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Long Version: ADAM LAMBERT Talks to Whitney Kropp on Ryan Seacrest (10-2-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Anonymous said...

I had not heard about this. Adam is so great for taking time to talk to this young woman and encouraging her. Felt sorry for Kid Rock. I am so glad everyone pitched in to help make her homecoming special.

Anonymous said...

Adam is really an inspirational human being. He helps a lot of people especially young ones to be strong and be who they are and not be afraid with anything comes to your way...:)

Luckily my daughter is one of the young ones who encourage positive vibes at school and very friendly with others.


Anonymous said...

So happy for people who don't know Adam to learn about his big heart. Poor Kid Rock. I wish Ryan could have let Whitney know about him before they got on the air. Oh well, best intentions I guess. Very happy to hear the community chipped in. Things are changing after all.

Anonymous said...

It's great of Adam to show his support for this girl in a tough time. I think it can help her to move on.

Anonymous said...

Please also listen to this interview on KIIS-FM website link below at 13:00 mark:

This radio station is no. 1 syndicated Top 40 radio station in US and if they play Trespassing it will be huge. SO GO TO THE ABOVE LINK AND SPAM THE WEBSITE BY LISTENING TO THIS INTERVIEW. THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Whitney Kropp, the girl who got bullied at her high school and made a national news is an Adam fan. Follow her on facebook and twitter:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean poor Kid Rock ?????-----What?

Anonymous said...

First, Adam was awesome talking to this girl. He's so empathetic and well-spoken. Classy all the way.

As for Kid Rock, it's too bad that the girl didn't know he was on the line. I'm sure she wouldn't have said that she didn't "connect" with his music if she knew he was listening. But he was classy, too, and handled it well anyway. A little embarrassing moment there for both of them, and for Ryan, too. But it all ended up fine. The girl had guts for doing what she did and coming out on top of the situation.

So glad to hear Adam talking on such a huge station! AND to hear the girl say how much she loves him!


daydreamin said...

Kids can be so cruel. That was so amazing for Adam to call her. So gracious! I would have been so tongue tied. She will always have these recordings of that conversation to show those bullies. Also very cool that Kid Rock spoke so highly of Adam.

Anonymous said...

OT - but just saw a video of Nicki Minaj blowing up at Mariah Carey at Idol auditions. Supposedly Idol had to close down auditions. Looks like Adam was very lucky NOT to get in the middle of that fiasco! I hope Idol sinks like a stone - they've become ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

@DRG I didn't hear that this girl said that she didn't connect with Adam music. She said that he is great inspiration for her and she loves Trespassing!

Don't want to be mean but there are much more humiliating pranks and bulling that school students can do. I read that she was depressed and wanted to kill herself. Sorry, guys but this prank isn't such a horrible to be a reason to take your own life.

Adam is amazing golden heart person.

Anonymous said...

niki Minaj is trash

Magiclady said...

Anon 7:35

That is a perfect word for her. I know the show likes drama, but who wants to watch a train wreck physically threatning other people??

Adam,LOVE your heart!

Anonymous said...

What was happen with the word "ass"? Are they gonna put in the air song with lyric's missed word? Did anybody hear Trespassing on radio?

Anonymous said...

Minaj and mariah Idol stuff is so scripted and look we are all talking about it just what they want.I won't be watching one episode tho.

Anonymous said...

7:29 this prank was horrible, a planned out well executed embarrassing nightmare for this young girl.

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. I really enjoy Adam's performance in China! Did you pay attention that backup singers and band weren't such loud and we could hear Adam beautiful voice?

Magiclady said...

Ryan played a short bit of "Trespassing" after Adam spoke to her and they blocked out the word ASS. Why? do they worry about this word when there are so many worse things being said in hiphop!

Anonymous said...

@8:49PM KIIS FM blocks those lyrics on Hip Hops too. They block words from Minaj, Lil Wayne, and other artists' songs. It is what it is and we have to live with it.

Anonymous said...

You know, all of these other rock stars and hip hop stars are almost caricatures compared to the true blue, on point, with a message, heart and soul, gorgeous, and lest we mention the TALENT!
I think that this is Adam's year. And it is not going to come the way we all expected it to. SALES IN THE US, but from all over the world and THEN, the US will finally get it.
I think that he will become one of the most respected artists in the world, very shortly.
I can see the standing ovations at future Grammys. For his artistry, his voice, his music and his contribution!!!
This guy is one in a bazillion! I am so proud to be a Glambert! So proud!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Whitney Kropp!
You have good taste and good judgment.

Bless you, ADAM, you are a precious GIFT!
Thanks so much for simply being you.

HK fan said...

i'm glad to hear Adam doesn't play youngest son was addicted to it, and even when he wasn't playing it, he'd be watching youtube videos of other people playing it...we had to ban him from using his computer for a while...he seems much better now. My husband wants to do the same with me with my internet addiction.....ha, that ain't going to happen!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HK fan, LOL same here.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Third here! LOL!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 7:29

You might want to go back and READ what DRG wrote and then apologize to her. You were totally wrong!

Anonymous said...

hey ryan why don't you EVER play adam;s songs??????

Anonymous said...

trespassing is not playing in washington dc ; but i did call 3 radio stations yesterday to request it