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Adam Lambert featured in today's Herald Sun

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 6, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 06, 2012

Scanned by @MissSpookiness9


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Eskimo Joe..

glitzylady said...

Wonderful write up!!!

Anonymous said...

tickets are included with the price of the race tickets. How coolis that?

Anonymous said...

Last time Adam did promo in OZ, he was a busker. The private concert, with expensive tickets, was for the Tommyberts who were willing to pay to see Tommy.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture they are using of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm really beginning to hate Tommy just because I hear so damn much about him. I know that's wrong, but I'm sick to death of it. Isn't there a Tommy site somewhere?
Couldn't everyone who wants to talk about him relocate to that site? Please.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know how much it costs to get into this race. What a good deal.

Anonymous said...

Would everyone stop,with the Tommy BS. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

OT did y'all get your copy of the TP Remix EP yet? It's going to be fabulous. I just watched the Official lyric video of the TP single and enjoyed very much. Get on over to AO and get your TP Remix EP.

Anonymous said...

The Caulfield race costs $40 or $25 for a concession card holder, of course this is in Australian currency, but it covers entry into the Caulfield Race grounds and the concert it'self is free. People come to Melbourne from all over Australia for the Spring Carnival Races it's also hugely popular for Spring fashions with a number of fashion parades on the same day.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your discription 11:25 it it sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect match for Adam. Can't see a problem mentioning Tommy on this site.

Anonymous said...

I love tommy, but seriously where would he be without playing for the star, ADAM? Can't believe there is a fantom of tommyberts but if there is- good for them and tommy.

Anonymous said...

The Spring Carnival Races are lots of fun, but I'm feeling a bit down right now as I really wanted to go to Caulfield to see Adam perform live again, sadly due to family commitments I can't make it. Still I was fortunate to see Adam at the Jimmy Kimmel concert while on holidays in LA earlier this year and more recently here in Melbourne when he performed at Federation Square, and later at JB Hi-Fi where I actually had the pleasure of meeting him to have my Trespassing CD signed. So I really can't complain but once you see Adam performing live it's hard not to want to see more and more of him he's truly amazing. Hopefully we'll get lots of videos of the event at Caulfield which will help to compensate for those of us who can't be there in person.

Anonymous said...

Adam hired the back up singers to cover up Tommy's bad guitar playing lol.

Anonymous said...

Tommy's guitar playing has improved immensely, and as far as the back up singers I think there doing a fantastic job. I put my faith in Adam and I'm sure if he wasn't happy with his band no matter how much he likes them on a personal basis, I'm sure he would not hesitate to replace any of them if he felt it was warranted. The band sounds great so I don't understand the comments from these posts. Adam knows what he's doing, as fans of Adam we owe him the respect he deserves to make any decisions regarding band members and the like.

Anonymous said...

I like Tommy but I love Adam ...For me Tommy is a yummy little appetizer and Adam is the scrumptious main course scrumptious I keep coming back for seconds over and overs ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, rose petal. I can't believe the direction this and some other threads have taken. Crabby for sure.


Anonymous said...

Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy....Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy!!! As long as Adam loves him, I'll love him. He's fully aware and thankful to Adam for his opportunities. It's okay to love both. Don't deprive yourselves. Don't feel guilty if you love Tommy. Adam loves him and Tommy has earned his trust. Be happy Glamily. There are too many haters and Adam is about LOVE :))

Anonymous said...

God knows Adam knows Tommy better than any of us do.

Anonymous said...

Tommy was a child musical prodigy. Why, when he was only 18 months old he could play on the linoleum. As he's aged, he's just mediocre now. Shame