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New Adam Lambert INROCK Magazine Photo Shoot Scans

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 16, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 16, 2012

Adam Gossip ‏@AdamGossip
RT @bani_: INROCK scans RT @Arge1983: OMG! 3 HQ pics!! *______*


Anonymous said...


......Those shorts need to get lost at the laundry........JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh my... who put together that outfit?

Anonymous said...

That collar looks painful!It could rub his neck..he wore those shorts @ a concert already...they're not bad..but looked better with some boots he had on, than here.The pix of his face are all good,tho.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Adam...I just don't know. Those shorts ...what can I say. The Fashion Police and Joan Rivers would have a field day with this outfit.

Anonymous said...

Looks like something that came out of last weeks high fashion. Lola. The dark side

Anonymous said...

All of these pictures are terrible! Adam needs to change the "smiling vampire" image forever. These photos stink And I'm not talking about stupid outfits.
Also, do you know that somebody made a wallpaper with Adam photos and sell then on twitter? There is the picture of Adam with acnes red spots on his chest! I think Adam needs to check his photos before they will be released!

Anonymous said...

Who wants to put Adam on the chain on their backyard? All of us! This necklace fits only to very angry wild dog or animal which only deserves to stay on the backyard! Adam, what is going on with you?
Just watched interview with Adele. OMG! This girl has pipes and she is so intelligent, beautiful, fragile, and sexy. I hope she will meet somebody who never break her heart. Adam isn't only singer who has such a pipes. I realized it today finally. But he doesn't have enough intelligence to change his image.

Anonymous said...

Those shorts, I would throw out when Adam's back was turned!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:14 Adele sexy? Please do us a favor and go watch Adele and leave Adam's fan site! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

6:14 good I hope you will finally stop coming here.

Anonymous said...

I like these pics. Nothing dull about this man. Lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

6:05 6:14 Adele's fandom is waiting for you. buh bye Hope to see you never.

Anonymous said...

why won't he pose on a bed of black satin sheets with a scantily clad woman underneath him with his shorts on;)

Anonymous said...

the collar worn bare chested would be so sexy. mmph

Anonymous said...

I like the look even though the collar is a bit too S&M for me.

As Adam recently said he is not relying on stylists but putting together his own look.

Adam's facial features in the first photograph are absolutely perfect. A true Rock God!


Anonymous said...

awww I think this shoot is both funny and cute. I like a break from the GQ thing. I love INROCK.

Anonymous said...

@7:03PM Unfortunately I am addicted to Adam and 24/7. I got many comments about my trollishness and luck of spelling, writing, etc. But I will addict to Adam forever. Do you know that I was only one TROLL who said that this poncho is discussing? And I was Adam's enemy forever according all of these "fans" on24/7. Just want to know where are most of them now? Don't tell me that they tired to fight with trolls. They just gave up. Except fan4fun and Icon. Love them forever.

Anonymous said...

The spectator is safe from the barbs of his ilk; no eye is on him. atm

Anonymous said...

That camera loves Adam!!! He does look fierce and even though he says the glam phase is gone we still see it time to time. Adam has the best voice in my books but I maybe bias. I actually like those shorts they just are so Adam.

Adamluv said...

Picture #1 is fabulous and yummy!!! As far as Adele finding someone, read the other day that she just got married. I love that collar/necklace. . . . Adamluv

Jadam NZ said...

Love the photos! Cmon, some of us need to lighten up. Dare I quote "It aint that deep"
Seems some still even Adam fans want him to be an Andre Bocelli or Ronan Keating (whom I love tho) type. Aint gonna happen people. Love him or not, you dont have to like everything he wears, does or says but dont be disappointed when he doesnt live up to your personal
Tho have to say I laughed at JAKs laundry remark.

Anonymous said...

7:14 where are these fans now? Many left because of your negativity and that's a fact Jack. I myself just started returning here to write comments because you have not been on here as much. So much for that idea.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, thought I was at an Adam Lambert fan site. Most of these comments sound like they come from my uptight grandmother! If Adam is too edgy for you, go follow some bland, boring, but safe performer! Let Adam be himself you prudes! You had your chance at life. Let Adam have his chance for goodness sakes.

Anonymous said...

No! No! No! I can't follow any other singer. They do not sing as well as Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow so many closed minded and judgemental "fans" Adam has:((. With "fans " like you he doesn't need haters!! Shame on you! Adam is a grown man and is very capable of making choices about his own style. I love this man unconditionally!! He looks very sexy as always. Please stop being such assholes!

Anonymous said...

Hoping Adams journey is met with more positivity, love, and acceptance. If his own fans dog him this badly, he better hold on for a VERY bumpy ride. So sad really:((

Anonymous said...

Adam change his image?? NO WAY! He is totally unique. I don't want him to just blend in with all the others. Everything about him is what makes him uniquely ADAM. The kooky shorts, the boots, the tousled hair, the occasional snarl. The twinkle in his eye. It's all Adam. I don't want him to be like anyone else, and I don't think he ever will try to be.

I saw the Adele interview, too. She has a beautifukl voice and she is definately entertaining. Lucky for her that two weeks out of school she had a record contract. She didn't have to pay dues for years to get her break. Her voice is great but all her songs are in the same key and seem to all sound kind of the same. Great songs, no doubt, but kind of monotone-y. I do like her, though.

Give me risky, quirky Adam with the goofy shorts any day.


Anonymous said...

Fierce, fun, hot, BABE! And good use of those painful looking shorts. Adam can rock anything. And he will, from one minute to the next. It's a magazine shoot girls and boys. It's not what hes going to wear to your daughters wedding.

Anonymous said...

That get up makes me grin and that is why Adam is the only one who can turn this stuff into grand entertainment. The camera loves every part of him.

Anonymous said...

Seems that we have many fanatics on 24/7 as we had just year ago. And if you are fans for real you never leave this blog. And you never care about troll's comments. Even if these comments are correct at the end of the story. So, are we Adam's fans or fanatics? I think this is very big difference

Anonymous said...

I love those spikey shorts. He wore them once with bare legs and sandals, which was a nice look. Just do your thing, honey, we love you.

Anonymous said...

I bow to Adele as vocalist and as songwriter.
But I just cannot listen to her over and over or finish her CD.
It's too much for me to bear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, where is my leash!?
: )

Anonymous said...

LOL, only Adam can pull off a look with those shorts. I do like the spiked shorts on him.

He is always giving us a new look. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Damn he looks hot and fierce. Just the way I love him! I love being a Glambert!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......WTF?

Some of you need to pull in your claws and get a sense of humor...

I quote..."prudes...closeminded...judgemental...assholes" ?

WHAT are you talking about?

Don't you recognize humorous comments said with love, we're not laughing AT Adam, we are laughing WITH Adam! The silly shorts get- up was, I'm sure , his idea and from most of us it got the response he was going for...laughs!

Some of you seem to be coiled and ready to strike out at any imagined provocation. Lighten up!

Anonymous said...

@JAK 10:35PM For some reason I think Adam loves this shorts and many other riculouse outfits. However, I don't care about these riduculous shorts. Let Perez Hilton to enjoy his own comments about this outfit and lack of airbrush on these photos.

Anonymous said...

Gee I almost fell off my chair laughing at 6:05 and 6:14. I'll ignore 8:30.

Anonymous said...

Adele is a very good singer, quite a boring performer, on rv she's fine I guess, for a song or two, she does have good pipes. That was on tv she is fine! But I would never go to any concert of hers, all she does is stand there I believe with same black lace dress she wears all time, at least it looks about the same, sorry boring! She sings well but most her songs sound the same, I thought that album was way over rated even tho I did not buy it, what I heard was over rated. She may look delicate, but she curses Luke a sailor, last time saw a picture of her in E she looked plain Old sloppy, nor beautiful and delicate. lady or whoever u are Adele had got not one damn thing on Adam Lambert either as a song writer or a singer no one can sing better than him, period.she just happens to be this straight white woman that more easily excepted. I have nothing against her but I am all for Afam and he looks crazy beautiful in these pictures. How weird of u to be looking at wallpaper pictures of someone's teenage chest, bet u broke out when u were a teen. Please go to Adele fan site where u belong.

Magiclady said...

SEXY,sexy boy. Love the collar and the look!

Anonymous said...

Sexist, man I have seen in my fairly Long life time, HOT!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam does love the shorts, he can wear them all he wants, it's fine with me....I just reserve the right to giggle when he does! I keep wondering if he hugs someone tightly or someone sits on his lap...does it hurt?
What can the spikes be made of?

I am no stranger to ridiculous outfits, I've worn many over the years to elicit laughs from family, friends and students and their parents....I have a doozy planned for Thanksgiving Day! JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK - Please don't don your turkey suit, I plan on eating some that day. :))

8:20 and 11:13 Absolutely histerical. I haven't belly laughed like this in a long while. Thanks.

Right on atm! That one is going to go right over the heads of many of the groundlings on this site.

Shiggles said...

Sorry I didn't sign at 12:12 am.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures from Japan. Awesomeness of Adam Lambert is just stunning. The collar looks amazing on Adam.

Anonymous said...

I for one found 6:05 & 6:14 pretty harsh. Maybe it's just me. Other comments weren't bad. Stick together fandom....Adam needs us and we need each other:). Luv you JAK!

Anonymous said...

I second that 12.20, he alway's looks awesome. I do hope Adam gets into design of high fashion, someday I think he be better at it than so many others. Of course he must always sing, with that amaizing voice as well! Sue

Anonymous said...

I second that 12.20, he alway's looks awesome. I do hope Adam gets into design of high fashion, someday I think he be better at it than so many others. Of course he must always sing, with that amaizing voice as well! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amaizing and most time puts him self together. Not trying to mean like that person talking about Adele, but only time saw her look beautiful and delicate was when she had a mess of designers putting her togethe! On her own she pretty but just looks very average and sometimes messy! Don't mean to sound mean but if you talk Luke that about my Adam, your getting it back., and it's the truth. This is for the Awriter who was just trying to find a way to run Afam down! Adam is a pop rock star there for he is much edgier than her! As he should be, if you want bland and boring you are really in wrong site! Sorry for rant! But I do love the man.

Anonymous said...

regarding the poster that remarked on Adam's intelligent is it to go on an Adam Lambert fan site and sing the praises of another artist?? NOT - IT IS STUPID..and Adam is one of the most intelligent artists in the industry..and, about the outfit..I think it looks fantastic..avante garde, edgy and so Adam..he looks like he just walked off the runway...sorry, but I love it...maybe he will start a new fashion trend..I like it better with the boots..

Anonymous said...

Sorry sorry type erras 1.57 and double post earliet do not know how that happens so far apart, I did not double post it. I agree with 3.39 Adam is so awesome.i think some of the people I think just 2 or 3, that were ejected from Adam twitter or whatever site he barred them from ate coming here, to torture us and could probably care less about anything but just trashing Adam. god I wish he could get rid Of the on here. That is wish he could bar them from here! Type o as usual.

Anonymous said...

gettin out the paddle. whackadeewhackwhack

Anonymous said...

Shit... my leash is at the cleaners! MB

Anonymous said...

Adam is a provocatuer!(sorry, can't spell) and I love it! He's amazing, fabulous, and brilliant without question! Lesser talents are for the common, middle America types. There's plenty of them, but who cares? True fans are here for the ONE AND ONLY ICONIC ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!
nancdruuu2 (sigh)

Anonymous said...

I still say that's the ring from my spring form cake set.......

Anonymous said...

Try wearing it and see if you get many strange looks! :) It could catch on in suburbia!

Anonymous said...

Adam wears what Adam wants, that's one of the millions of things I love about him. He's wild, sassy, sexy, and always truly Adam. He walks his walk like he don't give a fuck...cuz he doesn't. Some people like it, some don't. I may not always love everything he wears...jury's still out in the shorts...but I love the fact that he's got balls enough to wear them. And MB don't worry I have an extra lease you can borrow....youi never know when someone's gonna let the dogs out...rose petal

Anonymous said...

That collar is hot hot hot. Suits Adam to a T. He has so many looks, from t-shirts and jeans, to spike-shouldered leather suits. He pulls them all off fantastically. That body just wears clothes like no one else. And the face.....well, what else can we say?


Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles...JAK here...never fear

I'm only going to wear part of my turkey suit to my #2 daughter's house for Thanksgiving. When the plumbing under our house recently expired and the whole house was torn up to fix costume box from kindergarten was discovered and I was thrilled. This year's family gatherings will be a pip!

Actually I'll be a Trespassing Turkey. Chic in black tee and capri pants with a gold and black
scarf.....but from the knees down...pure turkey! My Mom made me gold cotton turkey feet one year for a kindergarten program, they are huge and stuffed with several pkgs. of cotton balls and have ballet type gold ribbons to tie on around a knee high pair of gold socks!

Have I mentioned that we are having a Pirate Halloween Party at #1 daughter's house next month?

Life is good!

Anonymous said...

It just doesn't get any better than Adam! He is so fearless, and beautiful, but most of all ENTERTAINING! Never will stop enjoying every single thing about him.

Anonymous said...

love the image on the far "what the fuck are you lookin' at???" just love this guy...

Anonymous said...

YES the WOLF!!

Adamluv said...

@1:02 - you are so right on! @PRS - agree with you too. Every time I see picture #1 I like it even more - the mother of all fierceness!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Turkey feet? I wish I'd taught at your school. I didn't have near as much fun with 9th graders. You and Adam have much in common, dressup boxes!

Anonymous said...

Love the way that he looks so serious!! wow! he's sooo FIT!