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Adam Lambert Had Thai Massage in Guangzhou, China and A Staff Uploaded His Receipt!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Anonymous said...

If you're that upset, why are you posting all these here??

Anonymous said...

you can't trust a soul.

Anonymous said...

It's Albert, not Albeet

Personally, I'd prefer to not be told this stuff. This should be private for Adam.

lorraine said...

And so it begins.....I hope Adam realizes he DOES need security wherever he goes.I want him to keep safe-and happy.

Anonymous said...

Whole thing sounds fishy. Would a posh hotel which Adam would have booked into, not have some sort of safeguard against this kind of manipulation? I've stayed in one of those Guangzhou 5-star hotels and for Adam would have been of a higher grade with proper security, etiquette. Publishing someone's receipts, with fake name or not, seems pretty out-of-line and downgrades the image of the hotel. Not quite buying into the whole thing. In any case this is also an invasion of Adam's privacy...distasteful.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear! They shouldn't do that!

Fake or not this is not acceptable indeed!


Anonymous said...

I worry about the mentality of the people who spread this kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the person who did this should be severely reprimanded -- total breach of confidentiality. And did anyone catch that his written last name "Mada" is ADAM spelled backward??!! Clever man!

Anonymous said...

this sounds kind of fishy to me too. would a massage ever cost that much?

Anonymous said...

the last name ALbert for Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see anybody fired but job reassignments are in order.

Anonymous said...

And if you are so concerned about Adam, stop giving away his secret name.
Get some freaking security for this guy!!!
So RUDE to post this shit!!!

glitzylady said...

If true, this is such a major breach of security by the hotel. And the masseuse. I can't imagine this happening in 5 star hotels that host celebs. A couple of years ago, my husband and I stayed at a secluded Oahu hotel that is well known for being a place the rich and famous stay (I'm neither..we got a super good deal and stayed in the least expensive room..and we were celebrating a birthday...Oh and Adam was doing two shows in Honolulu: such a coincidence! LOL!) Anywaaaay....after chatting with a waiter in one of the restaurants in the hotel, he said all of the staff had to sign a statement that they would not discuss anyone who was staying there. If they divulged anything, they would be fired.We were having breakfast one morning and noticed an actor sitting near us. We asked our friendly waiter if that was him, and he said he couldn't say. Even tho it was obvious. Hilary Clinton was staying there and hosting a morning meeting for some government VIP's from Japan. The hotel sent us a letter saying that we might not be able to leave the hotel for awhile in the morning because of an "event"..and they apologized for any inconvenience. We deduced what was happening because we saw the event later on the news. This hotel (The Kahana) knew how to take care of their guest's privacy. Apparently this one in China perhaps hasn't learned that lesson. Very bad business.....

Anonymous said...

I was like man that must have been on great massage until I realized the price was in yauns.

glitzylady said...

And by the way...OH TO BE THE MASSEUSE!!!!! DAMN!!!!!! EEEKK!!!!!! I would be completely discrete of course..and certainly wouldn't be posting the damn receipt for all to see. But OMG! Just think about it...Whoa......

Anonymous said...

Would she get into trouble by the Chinese government if they find out? This is such a distasteful act. And yuck she massaged our rock god. I don't know about Adam but I need to take a shower just reading these tweets. Such a dirty act. YUCK!!!

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady that would certainly be awesome to get yours/my hands on that bod! I hope somebody gets fired there. I find it hard to believe an employee would go to those lengths by posting a receipt!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - do you perhaps mean the Kahala hotel in Oahu? I was there too with my daughter for the Adam concerts!! Simply loved everything about that hotel/resort, but have to say seeing Adam (in the 2nd row and center stage!!) was the cherry on the cake! Yum -

daydreamin said...

My $converter says that was a $125 massage ( U.S. dollars).

Anonymous said...

Well you can be sure Adam would be pissed off.

Anonymous said...

Adam's security is upmost importance and any decent 5 star hotel worldwide knows how to handle confidentiality so if there has been a breach then this is riduculous and unforgivable. There have been many moments that people have greatly cheated when it comes to Adam and some I have seen myself. Makes you loose faith in human nature!

Anonymous said...

Adam should make the hotel pay for all of his expenses and sue them.

funbunn40 said...

I don't even see the point in printing a copy of the receipt. It's really invasive and can compromise Adam's safety with the room number made public. The doorman should be fired as well as the employee that published the copy of the receipt. Wonder what the fans did and if they bothered Adam. Hope he stays safe and he'll need to have more security. There also is a threat for his safety in countries that consider homosexuality a crime.

glitzylady said...

Ooops!!! Yes, the Kahala...Gorgeous location...Loved it so much! Too bad we didn't know each other then :) I was in the balcony the first night, and fourth row center second night...I was probably staring at the back of your head the whole concert! Well, except when my eyes were glued to Adam! Which was 99.9% of the time. Did you go to the after party at Hula's by any chance?? Such a small world when it comes to Adam...

Anonymous said...

I suppose we should be more concerned if he wasn't recognized. Not condoning this breech but he is becoming more recognizable every day. Stardom is a double edged sword. The Dark Side

glitzylady said...

Thankfully the room number on the receipt was fake according to the tweets. As someone said: smart Adam for not listing his actual room number. No doubt he would have been moved to a different room if his room # was actually made public. And yes, absolutely the doorman should be fired, or at least severely reprimanded, for telling fans his floor number. Such a major security and personal privacy breach. Inexcusable and unbelievable. I personally love hotels that have doors to stairwells and elevators that are operable/accessible only with a registered guest's keycard. It wouldn't completely stop fans from trying to find him (they could be registered guests for instance..), but it would certainly help. Some hotels also have VIP/"Club" floors that are accessible only to those who are staying in them..That said, I suspect he has good personal security. Seems I heard that he has an entourage with him on this trip. Hoping several of those are security people. Big burley security people. :))

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady,Thanks for sharing your experience that should be a benchmark in any fine hotel. My dad was in a position where he was in contact with celebs on a daily basis managing country clubs and in the 1940s was a dining car steward on the City of Los Angeles railroad from Chicago to LA taking 3 days each way of travel with the most famous movie stars of the day.I have to admit eavesdropping when he related a few tidbits to my mom when they were alone in the living room. Great care was taken to protect these celebs privacy, however. I have taken care of a few in my nursing career also, thankfully with never a breach in my hospital and later in a surgical group, but unfortunately there are human beings employed in the finest facility that can breach ethics. Bribes are also a problem, as what may have been the case with the 3 fans and the doorman. I can only hope that Adam's safety and privacy won't be compromised in the future.

funbunn40 said...

@ daydreamin, you are so resourceful! Interesting to know! I would pay Adam 125,000.(if I had it to spend,lol) to give him a massage!

Anonymous said...

This is a breech of Adam's privacy and likely alias. @glam_alidol should not have shared the cropped version either. I know it is all over the internet now but I don't think the pics and links should be posted on this site. Damage is done but I want no part in adding to it.

Anonymous said...

Thai massage is clothed:
This form of bodywork is usually performed on the floor, and the client wears comfortable clothes that allow for movement.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - this is LL again: yes, it's a small world when it comes to Adam. I remember thinking Adam might actually be staying at the Kahala since, as you said, it it known for having many famous celebrities and dignitaries. Believe me, we kept a lookout the whole time ... til we found he was staying somewhere else. boo. No, didn't go to the after party - my daughter's a fan but wasn't willing to go with me to be around 'really crazed Adam fans'! Ha!

daydreamin said...

Thank you @Funnbunn40. I wouldn't care if he was clothed or not :0

funbunn40 said...

@daydreamin, Preferably not! haha Tough to work those muscles with oil thru' clothing!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Bitch should be fired! End of story!

Anonymous said...

Time for extra security for Adam.
This kind of mess up should never happen and those responsible should be pulled over the coals on this one. Especially as it's a 5 star hotel! Pretty darn shameful.
Someone needs to teach them some ethics.

Anonymous said...

It's terrible what some people do , this staff member should know better ... But people dont hink .... I work in a hospital where we are bound by very strict hippa rules... but even with all that ever once in a while u hear about some idiot posting a pic of some thing they thought was funny on Facebook or else where .... needless to say they're no longer with us.....hope Adam is careful there's a nut on ever corner these days.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

My daughter was a manager at Drury Inn, and yes it was a good Hotel not 5 star, but one of the Bettet one's. She worked in Austin Texas and on New Mexico. aha started after high school, worked there for over 12 year's, she was a G..M. General manager. She just recently quit to come back to Texas and is a manger of a Chili's in Houston. They did have some cleb's there and foot ball player's ect, not lots hotel's in Las Cruces NM. Trust me if this had happened there they would have been fired. They did not have door Men not that fancy, but it was nice! Turn over's in the Hotel business goes against a manger's record, and can result in a smaller bonus. So they do not like to fire if can be avoided! But at least a strong reprimand, or signed to different job. But something like a doorman letting people up to floor, or room and the receipt thing is way out of line! Sue!

Anonymous said...

My grandson could retire at 24 with the bribes he's been offered by paps to spill info on celeb guests at his hotel...he's a good boy, keeps his lips zipped!

Besides with the tips he gets, he's living high in NYC this week going to plays and today he's been blowing up the giant balloons for the Macy's parade tomorrow. Sure hope they show the Rubik's cube balloon on TV so I get a peek at him holding on to a rope!

He's a nutty kid!........JAK

Anonymous said...


Will watch out for your grandson.
Hope Rubik's cube is shown plus him.
He's very tall, right?


Anonymous said...

@ xyz....yes, he's 6'5"....unless the temp. in the 30's has shrunken him! He's a Florida boy and is freezing his ........well. you know! We are getting a continuous stream of texts and photos of his adventures. We worry cause he has no fear and of course as parents and grandparents of one child (he's still our little boy) we are over protective. He sent a text and photo from a subway car that said "oooooo scary subway!" He thinks he's funny.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, no luck, I didn't get to see the Rubik's cube.
Your grandson thinks he's funny because he must have your genes!
Love always your humor in your posts.
