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New Cute Promotional Clip of ADAM LAMBERT on the Chinese Post 80 Generation Talk Show in China

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 5, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 05, 2012

Via GaleWhittington


Anonymous said...

I love TFM!!It should have been a # 1 hit!The video was good, glad he got to promote Trespassing also..boy!the Chinese surely do love Adam!I know how they feel.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I love this fiery video of Shanghai and the Chinaberts' emotional outburst of love! I'd like to know that funny guy's name, the one that wails Adam's name, passionate and he also wants to be Adam's brother! lol! I think it's a matter of time, Adam will be a household name in Shanghai. I like that rockstar walk-out backstage footage; Adam making his way towards the roar of the Chinaberts. Yes, Time for Miracles for Adam. Very nice video! :)

Anonymous said...

Always loved TFM. So many of Adam Lambert's songs could have been #1s (SIGH.....) and a real SHAME.

BUT, there's the future. And talking about the future, Adam will be at this store next Thursday to sign TRESPASSING CDs. I hope that his NZ fans will turn up in record numbers and send us vids. Remember the Montreal fans singing NCOE to Adam. Great stuff. Would be great to hear 'Trespassing' sung that way in NZ!!

Anonymous said...

This is the store Adam will be at next Thursday:

Auckland City JB Hi-Fi New Zealand Store, 280 Queen Street.

Anonymous said...

I love that talk host guy. He has energy and humor like Conan O'brian. I saw many Adam posters and albums in the audience. yay

Anonymous said...

I'm really hooked on this Adam+Zhangwei duet of WWFM, Wow! The best by far, duet I've heard following Adam; an untoppable Adam+Zhangwei moment! I felt real gripping passion between them. Great theatre.

Anonymous said...

WWFM finally made it to its pinnacle! I didn't feel that intense about the song until now; this is how it should be done. Congratulations Zhangwei for helping make this happen. The dragon's eye is dotted. And yes Adam, it takes a sifu like you to materialise it.

Anonymous said...

WWFM is now Adam's signature song. It's the one that put him on the map worldwide and is still being played like crazy internationally and in the US and will continue to be sung by young and old for a long, long time. And, Adam has given it his own personal touches with a record number of versions both acoustic and with full band.

Anonymous said...

lmb here,

I have been away from 24/7 for a long time, but my son has kept me up to speed on all things Adam...which is a new development. Like most of us older Glamberts I have been alone in my magnificent obsession. My husband tolerates it and my gay son seemed disinterested…but no more! I also get my news from my Glamsista, Adamluv.
Tomorrow I am marching for Marriage Equality in Seattle with my “Love has No Orientation ” sign. That is what Adam tweeted when the Westboro Church haters were protesting his performance years ago. This one is much bigger than the one I used to wear around my neck. IF we pass Referendum 74, it will be the first time IN THE WORLD that gay marriage is ok’d by popular vote. I had some snarly meetings last week, but when I was confronted by negative thinkers, I just kept singing Trespassing to myself. I stood my ground and got what I wanted. Keep up the good fight. Glamberts are powerful! As I always say, there is only one way to win an argument with a Glambert: I have forgotten what it is now…but it never works anyway!
My hubby got me the book Fifty Shades of Gray for our anniversary. Fifty shades of gray…let’s see, who does that remind me of now??? Adam is hot in any shade….and in the sunshine….and in the rain….
Hugs from me to the Glamily~ now much larger with Chinaberts!


Anonymous said...

I hope all your hard work pays off lmb. I will say a prayer for Referendum 74 to pass.

Anonymous said...

Yes WWFM sung by Adam has always been a favourite of mine and I remember fighting tooth and nail for it, over a certain remark made about it. But when Adam sings...What do you want from me..I couldn't quite place who the question is addressed to; most likely to the audience he is singing to or to those who scorn him or perhaps to the universe. But now that question has been given a face/person to which it is addressed; that probably grapped my attention and I think Zhangwei must be given credit for portraying it so well. He sings with passion to complement Adam's, at present, best voice globally.

lorraine said...

Time For Miracles has always been one of my favorites---the way Adam sings it with such angst takes my breath away! It's another one of his songs that should have made it to the top of the charts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!
So much love for Adam! & TFM showcase Adam's AMAZING vocals!!!

Adamluv said...

@lmb- GREAT to see you posting again. I'm with you in spirit tomorrow for your march. I also love TFM and the video is still my favorite of all those he has done. That dirty, scruffy, major HAWT look of his is swoon worthy! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

So happy to hear you're marching tomorrow..I would love to be there too..but am out of the area this weekend so cannot..I've done some volunteer work with WA United 4 Marriage and am also keeping fingers crossed for passage of Ref 74.

Excited to hear your son is an Adam Lambert fan now too! And glad he's keeping you posted on the latest Adam news...

Anonymous said...

I just back-tracked and read the thread on the new drummer. Thanks for your mention. And hope your health improves.

HK fan said...

so good to see you back here on 24/7. Don't stay away so long next time. So what has made your son change his mind about Adam?

I so LOVE this promo vid, Adam looks gorgeous and so happy, and the love coming from the crowd is amazing.
Love the TFM singing,I would love to watch that video again, but TFM on Adams vevo channel won;t let people outside the US watch which is why the number of views is so low.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Just sat down with a cup of tea and grabbed DELL-A (can't function without Adam news first thing in the A.M.)

As I watched all those happy faces singing to Adam I got that choked up feeling and tears in my eyes...
it was too much...their joy, that wonderful song and the happiness on Adam's face. I'm such a sentimental silly!

Anonymous said...

JAK me too..I have to have my Adam fix every morning..loving all the happy news glad the idol thing did not work

Anonymous said...

If Adam was more comfortable promoting his solo career he would be a star. Keeping Tommy and promoting him is not a great idea, imo.

Anonymous said...

6:10 When does Adam go around promotingn Tommy? I've never seen it. He introduces Tommy onstage just like he introduces the rest of the band. Where have you seen him "promoting" Tommy? Adam seem totally comfortable being a solo artist.

The promo video is fantastic! I have always loved TFM, and yes, it should have been a hit. The crowd reaction is what Adam's infinity tat is all about. It's so true!


Anonymous said...

A rousing haiku...

Chinaberts' roar
Reverberates, fills the venue


Anonymous said...

I wish some people would just get over the Tommy thing..Tommy is Adam's friend..that is all..and he does not "promote" him at more than the other members of his band..which change regularly...Adam is the star and the only star..I agree that TFM is a fantastic song with a great vid..if I lived be 150, I would never understand why his own country does not promote and appreciate this awesome artist...I am more sick than I could ever describe of the constant references to Adam's simply does not matter - at own granddaughter is gay and it doesn't alter her character or her beautiful sweet self in any way..why can't people accept others as they are..unless one is a murderer or child molester or wife beater..they should not in any way be denied equal rights in every respect under the is way over time that some of these archaic laws be recinded..oh my, I'm on a rant..sorry..just need to get this out to people who I know will understand and agree..

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lam-my, I do love your posts and your strong devotion to Adam that does not waver every time he changes his hair or does something a little different or gets new band member!there are the several regulars here that are completely Adam backers. Then there are just that couple that never put a name down, that claim to have been huge fans of Adam but complain about every single thing, he does to try and ruin it. Anyway they are. Ot worth spending time on. Speaking of Time For Miracles Video, I was in wal Mart about 3 weeks ago to get prescription filled and found 2012 the movie in the 5.00 bend. They have a bend of little bit older five dollar movies, I saw the movie 2012 just pick it up to see if Adam mention on back of movie DVD, on the back of the pkg. there it was, said included TFM music video, by Adam Lambert. So if anybody wants a copy of it look in the $5.00 bend at Walmart of dvd's hope still have some, I did mention this to u all one time before. I have not had time to look at it, so much health issues and family drama as of late, but I will look at it within next week. Just thought tell u all, since u have always loved that song as I did. Do not seem to be getting anything here but white screen! Sue!

Anonymous said...

sue, I bought the 2012 movie when it was first released just for the TFM mv. I am glad I did because for a long time vevo would not let me view the mv.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't TFM ever played on the radio?? That is one of my favorite songs ever. Did management just decide not to make it a single and release it to radio?

HK fan said...

TFM was never actually released as a single.

Jadam NZ said...

Over here the actual video is not on the DVD, but it is on the blu-ray version.

daydreamin said...

@lmb it's really great hearing from you again! You are a real trooper in your fight for equality. Your son must be very proud. Glad he's feeding you the Adam news!

I love the audience singing TFM too and especially love Adam breaking into that laugh near the end! Makes you just want to hug him and not let go.

Anonymous said...

Adam had his very first taste of moving-making doing the TFM video; a pretty big set, with people running around him in panic. His expression on this set shows the actor in Adam very well. Now he is getting another quite similar experience filming PLL, with directors/crew watching the set closely. Well, Adam is inching his way into movie stardom and I suspect we'll be seeing him on the panoramic screen sooner than we think. Hey other film companies may be eyeing him as well. Even the above video is like a movie scene, more impromptu than a real movie.
Yea hope your health improves. Sure admire your strength!

Anonymous said...

My earlier comment, word should have been...gripped, not grapped. lol!