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Adam Lambert Featured in AOL Music's Year's Best Style Switch-Ups 2012

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, November 9, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 09, 2012

Via AOL Music:

"Glambert" ditched his signature dark locks for a shockingly silver 'do in 2012.

Source: AOL


Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam's black hair but his silver hair looked pretty cool too for a change.

glitzylady said...

He looks great either way....but dark is his signature look so not surprised he went back to it...Such a good looking man!

Anonymous said...

These articles are so silly. They were still writing about his "new silver/blond hair" when he had already switched back to black. Lol at this.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:04 PM
They were talking about "Year's Best Style Switch-Ups 2012". For the entire year. Not just at this moment :))) Adam got a mention..and was included in "The Best". Nothing wrong with that!

Anonymous said...

Love his dark hair!!It's much sexier!!so glad he's not silver or gray now.

Anonymous said...

I like all his hair designs except the long do but I was glad he tried them all.

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyessssssssssssss! OMG! Gorgeous!!!

Adamluv said...

In these 2 pictures I like the black but over all I prefer the silver "do" - IMO more edgy. . . . Just received an email saying my InRock (Japanese) mag. was on its way and thoso photos were all silver. Oh boy! . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@daydreamin I think you gave a wrong link. That one is just some random shopping photo. Can you give the People magazine link.

daydreamin said...

For @JAK or anyone who is interested, here is a terrific treasure trove of links to Adam's concerts, interviews, TV, etc from over the years in one place:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Trying this again. Here is the link to Adam in People for Sexiest Man Alive at #14 on the list:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

I just the VH1 lineup from last year and there were a bunch of duets. Let's hope Adam gets a duet. Gee wouldn't that be great if Christina put in an appearance and gave Adam his dream of doing a duet with her?

daydreamin said...

Britanni Johnson ‏@BritanniJohnson
Met @adamlambert tonight, seriously sooo handsome and nice. Have fun at your show!
21 min ago

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - thanks for the link to the Sexiest Man Alive site. Geez, there are only 2 sexy men on that site and of course, one of them is Adam LAMBERT.

Anonymous said...

Definitely black hair for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Whatever colour he has this man can handle everything like his freaking lovable voice indeed!!:):)

No worries about it he!he!


Anonymous said...

that pic in people is ok but there are so many more beautiful ones that have a better facial pose....

Anonymous said...

I totally prefer the dark brooding look but when his hair was silver/grey he dressed accordingly to set off the lighter hair colour. I love Adam's beautiful suits, footwear and jewelry all very expensive, always perfect for the occasion and with his own brand of edginess. Can't wait to see what he will be wearing for the SA concerts......probably some sort of leather which must be so hot on stage. Also, glad to hear there will be dancers and hopefully Adam will show off his dance moves too. So much to look forward to.....


Anonymous said...

The Silver was so darn classy and so Adam. Just stunning! There again the black beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think that pic of Adam on the Sexiest Man thing is horrible. So out-dated and squinty. If I wasn't a fan and didn't know him, I'd go YUCK! I wish they'd show a current, more accurate picture of how he really looks. I wish they'd change the picture. Love the Best Style Switch mention. It's great that he's included in so many things with other stars.
I love Adam with black hair the best, esp. with a few color tips. The silver gray was fun for a while, though. You can bet that he will change his hair again and get us all riled up!


HK fan said...

photo of Adam at Danielles show last night

more info about night out, scroll down to tweetbeat

most stylish dude of 2012 nominee on MTV

HK fan said...

vh1 interview

Anonymous said...

That People Mag thing is great!! Thanks for info/tip daydreamin!

Anonymous said...

I met Adam in person when he had his Platinum Chrome hair, he looked stunning and his eyes are just beautiful, he was very sweet when I spoke to him.

Anonymous said...

I like the silver hair and the played down eye makeup the best of all his looks.

Anonymous said...

@9:15 I liked the silvery blonde hair too. I also like brownish hair.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's just celebrate that ADAM is included in People's list though it may not be a good or even a sexy photo.
But I noticed People didn't actually choose better pictures of these supposedly all sexy men.
All were bad especially that of Robert Downey showing all his wrinkles.
I begrudge though that Levine's was the best photo of him I've seen so far, he didn't have that miserable countenance which is his stamp.


Anonymous said...

Adam is so vain, constantly changing his hair, his make-up, I wonder how long it takes him to get ready before going out properly hours.

Anonymous said...

Weird olive green eyes in picture on left!

Anonymous said...

@11:10 - shouldnt you be on a Kris Allen site. Or is there one? Also learn to spell - probably.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I don't think of Adam as vain, just experimental! ...
He has said many times he likes to "Change it up!" He has a low threshold for hum-drum ho-hum style. I can understand that so well. In the long ago far away days of my youth I was brave and among friends wore some pretty far out creations...I was lucky I had a mother who could make anything, copy any designer special or make a pattern of something I drew...and she had access to fabrics from all over the world. I wore a pink and gold jeweled sari to Jr. Prom! I wore leiderhosen and alpine cap to Homecoming game....Now that crazy girl only dresses up for family's expected of me and I love planning my "knock 'em dead (laughing) surprises". This Thanksgiving...turkey feet!

Bring on the clowns!

daydreamin said...

I agree that the People photo was not a good one. They should have used this one IMO:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin....that's my absolute favorite photo of all time of our boy. It's in my favorites and I 'visit' it frequently. I really want to give him a hug...strictly maternal!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to 'tag'...that's me being maternal...JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK - just read that Pres. Obama won your state of Florida. Know how happy this made you. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes if we could just ditch Governor Scott my joy would be complete. After attempting and in some cases succeeding to hamper black and hispanic voting, he is expressing a reluctant, "Well maybe we need to look into the difficulties of voting." He's sooo surprised that we are a national laughing stock!
.........JAK.....give me strength!

Anonymous said...

JAK - You're revisiting the turkey feet from last year? I thought you were edgy and new. lol