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Check out Adam Lambert's new Twitter profile picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Follow Adam on TwitterHERE.


Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhh- strange choice

Anonymous said...

Love, those lips, they are so full and soft and.. o.k., I will stop now..yummy!


Anonymous said...

Adam's vampire expression - ready for Halloween - his favorite holiday!

b said...

Yeah Adam, you're so tough. Not!

M said...

I like the twitter mixup of avi's with the fangs and blood!

Anonymous said...

perfect teeth to go along with all the other perfect features

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Perfection! Look at that mouth and those eyes, and that perfect nose. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

LET'S FACE IT GLAMBERTS..OUR BOY IS PERFECT..more convinced than ever that he has had some botox in forehead...just makes him all the more beautiful....

Anonymous said...

Adam changed his Twitter avi to this pic to promote Pretty Little Liars, in which he plays a Glam Vampire. Watch for PLL on October 23.

Anonymous said...

Only Adam can make a face like this and still look pretty and sexy. Anyone else, it wouldn't work.

DRG (Can't wait for PLL!)

Anonymous said...

I know Adam you want to suck blood anytime right now and we all ready for that:))))

C'mon let's do it soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam = with or without fangs I have several tender spots available for a little nip!
...I am not leaving my tag!

Anonymous said...

'Wait till you get a load of me'!

Adamluv said...

@4:15 - why not?

Anonymous said...

Because I'm too old even to be a cougar!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:49 PM,

So what!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as you feel it:))))

Do you feel it??? Adam ask all the time:)))

It doesn't matter at all....


Anonymous said...

Adam has freckles.
I have old age spots!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

4:15 P.M
5:49 P.M.
7:17 P.M. here.......

I'm having such fun being anonymous
I may never 'tag' again............
Living incognito is appealing
Very peaceful......really quite zen


Anonymous said...

Sauli was in the background when this picture was snapped and said I want to do bad things to you. lol

Anonymous said...

9:33 ok I'll be the first guesser. Are you JAK?

Anonymous said...

Why whatever makes you thnk that?
Ahhhhhhhh, maybe the mention of my form of freckles?

It was fun while it lasted! JAK

Adamluv said...

@5:49 you are never too old to be interested and turned on by sex! Embrace and enjoy it!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv, you go girl, right on

re pic: good lord that mouth! The teeth...