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Adam Lambert Shows Off His New Tattoo!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam, please tweet about Friday's gig at the MAMA awards. B.o.B. is already tweeting about his performance there saying that there will be more than a billion viewers!!!!

Anonymous said...

whoa that is some complicated ink.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I really love this one. A work of art. Looks really good on Adams shoulder.

Anonymous said...

YIKES ! That is close to being the ugliest thing I've ever seen!
Keep your jacket on Adam......JAK

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam is going for a sleeve, I see. I'm sure he'll add and add as he sees fit. Can't say I love it, but it means something to him, so there you go. Yes, I wish Adam would do a promo-tweet or two about the concert on Friday. Maybe he will soon.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam following Glee and Jane Lynch and Adele. Hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Tattoos are great at 30...but later in life.........

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against that tattoo but I don't really like the idea of Adam and Sauli both having a sleeve. I'd much rather have Adam get tattoos all over his body. x)

Anonymous said...

I do not like tats and I was fine with them when it was on the underside but now, too visible. Sad about it. Yes, it is his life but I wish he wouldn't do what his friends do. Bad influences. Now with acting gigs, they have to cover up once was a beautiful arm. Geez, please stop Adam. Please.

Anonymous said...

11:16 hey be nice I am cough cough years old and my tat still looks decent and I still enjoy it after all these years. lol

Anonymous said...

So you prefer one here and one there...a mix up? I rather see a cohesive piece of art like both our guys now have:)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam started his tats before Idol.

Anonymous said...

11:21 yes I'd rather see art like this. Adam's arms were starting to look like a bulletin board to me.

Anonymous said...

Young guys think there sexy, but I loved Adam's arms as they were nice and natural looking with his cute little freckles.

Anonymous said...

Tats and freckles!

Anonymous said...

Sorry . . .don't like tatoos

glitzylady said...

Everyone is entitled to an opinion about tattoos but I think Adam is also entitled to do whatever he wants to when it comes to his body in regard to tattoos. I wouldn't want to see him with any facial tattoos to cover up his beautiful face..but seems anywhere else is fair game.. His body, his vision of how he wants to express himself...I think this tattoo is his best one yet..but that's just me...I've seen some beautiful sleeve tats lately on younger people in particular. We just need to realize that its very common now.. When I was his age (hahaha! Old enough to be his mom and all...) no one got tattoos..or they were very small and hidden. Now very very common. My son has 2 smallish ones so far, and he's Adam's age. His wife has some as well.. Self expression. I'm not a fan of the skill and crossbones type tattoos on anyone.. Or hateful sayings, etc..but beyond that, I personally think its up to the person. Just for the record..I'm a big chicken, not into pain, and have no tattoos..yet...

Anonymous said...

So I´m glad that Adam owns his skin! He can do whatever he chooses with it:)

Anonymous said...

I am Libra rising and I say "STOP" enough with tatoos...I don't find them sexy or anything . . . be sure to wear a shirt when singing . . . your voice is what does it for me . . .don't want to be looking at ugly tatoos....

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady I agree. If Adam loves it who are we to judge. Having an opinion is fine,Adam is going to do what Adam wants and I am fine with that!

Anonymous said...

Adam said it. Adams chart - "Aquarius SUN ,Libra rising, Aries moon . All three are represented ." Adam -Aquarius . Tommy Joe-Libra . Sauli -Aries . Interesting . But then Adam always is.

Anonymous said...

It looks like vomiting ram!Yak!Gross! I don't think that Adam is good with astrology design

Anonymous said...

Oh crap!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady is right, young people are doing this now, first it was body piercing and now tatoos, my 2 sons have them and as much as I tried to talk them out of it, because their adults I had no hope. Adam has his reasons so we should respect that.

Anonymous said...

Why are the eyes different?

It looks like one of the gargoyles atop Notre Dame in Paris.

All I can say is - not the face Adam, please not the face! -o-

Anonymous said...

I think isn't such smart person as we want him to be. I thiink he doesn't have enough brain ability to relise what is he doing with his body. This tattoo is discussing.

Anonymous said...

It's not exactly a new fad. Primitive man had piercings and body tattoos as part of their culture. That is before civilized society. We are regressing. I find that depressing, but legal.
I would prefer they be covered when he performs, they are distracting and this one is hideous.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:07 pm It's not discussing, it's disgusting!

Anonymous said...

I want to know when Adam relised that this creature has different eyes! I don't think it was designed like this!HAHAHA

glitzylady said...

Some thoughts on Adam's new Tattoo:
I've been thinking about this new tattoo, as we all have ;))) , and I'm thinking its not just WATER (Aquarius=Water sign) coming out of the mouth..(no, not vomit..geez!! Ugh..) I am seeing what also looks to represent FIRE and AIR.. Adam's sign included Libra and Aries. The usual sign of Libra includes scales, meaning "Balance" perhaps "Equality" among other things..and its an "Air" sign, so I wonder if the elements coming out of his mouth also includes Air (Wind and also, in Adam's case, my interpretation: Song, Music ) and Fire (Fierce Passion) addition to Water (Aquarius..Water bearer..Perhaps signifying Life as well..) By the way, Aries is a Fire (Sun) sign..Of course the Aries is also represented here by the Ram horns...Still thinking about the rest of the symbolism...Adam always thinks and feels very deeply about I suspect this tattoo is no exception. He'll no doubt explain this further sometime soon.. Great Twitter party questions!!! Just gotta love him!!!

Anonymous said...

That's one big ass... bad ass tat....Im a fan of all things different and I love it .... hope he goes sleeveless more now... I love that too..... rose petal

Anonymous said...

The man can sing his ass off with tattoos or no tattoos...don´t bother or distract me while he´s performing...I´ll be staring his face most of the time feel different if he has tats on his face:D...but he´ll still sound amazing and that is what counts right...

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of tattoos (afraid of what it'll do to the skin etc.) but I respect Adam's opinion of how he wants to express himself. I have to admit this one is beautiful and intricate in its' own way. Rather large tho! What I don't understand is the part that is 'Pagan'? Does anyone know which part of the tat represents that? And why would he need 'Pagan' represented? Just wondering, not judging :)


Anonymous said...

I don't mind a few tats but not too many. At the same time I find some of the comments posted here extremely disrespectful towards Adam. Adam is simply doing what most young people at his age do. It is no longer considered fashionable to have one or two tats, this is now very out-dated. Given that Adam loves fashion, I'm not surprised to see him doing this, I'm sure he'd say something like "it's just rock & roll". It's the cool thing to do. Each generation have their fads, get with it people you don't expect Adam to get up on stage looking like a choir boy, he's a Rock God, please show him the love and respect he deserves. No one says you have to like them but please don't insult him.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:14 PM
I would imagine Adam designed the eyes that way for a reason. The Tattoo artist that did this is supposedly one of the best in Hong Kong..and is rather famous.. And would not make a mistake when copying the design that Adam wanted replicated on his arm and shoulder. There is no doubt some very specific symbolism there. Adam will eventually tell us the "why" of the unmatching eyes.. And the rest of it..In due time...I'm sure he's enjoying the speculation for now!

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't young boy . He is 30 years old. But who cares about tattoos? Hopefully he will not tattoo his forehead :D

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of tattoos but since Adam I have come to like them and this one is awesome just like Adam

glitzylady said...

Adam is spiritual, not religious per se. We'll have to get him to explain the "Pagan" parts of his new Tattoo.."Pagan" is an all-encompassing term...: A whole LOT of possibilities here!!!!

Paganism (From Wikipedia)

Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic" is a blanket term typically used to refer to religious traditions which are polytheistic or indigenous.
It is primarily used in a historical context, Greco-Roman polytheism as well as the polytheistic traditions of Europe and North Africa before Christianization. In a wider sense, extended to contemporary religions, it includes most of the Eastern religions and the indigenous traditions of the Americas, Central Asia, Australia and Africa; as well as non-Abrahamic folk religion in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of Pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology, which informs religious practice.
Ethnologists often avoid the term "pagan," with its uncertain and varied meanings, in referring to traditional or historic faiths, preferring more precise categories such as polytheism, shamanism, pantheism, or animism.
In the late 20th century, "Paganism", or "Neopaganism", became widely used in reference to adherents of various New Religious Movements including Wicca. As such, various modern scholars have begun to apply the term to three groups of separate faiths: Historical Polytheism (such as Celtic polytheism, Norse Paganism, the Cultus Deorum Romanorum and Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism also called Hellenismos), Folk/ethnic/Indigenous religions (such as Chinese folk religion and African traditional religion), and Neopaganism (such as Wicca and Neo-Druidism).

Anonymous said...

There is a hugh difference between am arm tattoo and a face tattoo. This is an amazing piece and I think it will work beautifully to tie in the lower tattoo's to construct the full sleeve and build continuity. Adam say's he wants a full sleve and this art is the coolest yet. In the coming years it will be interesting to see the final result. As an artist, I think it would be fun to see more color, like Sauli's tattoo's, but it's Adam's vision.


Anonymous said...

The more I look at the new tattoo, the more I like it:) I too think that this is an opening for a full sleeve...find it cool and interesting to find out the rest:)

Anonymous said...

I believe the right eye is slightly different than the left because it depicts Buddhism and the man himself as seen in much of the ancient artwork. Just a thougt.


Anonymous said...

Man, my spelling this afternoon! Sorry for the typo's. ha. laura

Anonymous said...

All that matters is that Adam likes it! I have a small rose on my ankle I had done 23 years ago...


tess4ADAM said...

ADAM's new tattoo is interesting as well as thought provoking ... I agree ... but I don't think ADAM had any religion in mind when he decided to get it. This has to have a different meaning ... IMO. However ... wouldn't it be more to ADAM's advantage for us to be voting at the polls & requesting his music/songs as much as possible on the radio INSTEAD of dissecting & disrespecting everything ADAM decides to do in his personal life? Sorry ... that's JMHO ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I love it! It's beautiful! Makes me wanna go to ink shop and get myself couple of nice art work on my arm. He'll show off his arm more. Less layers of clothing on Adam. YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

I love it! It's beautiful! Makes me wanna go to ink shop and get myself couple of nice art work on my arm. He'll show off his arm more. Less layers of clothing on Adam. YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

Not crazy about tats on anyone, however have to admit the guy that did this is very talented. Have a feeling Adam waited to go to this person to get this done. Bet it cost a bunch and took a few hours to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you tess. That dicussing lady better relize she needs to get a life or we'll sic JB on her. lol

glitzylady said...

Okay, ONE last thought then I'm off to Real Life..

Another way of looking at the eyes is representative of the Cycle of Life...The eye on the right is young and clear, looking straight ahead, forward to the future. The one on the left could represent maturity, old age..and perhaps poor vision, and looking back at previously lived life, with the implication of wisdom..and introspection..

Sorry, its just so interesting.... : )))

Anonymous said...

I bet Leila is not a fan of large tattoos on Adam. But if you tell Adam NO enuff times he will do it regardless. I think his smaller tattoos were for testing his skin, he has rather light delicate skin, and wouldn't start with a huge one.
He probably loves Sauli's sleeve, which was a gift when he won BB. I would imagine that Adams cost a pretty penny. I never thought Adam would sit through that much pain, wonder if they deaden the skin first. It's too late to care about it now, it is what it is, and will remain for the rest of his life. I always thought it was a fad in the 40' and 50' for sailors to always have a tattoo.

Anonymous said...

The eyes are like male eye on one side and female eye on the other. Represent equality.

Who designed this art work? Was it something Adam had somebody to draw it for him?

Anonymous said...

I really like the uniqueness of this tat--so Adam. I doubt he will ink his face. He knows that part of his bread and butter. My grandson was saying he wants a sleeve but you start talking at a $1000 so this is no longer just a fad it's big business. Btw Adams vision is always on some deep spiritual level. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Tattoos are meaningful and not taken lightly and such is this with Adam. Personally, I reckon he should do whatever he wants and he will anyway. SO tired of moaners on the thread. You don't like tats then don't have one and leave it to those who appreciate them.

Anonymous said...


Adam dear u don't have any excuses anymore when I say take off your jacket he!he!

Bring it on sexy!!!! As long as they clean the tools to use for my Adam I'm with uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!:)

Rock n' Roll

I don't like tattoo but for him, it's his business and happiness indeed:)


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that all people as they age have lost their vision or have lost the beauty in their eyes, I don't mean to sound as if I'm boasting but my eyes are still my best asset, and my mother even when in her eighties still had a touch of beauty to her. It's all in the way we take care of ourselves, plus the right application of make-up, and having a fresh modern hairstyle plus clothing can all make a world of difference. I know many older people who have aged gracefully and along with gathering wisdom, have managed to look lovely.

Anonymous said...

spellcheck needed by some irritating posters. by irritating I mean rude and/or negative.

Anonymous said...

My post above @1:54 PM is in relation to Glitzylady's post @1:33PM referring to maturity and old age.

Anonymous said...

My post above @1:54 PM is in relation to Glitzylady's post @1:33PM referring to maturity and old age.

Anonymous said...

My post above @1:54 PM is in relation to Glitzylady's post @1:33PM referring to maturity and old age.

Anonymous said...

My post above @1:54 PM is in relation to Glitzylady's post @1:33PM referring to maturity and old age.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about my mistake here, looks as if I pressed something too many times! @2:00 PM.

Anonymous said...

To all the haters, and the judgemental dimwits posting here today...

Adam is a talented SINGER, not eye-candy put here solely for your voyeuristic play-time.
Ask yourselves: If Adam was in a fiery crash tomorrow, and came out looking like that JR Martinez guy from DWTS, would you stop following him? Would you finally stop judging him and every little thing he does (oh wait, I'm sorry, it's your "opinions")? Would you stop buying his records, because he was no longer so pretty? Would he finally earn more of your respect, and would you then stop with the snarky, snipey BS remarks?

Adam is a singer folks. It doesn't matter what he says/does/changes about himself, he's a friggin SINGER. None of this changes his talented voice.

Your ridiculous crap-ass comments say EVERYTHING about YOU, and NOTHING about Adam.

@Glitzy: not sure why you keep trying to educate and uplift, but good on you. You're a better person than me.
Hope to see you sometime soon.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:54 PM
I agree with you..and I'm no spring chicken myself, as a matter of fact..What I WAS suggesting is that the eyes in his tattoo image MAY be symbolic of youth and old age, among other things. Or may have absolutely nothing do to with all. For some of us mortal humans, the vision in the PHYSICAL eye is perhaps diminished...but of course the sparkle, the beauty, of the eye, the LIFE reflected in and from the eye, which is perhaps a glimpse into the soul, is always there. I think perhaps you "heard" me too soon...and missed the part about the maturity, the introspection: ie the appreciation of a life well and honestly lived..and the knowledge and clarity of what comes from that: wisdom. I would never diminish the grace and beauty of anyone, young or old. Truly.. :)))

glitzylady said...

I know..guess I'm just the eternal optimist..

I also agree with what you said. Adam is a beautiful man, inside and out..But no matter what his outside is like, his inner being, his inner beauty, his gentle, generous and loving soul, his bright mind, are the things that shine most brightly to me.. And are what is most important to me..His voice is also pretty awesome : )) ..and I love all of that so much. What he does with his outer shell is his business. And if anything happened to change his outside...including a tattoo here and there, he'd still be the essential "Adam"..

Anonymous said...

@PRS. Thanks for your fierce comment. Please visit us more often with your comments. Too many trolls on this site and some of us have to be more in-depth with our comments. Glitzylady does it in a more polite intellectual way.

I really don't get why people are up in arms with everything Adam does!?

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 2:20 PM, Thank you for getting back to me, I appreciate it, I now understand what you mean. Adam's new tattoo has given rise to some interesting discussion today. From Anon 1:54 PM.

Anonymous said...

This is a really detailed tatoo. Maybe should be in color? Anyways, I'm not a tatoo person (have freckles) enough marks on my body lol. As long as Adam doesn't do his face- I'm happy!

Anonymous said...

I agree that we should CELEBRATE the new tattoo with some more requesting of Adam's music on the radio and with some praying that he gets a Grammy nom.

Every tat Adam has is a little peek into his psyche, and a little peek into his inner soul.


Anonymous said...

And throw in some more votes on the polls, too. Won't hurt.

Anonymous said...

It's Adam's body - he doesn't need anyones approval to get the tattoo he wants. Personally, I would never get one. I hope it brings him positive energy.

Anonymous said...


HK fan said...

I haven't finished reading all the comments on here....haven't time before work, so not sure if this has been answered, but
@anon 11.59 am
re the eyes,
It looks like one side of the face is male, (with the more closed eye, smaller eyebrow), the other side is female.
And the water coming out the mouth looks like it turns into fire.
I'm not sure what I feel about the tattoo yet, its very big and in your face. But I can see that it is beautifully done, a real artist at work.

Anonymous said...

Please respect Adam's decision concerning his own personal life. I am so disappointed in JAK's comment, because she should know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's so sad to see that people, as fans, think that they can forget about being polite and have all the right to comment so rudely because their idol does something they don't "approve" of. Aren't we supposed to be more understanding with people we love? As loving fans, we should let Adam live his own life and enjoy whatever he likes!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same Ascendant in Libra but I don't see anything in this tattoo that refers to the sign Libra which means balance and to have different eye sizes do not a balance make.

Anonymous said...

I sse the eyes are still a big topic of images of Tibetian Buddist artwork. The right eye of the face - not the way we are seeing it - looks like most of the images of this great Master. I'd be curious if any of you see it, too.


Anonymous said...

@HK fan
You just might have hit on something, this makes more sense to me rather than other theories put forward today, and I agree with your comments about the artist the work it'self is beautifully done. I'm not a big fan of tattoos but the more I look at this the more I'm beginning to like it sometimes these things have away of growing on you. As long as Adam is happy with it then I'm happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Good God...still with the typo's. Sorry for the irritation. I'm stopping for today until I get my eyes back! :)laura

Anonymous said...

I really like all the genuine interpretations on this Tatoo, you guys are so deep. Love this blog site.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:56 PM. Well said, and I totally agree with you, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if one of my friends spoke in the same hurtful way to me I'd feel very hurt and I'd also expect an apology. Adam gives so much of himself, he doesn't have to send us photos and if people keep up with their rude manners then I wouldn't blame Adam if he chose not to allow us into his personal life. I love the way he enables us to catch small glimpses of the things he does and would miss these things greatly.

Anonymous said...

I don't like tattoos but didn't mind ADAM's previous ones.
I like to see his bare skin when he wears sleeveless on stage.
I don't see anything wrong with JAK's comment which is how she sees it and just saying it with feelings.
About tattoos, i told my daughter when she's still pre-teen, not to bring any future boyfriend with tattoos to me and for her to think her future parents-in-law maybe thinking like we, her parents do, no tattoo.


Anonymous said...

Dazzle the ethereal glow of bright colors, that land on Adam!!

glitzylady according to their authentic comment, it only matters that, keep your ingenuity, artistry and sensitivity to Adam and those virtues you can spare! HH

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glitzy, I really like you! And I don't like many people. So that's high praise. lol

As for the wank I've been reading all day...people need to get a life. It's his body. He will do with it what he wants to do with it. Get over yourselves if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Sufisticated art but I dislike Tatoos!
Also think it is ugly!

Anonymous said...

I've just been reading on twitter so much news about Adam's new tattoo, lots of photos and people trying to guess what it means. Not one nasty comment about Adam or about tattoos, so many fans who seem happy for Adam because they can see how happy he is.
Of course this twitter page is from Australia, not the US, thank god the rest of the world loves Adam, because clearly, going by this site and the horrible comments, the US sure doesn't care about him. I feel so sorry for him, what's he done to deserve such a back lashing on his personal life from his own country.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful. Why hide perfection? His choice .

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he has gone this far with tats. Okay for the underside but now it has gone too far. It is his body but it is a mistake to cover up perfection. When does it end? Neck, face, uh...end of career then. Tommy has been a bad influence since day one. Betcha A's family hates the tats.

Anonymous said...

@5:47 PM. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Adam has every right to self expression just as we all do, so if Adam is happy and he likes his new tattoo then that's all that matters. He is beautiful but not just from the outside from the inside too, so all the more reason to respect his choice without criticism.

Anonymous said...

Blaming Tommy? Incredible! And you have no idea as to how his family feels nor does anyone else in his fandom.

Anonymous said...

I was reading an article about tattoos which points out that tattoos can be removed using a lazer, providing the ink has not penetrated too deeply. Reds, other bright colours only fade but if the tattoos are just a black color they can be completely removed. Just a thought for later in life if they decide they no longer want them.

leilani Aloha said...

Adam's a smart guy & knows what he wants:)
I love it! as it's so so Adam, his birth sign, mystical, beautiful, creative like him.
He has definitely put some thoughts in to this new tatoo.
Yes I agree with the artist on this site, that later when adam decides to put color on tattoo, it'll look spectacular!

choons said...

Maybe Adam is trying to hide his freckles? Hope that's not the reason.
It's a cool tat for sure, but I do love his bare shoulders ...
Never mind. If he's happy then I'm more than happy. Especially if he intends to show this one off it's a bonus for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Some of y'all need to get another obses,um, hobby

I so admire how Adam doesn't give a flying fruck what other people think of his personal decisions afftecting his personal business (acting roles always require makeup in one form or another, so don't even go that route).

Anonymous said...

This is one of our dumber threads. No one has said they no longer appreciate Adam, love Adam, admire Adam or that they will never listen to his music again. They are just saying if they like the tattoo or not. Simple. Why do so many take this crap so seriously? It's a picture on his arm. So what? I think it's gross, some of you think it's beautiful, but as long as it does not harm his health or voice he can tattoo his whole body and it won't change the joy I feel when he sings. Let people express their opinion without righteous indignation.

There are a lot of hot tempered people on this site and a few would be saints. Both are irritating. No wonder we lose people over the years. Nice sane people who decide we are too troublesome to bother with.

Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuuuuuude, that's insane!

As an artist, I'm in awe of all the detail and symbolism here... I can honestly say this is one of the most amazing pieces of tattoo artwork I've seen! Beautiful. Absolutely Gorgeous. Stylistic--Right up my ally.

A++++++++++, Adam. Great choice.
Now he just needs to wear more sleeveless shirts. ;P

Anonymous said...

I think the tattoo will look really nice when Adam is standing up and not so close it's hard to see it properly being so close to the camera.

Hopefully we'll get some news of the MAMA awards, so we can change the subject, over a billion viewers, pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

I can blame whomever I want. Why do you think Adam got in trouble in the first place? Tommy. And you can bet Leila does to approve. I know him better than you think. Sometimes you can love an artist but not blindly agree with everything he does like a bobble head. This tat is beautiful but it is on the front of the arm and is too big. Mistake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glitzylady for the very complete definition of 'Pagan'. I think it's over my head LOL! Sounds like something Adam would agree with being that he doesn't follow any specific religion (although he always reminds people he is of the Jewish faith).


Anonymous said...

@6:50PM Hi, artist! Did you find Libra on this strange tattoo? Where is it? We'll give you A++++++++++ for this!

Anonymous said...

@ PRS 2:05 comment

The only hateful judgemental dimwit I see on this thread is you.
You do realize that this thread is headed "post a comment" right? So that's what we do. Some others and I commented that we didn't like the tattoo, we didn't insult Adam or suggest he had no right to have a tattoo. How does that make our statements ridiculous crap-ass comments? How dare you imply that a horrible disfiguring accident would affect our admiration for Adam, I think you need a Xanax and a cold shower, are you foaming at the mouth yet?

And by the way I don't feel the need for glitzylady to educate me but she could give you a few tips on manners.

Anonymous said...

If everyone keeps complaining about Adam's tattoo, then he may be just as likely to keep getting more. He is unique and likes to stand out as being different, perhaps some reverse pshycology would work so if everyone tells him how much they like it he may decide enough is enough, and try something else to get a reaction.

Anonymous said...

@7:25 PM. Very well said, and I agree with you totally.

Anonymous said...

I think that we all can share our opinion about Adam's new tattoo as a new subject of conversation, but it's all in the way how we say it. Just imagine if Adam himself asks you in person whether you like his new tattoo or not, I think that we all will find a way to answer his question truthfully but in a much nicer way. Why should be we so rude behind his back? Why should we forget all about politeness when a person is absent?

Anonymous said...

For some reason I'm waiting for PH's comment! I think he will write a wonderful review about this tattoo! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

@7:25PM - I was disgusted as well with PRS' comment and was going to reply but I forgot before I sent my post. I totally agree with your comment.

@PRS - Why say a disgusting example? If I tell you what will happen if you're going to have a disfiguring accident . . . do you feel good? And I don't understand those who liked your comment here.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam doesn't mind us having different opinions but I agree about keeping it polite. Some of the comments here today have gone way to far, and I'm sure these people would not have the nerve to say these things to Adam's face. I think the best thing we can give Adam as fans is our loyalty, good manners don't cost anything.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....what a brouhaha!

While I was out Christmas shopping I see I have managed to disappoint one person and be defended by another.

@ 3:56 P.M. I'm sorry that you were disappointed in my comment and I do believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Since beauty is subjective, when I beheld the tattoo I saw a face like the kind that used to inhabit my more frightening childhood nightmares after I'd been reading about ancient civilizations and crumbling ruins. To me ugly.
Artistic and well executed ,but still ugly. I personally think I've done a good job letting Adam be Adam and live his life as he wishes. By the way, Adam is not an idol to me I have no idols, he's just a super scrumptious golden voiced delight.
I'm also pretty sure if I were to meet Adam and he bared his shoulder to me (<3 <3 <3) and said "Whataya think?" I would say "it's hideous" and I think he would laugh!

@ xyz....I thank you for defending my right to comment as I truthfully felt. If I ever get in a cyber knife fight I want you defending my back! :)))

I'm leaving you all to your fun and checking out what else has been going on in the peaceful kingdom of 24/7...good night!

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me about the number of comments, criticisms, remarks are posted here about Adam's new tattoo. The man can't seem to do anything (hair, color, clothing style, partying) without it eliciting every single kind of opinion about it. I only wish that there would have been so much attention paid to Adam and his music, his talent from the general public listening audience here at home. Adam is going to do what Adam wants to do and that's the end of it. It obviously has some special meaning/significance for him. So many of today's musical performers have tattoos and the sleeve seems to be very popular from what I have seen. Do I like it, not really. Does it matter, no. Will I continue to support and love Adam and his music, of course. If only people would exert more of their energy and focus on the important things surrounding us in the world today and not get all riled up about Adam Lambert's latest tattoo.

Anonymous said...

What the heck!!!!!

Get more tattoos Adam!!!:)

They can love or hate your decision who cares!!!!

It's your body and let these whiners bleed their eyes staring at your sleeveless arm he!he!


Anonymous said...

I love his huge tattoo. It looks amazing and unique. Can't wait to see it during a performance. Hopefully soon. I love this man so much.

Anonymous said...

trolls agreeing with their own comments again, it doesn't get any better than this folks and why is the one hag always obsessing over PH? If you are not a troll this comment was not written for you.

Anonymous said...

I love this site, it's so entertaining, never a dull moment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, exhilirating, though I don't consider myself a whiner.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos seem to be the "in thing" these days - a fad. I think this tattoo is horrible but I don't mind Adam's other tattoos. Anyway, it's Adam's body, not mine and I love the rest of him.

Anonymous said...

@12:34 PM ..... haha!! :D

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, it means more publicity for Adam.

Anonymous said...

So what if people say they don't like Adam's latest tattoo. It doesn't mean they don't love him.

Anonymous said...

This tattoo must mean a lot to Adam, and telling him to his face that it's "hideous" is not a very nice thing to say. There is a fine line between honesty and insensitivity, like when you tell an ugly person that he/she is ugly! You are still entitled to you own opinion, but a little bit of kindness doesn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

It shows how much we all Love Adam Lambert!!!!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

very touching tweet: the Artist, the Gentleman.

Anonymous said...

forgot to add that the artist name is Gabe to the 11:28 comment.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:10 P.M. You obviously think Adam has no sense of humor and you obviously have no sense of humor and you are obviously not familiar with JAK's sense of humor, she is one of the good guys who love Adam to pieces. I'm sure Adam's friends are letting him know their opinion of his new tat and he's getting "f**king awesome dude" and a few "f**king awful dude, what were you thinking?" He's not a tender lily that will wilt under criticism. He frequently does things for their shock value and enjoys the outcome. I doubt his tender sensibilities have been offended. Lighten up.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Adam didn't post pics right away with all these ridiculous and disrespectful comments.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes pushing the boundaries, he has a strong will and knows exactly what he wants, and if others disagree he'd still go ahead anyway. This reminds me of the time he shaved his hair at the sides, and everyone was pleading with him to grow it back, but Adam seemed to enjoy having his hair like that and didn't go changing in a hurry, instead he seemed to strut around like a proud peacock. I'm sure he has been thinking of having this tat done for some time now so my guess is he is feeling very happy with himself. That's what I love about him, he doesn't care what anyone thinks and he's probably having a good laugh about all the comments, his playful and likes getting a reaction from people.

Anonymous said...

@ Anons Nov. 27, 7:25pm, 7:35pm and 8:15pm....

You may not agree with my statement, and as usual, the real point was missed by you.

At least I have the "balls" to sign my posts with my initials, and don't hide behind "anonymous".

Sorry to bring you in on this Glitzy, but at least I know you know me better.

Happy trails to all today!

Anonymous said...

Just because you are a fan of Adam, does not mean you own him. Does not mean you can tell him what to do and what not to do. Its just a tattoo. Its not going to change him. Besides, its his body, not yours.

Anonymous said...

Adam employs and puts into use, most of the time :), a very old notion: You get more bees with honey... etc

In both his actions and HIS WORDS

Anonymous said...

@PRS - No matter your point, I don't like you putting Adam in your negative unthinkable example. It's like when you have nothing good to say, don't say it. It is not good at all, so infuriating.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:50 am

You've got your insects mixed it's "you catch more flies with honey".

Anonymous said...

@Anon Nov. 28, 11:48....

Hey, so you did get my point:
"It's like when you have nothing good to say, don't say it. It is not good at all, so infuriating."

As far as using Adam in a negative example...I did that for effect...have you read comments on this site before????
Soooo many negative Adam scenarios.

I am actually one of the good guys. Sorry you don't see it that way, but I wish you a happy day anyway.

Anonymous said...

@ PRS You had a point? I guess I did miss it, all I read is raving and accusations. Do you consider yourself some kind of super elite fan? We were discussing our reaction to the tattoo not to Adam.
Disagreeing with the majority is not a crime and if the rule is don't say anything if you can't say something nice ,then as one comment read some time ago, just use ditto marks. Re-read your post it was out of line and just plain nasty. KWK
There, does that tag mean a darn thing? I might add that's Mr.KWK
and I am anon 6:43 - 7:25 - and 3:17 a.m.

To All:

I was on this site for quite awhile after my gay son found so much comfort in talking about Adam whom he admires immensely. For obvious reasons he posted as anon.
I appreciate Adam for his music and his living his life in an open honest way, it has encouraged my son to feel his future isn't hopeless. But I do not come on so often anymore, too many petty squabbles. I don't think I'll be back but my son will and he will tell you about Helsinki, we are going to the concert. It's his Christmas and High School graduation present combined. Like Sauli we have a Finnish surname that begins with K. so the trip will have great meaning to us. KWK

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the honest comments not the ones that love everything he does. We all love him but can disagree too.
His movie roles will be limited now. This is really not a good idea. It's his body but I feel for the lack of acting roles. They can cover just so much. A beautiful body covered in tats :(

Anonymous said...

So 8:32,you think the trolls are answering and agreeing with themselves? How do you know?

Anonymous said...

@KWK, yes, using a tag allows continual readers to get a sense of someone, especially over time. For example, PRS using a tag over time has perhaps allowed
some 24/7 readers
to understand that at the heart of the matter, she's reasonable.

We are all only human beings, flawed I suppose, and it does become exasperating sometimes to read certain comments without firing back, sometimes with more fury than reasoned passion.
Forexample, after all that is on this thread, I find that post a few above me at 1:46 thoroughly bothersome... maybe if an IMHO was thrown in there I wouldn't feel that way :), not trying to be petty :), just believe in the power of a well placed IMO.

And in all fairness, to your point about a discussion being had here only about the tattoo and not about Adam himself, well with all due respect that is a little naive (IMHO :)) and there is a lot of commenting quite terse thrown at Adam in a less than elegant way here and perhaps, if I understand you correctly, you are not on here enough to fully appreciate that and the frustration that it brings about sometimes. Just thinking out loud, IDK.

How uplifting that your son has been helped by Adam's emergence on the music scene and public stage. It's not that we should all subscribe to "if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all" practice... maybe that we should just think more often about what UPLIFTS instead of drags down. I think that is the mindset behind some commenters who post about exasperation with other posters, IDK??? Please post more with your tag! I'm not using a tag because I haven't much of a history posting anyway, but you've written here in this thread several times, so already your using a tag is worth it, IMHO ;)!

Anonymous said...

Oh my KWK, I am just catching up and making the connection that you said you are 6:43... Hhhmmm, I'm not so very sure that 6:43 comment, when read closely, is all that wildly different in tone and tenor than PRS', or devoid of "hot-button" words designed to evoke, for that matter... except one difference might be that I'm feeling you're a bit of a wolf in sheep's clothing. That's a bit of a head scratcher to me. Oh we'll, I don't know you ... on to newer threads I go.

Anonymous said...

Not just 6:43, KWK says he is author of 7:25 and 3:17am also; all of which strike me as a bit, well, to use some of his words he assigned to others here, nasty, judgemental and righteous indignation tinged. His personal offerings about his family were lovely indeed, but the other comments he's taking ownership of, to me, display evidence of his posts containing that which he's offended by in others' posts. interesting. Physician Heal Thyself springs to mind (for a lot of us I think, myself included).

teee4ADAM said...

Just want to say that I have mixed feelings about this issue ... NEVER about ADAM or HIS choices. Just about tattoos in general ... never been too thrilled about them (what if you regret getting them?) There are too many males/females in my family that have them (hubby included) so I've developed the "it's your body/choice ... WHO AM I to tell you WHAT to do" ... attitude. WORKS really well for me ... just sayin', LIVE & LET LIVE ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

tattoos designs said...

really huge tattoo. huge tattoos designs looks good on back