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New Picture: Adam Lambert and the band on the set of Pretty Little Liars' Halloween episode.

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

Via MTV style


Anonymous said...

Can someone answer this:

I have a question about the below, if I want to donate money but don't have a iTune account, that's alright correct? Add special instructions to the seller? I just leave that blank? Thanks if anyone can answer..

How Adam fans *EVERYWHERE* can help:
Step 1: If you are financially able, donate the cost of a standard download (US $1.29) or more by simply following the DONATE button above. >>IMPORTANT: After entering how much you want to donate/gift, there is an option called “Add special instructions to the seller” – there you can insert your e-mail to your US iTunes account, if you have one

Anonymous said...

damn they are pretty

Anonymous said...

damn they are pretty

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Adam and the band looking very festive and ofcourse SEXY!! AdamAdamAdam!! I really love you. You have been working so hard to promote your incredible album Trespassing. I will keep requesting Trespassing everyday. Never gonna give up on love/Adam!!

Anonymous said...

They all look 'fierce' and the band is probably loving the TV exposure. Can't wait for this episode on my TV!

Anon 1:16 - I can't answer your question. Hope someone here can offer some advice.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Tommy looks as tall as Adam. The magic of Television

Anonymous said...

So 90's.

Anonymous said...

1:16 I donated a small amount and didn't leave any special message. I have an iTune account but it wasn't mentioned when I donated.

daydreamin said...

Anon 1:16 I honestly don't know the answer to that question. Sorry!

The band looks amazing. Isaac looks really cool here! Sort of took me by surprise.

Anonymous said...

There are several reasons why I sometimes wish I could swap places with Ashley... Four of those reasons you see in this picture! LOL

GGD Gal - would love to know how to play bass (5. reason)

The Dark Side said...

This picture speaks a thousand words. All of them fine....

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting looking bunch!
Oh, and gorgeous of course!


Anonymous said...

1:16, yes you can donate. They will then use your donation to gift the single to fans with iTunes accounts to download. A great way for all of us to work together!