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Adam Lambert spotted at Crew Bar Cape Town

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 15, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 15, 2012

Source: Crew Bar Cape Town Facebook


Anonymous said...

Like flys drawn to honey...(our Adam-what a honey! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was so disappointed when I saw the first pic of wasted Adam in SA today and hoped there wouldn't be more, but no. I know he is a grown man and may do what he wants, but... I just thought that now that he is in solid relationship and he is 30 years old, he would not party so heavily and he would become stabled.

In two pics he looks really drunk and his lips look like someone had sucked them a lot and it surely isn't his partner who is in LA. I know Adam is a hedonist. He has said himself that he has a very gluttonous, hedonist personality. And two years is quite a long time to someone who gets easily bored. Adam may be a person who does not find peace with anyone. He has been so happy with his bf but now they are more and more alone, so maybe it's time for Sauli to go soon (he has said he can't stand cheating). But I don't say Adam cheated; his looks in some pics and his WOOHOO tweet in the night just made me thinking of that.

I always try to see them as they were a straight couple; would a straight couple act like that when they are not together (Brad and Angelina, David B. & VIctoria etc.)? Well, maybe the lust is gone and Adam starts hunting again. I know many of you will say that he was just having fun with his friends, but I had a bad day and as said the first pic in which Adam looks so so wasted, just brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Well, he doesn't look drunk to me in any of the pictures.


Anonymous said...

I don't think we're looking at the same pictures....he looks gorgeous to me... I think he maybe goofing around in the first picture

Anonymous said...

I don't think he was at these places very long. I don't think we should read too much into these photos. Heck, I've looked drunk in photos when I never touched a drop. LOL. Relax. He's fine. Sauli's fine. They're fine.


Anonymous said...

DRG: IMO he looks drunk on the first pic with a guy with green pants and under the New Pictures-section with those two men (that was the firs pic that showed). I zoomed to see his eyes and lips closer (deep in a rabbit hole, lol). No doubt.

Anonymous said...

11:36 A.M. you sound like a crazy lunatic who are you to judge any one are any thing. Adam does not owe any one a explanation. I don't see any thing wrong with the pictures at all drunk or sober how would you know. you are stupid!

Anonymous said...

I don't think he looks too drunk, just having little fun with friends.

And if he was drunk, it doesn't mean that he was cheating his boyfriend?!
Some of you just take everything too seriously, in my mind, Adam and Sauli are fine :)

Glambert from Finland!

Anonymous said...

OMG you are too funny!

Anonymous said...

Sorry,but you aren't very smart person or One of the Adam's new fans. Adam is not drunk on any of these photos! He is making funny faces as usually. I am he has chance to relax.Brangelinas was very bad example of couples relationship.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant I'm very happy that Adam has chance to relax!

Anonymous said...

12:22 p.m. again yes I work in a hosp. & I have had a bad day also but to come home & judge Adam just topped my day off. People get a life enjoy Adam or move on.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing Adam having a good time. If he does happen to be drunk, I will stop being his fan immediately! Haha just kidding! Love my Adam unconditionally!!

Anonymous said...

Well, some staff member of the first club (Emile Donbell) has told that: "He has a naughty streak and even ended up having seven body shots off one of our sexy waiters... He was later seen partying it up at the trendy night club. " I don't know how many drinks/shots a man of his size can stand drink and being not drunk but I would be totally drunk even from the first seven shots (if he was not very long time in that place); and after that he went to the night club. But I am a woman who can't tolerate much even wine.

But it's his business. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Stop the presses . . . Adam is out having fun . . . .

Anonymous said...

Anon 2 11:36 . . . get a life

Anonymous said...

@ 11:36

Among all these happy pictures of a confident Adam socializing and making his typical goofy faces, there is not even one picture of him with a drink in his hand. He looks sharp and clear-headed.

You need to take a chill pill and take your distrust and insecurities elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:36, what world are you living in? Get a hold of that mind!!!

Adamluv said...

Just read onthemeaningof adamlambert a comment from the bar owner who said that Adam was very "down-to-earth" with no bodyguards nor security and that he came in with about 10 peeps. Also that he seemed a bit overwhelmed with all the attention and peeps asking for photos. How humble and sweet is this dude? I truly dont think he realizes the positive and warm effect he has on others and how very much he is loved and adored. Go Adam!!!!! And to the always ever present negative comments, just go away. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

12:22 PM: Yes, I am a lunatic. You have a very bright sight. I crawl to my cave and start howling at midnight. Right?

To everyone else: Of course Adam is totally sober. He never drinks anything. And he always behaves well. He's a good man. Satisfied?

12:24 PM: Thanks! I

12:48 PM: OK! I will.

Anonymous said...

@11:36&12:36 For some reason I believe this the same person who is boring,stupid,never had fun in her life and,probably still virgin:D
OMG! Thanks to people like you and member of the staff, media pays attention on Adam 's private life. Rumors are very dangerous for celebrities.Again, you are idiot

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty confident that Adam has learned his lesson about getting publicly drunk.

Kathy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@12:59 - and worse yet, this person never wants anyone else to have fun either.

Anonymous said...

Than You DRG at 1:16. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

@12:36, that person who was quoted later tweeted that he was sorry he missed seeing Adam at the club. He wasn't even there to see what happened! It's just advertising for these places.

Anonymous said...

11:36 AM You may have a bad day yourself (and maybe a bad love experience) but please do not come here to spoil other people's day!
Adam is very responsible when he is on tour because he wants to give us, his fans, the best he's got when we go to see him live.
Adam is also very considerate with his fans when they are themselves loving and considerate too. So whenever he can, he may just wants spend some time to get to know his fans, give them the best pictures because he knows they will cherish them. Please stop all the negative comments and be happy for all those fans who are lucky enough to meet Adam and enjoy his company! Sauli has his love and his trust and vice versa!

Anonymous said...

Like clockwork. Try harder next time, troll.

Anonymous said...

12:59 PM: This is 11:36. I agree being boring and stupid, but not these: I have had fun many times in my life and sorry, I'm not a virgin anymore. Why would my comments pay attention to media? I'm not that big. Sad to hear that member of the stuff has big mouth.

I apologize my mean behavior. That was a provocative post. I just wanted to show how easy it is to start speculating on grounds of some pics. I assumed that someone would start that kind of discussion as is usual.

And to make it clear: I love Adam. A lot. (You say: Funny way to show it and I admit.) I don't know in today's show biz anyone who sings better than he. So, I'll take a chill pill and disappear for ever (from here). Sorry, that was not a nice post, I admit.

Anonymous said...

Hey I want to party with Adam! What fun that would be.


Anonymous said...

So the troll admits to doing it on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Wow-@11:36- You certainly are having a bad day. I don't think your a troll and I believe you do like Adam. Have you had too much drink yourself?? lol Adams just having fun, Who cares if he drinks, he's young and deserves to let loose with or without Sauli! There is no doubt in my mind his relationshio with Sauli is very much still alive. I believe they might even be soul mates for life- so there! Take a chill pill dear and relax. Peace and love


Anonymous said...

Are you nuts! You reckon you can come out with that kind of stuff just by looking at a few random pictures. Oh my, do you know your Adam Lambert? Clearly not!

Anonymous said...

Its this kind of comment from 11.36 that makes me wonder why I even trek on Glambert fan sites.

Anonymous said...

That was the most insane post yet, Adam looks sober and is having fun like he should, if he had a few so what!

Anonymous said...

Above post Sue, 2.43

Anonymous said...

This site never seems to change everyone hurling insults at each other, nothing but a bunch of fanatics, with delusional thoughts about Adam.

Anonymous said...


In this thread of posts, cite the delusional phrases that you find (other than 11:36 who was, we hope, only temporarily delusional, and seems to see the error of her judgement).

Anonymous said...

Geez! Adam deserves our respect and trust! Let's leave him alone to enjoy his own time, partying or whatever else he wants to do (bike riding, taking pics with fans etc.) He's such a kind and giving soul and I think he's entitled to act goofy, make funny faces at cameras or even get drunk if he's in the mood. It's called enjoying himself and he always works so hard so I'm really glad he is enjoying himself with close friends while away from home. You go Adam!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam's not perfect, his human and no different to anyone else. If he has too much to drink or chooses to be unfaithful to Sauli, then he will suffer the consequences, and guilt that goes with that and learn by his mistakes, at the end of the day it's his personal life, it's no one's business, and many artists have a lot of pressure to deal with so letting their hair down sometimes helps them to unwind, as long as it doesn't get out of hand or affect them or people they love then I don't see any harm in it. For all we know, Adam and Sauli may have an open relationship who knows, Sauli also goes out socially when Adam's away.

Anonymous said...

Lets everyone grow up and stop responding to any shit that is posted.
OF COURSE people do it for a response. Let's not make a fool of Adam by acting like ten year olds.
Show some respect as fans, would you!

Anonymous said...

Hope you can access this pic, it's of Adam and it's so funny:

Anonymous said...

Adam did not get a "People' Choice" nomination. It is very difficult to compete as a write in against such huge names... However it is very important that we as Adam fans get back into the habit of supporting and promoting our Adam. Please, Please, VOTE on all things Adam...Dorothy R Glambert

Anonymous said...

November 15, 2012 3:02 PM

sounds just like a certain newbie on Adamtopia, a person with a not-so-well-hidden evil trait

Anonymous said...

I should know by now that any posting with more than 10 comments is going to be trash. I'm sorry I clicked on these.

Anonymous said...

@3:02 pm: Thank you.
Concentrate on your own relationships, people. Adam's a big boy.

Anonymous said...

body shottin off of hot waiters and who knows who else. He looks wasted. How in the hell did he walk out without fallin' down?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he did some tongue twirlin' in the belly button???!

Anonymous said...

never understood the social scene and clubs. who wants to stand around where everyone is sweating, belching, farting, foul language, drinking until you can't make complete sentences etc... There's more interesting things to be doing.

Anonymous said...

3:49 & 3:53

This has been established as a phony rumor.

Your idiocy and hate is not welcome here.

funbunn40 said...

@anon 11:36AM Seems like your "bad day"has transferred on to what you hope could be a negative scenario for Adam. There is no indication that Adam is wasted. On the contrary, the drink directly in front of Adam could be water with lemon for all you know. Adam is mingling, being accommodating taking pics with fans. If Adam chooses to have a few drinks with his dancers and musical director,he is after all a 30 year old man not needing anyone's permission or moral judgement. Adam is also known to be careful and very responsible while on the road working. Your concern with Adam's love life and shedding tears over Adam's drinking (or not)seems pretty transparent and more to stir controversy and false rumours than genuine caring for Adam. Just my assessment of your real intent on this site.

funbunn40 said...

@12:36PM, Have to say I seriously doubt your source. After 7 shots Adam wouldn't be standing that erect and Adam wouldn't be that reckless in a foreign country while on a work related trip. @Adamluv Thanks for posting a plausable comment that describes Adam's realistic behavior that we see consistently when he is on a working trip. Adam does his best to please his fans. It's a shame that some people love to tear him down when he doesn't hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

@3:06PM be honest, I didn't find it funny. Great photoshop by the way

Anonymous said...

@11:36AM Find yourself a hobby or something. You're crazy and too much of your time is invested into reading things into the pictures and words. Get a life! Will you?

Adam is just fine and is having a good time in Cape Town. His relationship is none of our business. Just mind your own business and enjoy Adam's entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Negativity is a bad vibe and it's contagious - as we've already seen here. Adam is one hell of a classy guy and to even tolerate the stuff on this thread is a total insult to him and waste of life for everyone else. Yes, indeed, don't feed the trolls and get out and promote Adams album to the max because that's what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Adam said he loved conversing or smooching with people, and where else does he do this except for these watering holes? He's a social animal, and knowing the perfectionist that he is, after a newly crafted show, he would most likely want feedback or reaction, even looking for validation from concertgoers who are more than likely the people we see him with. Part of being an entertainer to see how any improvements or adjustments can be made on the show, if any. Also, he has every right to celebrate, as he unveiled a new look for the concert and would have been relieved that he was able to pull it off to much acclaim and without any serious glitches. We should breathe a sigh of relief that all went well, and with every concert, wish Adam and his troupe the best. The man deserves only our best vibes. atm.

Anonymous said...

What's happened to 24/7 lately,it is so full of hatred toward each other, I wonder what Adam would have to say if he was to read it and see how his fans constantly treat each other with a total lack of respect. I'm out of here. There are many other places where you can find news of Adam, and they are much more positive, this place is full of so much negativity, I'll leave you to it, and I bet I'm not the only Adam fan who feels this way either.

Anonymous said...

idiocy isn't a word. who taught you Englesh?

Anonymous said...

After concert party in Babylon in Jborg SA:

janis ellis@janisellis
Late announcement - @adamlambert at Babylon tomorrow night. Yes, I know. No, it wasn't my idea. We live, we learn.

The guy is a publicist and he's bummed cause he didn't book Adam for this place. One his co-worker did this and his co-worker is gonna make a huge commission, I assume. That's why he said on his tweet "No, it wasn't my idea" so he has to live with it and learn from it.

Anonymous said...

was he lickin' nice toned abs? OMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be on the receiving end of The Glam Tongue.

Anonymous said...

You guys know there is a way to find out your real identity and location even though you sign in as Anonymous. Admin warned us about it the other day. So be careful about your negative comments.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps you should consult Mr. Webster before making statements that reflect an embarrassing degree of idiocy.

But Englesh sounds like an intriguing language. Can you tell me where that is spoken?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks hot in every picture I have seen. The videos from that concert were good he did well as did the rest of his group. Adam deserved to let loose, its his time to relax. I am a nobody but when I am done working I need me time and to let loose as well.

Anonymous said...

11:36 and then again at 12:59

It's too easy to come on a website and spit venom about an artist and then write another comment later saying that you're sorry. That't the same as slapping someone in the face and then saying "sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you". It DOES hurt.

In your first comment, I thought that I was reading one of those sleezy gossip mags. Unworthy of any REAL Adam Lambert fan.

Anonymous said...

11:36am oh please, you are kidding right?

Anonymous said...

So what's going on in picture #6? Put me in the place of that young man Adam is leaning into thank you very much!!

Anonymous said...

Tons of news outlet wrote about Adam's cover of Lenny Kravitz song 'Are You Gonna Go My Way' at Cape Town. Check them out at the following link. Read them, click on "Like" button, share them, and write your comments:

Anonymous said...

11:36AM is a Saulibert and she created an imaginary scene of how Adam should act. Since Adam is gay, a lot of female fans can't fantasize about Adam. So what do they do they create this imaginary fiction inside their mind and they project it on Adam. When things are contrary to their imagination they become controversial.

In this fandom we have Kradam (yes, they do exist), Drakebert, Bradbert, Adommy, Saulibert, etc.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:36 AM,

I just want u to know that u r the one who's wasted because of too much staring at Adams magnificent face indeed!!! Did u drink too much ha???

Anyways my dear u r not alone being crazy in love with him he! he!

Everyone does feel the same way when we stare and we end up drinking too much and cuckoo at the same time:))

Just calm down your pathetic brain and enjoy what u see ok?

Adios Amiga/Amigo


Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so quick to attack one another here. Unless someone's comment is outright hateful (and there unfortunately have been a few of them, just ignore it if you disagree. Wouldn't it be best to comment on the pictures and not the other people's comments?

Anonymous said...

People this is the same person that was warned the other night and had comments removed! It took about a day for them to figure how to upset everybody, and not get thrown Off, made it all up' Adam looks fine, same one or two or doing this. I have finally told myself, it must be ignored! But why was this person left to stay on here, when it gonna keep happening. I will check, see what new with Adam and cont. to request! But I am finished with this posting, until this person is off of here! One or two people! If I made mistakes do not care! Sur

Anonymous said...

That was sue nor sur!

Anonymous said...


He is leaning into the FAN and mock collecting cool air with his hands!

It's hot in South Africa now! OMG. This thread has gone berserk!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!

Can you imagine being out at your local bar and having Adam there, hanging with you? I would die... dream come true!! :)

(posted in the wrong thread earlier... oops... been out myself :) )

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is not an exciting singer anymore been few years since hes singing now- getting matured and older..

Anonymous said...

Better than troll comments, Adam posted another keek video!cubDaab

And tweeted about a great organization:
Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Great cause! Help erase medical debt so ppl dont go broke cuz they got sick!#DebtFairy #BailoutThePeople

Anonymous said...

I am so sad that we didn't get Adam into a single People's Choice category!!


Really people?? Whah! He really deserve it!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:43

You know this because you were there too right??

Relax... I was just trying to suggest I would like Adam to lean into me... nothing else.

I too think this thread is a bit out of control.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:52

Thanks for posting Adam's KEEK video. I LOVE IT!! :)

Anonymous said...

I need that medical debt thing, seriously. Just want to say this person or two is dangerous, and knows who and where Adam is at time, needs to be reported, to Glad like I said before! Really am gonna try to stay off until this person is Off! That people choice thing is rigged! I was in nail place when they said jB got all these nom's. But when they said sexiest man alive all at once what, JB is not sexiest man alive or what ever it was! They all gasp he sure is not that a bunch woman said, they were over 12! I think the diva thing, with young diva's will get more regonition with younger crowd for Adam. The ones nominated or on tv. Shows or commercials all the time! But he doing fine, and gaining lots of love abroad, the US only interested in commercial sucess, but he getting lots of that abroad, US gonna see some real talent on, dec. 16. Steve Harvey, said on family feud Justin B. got about two more year's so , then will have to find new one! This medical thing real important, have insurance still getting really screwed! sue

Anonymous said...

By the way... @ 6:25 (1st post), 6:42 (2nd post), 6:45, 6:52 (2nd post), 6:57 (obviously) & &7:00 are all mine. I am not a troll! (I know I should sign but haven't brought myself to that point yet!) But clearly I have too many post on one thread so enough from me.

Anonymous said...

@6:25 I think he polished his nail and he is drying it with the fan. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Got that backwards!! 6:25 (2nd post) and 6:43(1st post). Not that anyone cares...this sight is supposed to be about Adam. I think maybe I had too much to drink when I was out tonight! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Site!!! Spell much!! (talking to myself... goodnight)

Anonymous said...

OMG ! Anon 11:36am! ha! ha! u r the expert on drunken pics! LMAO!
Chill people! Don't be so judegemental, just enjoy the pics & be happy for Adam! He's an adult.

Adam & bandfamily having fun times, relaxing & partying after a good hardnight's performance:)
Don't you all remember when you're in your youth, having fun & partying. If u r in my age group of age 50s
We had a ball, flower power, psychedellic fashion, etccc...those were the days :)
Enjoy & Peace All

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Here's another pic from the Crew. It's the bar's owner shaking hands with Adam. The owner is the one with the glass in his hands, not Adam (see that 11:36?)

Anonymous said...

Star 101.3 ‏@Star1013
Want to see Adam Lambert & One Republic LIVE?! Get your Star 101.3 Jingle Ball tickets now!

Anonymous said...

hey Thanks for telling me about the Keek posting. I had a feeling one would be coming up. Not surprised about the no PCA nom I bet he had tons of votes. Loved the pictures of our guy and friends in SA!! Please ignore the pycho troll its the same one that is always here prob on a different computer with a diff IP. Strange and sad. A normal person would have moved on by now. Watch the one liners flow.

Anonymous said...

@TrendFrenzy Mag (SA):
Any Adam Lambert fans out there? We're meeting him tomorrow and may just ask a fan question! Let us know! #adamlambert

Tweet your questions to @TrendFrenzy

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Fan club shared a link.
about an hour ago

Via @Star1013: Want to see Adam Lambert & One Republic LIVE?! Get your Star 101.3 Jingle Ball tickets now!

Adam Lambert and One Republic pair up to create an unbelieveable Holiday show. Ring in the Holidays with two amazing artists... and we'll see you at JINGLEBALL 2012!!

Friday, December 14th, 2012 @ 7:00pm

warfield | san francisco

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Fan club shared a link.
2 hours ago

Tweet by @adamlambert: Great cause! Help erase medical debt so ppl dont go broke cuz they got sick!#DebtFairy #BailoutThePeople
We have raised $232,157 to abolish $4,647,961 of debt
A bailout of the people by the people.
Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning. Join us as we imagine and create a new world based on the common good, not Wall Street profits.
Learn more or contribute.
Join our mailing list

daydreamin said...

Got my Jingle Ball tix! Anyone else from here going?

Adam out doing what a hard-working, fun loving 30 year old would do and WITH some of his band/dancers after being told of the great night life in SA. Good on ya Adam! Enjoy yourself cuz you really deserve it!

Anonymous said...

If everyone who has threatened to leave forever, would leave...Oh Happy Day!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

So much hatred on this thread because of 1 post. Very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

Adam getting up close & personal in photo #6. :-)

Anonymous said...

Unless everyone agrees on this Adam 24/7 site, the ones who don't agree get screamed at from a great height which is totally unnecessary, and hence makes Glamberts appear in a bad light.

Anonymous said...

YES, daydreamin, have my tix for Jingle Ball also. Upper lodge,sec.3. Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what Adam is doing/looking at (that black pan) in picture #6?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in LA..

Finnish design label Marimekko opened a store in Beverly Hills. Sauli was at the opening. A pic from the red carpet here

Anonymous said...

I have seen pictures of Adam when he actually IS wasted, and they don't look like these. He's just mingling with local people in a new country. What's the big deal? He's with his dancer, Terrence, and they are just having a congenial least that's what it looks like to me.

Anonymous said...

It was hard for me to read beyond the second comment here.

In these last years one could have written an entire book about "psychological projections and the ..Berts" (and published it by now!), but it seems completely new chapters are on their way. :-)

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