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Adam Lambert went bike riding today in Capetown!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Terrance Spencer said: So much fun riding bikes today even though I got hit by a wave twice! #wet #capetown #southafrica


Anonymous said...

Great picture of the group! Funny face Adam. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I can hear the it now about the back up singer's, , please just enjoy the picture, a great group. I love Adam and the band, they seem to get along and enjoy each other's company, so important when you are on a tour! Sue

Anonymous said...

Correction there are some nice Dancer's in there, sue

connie said...

Thanks for the great picture. Looks like the gang is having a little time to see some sights. Have fun and thanks for the great concert.

Anonymous said...

Great they are having fun bike riding and seeing the sights of Capetown!What an amazing experience for Adam and his friends to travel the world like this!

Anonymous said...

So i think that Sauli is not there? Well, thats sad :(

Anonymous said...

Why does Adam always make faces while others just smile? He has THE best smile of them all! His is the smile I want to see the most. Maybe he does those faces when he's on his own down time and it's his way of saying so to the papz? Anyway, I love Adam any which way, but really prefer the non funny face Adam :)

Anonymous said...

I'm 70 and I still ride my bike. I wonder if Adam would let me tag a long.

Anonymous said...

Those bikes look pretty basic. I don't see any gears or gear shift.

Anonymous said...

10:25 -- Do you always have your husband/partner/wife with you all the time? Adam's working in South Africa and he just happens to have a few hours off and spends it with his band (he's doing the same thing that any other person travelling for work would be doing).

Anonymous said...

He's having fun and is very animated. As a fan you should know Adam likes to express his emotions. Let it all hang out Baby!! Love Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli just spent a month in Finland and Adam has a career independent of his relationship with Sauli. Imagine they are a strong enough couple to do their own things. Willing to bet Sauli will be in Bali for NYE. The dark side

glitzylady said...

Heck, I'm going to LA for the Divas concert and my husband is staying home. We usually travel together but we also have our own interests and sometimes do our own thing, usually its me with some Adam friends to various events. My husband loves Adam too and has been to 4 concerts but sometimes its just me and girls. Its been working for us for a lot of years. Adam's traveling on business. Although I think Sauli would have loved South Africa too. And I agree with @TheDarkSide that if I were Sauli, I'd be going to Bali for New Years Eve. Heck, I'D like to be there for New Years Eve! But who knows for sure. Sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

I didnät mean that with my previous comment. I just think that it would have been cool to both of them to get to see new country together.

Anonymous said...

I didn't* lol ;)
And sorry for my other possible grammar mistakes, I'm from Finland and I'm pretty bad at English lol :D

Adamluv said...

Great picture of very talented young musicians/dancers having fun on their day off. All good. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Just realized another reason why I love this picture - men, women, (OK just 1) straight, gay, married, single, black, white, young and old hanging out together. Wait! Well, maybe not "old" represented but you cant have it all! LOL! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ 11:44 A.M. To our Finnish friend, don't worry about your's great. For most of us our Finnish is finished at Sauli and rakastan!....JAK :-)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:44 PM
I think your English is perfect. My Finnish is non-existant except for the few words that keep popping up re Sauli and Adam. No worries! And I totally agree it would have been nice if Sauli were able to go to South Africa with Adam, but considering the fact that its a relatively brief visit, and Adam will probably be tending to a lot of business oriented things, it may not have been worth it. Perhaps they'll visit when they have more time. I've been there and it is amazing. But a verrrrry long trip from the West Coast of the US to Cape Town. Completely worth it though if you have the time to enjoy and explore.

Anonymous said...

JAK...two mighty powerful Finnish words you`ve learned if you`ll ask you`ve had a great start:D

Anonymous said...

@11:42 I got your drift. Yes, Adam would love to have Sauli there for sure, but it must be great to have Terrance there. They are old friends. You can bet Sauli will be in Bali. He'd be crazy to miss out on that 5 star luxury pampering resort. By the way Tommy is looking amazing.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Tommy is looking mighty fine. I'm sure Sauli will go to Bali for NYE. I can't imagine him not wanting to be with Adam on that night.


Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, but maybe Sauli won't go to Bali. Maybe Adam doesn't want him to go, who knows. Sauli is shopping for winter clothes, because he's coming to Finland. I think that is a good idea. :)

Anonymous said...

maybe he will sing "Runnin'" and "kickin' In" in Johanasburg(sp)..since he did sound check those songs..wish he would sing "Runnin" of my faves...

HK fan said...

Don't want this to be mean sounding...but is that Ashley in the pic or Johnny Rice?

Anonymous said...

Tommy Joe looking good.He should date Ashley since he broke up with LizAnne

Anonymous said...


Oh, I'm crossing my fingers ADAM would rock Runnin this time.
Would love to hear it LIVE!


daydreamin said...

Anon 10:30 that's AWESOME that you still ride your bike. My Dad is 85 and still rides his bike too. Keep on ridin'!

daydreamin said...

I always wished that Adam would have sung Pick U Up but that never happened. I am going to keep my fingers crossed for Runnin' sometime! I hope it doesn't meet the same fate. That would be so sad that one of the most popular, if not THE most popular song on the album never gets heard live IMO.

Anonymous said...

This is a first for me...even I think Tommy looks good!...JAK

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin...JAK here

I love Pick U Up so much I've created a video in my head of him singing involves his black Mustang....which is now history, but he did look good in it! BTW he was wearing a black tank top!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of the group out having a fun bit of sightseeing.

Anonymous said...

So much fun ! I love Tommys red lipstick and his hair Yummy!!

daydreamin said...

@JAK I was hoping Adam would have kept that mustang and at least loaned/gave it to Sauli but alas, no. Lucky 2nd buyer!

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna posted this video of Underneath. It's INCREDIBLE!! Close-ups, perfect audio --

Anonymous said...

Has this one been posted? A medley of 3 Adam songs done in the Phillipines! He's everywhere! Yay!!

2012-11-14 - ASAP (Philippines variety show) Adam Lambert Medley (MW, WWFM, FYE)

Adamluv said...

@5:45 - if my memory serves me, Ashley is married.

maggie said...

@5:20pm, Ashley also posted a version of this pic at
and you can see Johnny on the far right. So that is Ashley next to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Adam & Band glamfamily all living a healthy Happy Life!!!
So happy for all !:):):)
Smart group of Cool Positive people!!!

Yes, Adam's looking incredible fresh, happy, gorgeous, beautiful, cause he's HAPPY!!! & Glowing!!!

Anonymous said...

@daydramin & JAK

Pick U Up is my favorite from FYE as well!!!