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"Pretty Little Liars" Stars Praise Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Pretty Little Liars" Stars Tyler Blackburn (Caleb) and Janel Parrish (Mona) called in to “On Air with Ryan Seacrest” Wednesday morning to talk about the Halloween episode and they had nice things to say about Adam Lambert too!

On Adam Lambert Appearing In The Halloween Episode:
Janel says, “Adam Lambert makes an amazing appearance on our show.” Tyler chimes in, “He doesn’t just sing either! He actually has a scene which is cool! I wasn’t in the scene with him, but I’m sure he is because he’s a natural performer. He was awesome.” He continues, ”The whole thing is shot on a suspended train set so it has this really authentic feel to it. Lots of costumes, and scary moments.”

Source: Ryanseacrest


Anonymous said...

I am soooo looking forward to this.

Anonymous said...

Soooo cool! I can't wait to see PLL!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Can't wait, will finally see bb's acting skills also. Hopefully this will lead to other appearances and so on and so forth. adam definetly is a ratings magnet and these shows would be smart if they relized what we all know.

Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

They sure are "pimping" this show. Lots of promos!!!!!! Yay! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hope for many shows after PLL which shows Adam's singing and acting! Can't wait to watch it.

Anonymous said...

I want to see Adam do more acting!!!! New doors must be opened for him!! He's good at everything. He just needs people to see him.


Anonymous said...

Why is it that everyone who works with Adam or interviews him always has such nice thinks to say about him, and yet he can't get radio play for his music? It seems that every other untalented, crass, loud performer gets played on the radio or is seen on some tv entertainment show without being criticized and there's Adam who has to fight his way for every bit of recognition and acceptance. True, he is not the bland, bashful middle America Idol winner that most people seem to want, but the man does have a powerhouse voice and an amazing stage presence. Is he acting on PLL or just performing several songs from Trespassing? I want to see Adam performing on the talk/entertainment shows where he has been previously and then being interviewed. He is articulate, smart, honest and so charming and more of the viewing audience needs to see that in him. It's so frustrating for me as a fan not to see the success he so deserves and I can only imagine how he feels when he has worked so hard to put his second album together and so far a major hit has not come out of it. I think he has gained more success internationally than he has here in his own country. Wake up people.

Anonymous said...

You are talking to the wrong people. All of us here are already sold on Adam. If you are on twitter can you tweet someone on these talk shows? Can you write letters to network tv shows
Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, The View, Talk, etc. and request that you would like to see Adam as a guest?
Could someone get a list of addresses we could send a flood of polite requests?

Ranting on this site about him not being seen is just blowing off steam, surely we can do better than that.I'm not smart enough to organize something like that, but we have a lot of very savvy people in the Glamily.

Anonymous said...

@MGF - YAY, indeed!
I'm a bit confused (what else is new, lol) - please correct me, if I'm wrong...

MGF, you are one of the original long-time regulars, but recently two people posting here have tags rather similar to yours...@MFG and @GMT --- have you seen this or am I just seeing things???


daydreamin said...

I hope it is put here so I can see BB acting let alone singing! I am really feeling good about more album sales and twitter followers by the younger group after this showing! Let's make sure we look at the before and after figures.

Anonymous said...

You can always go to the day AFTER the show airs. They keep it posted there to watch for free for one week.

Anonymous said...

Hi GGD Gal

Yes - new similar tags :). I'm MGF that's been around here and there for a long time :). love ur posts btw!


Anonymous said...

@ GGD Gal

Hi - I'm MFG (my real initials) and I remember when MGF got her tag which stands for Massachusetts Glam Fan. I've been here since forever and only once in a while posted and only as Anon. I decided to be officially OUT to make it easier for posters to respond. I live in the midwest and I LOVE AML. I've never seen him live but fell for him during the interviews before his audition. I was praying he could sing and he'd be given the golden ticket. I'm not quite the outsider as many of you are. Everyone I know loves Adam, so I can fan girl whenever I want to with no problem. I'm in the over 40 crowd, Christian and yep fiscally conservative but not socially. Thats me. That's who I am. I've laid my cards on the table. mmmm love Is That Love and its reggae beat.


Anonymous said...

@ MFG....JAK here....Hi !

I knew MGF's tag and when your MFG tag appeared in order to keep it straight that they were two different my mind I ran m-f-g together and called you 'manufacturing'! I do that with most letter tags...CT I think of as 'Connecticut'...used to think of NS as 'No S**t!' since she was so bold and never pulled her punches, but she hasn't posted in a long time. I miss her!

As I have mentioned on another thread I have a weird brain...but my silly system works! My tag is my initials too....when I married I went from JAM to JAK, I was kinda glad to get rid of JAM! :)

Anonymous said...

@MFG - THANK YOU for your wonderful post! I really am confused (often!) since English is not my native language and sometimes MGF has been called MFG…(by honest mistake and/or too quick fingers, lol). But I’m also a harmless, fun and ESPECIALLY Adam Lambert Loving Creature, so my post came from a friendly place (= my heart).

I’m so honoured to “meet you” and so glad you came OUT ! I fell for Adam during Satisfaction… or should I say he instantly SATISFIED my long lost love for music with a bang! Seen him live only once (lost my AFL virginity during GNT - sorry for the F word, but suits for the occasion back then and to me he is and always will be AFL) and HOPE so much too see him several times in the future! Missed out the Queenbert gigs due to RL (sad events in family and extended family). Have said this before, but truly wish there could be an island party with Adam singing his heart & lungs out and with Glamberts from all over the world to celebrate…cause Adam = Love!

GGD Gal, with love and a little help from good food & white wine…

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are posting again, missed your presence! Wish more of the "long timers" would come back... or delurk!