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South African TV ad for Adam Lambert's shows in Nov 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Anonymous said...

Wish I was going to South Africa. Lucky them.

OT- Please keep requesting "Trespassing". It is important. Thanx

Anonymous said...

A new continent to invade and conquer...they won't know what hit 'em!....JAK..:-)

Anonymous said...

South Africa has been waiting for Adam. He has lots of fans there,S.A. so deserves Adam going there. Conquer the world Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yee! Everybody happy that Adam goes to SA!How about sales in that part of the earth? How about sales in China or Japan or New Zeland? Something below zero compare with f.. Nicki Minaj or JB! Also, guess what? It wasn't enough for Adam who lost most of his fans on US in last three years. They released this f..... Adam/Freddie mash!!! In this piece of sh..... Freddies' voice sound like background of all of these disco-electric sound noise. But Adam's Trespassing part sounds very clear without any background sh.....I don't think May neither Taylor liked this piece of garbage and this is the reason it was removed from Seacreast show. Ladies, Adam finished his f......... carrier three years ago. He had support of his fans. But there are less of them in US, Canada, NZ, Japan, etc year by year. And it doesn't matter how many interviews he has. Adam was one of the most popular celebrities in 2009. He had interviews in the churches! Adam carrier was scheduled till rest of his life.However, he has adrenaline(or alcoghol) attack on AMA.And kissed Tommy. And imporovised oral sex with his dansers! And he lost just 50% of his fans in 60 seconds!It wasn't to much in week when his album was released!!!Just few 100,000 less.I know it sounds like broken record. And there are many grammar mistakes in this comment. However, we have to stop to complain about radios, Itunes, Billboards. I think Adam knows that he made the biggest mistake in this life. He never will show his regrets on public or tweet about it to his 10,000 real fans.But he made one more big mistake. He agreed to release this f.............. Freddie/Adam mash. And he lost Queen support and respect forever. I hope I'm mistaken. But Queen management removed this sh.... from Seacrest show and this means a lot.

Vodka-lorazepam addicted Russian f..........b.
P.S. Adam F Lambert, you will have my support till rest of my life. You are only one genious who was born after Freddie died. What do you hate yourself so much?

Anonymous said...

So happy he is traveling all around the world entertaining, dream come true for him, and all his fans around the world!


Anonymous said...

703 please shut the f UP. brian may even tweeted the mash-up but there are copyright/Queen rules to abide by.

Anonymous said...

@7:03- Wow, I feel your disapointment (I guess is the word) Yes, Adam did hurt his career with the AMA's- no doubt- but at the same time he has matured and is gaining worldwide exceptance and is slowly but surly getting exposure and coming back big-time. Maybe not here in the usa, but the talent we have out there today is what your comparing-to success- I'll stick with adam. He will be huge one day- I have no doubt!

Anonymous said...

She's just tryin to poison the well. Don't give her the satisfaction of being upset with her--------pity her. She dwells in misery.

Anonymous said...

@7:24PM I know how many Adam's fanatics fans will not agree with me. But I will believe in Adam forever. As a matter of fact my HOMOPHOBIC husband thinks that only Adam Lambert and Freddie Mercury were born to make this planet cry and laugh,dance, forget about everything except LOVE!
It was my husband idea "Say Bond, James Bond! Look at Adam Lambert on Grammy! He is the Bond!"

Russian b....

Anonymous said...

Russian bitch

How can you say you support Adam when you do nothing but run him down and express your disappointment in him. I'm sure Russian fans don't appreciate your tag. Why not just shorten it to

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get in the TV ad for some reason. Anyone hear how the AZ State Fair gig went?

Anonymous said...

Why does that same lady get on here and make a fool of herself every now and then? As someone wrote it is pitiful I can't even get mad at her anymore.

Anonymous said...

@8:06PM I don't make a fool of myself or anybody else. Do you remember Adam first EP which was #1 in the day it was released? Or did you vote for IIHY days and nights to keep it #1 on VH1 for three more weeks?
Did you make a fan on Lady GaGa birthday's discussings accident?
Adam goes underneath forever. I hope this "Adam management insured his voice for 30,000 English pounds"is the truth. If this is the truth, Lord, bless the Queen!

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC that South African television is screening ads for Adam's concerts there. What other countries have done that, if any?

Anonymous said...

Why is someone leaving BIG spaces after they finish typing?? So ANNOYING!

Anonymous said...

I know it's the internet and nothing can happen to me but that woman on here is creeping me out. Is she for real?

Magiclady said...

I just don't read her stuff. The minute I realize it is her by a negative comment or bad grammer, I move on.

Jadam NZ said...

I think she is under the influence of something, just ignore her.

Anonymous said...

@8:00PM Through the last three years I spent something around $1,300 to support Adam. Did you? And I will support Adam forever.

Anonymous said...

OMG now she is on the AZ State Fair thread being a racist. I think she should be banned from this site.

Anonymous said...

@9:50PM Just came from NZ. Didn't ahve chance to go to AZ. But my sister and her husband with 3 children had a lot of fan on this concert

Anonymous said...

7.04 you are insane, Queen are not mad at Ad he had nothing to do that mash up, I do not believe.some one else put that together. Most likely did not have Adam per
Ission either. They think the world of Adsm, especially Brian. queen has the copy right, for all thing pertaining Freddy, I doubt had Adsm Peusdion or Queens. if it did have there permission for video, they want to sale it or something, I doubt it had there permission or Adam's. I do not know, but I do know they are very fond of Adam, probably knew he had nothing to do with it! I am so tired of creeps like u coming on here, and tearing Adam completely apart, then professing how much u love him! lady u ate not stable, and people sweet people here have every right to be scared of you. 3/4 of your comments are bull! kris Allen, Lee D. Maybe even David Cooke, Danny K. Gone at least from RCA , not one of them did the AMA's Adam still here and with record comp. even if he ever would part from them, he would still do well, he has many skills. I have exploratory surgery, early morning and I not sleeping at all and worrying about a nut like u. I guess I have lost it, cause honey u are not worth it! If made bunch mistakes sorry so tired! Sue, mistake I believe that was 7.03 not 7.04.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Airzona State Fair Coliseum tonight to Adam's concert. I had a blast and met the most awesome fans. Adam was in top form and he did some of his sexy moves for us. His voice was incredible, but, the band was too loud. All in all, the huge sum of money I paid for a reserved close to the stage ticket was well worth it. The Coliseum holds 15 thousand people, and I would say that there were about 9 thousand people at the concert. Boy, do his fans ever love him!!!