Sad to see people slagging each other so hard over a difference of opinion on what will fly on Idol.
I agree with everybody! I especially think @10:03 AM got it right. Go back to sleep or try to.
Adam is unpredictable and loyal( to a fault) and probably really sweet and YES SUPER TALENTED and very SEXY. Having said that I too am wondering what purpose that twitter party???? "HI I can't sleep and I'm fuckin' FRUSTATED!"
He loves to admonish the Adommy lovers yet he CREATED that fantasy. He arrives at MUCH MUSIC to screaming fans a couple yrs. ago looking his age and very HOT! Yet a couple yrs later looks like a much older person with gray hair(THAT is NOT ROCK and ROLL Adam!
As a fan from the beginning,I keep trying to see what was there in the beginning. Change is inevitable, but too much change is well....too much.
Inspire me to go to 8 concerts PLEASE! Hanging in there. Hope he gets the Idol gig. Maybe someone there can steer him back to what captivated audiences. The Queen concerts sure did give a beautiful glimpse of that. Glamnation was the best time of my life!
Adam's charisma is undeniable. His interviews are charming, this twitter party? trys too hard to be cool.
Love the new cd especially MAP.
Obviously I live in a bubble I don't know anyone who talks like Adam or a good many of you. Not at my workplace nor at my home.
The words don't harm me nor shock me, I just find them distasteful and generally think less of the person using them.
As far as my being conservative I plead guilty to living a conservative lifestyle, but politically I am a Democrat since John F Kennedy. I was a state delegate for Al Gore the year the Supreme Court handed the presidency to George W Bush on a miscount of votes.
I don't recall Adam saying anything vulgar at the AMA performance. His actions caused a furor, not his language.
Is this thread going to hit 200 comments just because Adam doesn't guard his freestyle, think it, say it, unfiltered language? Twitter can be your enemy, engage your brain before you start tapping away at the keyboard.
Using remarks like "head", "jerk off" are very unclassy IMO. @4:26am, I agree about the gray hair.
@4:35AM, well said.
@4:26 Adommy was just fan service.
Fan service
"A rather disturbing phenomenon that seems to originate in the Japanese and the Korean media primarily, where two people act intimate towards each other for the media. Mostly men of the same boy bands etc, fan service could include touching, holding hands or giving an impression to the fans that they is something more going on."
Glambert on the Edge... just take the step off... and away... with fans like you, who needs enemies
too much "conditional"... conditions are necessary in our real lives, absolutely... for us to put them on an Entertainer, not necessary for him, or us I should think. Sheesh
Dear Sheesh @ 6:59 AM. I will decide when to STEP OFF.
Thanks for your concern. Very heartwarming. Unconditional love of everything Adam does is NOT HAPPENIN'
I watch late night talk shows, and some guests are REALLY over the top in the "inappropriate" department, but the audience seems to love it. Adam is mild in comparison. Adam oversteps sometimes, but that who he is. He is a very sexual man, and he can't seem to contain it sometimes. Geez, people, get over it. He'll take the hits. I'd rather have him be over the edge sometimes than BORING!!!
Well since we're being ourselves any telling the truth here ...I don't have problem with him jerking off to what ever that was I just wish he'd let me watch...oops sorry my filter needs changed there must be a hole in it....rosepetal
Never a dull moment with Adam and the Glamberts! Lov ya Adam, thanks for keeping it real baby!
I loved this thread, it got a good dialogue going. I noticed a few troll droppings at the end but what the hay a few extra hits to this site doesn't hurt business.
What a bunch of bull, making a mountain out of a mole hill, if this twitter thing would bother idol then they are in real trouble with the horrible potty mouth of Micki M. How would you like it if Adam talked to you the way she talks to her fan's. Steve Tyler had the biggest nastyouth on the world! what Adam said was no big deal and his mouth was a little loose than usual do to taking sleep medicine and just pure jet lag and exsaution! He was just being silly really, maybe a little roque I highly doubt this would bother idol, with who else they are considering NM, potty myth of all times. IAdsm is not an agel and he never will be, he a great guy that usually does say all the right things lately, but frankly I glad he his himself once in a while! He wad bone tired, people! He thought he was amoung friends he could be himself with! Stop being so vertical of him, his hair is fine he will change it again when he feels like it, I love it. I also love black!, the man said stuff he may not have normally sai, he was tire jet lagged and taking meds. Just wanted to talk himself to sleep guess he thought glamberts were is friends, live and learn Adam unfortunately not all of them are. But I am and I am 63! Never twitter tho, because of all the nonsense like this! Live u Adam this was no big deal! Shortly this will be going off this site, these comments thank goodness!
Lots of type o's above but what I meant wast his was no big deal, NM and Steven Tyler 's mouths are way, way, way worse. Love you Adam be yourself alway's. To me Adam hair looks good either way did not fall for just his hair, but his talent!
At this stage in his career, with his second album not doing well, it would behoove Adam to put that filter over his mouth and keep it there. I hate having my heart in my stomach over something he's done or said, hoping it would not kill his ambitions. Adam is very intelligent but sometimes shows no common sense. This latest stunt could cost him big time.
yeh Steven Tyler says things like fuck a duck on Idol, and extremely inappropriate remarks to a father about his 15 yo daughter, that gets replayed on Idol at least 6 times.......and Adam makes a couple of sexual innuendos on twitter and his careers over. Why do so many of you expect Adam to be 100%perfect in all things, why is it OK for other stars to say and do things far, far worse but its not OK for Adam???
Oh my gosh Adam said "jerk off and I'll get head". Just shameful Adam, your career is over, can't believe you would say such things. What were you thinking?.. Really people? Do some people really think this? How funny!
Ha! Ha! Ha! @rosepedal:):):0)
Good laughs helps to boost our immune system!!!
Thanks Adam:)
Dim Sum Rose
Awww..........Adam, u r a genius!!!
playing mind games with your glamberts:) Love it!
u r so witty even on medication!
Ha! Ha! I enjoyed your twitter party!
Chill Glamberts, hva e fun!
Live LIFE!
Can I watch too??? Pretty please :)))) LOL!!!
Adam can forget the AI thing. People don't want to hear that stuff. He is his own worst enemy and is destroying his career because he wants to be open and honest. Some things are best kept to his bedroom. Sauli must be a good man to keep getting that ex in his face. First the album notes then the twitter exchange about how great his show was. I thought he left Adam and treated him bad. Can he not see what he is doing isn't working in the states? Radio want play him, his album sales are weak. I bought it and wish him the best. Just wish he could get it together. Something is real wrong when he can out sing most out there today but can't get radio play.
Speakinmg about Sauli in this connection: I find Adam´s tweets also very insulting toward Sauli. Here we have a 30-years old man, who tells living in a committed relationship. How can he send extremely publicly these kind of posts!? Interesting also: Carmit Bachar (@IamCarmit) sent in the same night a tweet (not to Adam): "Burning man is in full effect. When will I go next..." Buit Adam answered: "Yeah!!! remember our Burn!?1 whew Lawd...we went IN!" And this was the Burning Man where were taken those "famous pics", where Adam and Brad were practically naked leaning toward each others or kissing intensively.These pictures are still to be seen in internet. And CB: "That Burn was the best eva!!! (We know, Adam was in the Burning Man with Sauli later - last year.) Adam didn´t answer this tweet anymore - and, interestingly, deleted these tweets as well as the "twitterparty" tweets. So, Adam didn´t forget his ex again! Was it more Sauli could take. I could think someone has sent Sauli these Adam-Brad pictures.
I would have sent my post direct to Adam, but I couldn´t, because I have no twitter-account. Perhaps some can do it for me.
Adam simple DON'T need radio. RADIO needs Adam Lambert, because the shit they play is pure shit. simple as that. The good singers never get played on radio. The singers with the good voices never get songs played on top 40. The live show makes the artist these days.
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