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Adam Lambert Shares His First Keek Video! "Let's get Keeky"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 10, 2012

Adam Lambert joined Keek and shares his first Keek video!

Nov 9, 2012 | by AdamLambert on


Anonymous said...

VH1 Save The Music ‏@vh1savethemusic
Only 100 tickets left for the VH1 Divas Dance Party with host @AdamLambert! Get them today at
Retweeted by shoshanna stone

Anonymous said...

Join Keek and follow Adam to watch his upcoming videos:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of when Adam used to post those confessional videos while he was on Idol. I joined the site with my facebook. I believe you can join with twitter and other social sites.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've heard of Keek and I was surprised when I read that it was developed in my home city of Toronto. I just emailed my Techwyse son ( also name of Company he works for) to let him know about my new discovery. I feel so cool!


Anonymous said...

My favorite eye makeup on Adam for stage is what he wore at the Arizona State Fair, the bright shadow interplay with dark in perfect harmony to play up the most gorgeous eyes of any man, hands down. Makeup is an art and in this case, it really made his eyes sultry, and on stage, that effect is so entrancing. My pet peeve is where the inner corners of the eyes are rimmed, rather than just the middle to outer corners. Adam's eyes are naturally beautiful, with or without enhancements. It's his eyes we want to see, not distracting eye makeup. Otherwise, his message may get lost in the embellishments. The operative word "may" does not apply to Adam; I will follow him to Keek, Twitter, etc. to the end of the cyberworld.

Anonymous said...

ur crazy gay lambert- too much make-up omg

Anonymous said...

ok I am an official member of Keek, thanks for the link above 8:34. Since I have started following Adam I have joined Fb., Twitter, Keek, Spotify and have Adam playlists. So glad I became a fan of his, I notice even his haters can't stay away from him. Haaaahaa

Anonymous said...

I too ,am now a member of Adam's I just made up that name. I have enjoyed joining all these sites except for that Ping on iTunes.They changed my user name w/o my permission so I don't follow it anymore.

Anonymous said...

@9:57 AM,

Yes he is so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

He wears too much makeup!!!

What's for you ha?!!:)

Just jealous because he is more beautiful than you eh:)))


Anonymous said...

I just joined Keek too...I can't miss any opportunity to follow Adam! So since I found Adam that fateful day of the Idol Auditions in 2009, I've now joined FB, Twitter, Spotify (to stream his music) Pandora and now Keek. My kids are surprised LOL!


Anonymous said...

JAK here....I will look forward to seeing Keek videos of Adam....but I'm not sending any till I lose 30 pounds and 50 years!

Anonymous said...

OK, I must be really dumb. I went to sign up for Keek. Do you have to be on Facebook? I couldn't see what to click on to sign up. I'm not on Facebook at this time. Help.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks very sweet in these Keek videos, reminds me of his earlier days with his GNT tour, hair being darker and similar eye make-up. This guy is so lucky he looks good with both blonde and dark hair, don't know how he does it.

Anonymous said...

Is this recent? Looks like two years ago.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I found the link to sign up for Keek, but no matter what I type in as my username, it tells me it's already taken. Impossible! Anyone else having a problem? Sounds like it's just me. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I really don't like too much make-up on him and I do wish he commits true to his words that that was in the past for he is beautiful au naturel.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks lovely with or without makeup, I think he looks more masculine without but on stage I love his eyes when there made up to stand out as they do.

Anonymous said...

If Adam wasn't such a brilliant performer, I think he'd make a wonderful make-up consultant or hair stylist. Can you imagine having Adam style your hair or giving you a make-over, he'd also have some great tips to share with the right sort of clothes and accessories for whatever occasion. He's really multi talented in a big way.

Anonymous said...

I thought we had moved on, but looks like we are back to Glam Nation era. Adam is a fossil.

glitzylady said...

He was slated to do a photo shoot yesterday, so probably the reason for the eye make-up, etc. I LOOOOVVVE his hair like this! ..Chances are this was filmed around that time..He looks wonderful IMO. Same hair as in the pic with Danielle at her show last night. Adam is good looking with or without make-up. No complaints from me.

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam looks, I do like the more intense look on Adam it just him, he going to do big concerts and the look reving up. Adam is Adam, no better performer out there. Did anyone think pink's video was horrible, that just my opinion, and trust me I am a Adam Lambert fan, so I am no prude, had to watch on the way to Adam being on this morning! No one need agree with me, I just thought it was a mess, 3/4 of the video's are just rolling around half dressed little talent. Adam Never Closr our eyes video, so good and that mess! Guess I am spoiled with the level of real talent, my Adam has! Sue

Anonymous said...

I did like the GNT era when it was relevant, but I don't think it's a good idea to remain there forever. It was a name of a tour that has ended two years ago. Evolve or be estinct.

Anonymous said...

Adam has moved on to A LOT of different things since GNT. Including make-up. Sure, he still uses it, but it's not the same. It's just always better.


Anonymous said...

Oh honey he not going anywhere, give it up you evolve the hell out of here. I know, I know, Sue do not feed the trolls. His Vh1 concert was announced, 2 days ago almost completely sold out. He on his way next week to two big concerts, along with many other things on his plate, he not going anywhere, except to a concert to blow them away! Sometimes he go very easy on the make up some times more intense like magazine, spreads, which someone said he just did. Does not matter whether he did or did not, I missed this look I LOVE It, I can look at plain any day of week I like my package wrapped, thank you! Either way he gorgeous, with or without, less is not always more Adam is special, I love his look. His make up look is not fossil, it's very up dated.sorry he here to stay and getting stronger everyday,there no make up that can cover up inner jealous ugly, so you are screwed. So 1.17 you do not like what you see,go look at your other plain and boring idol, or whatever, just go! I am now going to how to ignore, worthless trolls school so I can start following people advise here to ignore, if no other reason than blood pressure control! again Adam looks great, love his look, his fashion sense, but most of all what counts, above all is that magnificent voice! If you want boring, he just not the artist for you, and there plenty past idols will fill that bill, go follow them!

Anonymous said...

DRG I need to get level headed lessons, from you and few others here, I just do I have to stop wasting my time on these, trolls, and certainly looser's like PH How on this earth can there be such a sweet, generous talented man like Adam and on the same earth be so many mean loosers, sometimes as old as I am I do not understand such deversity, be lot better place if more Adam's, no such luck! Sue

lorraine said...

@JAK---You have me, as usual, cracking up, as I sit here at my computer. Good thing my husband is at his orchestra rehearsal {he plays 2nd violin in our community orchestra]And he would surely think I've gone totally bonkers because I just can't stop laughing. Your "30 pounds 50 years" comment remind me of the thoughts I had before I went outside to hopefully meet Adam after one of his concerts here in San Diego. When the time actually came, Adam was so mesmerizing to look at that he actually makes you forget that you aren't a cute, adorable 17 year-old anymore!
By the way, everything about you is cute and adorable---and Adam would definitely see that about you!Thank you for the much needed laughter, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not going home
Its not over.."

Faithless - I'm Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix)


Anonymous said...

Well, I finally re-discovered by brain and was able to sign up for Keek. Guess I'm not as dumb as I thought. Just had to find a REALLY weird username. Keek should be fun! So much to look forward to in the coming weeks and months.
JAK, you're a riot. I'm on the same page with you for just about everything. You may think you've got too much weight and too many years, but you know what Adam would say? "It's all good. Be who you are. It's ok with me." or something like that.


Anonymous said...

@12:50 looks like you have nothing better than to go from thread to thread leaving your stupid comments. Shouldnt you be on Chris Browns website?

HK fan said...

I love the Adam with eye makeup on, and miss the eyeliner when he doesn't wear it for a while.

Only thing I don't like is when he wears too much foundation and looks as though he's been tangoed....but he hasn't done that for a while.

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine and DRG.....JAK here

I don't suppose I could fake him out with my Parade Magazine cover from the 50', the fact that I had on a tacky fuschia swim cap of big rubber flowers...doing my best to look like Esther Williams would give it away...or the tacky Chamber of Commerce postcards attempting to lure people to sunny Florida with me striking extremely corny poses playing with a giant beach ball, though one piece swimsuits are making a slight comeback! Ah memories....oh well, maybe he likes chubby old grandmas with blue eyes and white fluffy hair...and a cane! In fact several, copper or blue to match my jeans. A girl has to stay fashionable!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea funny good here, that what it should be about joy, laughter, and support of Adam. Think we all would like to loose a few years and a few pounds here, extra baggage who needs it! But be happy and support our boy, again love his make up! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have a pretty copper cane! Too! Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK I wish I knew you. Are you always witty and UP?

Anonymous said...

JAK, I'd love to see your Parade magazine cover from the '50s. Sounds very hubba hubba! You sound like you've lived a very interesting life. And, like me, I'll bet you never dreamed you'd fall in love with a young, gay man who is so full of heart and talent and courage that he is bursting at the seams. I never dreamed I would either, but it happened to me, too.


Anonymous said...

KEEKBERT here. :)

lorraine said...

JAK and DRG I love having you to connect with on this site! You are full of joy and wit---a great combination to be a part of Adam's world. And--DRG you are so right . I never would have dreamed I would fall hopelessly in love with our Adam-"a young gay man so full of heart, talent and courage that he is bursting at the seams"-so beautifully worded XO

daydreamin said...

Count me in on being one who also fell for Adam completely and utterly unexpectedly. One of the best things about it is meeting so many new friends!!

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine and DRG...JAK here

I've had lots of adventures in my life and I treasure them more than a chest of gold. They are all locked away in my memory waiting to be brought out and relived and enjoyed again and again. I passed that on to my girls and my grandson. Never pass up an adventure. He emailed me several times lately with photos of him with Universal Studios full ZOMBIE
make up...he's like Adam...Halloween is his holiday.
Next gig at Universal is for Christmas, he's going to be a WHO !
Probably too tall to play the Grinch! He's going to be 25 in January but inside he's 14! Always happy and excited about life...that was the quality I recognized in Adam and thought, "he's like my Jamie!"
Blessed boys.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and is a super fan, however, I also agree that the eye make up distracts from the message. He's a natural beauty and the organic look looks better on him. It would be great if he had a reality show camera following him, that way he'll make a boat load of money and we the fan would get to see him on television. He's not on Idol anymore, he's a Star, and his time is money.

lorraine said...

JAK-you and your Jamie are blessed to have each other. He truly sounds like the joy of your life. My grandson is Dashiell-and he is only 4-but he already knows that Adam lights up my world {almost as much as he does!} and it melts my heart when he tries so hard to sing What Do You Want From Me? with me. Not an easy one for a little guy to sing!!!!What lucky ladies we are.....

Anonymous said...

I love coming to this site, if I'm feeling a little down it always lifts my spirits, some of the comments here a very funny, so thank you ladies.

As for Adam, I love seeing all his different looks for me this is what makes him so very interesting. I think make-up makes Adam look more pretty and is great, but I also love the minimal look as it makes him look more handsome in a masculine way. My favourite look was when Adam performed at the Royal Albert Hall with minimal make-up and a lovely blue blazer jacket with white shirt and tie, he looked very classy, but I also love the edgy look too, he's so versitile.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one stop shopping...if you want pretty and glam..he can do it. If you want fresh faced and boyish...he can do it. Fierce with a hint of danger..he can do it. Full on seduction..he etc etc.
Shy sideways half smile..he " ".
Serious and intent..he " ".
Smouldering eye sex..oh yeah.." ".

But the shop is not open! I left out the "Oh, look, someone gave me a present face of joy when he looks at Sauli! ........ JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, you said it, girl!

Anonymous said...

JAK.. I agree with you, I'm so glad Adam has Sauli in his life, it's so obvious how much they care for each other and although Adam is a sexy devil and knows how to be charming, charismatic, it's not hard to tell who his true love is. I hope they both stay together for many years to come, but it doesn't hurt a girl to have the occasional fantasy, like wishing she was 50 years younger or 30 pounds lighter:) 'Oh' to be young again, but we can still enjoy Adam with all his charm and wonderful artistry.

Anonymous said...

In the words of so many, "I love Adam because he reminds me of my Grand Son". Yeah, I bet :) Let's be honest ladies, Adam is a sexy beast.

Anonymous said...

JAK, Whatever you do don't go on Keek to talk to Adam, we don't want our boy to be frightened and run the other way, we may never see him again, hehe:)

Anonymous said...

let's get kinky!!!! what??????

Anonymous said...

Keek? as long as it isn't Geek

Anonymous said...

Yeah! let's get Kinky with Adam, I like that:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is one grandmother short, I just want to apply for the position. Though I am not Jewish I've been told (by my children) I have many of the necessary qualifications...guilt, worry, overwhelming interest in their lives, I like to feed people, I am acquainted with uber mother love and I have a beautiful menorah which we light was a first year of marriage gift from my husband who 'does' theme was his 'gifts from different countries of the world' Christmas.......I am grandmother material and I could supply a glowing reference from my one and only.......Vote for me!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot....I'm a fanatic cookie baker, I have a kitchen counter full of a wide assortment cooling at the moment. DTA of houseguests 1 hour....nothing says welcome like a house that smells like cookies and an apple pie with crumb top crust!!!!!........JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, I give up. Can I just move in with you?

I could never be Adam's grandmother. I'd just keep wantingn to jump his bones.


HK fan said...

I have never had a grandparent before, can you be mine??????

Jadam NZ said...

JAK, DRG and Lorraine, I have been reading your comments and laughing away to myself. You all sound like a combination of myself. As JAK knows I have 5 beautiful Grandsons the oldest is turning 16 on Friday a darling boy I love him to bits.
I laughed especially JAK when you said about taking an interest in their life, it is hard to keep that fine line between being nosey and being interested.
My lot all love baking day at Grandmas to. I give most of it away to them. I am a funloving 66 year old reasonably modern looking normal Grandma, that is why I am so surprised by the effect Adam has had on me.
I am so happy the way things are shaping up for Adam in the next few months. I say BLAH to radio, who needs Ya!
Great thread, lets keep it up.
Sue I also love reading your passionate comments to, you write exactly whats in your heart, who cares about a few typos or spelling mistakes, we know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....resting in my room, it wasn't too difficult to convince houseguests to do likewise..we've talked ourselves hoarse.

@ DRG..I do not take in boarders, but do come and be a houseguest...I will give you the PLAYROOM...all women prefer it. It's a step back to childhood. Sunny yellow walls with pink and blue floral wallpaper. Sheer yellow curtains so the room glows butter yellow. Quilt on bed with eyelet shams and bed ruffle. Four large reproductions from Fairytale
illustrations on the walls. 2 snuggly furry stuffed bears and a puppy with a pink sweater. Bookcase full of Little Women, Little Men, Heidi, VHS tapes of MGM musicals and BBC Austen and Bronte and Dickens classics. Chest full of my grandson's hand puppets, marionettes, matchbox cars, his purple Barney the dinosaur and hundreds of Legos Just to prove how eager I was to be a Grandma, there is a Wedgewood Peter Rabbit tea set I bought when I was in England a week after my daughter told me she was engaged!
I anticipated a grandchild but had to wait 6 long years before that baby was born.

I only cook one meal a day but the kitchen is available to guests 24/7......come on down!

Anonymous said...

HKfan.....No grandparents? Well, be prepared we will have to start from scratch. It will be a long course but I will teach you everything you need to know about the relationship! Be ready for intensive spoiling!....JAK

@ Jadam NZ........ you are so lucky!

HK fan said...

JAK....looking forward to it:)

when I first saw your PLAYROOM in capitals, I had this brief image of 50shades of Grey...then saw your description.....must say your playroom sounds much nicer!

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