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New Picture: Adam Lambert with the Pretty Little Liars!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Anonymous said...

Retweeted by Adam:

Lucy Hale‏@lucyhale
Sneak peek of @adamlambert on our Halloween episode! Check it out! …

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot my tag (above).

Nice pic - plus Adam's band in the background, YAY!

Have to watch that video clip again...


Anonymous said...

Ashley Benson is going " damn boy";))):))))

Anonymous said...

OT Adam's Trespassing lyric video is on VH1 did not know as probably not many others did. since there are only 12 views. I know everyone is viewing it on vevo or your tube. Let's give it views on VH 1 also. Excited for the PLL episode!

Anonymous said...

so sorry my enthusiasm - did not see that there's another thread re Adam & Pretty Little Liars...


Anonymous said...

@1:55PM I can't find Trespassing in VH1. Can you give us the link, please.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad he got this gig. And I think NZ love him too. I saw that in Africa they had to make more seats available for people. I also read that JLo is involved in a gay family TV show, and 3000 moms are trying to get it off the air, because it is supposed to be a family show, with mom & dad with children, not 2 moms or 2 dads. There seems to be quite a movement going on in the US to stop gays from being in any kind of entertainment. I guess that is why Adam is having such a bad time getting his album and singles out.I have no idea what RCA is doing for him, except booking him overseas, where just about every country welcomes him. They must be thinking that he won't fill the venues, and there may be demonstrations. RCA is fully aware that he is a great singer, with charisma and stage presence, but they just don't know what to do with him. Adam has been very quiet about his tour, except to say "when the time is right". It's all very odd. I am sure Adam is quite aware of the problem and is just waiting for RCA to let him know what is next. Has he done any main stream shows this year in the US?

Anonymous said...

Just on there to, vote on are has it been played, yet. Wonder if going to have a regular video, has not said anything about it. I bet as well as trespassing song already doing in China and Japan, it be no. 1 within a month or so. Maybe sooner Japan. It's already top 10, I think someone said. china went from 4o to 16 in one week. Has definitely not been out either places very long. I think Adam will be nominated for MTV Japan, awards, some kind of Japanese, Asia awards, do not think they hav had them yet, like end nov. or dec. I think. Don't know. Usually San Francisco plays Adam first of anyone don't they. Wish trespassing been first single, maybe been easier to get songs played who knows. If trespassing is no. 1 in Japan, the song and do believe it will be and very soon, that will make 2 songs in a roll at no. 1in Japan. All three off thisalbum in top 5 billboard better know myself was in top 5. Mostly because they play the hell out of all his songs and video's. One place he is bigger than Kelly Clarkson is Japan. also China, Russia,and more. Adam really is getting very big world wide, heard he saling very well Africa had to put more tickets on sale and standing room. His music is played tons all over the world, he doing better than some really big names here in parts of the world. If America does not appreciate him, mainly because he gay are whatever. Most the rest world could care less! He getting really big. I almost do not care about America he does not have to have them. If America was all he had it be bad, but he got the whole world. Phillip 2 and mcgreary have America for a bit, but they will never have world regonition like Adam. I getting where I say Adam go where they appreciate you, and that is many countries . America sucks, except for the wonderful glamberts that love you, that is many, we want u here so we can enjoy u. But America does not deserve Adam, the way they treat him!! Excuse mistakes, I just get frustrated! Sorry. Sue

Anonymous said...

@Sue I understand your frustration. I guess if we understood better what RCA's plan is, if they indeed have one it would help. They have to get him on all the talk shows to be interviewed and sing Trespassing. Many people don't even know he has a new song let alone a new album. We request courteously and vote, RCA has to do its job. If Adam's talent and his great music is wasted it would make me so sad. Especially when I hear him say how he put his heart and soul into the album. I do believe he will always do better internationally. Adam being gay whether we want to admit it or not is a problem for him in the close minded U.S. There, now my venting is done too.

Anonymous said...

Sue and 6:33, there is a ton of money and politics involved in getting radio play in the US. We have no idea what RCA does behind the scenes. Please don't say we don't deserve him in the US. Please support us in getting more radio play.

I think the episode of Pretty Little Liars is going to be big for Adam.

Anonymous said...

So, why did they close their minds in Canada?

Anonymous said...

The other thread has a post that mentions P2's single Home that is doing very well. I posted there, too. P2 is fine, but does nothing for me. His song is doing so well. I wonder what his longevity will be? Where will he be in three years? We don't know. To me, he doesn't bring anything different to the table, but he's a nice guy. That's it. It's true that RCA must be frustrated with not knowing quite what to do with Adam. They know as well as we do how talented he is. He's a marketing nightmare, esp. in the homophobic, conservative U.S. It's unfair, but it's reality. Here is RCA with a guy who is probably the most talented singer in decades, and they can't get him a hit or grow his fanbase. Thank God for other countries who have open minds and brains.

Hey, how about having Adam record Trespassing with a southern accent and market the song to the country music market? The lyrics could be interpreted as a kind of country story-song. It might sell millions! LOL!!!! Hey, it's a thought.


Anonymous said...

DRG good idea.

Anonymous said...

@7:36 Of course no one is giving up on requesting and voting. I do it daily and vote on all the polls too. Also watch all the music videos. We do deserve Adam in the U.S. It's the PD's or higher ups like station owners who are making it difficult for Adam. The conservatives who are very homophobic.

Anonymous said...

You're asking country music to accept a gay artist? Do you have a shotgun to point at their heads?
Nashville? Really? Have you seen the huge numbers of black country artists there are? Yeah right! They are not exactly welcoming to minorities.

Come up with another angle. Fast!