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CBS DC Marriage Equality Interview with ADAM LAMBERT (9-25-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Via GaleChester:

Audio Interview Via CBS DC: Adam Lambert Rocks DC in Support of Gay Marriage!


Anonymous said...

I hope he will get a chance to tell his children, too. I hope they will be biological to pass on all that talent and great looks.

Anonymous said...

For a guy from Planet Fierce he seems to be compassionate about the needs of all the citizens of this small planet....JAK

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here not at the DC show donated towards question 6. I saw a tweet about donations, but am sometimes reluctant to send money to an email address out of the blue. Do you know if there is an OFFICIAL place to make donations? I'd like to do my share for this important issue for others (am not gay or in the US, but really believe in equality for all).

Anonymous said...

Re my 10:39: Perhaps that Adam could send a tweet about donations? Just an idea.

leilani Aloha said...

Awwww... Adam that's why we Love U!!!
Honest, Compassionate, Kind, Intelligent & a Beautiful Precious Human Being!!!
Glamberts all agree!!!

Anonymous said...

Just want to share this comment that mentions radio’s resistance to ADAM:

“I have come to really respect the guy. I didn't at first. I thought him to be shallow but I now see he's anything but shallow. I do think a lot of PD's are purposely not playing him on the radio. Some have outright admitted it. Others have played coy. The ones who have outright admitted it (one from DC) has said it's because he thinks his listeners will get mad (though they seem not to care about Chris Brown). Another from Alabama said he'd never play his music because he is gay. They admit to it. They best we can do as a community is support our own. But I don't even see that happening. Instead I see people like Perez Hilton taking swipes at LAMBERT every chance he can because he holds a personal grudge. Frankly, I find the whole thing sad.”
(From Carlton)

Anonymous said...

@11:05 AM

Honestly they said that?? That's so sad...

Anonymous said...

11:05 -- Well, didn't we ALL know that already. Sorry, US, but a lot of your compatriots are unfortunately very shallow themselves, not to say bigot and ignorant (in the right sense of the word, meaning they don't know much about particular issues and have no interest of learning about them).

There were at least 6 songs from FYE and there are at least 8 tracks on TRESPASSING that deserve to be played and played and played on radio and reach #1!

Adamluv said...

@11:05 - those comments come as no surprise. A lot of us have been saying that for several years now. Frankly I dont see it changing in the near future either especially in the current very ugly political arena with one party vilifying, demeaning and hating gays at every turn. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Many of us have been saying this all along. How very sad, but just not a shock to most of us. The radio stations will play girlfriend beaters, porn making whores, drug addicts, and people that can't sing, but are reluctant to play Adam?

But this just makes me want to support Adam even more, true talent and a heart of gold will prevail!


Anonymous said...

Well if the radio station won't play his music , and he needs sales then I guess er glamberts will have to buy more.

Anonymous said...

I hope many people heard this interview, it makes so much sense.

Anonymous said...

10:39 where was this tweet ? Maybe you could ask admin to bring it over here. I was unable to go to the concert but would love to donate in honor of Adam. Thanks !!

Anonymous said...

11:05, After reading what you posted, I am almost in tears. You mean that in 2012, there are DJs who won't play someone's music simply because they're gay? Talk about being in the dark ages. How sad that some DJs and PDs purposely won't play his music but will play Chris Brown. Why doesn't Chris Brown's behavior bother them? No wonder Adam has such an uphill battle. He is so classy in comparison with so many pop singers. With this kind of radio attitude, I'm surprised Adam has done as well as he has. He is certainly aware of this prejudice against him. How incredibly sad.

DRG Keep suporting Adam.

Jadam NZ said...

Sort of confirms what we already knew doesnt it? I want to know do they not play Elton John, Queen,or any of the other well known Gay musicians.
I find it sad and its times like this I am glad I am in little old NZ. I hear Adam everytime I have a radio on, usually IIHY and WWFM more than NCOE or BTIKM.
As for Adams radio interview, he is so well spoken and intelligent, I had to laugh at what he said Neil says to him about politics on the previous video.He is just so natural and honest.
Hopefully as time goes on more people will realize how special he is just like the guy in the peice about Radios resistance to Adam.
He isnt going anywhere and time will show this, he will only get stronger in lots of ways, not just his music.

Anonymous said...

We can still help make the single Trespassing chart at the top the day it is released by downloading it from iTunes.
If we try to get more people to do this on the day of release, we can help ADAM.

Anonymous said...

I see where judge just gave Chris Brown another pass. Violated parole by having drugs. He got scolded!

Anonymous said...

ADAM is the only artist that has come out at the onset of his career even before the release of his debut album.
Other gay artists like Elton John or George Michael were not out when they were chart toppers.
But they never made it to the top of the chart AFTER they came out.
I'm sure they are still being played on radio or if they come up with new releases, it all will be played.
It's because ADAM is and always referred to as openly gay.
It may take a little while, but he will get to the top and will have longevity because what he has is true beauty inside and out and phenomenal talent.

Anonymous said...

Adam get much radio play inane countries. New Zealand, Japan which Never Close our eyes, was no. 1 and better than I know myself in top 5. Pretty sure china, Russia many others as well, some one said never Close our eyes went to 2 there, Hungary also big man more. Lot have been playing the new ones as well as old ones. If the ignorance, of dj's and station owners in USA, does not change he will still have big career, because of his world wide appeal. I have witnessed some of that ignorance from dj's here. On the other hand WDYWFM was a big hit played every where still here it here and there.still gets about 1200 spends a week. So I do agree we should try every means possible to get trespassing up there, because those 2 songs at least we're played US a lot. Do not let up on the request when told to do it , not for as long as needed. Let me know how to donate to the, cause for trespassing when needed I am there with what money I can give. Ikeep in mine I only use a I phone. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sadly the best does not always come out #1. Mediocrity often wins, consider the I.Q. of the majority of our public. Sadly we slip a little lower each year in comparison to many other countries.

Anonymous said...

Yep, keep requesting, spinning, voting. Do it all! It will dawn on some of these dopes that they have been ignoring the best out there. Might take them a while to come to their senses.


HK fan said...

@anon 10.39am
Here's a link for making donations

I saw that towerload article earlier, and noticed that comment. It just confirms what we have all known, and what other fans have had said to them from certain stations when requesting Adam.

Anonymous said...

thanks for that link. HK fan

Anonymous said...


AMEN! Agree 100%.