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Adam Lambert Co-Hosts the ZM Online Radio Breakfast Program with Polly Gillespie

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Via GaleChester:
ADAM LAMBERT Co-Hosting the ZM Online Radio Breakfast Program with Polly Gillespie in New Zealand on October 11, 2012


Jadam NZ said...

Didnt hear this on the radio, so much Adam the last 2 days I have had trouble keeping up, so thanks for bring this here.
PS On the big TV with good clear colour and picture Adams hair is distinctly black and a whitey silver, Im wondering if he is heading back to black.
So excited I am hogging all the threads. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

What a fun interview! Had to fast forward thru the 'non-Adam' stuff, but he was in great form -- no surprise there -- and sounded great. I continue to be amazed at how articulate he is. His vocabulary is massive - he's just so well spoken. What's not to love about this amazing man?!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is just so darn SMART!!!! Never comes off like a stupid idiot, even when he's being funny. I am always amazed at his quick wit, intelligent, thoughtful answers and his creativeness. Always entertaining and natural and easy. He makes it all work. He's an interviewer's dream. Ran out of time to finish this interview, but will do it later.

DRG (I love Adam.)

Anonymous said...

This interview was great! It's amazing to me that we continue to learn new things about Adam every interview!