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Adam Lambert's interview with Jase and Stace on Classic hits New Zealand

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, October 11, 2012

Via GaleWhittington:
Official Video by Classic Hits NZ: Adam Lambert interview with Jase and Stace! Classic hits NZ 10-11-12


Jadam NZ said...

Adam has at least two new fans in NZ that I know of. My brother and his wife who lined up and took pictures of Adam signing the CD for me, were so impressed they are going home to listen to the CD more closely to understand the words and messages. Both now I consider are fully fledged Glamberts. I have to say I was surprised at my brother but really happy.
Adam must have gone to every Radio Station in Auckland so lets hope they play Trespassing. I wonder when it will be released here on itunes etc. Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

the energizer bunny- wow, so many interviews the last 2 days

Anonymous said...

OT I deff start to like RCA. Adam got PPL part. He is absolutely fantastic as Adam Lambert singer. But he stinks as an actor. Weatherman? Stinks! I know everybody say "Adam, you are only one". Why do you lie,ladies? If you are telling the truth , you never ever watch any movie with good actress in your life.

Anonymous said...

Busy, busy Adam and still kickin in eh:)

Can't wait to see him in Melbourne rockin everyone there!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Plan to leave few Trespassing CD in Chick-fil- a tomorrow. They plan to have great opening in my homophobic town

Anonymous said...

wow he has had more than his share of interviews. Save your voice for the concert Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how many interviews Freddie Mercury had though his magic,mystery and short life? 15-16! Cause he thought that all of this media idiots just take a lot of time from his life and didn't leave him any time to enjoy the life out of the music studio.

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam was everywhere and so full of energy and joy! Love the people from NZ,they seem to really appreciate Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam is always such a great guy to interview & he seems to take it all in his stride. No interviews means no PR so he knows what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

Times have changed since the days of Freddie Mercury. I love the chance to see so many great interviews by Adam.

daydreamin said...

He's working so hard. My heart goes out to him though I know he does love traveling and meeting people.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't judge Adam's acting abilities based on about five spoken lines on PLL. He's been the understudy for the LEAD in Wicked and Hair. He played those lead roles several times. So he must be able to act to some extent. I'm not saying he's a great actor or anything, but I wouldn't base his skills solely on PLL. Hope he gets more acting opportunities so he can really prove himself.

11:22 You're right. LOTS has changed in the music industry since Freddie Mercury. Production of music, sales, promotion, technology, you name it. It's a different world with new rules, but also new opportunities.

DRG (Praying that TP gets high on the charts!)