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Brian May says 'Trespassing' is the one!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 7, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, October 07, 2012


Anonymous said...

Indeed it is!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Dr. May has a great deal in common with Adam, talent and taste and a slight problem with spelling. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope so,but I think "Pop That Lock" and "Map" would be hits!

Anonymous said...

Yah!:) No doubt about that:)

Adams music is inspirational and Rock n' Roll!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam must move from US if radio stations will not release Trepassing in the air! BTIKM and NCOE got recognitions in many countries around the world!

Anonymous said...

Seems that Bryan absolutely adores Adam!

Anonymous said...

Love you, Dr. Bryan May!
Trespassing is awesome song!

Adamluv said...

WOW - to have a musician the caliber of Brian May send out this message is very impressive! Love the Dr. part! . . . Adamluv

Angelique said...

Brian,I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dr. May trepaassin is infectious, it gets in your head and dances around. It's kinda like layin on a beach drinkin sweet red wine and watchin you tube videos of Adam while hot young man rubs your feet. It just doesn't get any better....oh and by the way I know how to spell just chose not to...rosr petal


Anonymous said...

Like I said before Better than I know myself and more so Never close our eyes were hits in many countries. never Close our eyes got many more no. 1 hits than WWFM, world just America, that wasn't such a bit except for dance clubs.mostlt because of radio, not giving it its just play. But, I do think trespassing will be more popular in America and Canada. But, no matter what think it will be a big hit in many countries . USA fortunately for Adam is not the only game in town for him, heike few other's from Idil have the whole world.both of his previous song were big hits in Japan, and most all of Asia. We just need to buy, and donate and gift as much as possible come oct. 16 and beyond that date.that was it was only America Never Close our eyes not such big hit, but was in many other countries. I love Trespassing the song and the entire album. I will support this single in every way I can. It really is only America Adam is having these problems. Please keep requesting a month 2 months in to song no matter what! His world wide appeal will keep him around a long time, and that popularity is growing daily. I think even America will wake up eventually and realize what rest of world knows, that Adam is a one of a kind singer! And a huge talent, that has matured and changed into a good man and a great talent. If not he got the rest of this big world unlike most from Idol who are only known in America! I do think some of radio stations are just now being sent trespassing, by what Adam said. I think just a few like Dallas had it, because he is going there this month, don't know tho, what it sounds like, to me. Just got to keep up requesting and not give up, whatever the case is! To me the song is terrific, I really love it,. Sue

Anonymous said...

Spelling doesn't count on tweets and blogs.....

tess4ADAM said...

Good! Now I can put my dictionary away! LOL

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Oh Brain May you are a sweet and amazing man. Adam must have really appreciated the tweet. How true I feel too that Trespassing is the one. It is Adam's mission statement and I can't help dancing around and singing and of course clapping to it. I got that stomp clap bit down perfect!

Anonymous said...

Brian May is an astrophysicist and surely knows how to spell :). He was just being cute by adding an apostrophy after the "n". Looks cooler that way. Adam often does that as well.

Anonymous said...

HAL -- Just a nice note to let you know that it's Brian, not Bryan :)

Anonymous said...

@4:11 pm TRESPASSIN not TRESSPASSIN == too many s's.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Brian May is The Man

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope so. I don't have the energy after a long day, but both BTIKM and NCOE were very in keeping with American Top 40 radio when they were released, VERY in keeping... it truly makes me angry they didn't get radio play. If they had been out of the box at the times of their releases, I wouldn't be so upset, but THEY WERE/ARE in keeping with AT40 radio, ggrrrr (quite frankly, as was FYE single at the time of it's release; it was very similar to the feel of what was hitting at that time). Well, anyway, radio suits have their agendas, big time, hope somehow PDs, MDs and the DJs who seem to dig Adam so much can exert some influence over suits and get Trespassing some radio play. Fingers crossed! (except when requesting, uncrossed then :)).

Anonymous said...

Dr. Brian May you are a class act. Queen and Adam Lambert was a dream come true; waiting for the North American tour. Please, please make it happen.

I too think Trespassing is the one!


Anonymous said...

Third times a charm. I was surprised that Never Close Our Eyes didn't do better, but that isn't attributed to the great song, but the lack of play by radioheads in the U.S. Trespassing has Adam written all over it, and he co-wrote it. So, this one should have an impact, and if it doesn't, then, I just don't get it at all. This song has energy, attitude, a funky/rock/pop beat with of course the best vocals ever. I will continue to request it on the Phoenix radio stations, but if anyone lives in Phx, please help me. I have never heard one song from TP on the radio here. I love Adam and he deserves this success. Yes, he does have it worldwide, but I am selfishly wanting it in the U.S. as well. He deserves it with his talent. Brian May's stamp of approval means a lot. I have such respect and admiration for Brian. I love all artists that hold Adam in high esteem and he does. Plus, Brian knows music and what works. Adam is the ultimate entertainer. Please radio, let people hear this song. Trespassing is so great!

Anonymous said...

Great shout-out from Dr. Bri about Adam's new single! Hope all his Twitter followers buy it! Pop That Lock IS a hit in the making, and I hope the EP gives it the exposure it needs to catch on.

DRG (love Brian with an "i")!!

Anonymous said...

I love how Brian May, loves! A true class act and a beautiful friend. And freaking genius guitar player!!!

Anonymous said...

4:30 - My bad...

Anonymous said...

I think the songs that could be hits are Trespassing, Shady and Naked Love. IMO, best hooks, lyrics, melody, and vocals. I also wish Runnin' was in the running but it is a bonus track. The other songs are good but for me, these are the best hopes. Request TP tomorrow throughout the US!

Anonymous said...

When the album Trespassing came out, it received high praise and positive feedback. The first two songs did not do as well as most of us expected even though they had amazing videos.If this next single "trespassing" doesn't have hit written all over it, I don't know what will get Adam the recognition and success that has so far eluded him here at home. He is just so talented, worked very hard on this album and seems to be all over promoting it. But if radio stations do not play "trespassing", then who knows what comes next. Hopefully there will be a tour in 2013 for the album. It would also be great to see a Queen and Adam Lambert tour since those concerts in Europe and England were spectacular. It is great to have someone like Brian May give a thumbs up to the new single just as Adam usually makes us aware of other artists and their new music. "Trespassing" is energetic, upbeat and infectious so let's hope we start to hear it on the radio tomorrow. It just seems that Adam has to fight for any bit of recognition here whereas no talent performers get immediate radio play and sales for their ridiculous songs.

Anonymous said...

6:51 I agree with you and bemoan the first choice of singles, but not much can be done about that now. Love that a song Adam co-write is out there. The first two singles got lots of international attention. TP is so unique, nothing on the radio like it at all. radio is sadly ikn need of diversity, but I know I am preaching to the choir here..

Anonymous said...

@6:51- I totally agree, but at this point I have no faith in american radio- None- adam's two other singles were fantastic- there is absolutely no excuse why they don't play him and all the other crap they play immediately. I've been patience long enopugh with U.S. radio. They suck and I'm from here.

Magiclady said...

Wow, everything you said!

I would die to have a Adam/Queen concert here in SoCal!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder America is being punish by the Universe. Most of the people are homophobic:(


daydreamin said...

@rose petal that sounds WONDERFUL!!!

Brian is a gem and he really does seem to have a huge amount of respect for Adam and his vocal ability, not to mention everything else that he has in spades. I am hoping he is following Adam is because they have some plans for a tour in future :)

daydreamin said...

An amazing pic of Terrence:


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Dr. Brain May supports Adam with Trespassing track. That's huge!

Now only if Lady Gaga support Adam with this track it'll be amazing. After all she is a big supporter of Gay community. She said once that Adam is her friend so she should show it in her action.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Dr. Brian May for your genius and talent.
I love you for your love and admiration for ADAM!
Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this statement of Brian May's should be retweeted to radio stations. Just a crazy thought,radio will do what it wants. But who knows talent more than someone who played with Freddie Mercury and then Adam!

Anonymous said...

I Truely think Afam had finally found that famous friend, that is a true fiend like the ones he had for years. Brian Truely thinks the world of Adam. Most if the other celeb&s in America, only think of them selfs, cannot see the forest for the tree's when it comes to any other talent but their own selfs. Adam is unselfish and thinks Beyond himself. Adam really has grown up much last 3 years, he was a boy. A wildly talented bot, but still little immature, yet. He had grown into a lovely, sweet, generous man now, he will eventually be huge I suspect more abroad and is on his way in china and Japan, all of Asia. If he never reaches it here, because of radio idiot's it will unfortunately be our loss. We do not deserve it because we love him. There are many countries that would die for Adam to live there.he may live here but afraid a lot I'd his fame will be abroad and he will be spending more and more time there. So we need to give it all we got, on that radio requests, because I am sure this song will be a hit in many countries, got to do what we can to help it here! Thanks Sue!! On another note that Rove LA show was so funny, Adam was funny too!! Sue again!

Anonymous said...

Please excuse the huge amount of mistakes I made in my post above. Hope u can read it. I have been really sick this week, and had little sleep, I usually make plenty mistakes. But, out did myself mistake wise, sorry!! Sue

Anonymous said...


A lovely and detail behind the scene recap of ADAM LAMBERT’s appearance on Post 80 Talk Show in China by the one of the director Nico Wang.

Plus the show staff’s reactions to our BB. Read here:

Anonymous said...


It's fine, we can read it.
BTW, even he was just a boy as you said 3 years ago on Idol, ADAM sure has grown up much BUT he has always been lovely, very sweet and generous even then why I love him.


Anonymous said...

I was so impressed that Dr. Brian sent that tweet out supporting Adam. There is no doubt in my mind that he really loves Adam and would do anything for him. I bet he really misses Adam because they had such an amazing chemistry going on for the Queenbert gigs....everyone noticed it. I think Dr. Brian really wants Adam to have a successful, rewarding solo career. I only hope and pray that Queenbert will happen again soon as well as a mega Trespassing Tour by Adam....we know Adam is really good at multitasking and would love the challege LOl!

Keeping fingers, toes and everything crossed for a Trespassing hit! Please universe let the U.S. radio stations play it!!!


daydreamin said...

New Chinese 80s show video's part 1 then part 2:



Anonymous said...

Here's what director Nico Wang (China 80's Talk show) said about ADAM after the show:

Time For Miracles!

"After the taping was over, ADAM shook hands with every production team member he could see. He happily boarded the car wearing the Chinese jacket we gave him. We then returned to the studio to thank the fans.
The fan who did us the biggest favor in this event kept saying thank you, thank you, thank you, even though she was tired to the bone. She then hugged Shiaomie and burst into tears.
I have never met a super star so sincere and honestly down to earth. A few days after the taping, I was still submerged in this surreal sense.
I re-watched ADAM’s American Idol videos, and experienced again his every words and expression. I suddenly realized that he has not changed.
Before he became famous he was such a sincere and real person. After his explosion onto the scene and despite controversy, he is still the same man; nothing changed, even the tone of his speech.
You would find it hard to believe that the person many people regard as an alien is at the core a tender, kind, considerate man. He is not just a performer, but a real rocker!
This realization made me happy for quite a while, really."

This made me cry when I read this.

Anonymous said...


@TheAMAs I want 2 see @Adamlambert singing his new single #TRESPASSING opening ur show on Nov. 18th >>>CK HIM OUT HERE>>

AMAs ‏@TheAMAs

@bmoschetti @adamlambert performers will be announced soon. #StayTuned

Anonymous said...



WOW! Trespassing is №3 on Hong Kong Top 10 in Radio Television Hong Kong #VICTORY #WEARETHECHAMPIONS (acc to weibo)


@adamlambert's #Trespassing climbing up 24 places!! From #40 to #16 o/t #KiaTake40SA chart.


I just watched Pitch Perfect at the movie theater. I might have screamed a little when I saw @adamlambert's FYE album cover in a movie. Eee!


ATTN NZ @adamlambert fans! The JB Hi-FI Queen St instore signing time has been moved to this WEDNESDAY, 4-6pm. Please spread the word!(NZ time obviously)


To all the people who've tweeted about getting the copy with ADAM LAMBERT, it'll be in shops towards the end of November. Our next issue.

HK fan said...

Thank you fye , @adamlambert tonight @ WeHo lookin gooooood DL

picture of Adam out in LA.

Anonymous said...

ha ha My sister and I saw Pitch Perfect yesterday and I didn't tell her about Adam's album cover in the movie and she did yell out.!! My fault!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Brian May is a great person, a great musician, and has the kindest of hearts being that he is an animal advocate. I love this guy!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:51PM
That's why the whole (social media) world is a mess/miss... so many mistakes, misconseptions, misunderstandings...LOL

Anonymous said...


Wonderful news & tweet from Dr. Brian May, YAY ---

and YOU truly saved my day & night with that picture of Terrance... Man look at that body, pheeeewww...Remember what they (the Glamily) called his ass during GNT... LOL

GGD Gal, :):):)

Anonymous said...

I just saw on GMA that Sam Champion will be marrying his long-time boyfriend soon.I had no idea,all this time,that he was gay,but am very happy for him.The boyfriend was shown & was originally from Brazil..Maybe Adam could tweet him,or something..This could only help Adam,( that somebody so popular and loved by all the GMA people & staff,I mean)I never had a clue.Where do we start voting & requesting Trespassing today?

Anonymous said...

Hi--I read a very nice detailed account written by a Chinese director about Adam linked to this following site.

Anonymous said...

Some of the posts are gone,it looks like.Google Sam Champion from GMA..very happy for his upcoming marriage to long-time boyfriend!!had no clue he was gay..I always liked him.

Anonymous said...

Tell me where to vote w/o facebook or twitter.I tried the toll free #,& got a message that I could not get it in my area.( Ryan Seacrest's station)I want to help,but don't know how right now!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me how to vote for Trespassing w/o twitter or facebook,& I will!!Google Sam Champion for some good news.He & his male fiance just announced their engagement & upcoming marriage on New Years..

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dr. Bri, for getting Adam's song out there and spreading the word. Your Twitter followers should know that you love and admire Adam and his talent!


HK fan said...

@anon 6.11am
Whos Sam Champion?????

Anonymous said...

OT: Just read extra tickets have been released in both concerts in south africa due to overwelming response. Yay You go BB- one country at a time!

Anonymous said...

May I remind everyone that I called "dibs" on Brian May FIRST on this 24/7 site months ago?

You may admire him but keep in mind that if I decide to ditch the old guy I have now....I will be in hot pursuit of Brian!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Sam Champion is the good-looking weatherman on Good Morning America. I'm so happy for him! He's very cool and a fine person from what I have seen on the show.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell you that I ways enjoy your posts, they are always do positive.
@ Jak
Ok you got dibs on Brian, but just in case you decide to keep the old guy you got I'd like to be next in lin...rose petal

Anonymous said...

You should always listen to a Doctor... of Science!

Anonymous said...

Thank u jAK , I adore Adam, from the second he put a foot on stage at American Idol, I fell madly in love with him, and his unmatched talent. When I said he was a boy then I do believe he was. That did not mean I did not Love Adam the way he was then I was crazy about him. I Just think he has matured both musically and other wise., into a fabulous entertainer and a lovely sweet man, but he has Always been that, just polished it up a bit.i have said this before and I really mean it, I am 64 years old never seen talent like Adam. He's doing great Abroad because they appreciate real talent, do not care who he chooses to date, to love. Hope America wakes up but if they do not, he will always have a career because the entire world loves Adam especially Japan, China, Russia, Fenland, new Zealand and list goes on! I really love new single hope it does well here, I have no doubt it will do great abroad. One thing I wish, article writters the professional ones write articles about Adam post on his site would research more, and not just put down what his songs and albums have done in America, because they have done well world wide. Just makes me mad a little! U will always be positive about Adam because I feel there is a lot to be positive about! That is I will always be positive about Adam, type o. sue

Anonymous said...

Adam's impression on others is not just immediate and overwhelming, but lasting. So much that even after a long while, people still bask in his energy, an aura that is so palpable, they swear he is from another planet. This "Glittering Alien from Planet Fierce", as his brother dubbed him may not be from so far away, but I believe Adam, especially when he sings transcends to a plane of pure heaven, and takes us there with him from the force of a sublime persona.

The Dark Side said...

Bri you are my rock star! Embracing Adam makes you my hero!

Anonymous said...

What I like about the song Trespassing is the message and that video with the words and car. I was missing some of the key words when Adam was singing them fast. But the words together with that older model car boldly on its way to new, exciting experiences, I appreciated the song more. It is not my favorite song (Runnin',Broken English and Underneath are) but I vibed with it better when Adam was more out front -- with the Chinese and British (?) background bands. Adam is such an intelligent writer. I am old but I find myself learning and changing my mind about many of the changes that are happening in society when I listen to his lyrics and interviews. I am so glad I have lived to experience the "greatest entertainer of this decade" (Adam, of course). And I long for the opportunity to occasionally hear/experience HIS VOICE and HIS UNIQUE WAY OF PERFORMING on some of the songs that NO ONE BUT ADAM could sing -- (like Runnin or Underneath, etc.) -- like NO ONE but Xtina and Adele can sing some of their classic songs. The same thing is sure to occur when Adam comes upon HIS classic "Adam Only" songs -- soon, I hope. And then they will be played non-stop on every music radio station Beverly

Anonymous said...

@ Sue......JAK here

It was @rose petal who paid you the nice compliment, but....I agree with her! We all are having such a good time 'loving on Adam!'

Anonymous said...

I have been through all the decades of music starting as a teenager with Elvis Presley whom I absolutely loved and now to Adam Lambert whom I absolutely love even more. To me he is the best vocal talent in music today. He made me(as an older person) 'want to listen to music again' and reintroduced me to Queen after watching those Queenbert concerts recently. I have never seen Adam perform at a concert, but I get the next best thing with the videos on this site and you tube. And, of course, there are those appearances he has made on the various talk/entertainment shows. Of course, I love those powerhouse vocals, but I also see an individual who is articulate, charming, honest, intelligent and cares about others. There is no one quite like Adam in the music world today and that at times becomes a hindrance for him as he tries to gain a foothold with so many others competing for success and recognition. He actually has auto-tuning, lip synching or crazy antics on stage. And with the dark hair he looked so much like the young Elvis Presley. I just hope that this single "Trespassing" brings him the respect, recognition and success he so deserves because it is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

@11:46 and 12:19

I liked your posts very much and I couldn't have said it better myself. I love coming to this site to share in all the love and respect we feel for Adam. It's really heartwarming.


Anonymous said...

@12:19 well said!!!
You took the words right out of my mouth- wish you left a tag however.

If your new- welcome aboard.


Anonymous said...

To brownie and CT. Thank you for commenting about my post at 12:19pm. I am not new to this site, but have never used a tag. Maybe I should now. Even though I am one of Adam's more mature female fans, I am well aware of what is happening inthemusic business and what I hear on the radio makes me cringe at times. As I havesaid, here is someone with so much talent and stage presence and yet he has to fight every step of the way to be recognized and accepted. I will continue to support Adam and his music and sincerely hope that "Trespassing" gets the airplay that it should.
It's great fun coming on this site as we share our love of all things Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sorry thank you Rose Petal, I read it wrong. Need new glasses! Also thank you JAK, thank to both of you. I am so glad we all love and appreciate, dear Adam. He so deserves it. He is a good guy, which is just as important to me, has his great talent is, to me. He is lovable!!thank again to both of u. Sue

Magiclady said...

Welcome! It is nice to know it is you when you leave a tag.

Anonymous said...

Sharing these easy ways to request. I got them from @LadyBRinehart

*Z100 NY: 800-242-0100 | text 55100
*Q102 Philly: 800-521-1021 | text 71021
KTU NY: 800-245-1035 | text 31035
B104: 610-720-1041
DC HOT995: 1-877-995-4681 | 99338

Anonymous said...

Great to have you, GLb, our master of play on words back. We , the lovers of our god's pictures, hair color, boots, smile...need a bit of irony, sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch GMA, so I googled Sam Champion and read the story about his engagement. I also read the next google item about the responses to GMA and Sam announcing this event on the show. It surprised me to see the negative responses since polls show that 51% of Americans define themselves as Democrat and 44% as Republican. The remaining 5% are Libertarian, Green or Independent.

The negative responses far outweighed the positive. Or, could it be that was how the responses were reported? I'm confused. Any help out there?