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Check out 'Tresspassing' (Benny Benassi Remix) [Aidan McEwan Edit]

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 6, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 06, 2012


Anonymous said...

very high energy "Tresspassing". My copy of the Ep remixes of Trespassing is on pre-order at

Anonymous said...

No like.

Anonymous said...

as far as a remix goes I like it.

Anonymous said...

Don't like it at all:(

Anonymous said...

Sorry, guys, there are parts of this song that I actually like better than the original -- it's a bit more melodic. But I can understand why someone might not like it if they truly love everything about the original. This song and FYE (the single), to me, are of a similar vibe, and not my favorites of Adam's material. But I love how he mixes things up so that there are tracks that appeal to everyone (if not everything to everyone).

Anonymous said...

diggin it

Voltairie said...

Akin to anon @ 12:56 there are melodic parts I prefer over the orginal. Many will be turned off by the prolonged, irritating electro-intro and will be too discouraged to hear the rest. I will get the re-mix and slice it to my tastes, which means the intro will go. I had the same problem with the two singled initially released--the whiny electro-intros sabotaged what would otherwise have been and really were pleasurable releases. Hope somebody on the Adam team is listening.

Anonymous said...

@1:10 agree that the prolonged electro-intro made me impatient to hear Adam's voice already! But, when I did hear it, he sounded front and center and very clear.

I've ordered my remix EP and will select what I like the most to play on my iPod. I believe there are 4 remixes for Trespassing so I'm really curious to compare them all. I'll probably still prefer the original though LOL!


Anonymous said...

Actually I really like this remix. The regular Trespassing is for radio play, this is for clubs. Also lots of stores where teens shop play all remixes because they are very now.

Anonymous said...

Totally different feel than the original. One has a rock vibe and this one is a dance/pop version. Not bad really. It all depends what style you prefer. Intro is too long IMO.

HK fan said...

I like it, but agree the intro could be a tad shorter. Its great for dancing and parties, and for a younger demographic that like club music.

Anonymous said...

I like the 28 sec intro I'm old it takes me that long to get out on the dance floor. lol J/K I do like it tho.

Anonymous said...

how did you guys put your comments on soundcloud? I notice there are two comments on it.

Anonymous said...


Magiclady said...

Parts I like and parts I don't. Like the original better.

Anonymous said...

5:41 who is saying that?

Anonymous said...


Somehow I heard that also from other blogs about Idol.
They say that ADAM should just get the next single to the dance chart so it would chart, because his tunes are not fit for Top 40.
This was even before it was learned that there would be a third single and now that's what's happening with this EP.

Anonymous said...

This is cool. I like it. Another side of Adam's song.

tess4ADAM said...

I'm too old for this type of music but no matter ... I still intend to buy a few copies for some of my teenage grandchildren. It's the only thing I can do to support ADAM since I am housebound ... that & VOTE my fingers to the bone on all the polls!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I love the original but the remix is great too. Adam needs to have these modern versions to stay current it's what the younger generation wants when their out clubbing, great dance music, well done Adam!

Anonymous said...

tess, you do a tremendous job keeping us informed about different Adam stuff. I would never find them on my own.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, i don't get the whole remix thing. How is it that someone thinks they can make the original better? Some dude at home thinks he's better than all the people who worked on the album? Too many egos, only one chief.

I won't listen to them, order them or buy them. The original is what I fell for, like, get used to hearing and what I want to hear. EOS.