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New Picture: Adam Lambert and @FabEgger in Australia (10-13-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Anonymous said...

If Fab is home in Switzerland, who is drumming tonight in Arizona?

BTW, as a drummer, I think Fab is FAB!

Anonymous said...

I must have missed something I try to keep up but my husband is always wanting to eat and have clean clothes etc...did the new drummer do something or did some fans just not like him .... I watched the videos thought he did a good job... then I read he was licking his wounds... call me confused ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Make that dazed and confused... Adam is looking mighty fine ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal - Ditto! I have no idea what's going on and I'm always on this site. Someone please fill us in!
(p.s. Your comments about your hubby were hilarious!)

Anonymous said...

My husband finally bought me an IPAD so I can stay up dated on Adam and of course so I don't download all things relating to Adam on our other computers.

Husbands are such funny creatures but I'll keep my anyway and enjoy the success of my pretend third child Adam. He fits in so nicely between my 31 year old son and my 29 year old daughter.

Anyway, I also want to know what happened with the new drummer? Wonder who will be in the drum seat tonight?

Anonymous said...

Well I guess husbands are universal in I want I need... I tease about mine but he's a great guy... We've been married 41 years since I was 15 and he was 17... He is very supportive of my obsession.... He got so upset when Adam didn't win he refuses to watch the show ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal- lucky you and lucky me, we're going on 38 years and he still indulges me.

Can't wait to see the videos from tonight's concert. Still waiting to hear about the drummer.

You rose petal, JAK and a few others keep me entertained and coming back to this sight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks ....that many years is certainly something to be proud of . JAK also keeps me entertained as well as Lammy .... Canadian ....daydreamin....and always enjoy Sue's post
she always seems upbeat even though I think she said she had health problems...I'm sure there are many others I forgot ... I always try to be entertaining... you know how some peopl are born to sing ... Like our boy... and some were born to dance ... Well I was born a smart ass... It's apparently my only talent... it annoys some folks but I'm glad to hear you enjoy it....maybe some day we can have a glambert convention and all get together .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I thing he is playing for another band on tour. I wonder if this is a temporary thing?

Anonymous said...

"glambert convention" sounds good, would love to meet this fan army of like minded souls.


Anonymous said...

I donloaded my Trespassing" EP", west thru This is the first time I have ever done this.
Learning so much from Adam. Does he get credit for this sale, or only in Itunes?

Anonymous said...

He'll get credit.... there was so much info yesterday I wasn't sure what was the best thing to do I did a few things downloaded radi edit and remixes ....donated what I could... The one thing I did figure out is Adam will get credit for all US sales ...I think the music and computer industry should give Adam an award for being responsible for a whole new group of folks buying computers and downloading music... rose petal