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Another Picture Adam with Fan at The Volume Bar in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!!! She cute but Adam is PERFECTION! Those eyes, those lips!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam..... you are jaw dropping gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

lol at the fans comment. lucky lady.

Adamluv said...

Cute girl!!! Maybe people wont whine so much seeing Adam at a bar with a woman? We know it sends some of you BSC when he's photographed with guys. I wonder why? LOL. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@3:31 of course, because Adam would not sleep with women. :)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam went to listen to the dj's. Trance and pop hits from the 80's in this bar.

Anonymous said...

3:39 are you are saying Adam would sleep with the men he meets at a bar? You dont have much respect for him, do you?

Anonymous said...

Didn't he use to?

Anonymous said...

@3:54 Adam did meet men in the bars while he toured and Sauli was one of them, lol.

Anonymous said...

Of course he slept with men he met at bars, where else would he meet them, Every time they had a chanche he would pick a gay bar for a few drinks and a pretty boy. He has admitted that. I am hoping that he is being true to Sauli, The papps will pick up on it if he isn't. BTW, thats how he met Sauli.

Anonymous said...

How about this Folks, Adam can F*** anyone he likes and wherever that's his absolutely F****** business!!!!!!

Rock on!!!!!


HK fan said...

arhh, I was out last night.....kept hoping I might bump into Adam.

pretty sure he didn't go to this bar to listen to 80's hits,Volume is an award winning GLBT bar in HK. Kind of assuming they play more modern music!

Anonymous said...

Lordy I met my husband at a bar. whoopy doo.

Anonymous said...

this thread is so stupid.

Anonymous said...

what's with the jealous troll lately? no life I guess?

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick and tired of the bs in these comments.

Anonymous said...

If some of you are fans(?) Adam sure doesnt need enemies.

Anonymous said...

@4:46 I read an article about the type of music they play in that gay bar. Maybe it was not correct. I'm listening to Nile Rodgers with Chic at Montreaux dance party at the moment. Disco and 90's trance, like KLF, never get old. Good music is ageless. I listen to dance music on fridays just to get into good mood.

Anonymous said...

Is Pitbull going to be on the VH1 Divas show with Adam?

#np Pitbull - Hotel Room Service

Anonymous said...

He said he liked pretty little young guys. Hasn't he written songs about picking them up at bars? Who cares.

Anonymous said...

6:14 I think you care alot beings you are on here day and night. lol

Anonymous said...

adam is beautiful in this pic, but sadly some of the folks who make inane comments on this site make it hard to keep coming here.

Anonymous said...

We do seem to attract a lot of idiots, nincompoops and just plain troublemakers. They are drawn to this site of Adam fans because they enjoy raining on our parade.
Well personally I like a rainy day so let them drop the little poisonous toads from their lips, I'm too busy to be upset cause I'm dancing in the an Adam tune.....JAK \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! beginning to read like "TMZ" on this site!!!

Just enjoy Adam's gorgeous pics in HK!!!
Also notice in lots of pics, U see Brian making funny faces in the background! Ha! Ha! the boys are being Cheeky & Playfull!!!
Cheeky in British terms means "playful" :):):)

Dim Sum Rose

glitzylady said...

You are simply the best! I love what you just said...And can just visualize you dancing to Adam Lambert songs in the rain...

This line (above) is priceless: "Well personally I like a rainy day so let them drop the little poisonous toads from their lips, I'm too busy to be upset cause I'm dancing in the an Adam tune.....JAK \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/"

Thank you for the wit and the joy you bring to this site..If I were closer than 3,000+ miles away, I'd join you!!!

Sending you a big Adam Lambert hug! >>>\0/<<<

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady...I thank you, hugs are always welcome. The toads of course come from the old French fairytale Diamonds and Toads, are you familiar with it? It's a favourite of mine and my family. When unkind words slip out accidently or on purpose, we say "hmmmmm toads?".........JAK

You can google the story!

Anonymous said...

HELP - what does \o/ mean?

Anonymous said...

\o/ = a cheer - hooray - or dancing with joy !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam has said he loves dance music and dance music is played in gay bars or so I'm led to believe. Anyway, I hope he has a fabulous time at the bars he attends because he deserves to have all the fun he enjoys.

Anonymous said...

I reckon Adams mature enough to control his own life without a lot of Glamberts adding their ridiculous input. Clearly yet again many don't know their Adam otherwise they wouldn't be writing some negative gunk.

Anonymous said...

Thankgoodness you defined 'cheeky'
otherwise someone will misinterpert
that and make some kind of wierd comment!

Anonymous said...

Why can't we gossip or be teasing on this site?

Anonymous said...

Because people don't have a sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

I'm a cheeky girl. :)

Anonymous said...

I am a very cheeky girl...4 are anatomical and one is my attitude!
Not always appreciated.......JAK :))