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FM Video's Dan Bernstone Interviews Adam Lambert live in the More FM Studios!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, October 11, 2012


Anonymous said...

I heard Adam say that if he could live anywhere else it would be New York. That would be great for those of us here in the metropolitan area. If we were in NYC, then we could do some Adam watching. Maybe he'd do more appearances and concerts on the east coast. Adam seems to have done so many radio promo appearances while in NZ and he is articulate, intelligent, charming and also funny each and every time. It's no wonder that everyone is in love with him.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the social and artistic culture of NYC might be more suited to Adam than L.A. L. A. is so full of itself. I know it's the hub of the TV and movie industry, but NYC has an entirely different vibe. It's so much more international and sophisticated. It might open more doors for Adam. I love his interviews and appearances in New Zealand! He's a doll. They are as in love with him as we are.


Anonymous said...

DRG, finally someone who thinks the same way I do about LA. Full of itself. I was disappointed when Adam said he likes the hustle there. It sounds unreliable to me.

Adamluv said...

I love LA and find it very unpleasant when someone puts it down. I bet you'd feel the same if anyone said something negative about your town. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm not putting down L.A. I just think that the NYC atmosphere might be and exciting change for Adam and open up new opportunities for him. NY is more theater, L.A. more tv/film. Wherever he chooses to be in fine. I just want what will work best for him, career-wise. I've been to L.A. and love it as a tourist. The competition in the media there must be brutally intense.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about bad typing.

Anonymous said...

No, I wouldn't feel the same if they are just stating facts and I would not take it as a put down. I'm sure you're the type who cannot take being judged in the stage of AI.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in LA and SF and NY.
I do believe there's no other place like NY, so vibrant.
Just sing the lyrics of the song NY, NY and so you know
The quality of life is just different that you feel you have more freedom like you don't need to own a car.
Unlike in California, you should own a car or you're miserable, not in NY where you can just keep on walking and not get tired but enjoying it.
Being in Manhattan, everything is actually walking distance if you don't mind, just lovely.

Magiclady said...

We all have things we love about our city we live in. I have lived in L.A. all my life and I don't feel we are full of ourselves. It is just that we have a lot more to offer than many other cities in ther US. I also think NY is amazing and love SF.
8:01, what is being judged in the stage of Al?

Anonymous said...

I say negative things about my town all the time, in fact the whole state. The only thing that keeps me here is the weather.

Anonymous said...

WHY are they playing NCOE? You could see in Adam's eyes that he wanted them to play TRESPASSING. Who decides what they play?

Anonymous said...

WHY are they playing NCOE? You could see in Adam's eyes that he wanted them to play TRESPASSING. Who decides what they play?

Anonymous said...

About LA and NYC. I think that Adam should split the year in two, half in LA and other half in NYC. Get the best of both worlds!! Both great cities (and I'm from neither).

Anonymous said...

2:59pm, Adam has done lots of appearances on the east coast already this year. Why would he do more just because he lived in NYC? Spread the love, let Adam visit the rest of the US and Canada now.

Anonymous said...

Another charming interview. LOL at his comments while reading the gossip.

daydreamin said...

I have heard soooooo many stars of tv, movies and theater say they like one or the other for a variety of reasons. Just a matter of preference. They both have their plusses and minuses.

Anonymous said...

I have travelled all over the world and spent a fair bit of time in LA and NYC. I love both cities for different reasons.

I think that Adam has had trouble reaching the east coast and a little bit of time spent in NYC would do his US profile a lot of good. Think of all the big magazines based in New York and the entire fashion and philanthropic scene.

The music scene is definitely more edgy and he would connect with different artists which would influence his music.

I don't know if that was a throw-away answer or something he is contemplating but he is the type of person to seek out different people and places from time to time.