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Beautiful Adam Lambert Moment Captured on Stage! (In London)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 25, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 25, 2012


Anonymous said...

This man is pure perfection!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful man indeed:)

How can anybody ignore this human being....??????

Not the true fans:))) We all love and adore his talent and intelligence.....


Anonymous said...

phew he just had a workout on stage.

Anonymous said...

Just plain gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Adam! so full of emotions!
Love him!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Gorgeous Astonishing ADONIS!
GOD must be so proud of His creature!

Anonymous said...

Watching a repeat telecast of The Voice and what an accomplishment for this show to have contestant Cassadee Pope shoot to No.1 on ITunes with her hearfelt rendition of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert's composition toppling PSY's Gangham style from the top of the chart which i didn't even know was No.1.
Country fans do support their genre because Cassadee is not a country singer but was given a country song.
Also at XFactor, Tate Stevens has been consistently getting the highest votes from the loyal country fans.
Levine sang together with contestants under him Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love and was all over the place off pitch. What a shame!
If only he was aware ADAM fronted Queen this summer, he wouldn't dare touch a Queen song and fail miserably.

Anonymous said...

Adam is STUNNING by any standards.

Anonymous said...

Country music is a world unto itself. I try to like it, but I just can't seem to. Never did. The young contestants on the singing shows who are country are lucky to have a better chance at success because country has millions of built-in, automatic music buyers. They'll buy it all. The thought of a contestant getting to #1 on Itunes simply because they sang a country cover song kind of makes me cringe. However, I envy this phenomonon, too, because Adam is in pop, a much tougher genre. I wish he had the same built-in, automatic, accepting fanbase, but he doesn't. He has to fight for every fan. I do not for one second wish that Adam was a country singer. Heaven forbid. Like I said, I'm openly jealous of the country singers, old and new, who continually succeed because of the insular, but huge world of country music.

I know my attitude about this doesn't sound very kind, but I just can't help it. Does anyone else feel this way, or is it just me? I'm usually very positive about things, but this topic always riles me up.

These pix of Adam are incredible!


Anonymous said...

I can see this thread is going to be a repeat of the other thread already. See y'all in a few.

Anonymous said...

DRG, it's only natural to feel hurt for Adam's struggle vis-a-vis country singers having it easy, more so, when you have a keen sense of justice. But, as has always been pointed out, Adam is uniquely talented, cannot be captured in a box, and therefore more elusive.
Few artists have Adam's social agenda undergirding his music--moving hearts and minds to experience different sounds and points of views. Adam dares to take us to territories less travelled, and explains to those that don't get it, that "it's not that deep", but in some ways, it is. Shallow will not get Adam, but a little evolution will. You only have to point yourselves in his direction to see what his eyes can see. atm

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amaaaazing picture of Adam. He is so into his music and the emotion shows in this picture.

Anonymous said...

atm, Thank you, thank you, thank you. You raised my spirits and took me out of a somewhat depressing mood. I guess I do feel the injustice of it all, the feeling that Adam should by all rights be at the top of the heap if only everone would just LISTEN. But that is not reality, of course. And Adam's uniqueness is what I so love about him. He's like no one else, and we are lucky to have him. And we tend to forget that he IS successful and that his career is flourishing in its own way. Thanks for reading my mink and understanding what I meant.


Anonymous said...

DRG please give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

What is this need that someone has to ruin every friggin article by going off topic?

Anonymous said...

Adam is doing better than some artists, but not as good as others. As long as he is able to tour, make a decent living doing what he loves to do, be true to himself, and have his loyal followers backing him up, I think he will be just fine. I sure wouldn't want him to change just to get fans who don't accept him as he is. I don't think Adam is capable of "faking it" even if he tried. His uniqueness is part of his charm. No one compares to Adam vocally or otherwise. Be happy for all his accomplishments. Be happy for his openminded fans who get to enjoy him in all his glory. Win/Win in my book.

Anonymous said...

Anon @7:14pm: I absolutely agree with what you had to say. There is no one like Adam in the music business today and his uniqueness defines him. It sets him apart from all of the untalented, self-absorbed, crass performers out there making "music" today. He is fast becoming a global superstar and his career is flourishing. Of course, we would love for him to be more successful here at home, but that will come in time. I believe that Adam will have longevity in the music business or some other creative arts while most of the performers who now seem to be so popular will be long gone and forgotten. I am so happy to be an Adam Lambert fan because he is a consummate performer and amazing human being.

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like country music but whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

Country music fans have always been extremely loyal. That's a good thing, right?