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Adam Lambert's Much Music interview (Recorded Livestream)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 26, 2012

Video streaming by Ustream

Thanks Glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Adam was wonderful, as always. But I was disappointed in the amount of time spent on his sexuality - yet again - despite his comment that the media emphasized his orientation time and time again. Quite ironic, isn't it!! Adam is always gracious and accommodating, but I wish interviewers spent more time focusing on his music - as they do with other performers. He is the voice of this generation, and that's where the emphasis should lie: on his talent, his music, his artistic vision, his plans, his accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

I watched the interview last night and loved it.

Anonymous said...

9:48AM...Agree with you totally! He is a fantastic singer and a performer for crying out loud! Amazing man! Adam should interview himself:D

leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with Anon: 9:48am

I liked when Adam point it out to the interviewer "how much time is already spent on talking about his sexuality" !!!
Poor Adam, no escape for him as he's the 1st Openly gay artist & an Honest one 2 unlike the other celebrities! Most came out earlier this year, Adam's the trailblazer!!! He's blessed & lots of great things is coming his way:)
Sweet Adam always:)

Anonymous said...

Stupid question I guess...when was this interview recorded?

Anonymous said...

He will always be asked about his sexuality forever. It's because he's one of the few gay celebs who will talk about it intelligently and openly. Most don't. He's an open book, just like he says. Might as well get used to it.

Anonymous said...

When did he give this interview?

Anonymous said...

I guess this was in late May this year when he was in Toronto to promote his Trespassing why there's no mention also of his fronting Queen.

Anonymous said...

12:18 pm....oh okay..thanks:)

Anonymous said...

If the interview was made in May...why the delayed airing? Or have I just missed it?