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If You Have The VH1 Channel, Tune In To Watch Adam's Promos During Commercial Break!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 20, 2012

VH1 Has been playing Adam Lambert's promos for the 2012 Divas concert a lot during the commercial breaks.

Videos by crazy4Adam82:

Also, check out Adam Lambert's "Diva" Moments on youtube!


daydreamin said...

Wow, that was awesome. Can't believe there were a couple of clips I hadn't seen! This was really enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

These vids are great and brought back incredible memories. I remember seeing ALL of them when they first appeared. I was a crazed fan even then.


Anonymous said...

It's so good to relive all the fun moments with Adam! He's adorable Diva or not :))))


Jadam NZ said...

Wow, This reminds me of why I love Adam soooo much. Those notes inspite of the clowning around are to die for.
I know its not his thing but in time (long time) maybe he will be able to do an album of Show Tunes and old favourites. It would sure bring in revenue and thrill all us oldies. Maybe if he gets short of money sometime in the far future, he will humour us.
JAK would you be with me on this.

Anonymous said...

I just love these VH1 Diva's commercials!

funbunn40 said...

@JadamNZ, I would certainly be with you on this! Would love for Adam to do an album of showtunes. I really loved Carousel and the song, If I Loved You. Gordon McCrae played in the movie with Shirley Jones many years ago. The movie of Les Miserable is coming out here Christmas day. I've seen the theatre production 4 times and can't wait to see the movie. Liam Neeson mad e the movie a few years ago but it wasn't a musical and it just didn't have the same effect.

funbunn40 said...

I love Adam in these Diva promos. It shows his comedic side. He has such great timing and expressive facial expressions. I also love his smile and laugh. It also shows his powerful breath control and head voice.Pretty impressive!

Anonymous said...

These VH1 Diva promos are great and such fun to watch. I can't wait to see the show, not for the divas but for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get the feeling this was put together by a fan. Didn't you read the comments throughout the video? It sounds more like one of Adam's full-time trolls to me.

Anonymous said...

I know this person starts the first video with this is a joke and they are just joking, but the comments in the video are mean and put Adam in a negative light. Adam doesn't want to hurt people.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above 2 comments; these videos were not a compliment to Adam. If a non fans watched the videos the impression of Adam's performances and his personality would not be positive. It's moments taken out of context.


tess4ADAM said...

I saw these videos on Ytube sometime ago & thought the same thing. I even left a comment to that effect. These videos make ADAM look like someone that is 'stuck' on himself ... quite the opposite when it comes to ADAM. ADAM is NO diva in that sense of the word ... I don't like the captioning on the videos but that's JMO ... otherwise I LOVED seeing ADAM in 'action' ... so cute & FIERCE yet such a SWEET guy!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I have to agree, I was left with a feeling that these were a slam against Adam. We all seem to have different impressions....well, that's not new! Thus it shall forever be...
Some people look at a squirel and say "how cute and frisky"...I look at a squirrel and say "rat in disguise."

@ Jadam NZ...not only would I cash in my life insurance policy to help raise funds for Adam to make a show tune/golden oldies album, I've been planning the tracklist since Idol ended. In my dreams he sings the always begins with If Ever I Would Leave You and 15 songs later ends with There's a Place For Us!...big sigh here.....JAK :-)

Anonymous said...


LOL re squirrel!
Love those songs you mentioned.
I believe Jack Jones (the one known for his perfect pitch) has his version of If Ever I Would Leave You.
But I'm sure about Andy Williams and Robert Goulet have their versions.
