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Adam Lambert Spotted at Volume Bar in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 23, 2012

Via @djstonedog: Thanks for dropping in tonight @adamlambert


Anonymous said...

Still wondering why Sauli is in L.A. and not with his sippa. I hope he goes to Japan with him. They are a apart a lot lately and that's not too good for relationships.

Anonymous said...

@12:28 Yeah they have been more apart than together lately. Sauli was in Finland one month, then when he came to to L.A. they were together two or tree weeks and now again apart and it looks like Adam has gone back to his old habbits. Well time will tell...

Anonymous said...

I love it when people answer their own posts. anyhoo it looks like the band is enjoying HK for the holiday. I just watched the Keek post. lol

Anonymous said...

Once again, there's worry when Adam and Sauli are apart for a while. They're both busy. Sauli sure doesn't sit around the house when Adam is gone. I don't think that traveling around with Adam on all his trips is as fun every minute as it may seem. Sauli has plenty to do on his own. I'm sure they keep in touch every day. I think their relationship is fine. I'll bet they've talked about how to handle being apart for extended periods of time. They're adults.

Love all Adam's Hong Kong pics.


Laura said...

For anonymous: try first to learn how to write finnish and after that u can come and speak shit about their relationship. just sayin' (:

Anonymous said...

@12:40PM Old habits as a.....? Does anybody on this blog relise how expensive all of these tours? And Adam must pay for Sauli's trip expenses. I don't think that Sauli is rich enough to pay for himself.And Adam isn't so rich neither. Yes, long distance relationship and lack of money combination doesn't work in most cases. But we will see. I think Adam and Sauli are in love and understand each other responcibilies in this life.
Happy Holidays! Be happy for Adam, please. This is some very important reason for him and his band to stay in Hong Kong for while. And I'm sure this isn't about parties. So, leave BB alone and be happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Wow I am always amazed how anyone in a picture with Adam just fades into the background.

Anonymous said...

@1:11 Old habbits means that Adam is going to bars and night clubs every night, being drunk and surrounded by fun boys and writing his name to their bottoms or nipples, what ever...

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam and his bandmates have a great and memorable trip. Sauli is a sweetheart and Adam probably misses him. Hopefully someday Adam will make enough money to be able to afford all these expences and take Sauli with him more often. They are so beautiful together. I love them both very much.

Anonymous said...

DRG... I agree with you:) couples tend to be apart sometimes...I don`t see why any of us should worry since the boys most certainly have discussed how to handle these situations. They have a strong bond and love. And what comes to old habits...what the heck do we really know about them? Sauli knows Adam best now and if he`s happy, don´t understand why we shouldn´t be. Adam has had fan pictures before and he continues to have them...if people think S is going to be upset about those, A and S are going to have laughs of their lives:DDD

Anonymous said...

There are few with Adam and Sauli's great looks, sweet souls, positive outlooks, fun personalities, and big hearts. They fit together so perfectly. I think they've both been around the block a few times to know they have something special.

Anonymous said...

1:52 pm...took the words right out of my mouth:D they fit together like pieces of puzzle:)

Anonymous said...

I had better go with my man the next time he goes on another oil rig job. >.< LOL

Anonymous said...

2:06pm ... LMAO:DDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

On the GNT,some clubs paid Adam to go there for a while,have pix taken,etc.Some paid him around $10,000 to draw more customers.LOTS more customers,then to sell more drinks,etc..The club would still make money with BB there like that.Maybe that's why you see him in more than one club,esp.I don't know how much,if anything he was paid in HK;I was glad that some,or all of the band members were with him,but I bet you anything Adam wanted to SHOP longer than go out clubbing,& the shopping is great there!

Anonymous said...

Wow all this speculation. Read recently where Sauli said LA is now his home. Personally doubt it would be good for Adam to visit foreign country and stay in his room. He needs visibility and this is his comfort zone. Adam isn't in the his own private jet stage of his career and whoever mentioned these trips as expensive are correct. I refuse to play devils advocate on others lives. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Oh! dear! Here we go again!!!!

Some folks here are really worried about Adams hanging around in bars or clubs:)

This is his life and nobodys business!:)

We love him for being himself so just let it go folks:)

He has to live his life like normal people.


Anonymous said...

I've become immune to these pics of Adam in the bars with men. I simply don't care. I would definitely like to see more boyfriend pics but you can't have everything.

Adamluv said...

As soon as I saw the Spotted at Bar thread I knew what was coming - the same old whining and complaining about Adams personal life. And @2:06 - spot on!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

1:32 why don't you get your mind out of the gutter for awhile.

Anonymous said...

2:59 - would you be "immune" to seeing pics of a straight man in bars with women? Probably not so much and we no why.

Anonymous said...

2:59 good stop your whinning then.

Anonymous said...

Rock and pop stars are not know of their qualities to be good long-time partners. Their lifestyle and personalities aren't usually suitable for a long and good partnerships.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam had a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend........would we worry the same way about his relationship?

When I was a newly wed, my husband had to be overseas for 15 months and 37 years later we are still together. So if the relationship is strong then it will survive.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:13 time will tell, in the meantime don't get your bowels in an uproar.

Anonymous said...

@3:06 And you obviously don't like Adam is with Sauli and whine when there are pics of them together, right? I was just going to say that Adam is like any other rock star. The wives stay at home while they're on tour. I'm not in a relationship myself, but I am happy if Adam has someone special in his life.

Anonymous said...

12:28 -- WHAT is your obsession with Adam Lambert's personal life?? It's really getting sick. Get your own life in order and just let Adam live his. Listening to his music is all you need to do.

Anonymous said...

1:32 -- How are you, Perez Hilton?

Anonymous said...

3:45 amen and hallelujah to your comment. It is so very simple.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't Sauli's babysitter. Adam made Sauli visible again in Finland after his fame faded from Big Brother show.

That's why I think Adam should date someone famous from his homeland. They can enhance each other's career speaking the same language. We never heard Sauli to speak a word of English. So it come across that Adam should take care of him all the time.

Anonymous said...

CUT THE CRAP about Sauli & Adam being apart!

Sauli's newest blog (in Finnish)

In the blog he tells that this year he will be celebrating Thanksgiving with his friends (in LA) cause his "siippa" is on the other side of the globe.

Anonymous said...

Some real homophobic comments above and on a gay mans website? Very depressing.

Anonymous said...

Sure, Perez Hilton is homophobic.

Anonymous said...

Somebody has great imagination. I'm talking about buttons and nipples. The most humiliated story about drunk Adam I heard from PH. And the biggest crimes Adam did on GaGa's b-day party he tried to sing(live!),jumped and broke the ceiling in the restaurant!LOL And nobody knows if this is the truth!! Oh,yes, Adam had fight with Sauli last year. What else we can tell about Adam's crazy parties? Darling, Adam can't afford to have Freddie's parties! What can be worst? Hahaha! Come down, take rest, and let our Diamond Boy enjoy his life. He is 30 years old for God sakes!

Anonymous said...

What ever goes on in Adam's life is his own business, at the same time I must admit if I had a boyfriend who was frequenting bars and clubs I couldn't help feeling nervous. No matter how much you feel you can trust each other, visiting these places is leaving yourself open to temptation and I remember Adam saying when he first started his promo tour how he hoped he wouldn't be tempted, obviously he cares a great deal about Sauli, but also states he has no intention of getting married, so maybe he is still feeling his way, living his life and I guess only the future will tell as to how strong his relationship with Sauli really is.

Anonymous said...

It just never ends with this place. That means I'm taking another hiatus.

leilani Aloha said...

Adam & Sauli are soul mates:)
When a couple loves each other, they have trust & will support each other always! My husband has to work & me too so we r apart quite a lot & very happily married for 30yrs!!!. Couples do not have to live in each other's pocket, support each other's dream & grow together.
I call couples like us " Spiritual Partners"!
You r in sync with each other!!!
That's very important in a relationships, to be Positive & not live in fear or regrets.
Adam & Sauli looks great, happy & Healthy!!!
I'm sure they skype, text, chat daily like we do:)
Adam & Sauli =Awesome couple:)

Anonymous said...

If you feel nervous when your boyfriend isn't with you, then you've picked the wrong boyfriend.
And if someone is going to be unfaithful the fact that they go to a bar is no more dangerous than them going to a grocery store, music store, McDonalds, Starbucks or church.

The married minister at my church ran off with the choir director's wife! That was a hot topic at the next Wednesday night's church supper!!!......JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK - you are so right about this subject. Dr. Phil says that if someone wants to cheat, there's no fence high enuf to keep them in. I also believe this. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Everyone's situation is different, the truth is no one really knows what is going on in someone else's relationship unless of course that couple happens to confide in you and openly state that they are having difficulties. A couple may seem extremely happy but do a good job of keeping the true situation well hidden. True Sauli and Adam appear to be a very happy couple and that's great, but I've met people who appear to be very close and been shocked to find out later that they were getting a divorce. No one knows and nor should they as it's no one else's business, all people can do is hope all is well, and give this couple the privacy they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Quit speculating, folks. Adam and Sauli's relationship is THEIR business and THEIR business only.

Anonymous said...

I like seeing photos of Adam with male fans, whether they're gay or straight and the more of them, the merrier. Adam has made it known that he'd love to have more male fans of either persuasion. Anyway, give it a permanent rest all you agony aunts. Adam and Sauli are capable of running their own private life/lives.

Anonymous said...

Anon !1:48pm Your comments made me LOL!
"Agony Aunts"!!! Concerned worried "Glamberts"
so protective over sweet Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is indeed a sweetie, I just love these photos of him he always looks so cute and lovable, I don't know how anyone can say anything bad about this guy, he seems like a genuinely caring person to me, not the type of guy to take advantage of anyone.

Anonymous said...

But all in all, isn't it wonderful that Adam prefers men to women? As a woman I would hate to read stories and see pictures about gorgeous girlfriends.

And aren't we just extremely lucky because Adam found Sauli who also lets us into his and their life with his blogs, photos and videoclips!!!

Love Sauli, too!

Anonymous said...

Love Sauli, but Adam will always come first for me. For obvious reasons.:)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam goes to bars and clubs because it's where he meets a lot of fans plus they play the sort of music Adam enjoys, and as someone else mentioned I'm sure the press wouldn't waste time spreading news if Adam was seen playing up with other guys, so people should relax, good to see him having some down time, plus he always goes with his band members so where's the harm?

Anonymous said...

I aint`got BS in my bag, that`s a one thing you can believe!!... And yeah, i do believe what Adam says...genuine love between our boys:) Let´s be happy about that, shall we!:)

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't come to this web site.He would die laughing at these silly comments.

Anonymous said...

No BS in Adam's bag, or Sauli's bag either,nothing but love,lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam is wise enough to stay out of this site:DDD I´m so glad Adam and Sauli have each other to keep`em sane. Lots of weirdos lurking around here:D If A and S should have laughs of the century, they need to read these posts about their wrecked relationship:DDDDDD

Anonymous said...

Bars don't seem like an unusual place to find Adam...he's not exactly the library type!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Prehaps some of the fans would like ADAM to be confirmed to his hotel room and knit!
For heavens sake people!

Anonymous said...

Haha,Adam in his hotel room knitting,lol!! Then we'd really have something to worry about.

Anonymous said...

How did some happy pics of Adam at the volume bar (and Brian peeking so hilariously from behind) turn into an argument about his releationionship.

IMHO, when we DON'T see Adam out and about then we can worry about what he's doing in his hotel room. NOT the other way around.

If you want to speculate ask yourself WTF are Tommy and Ashley? Adam is mostly out-and-about with Brian. Figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tommy and Ashley are in their hotel room knitting! Just trying to figure it out!

glamnut said...

I think Adam loves being out and about. He is very social and likes meeting people. The others might get tired of following him around and like to do their own thing. Adam's career is really at an uphill climb and I think this gets him through the lonely days without Sauli. I'm sure there are times when it is hard. Sauli is so patient and understanding at least as we can see. I do hope they are able to keep their relationship going.

Anonymous said...

Sauli knows how to flirt too. It was his advantage when Adam was on a hunt..

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli have to keep their relationship going, Adam has a big concert coming up in Finland early next year, imagine if anything happened how that might affect him. Finland refer to him as their adopted God son thanks to his relationship with Sauli. Adam's just doing the rounds no doubt keen to check out the local music scene, this may also help him with future sales of his own music.

Anonymous said...

@6:45AM Well, it's a pet name. We adore Adam and Sauli together, but it's not like a requirement in real life, lol.

Anonymous said...

@5:15 AM Yeah Tommy and Ashley seems to have something going on...

Anonymous said...

Well Ashley's nickname for Tommy is T-bone...

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about that for a while. Ashley's hot and Tommy discovered her, remember?

Speculation isn't truth, though.

Anonymous said...

Tommyberts are very silent about Ashley and Tommy. I think the Adommy ship has begun to sink.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's dad already let slip that he's not coming home for Christmas, so Adam and Sauli must have their holiday plans in place. Bali is my guess and that trip is expensive enough.

Flights to China aren't cheap, which is why Adam and band stayed. Cheaper to stay 7 nights in hotel. Especially if Tommy and Ashley are rooming together.

Just kidding. The person who commented first on this post was asking for it.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and LizAnnie broke up and Ashley has divorced so...

Anonymous said...

OH NO!....does this mean we're going to have to hear about Ashommy Antics?.....JAK ^o^ ....I may barf!

Anonymous said...

I liked the mini " soap" on Tommy & Ashley, sos Funny !!!LOL!
U guys sure have a great sense of humor? Filthy Imagination2
Great up coming scriptwriters,directors & Producers!!!
Ok remember this is an Adam Lambert site :)