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Ke$ha: Adam Lambert is Hot

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, November 12, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 12, 2012


Anonymous said...

I have always found Ke$ha an interesting person and Adam has always liked her alot.

Anonymous said...

I think Ke$ha is very different than many of these "talented" singers and celebrities. They would be perfect for each other if Adam would be straight:D

Anonymous said...

he always says to her "I miss U" I wonder what he truly misses???? hmmm the touch, the smell the feel.... hmmmmmmmmmm this could get interesting in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Kesha have always had a kind of connection. I'm not a fan of hers, but they sure do like each other. Duet, maybe?


Anonymous said...

did they have a liason? do tell ADAM

Anonymous said...

ho hum why all the negative silly trolls on here lately?

Anonymous said...

he is wanting Kesha while in South Africa. she is bringing out his inner beast:)) down boy

Anonymous said...

do do tell!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's sweet.

funbunn40 said...

I think Adam and Ke$ha were considered "freaks'and controversial by media and the public, both dealing with nasty personal attacks. That might foster a kinship and mutual sympathy, forming a friendly bond. Adam kissed her once in a club after several drinks and it obviously wasn't a big deal for either of them, just fans that tried to make more out of it. Bottom line, Adam's gay and said, "kissings girls is fun". It doesn't always mean you want to sleep with a person and Adam's a sweet, friendly, affectionate guy. I think Sauli takes very good care of Adam's needs and no worries over Ke$ha IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Adam has commented many times about Kesha and her looks and how much he misses her. Maybe there is times he longs for a female that he can connect with or snuggle with. teeheehee

glitzylady said...

Off Topic: I thought this was interesting: Shows the costs to hire various former AI contestants for an event.

From "Radio and TV Talk"

"How much will it cost you to have Clay Aiken or Adam Lambert show up at your event?"

" for Celebrity Talent International provides an extensive list of celebrities and how much it would cost to have them show up for an appearance."

"I presume these are starting point rates for a Fortune 500 company or a rich person’s wedding, not for a charity event:"

"ADAM LAMBERT: $100K to $150K (Chris Isaak and Creed are in the same range)

"Clay Aiken: $100K to $150K (George Lopez, Hall and Oates and Gladys Knight are in the same range)
Carly Smithson: $10K to $20K (Emerson Drive, Joan Baez and Gallagher are in the same range)
Danny Gokey: $10K to $20K (Eric Benet and George Wallace are in the same range)
David Archuleta: $80K to $100K (Dennis Miller, Kenny Rogers and Jewel are in the same range)
David Cook: $80K to $100K (Gretchen Wilson< Kenny Loggins and Jeff Dunham are in the same range)
Kellie Pickler: $60K to $80K (Al Green is in the same range)
Kristi Lee Cook: $10K to $20K (Patti Smith is in the same range)
No fee listed: Justin Guarini

Anonymous said...

Kesha is his female of choice when the boys aren't around.

Anonymous said...

@8:46PM Sauli and Adam are in love. When you said that Sauli takes care about Adam's needs it sounds confusing. Actually, for me it sounds discussing. "Adam's needs"! yaak!

Anonymous said...

The brushing teeth with Jack, the messy hair, the baby oil and body glitter and throw in some guyliner would make for a good sexcapade. don't forget the blowing machine full of confetti!

Anonymous said...

very interesting article GL, thanks.

HK fan said...

I wonder how accurate that article is, as I saw a similar thing but it was more of an Idol booking website just a couple of weeks ago, and Adam was down as $150k to250,000

Maybe we should phone up and book him, get an accurate answer?

Anonymous said...

he misses her beer shampoo.

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
I think we should...maybe take up a collection? I'll provide the private event location ; )) My house would work fine I think...

Anonymous said...

I think these are very stupid numbers. So, I can get Adam or Clay perform on my private party if I would pay them $200,000?

Anonymous said...

Okay,I found some person who will pay Adam $350,000 for two hours performance. Background ladies are not invited.They take too much space:D

Anonymous said...

Surprised Clay would get as much pay as Adam. His voice is good but not in Adam's league especially performance-wise!

Anonymous said...

At this point I do believe Adam singing at anything, would be worth that higher figure. I do know that any abroad concert is at least 500,000. I read that when a while back someone, some seedy place in I believe Asia paid a down payment to get Ad 80,000 for 2 concert's.they then realized when nothing materialize, that they were duped. I think they paid 20,000 down! Adam for a full out, concert abroad gets at least, according to his magement that 500,000 and sometimes more, for anything abroad, they checked with his management, when they figured they were swindled, should have done that first thing! I remover because when that came out, that little creep, worm PH, did his usual snark! He probay gets that here, depends if a promotional, concert or what., but a full out
Concert abroad he gets at least 500,000. That reasonable when you have to pay managemt, the band, a venture,and all other cost, pertaining to him and the band. He worth that and much more! Lot's of expenses, going abroad, also pretty expensive Air plane fees also! Correction that was I remember! I am sure he may take less for the's smaller, promotional gig's. I know this information, pretty sure is correct! Think that will even go up before to long, especially in Asia, Philaphine's, Russia places he most popular! Sue

Anonymous said...

Correction on 2 word's remember, and ventue! I so hope I got that correction right! This is for 11,05. Sue

Adamluv said...

@10:56 - does it make you feel better about yourself to constantly be leaving rude comments about Adams backup singers? And never leaving a tag of course! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I kind of doubt at this point clay gets that much he might. He was on celebrity apprentice, may have for it there! clay Aikens, may be sick do not care what any one saids! He been horrible to Adam. If I had big money I would pay huge amount to have Adam perform I check out of this eart, hopefully not soon, is to see Adam in a front roll seat, if I were rich, which I am not, I would pay a huge amount to, be up close front roll close, at a full out concert, or any concert of his period, correction one word,earth, pay large amount if I could to see him before check out of this earth!

Anonymous said...

I was 11.32, I forgot again to put my name!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it cost mucho now for private functions. Air fares alone for the whole band gets expensive and ADAM travels more in style now at long last. One wonders how much Bali has invested too. All seems out of persepective for such a small island where its residents earn so little to live.

Anonymous said...

And who said money couldn't talk!
Just hope Adam is rewarded well for his work.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Kesha understand their inner connection and don't forget they are also humans folks!:)

Adam is a friendly person and he connects well with his opposite side:)

Just give these people a break and don't ruin his relationship with Sauli.

They are good people.


Anonymous said...

he makes no apologies. so he won't be apologizing anytime soon for his complete infatuation with Miss Kesha. he calls it out for all to see.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure Kesha IS the opposite sex? She looks like a queen.

Read those costs again - that's now much they get paid to APPEAR not to perform - just chat and walk around with a drink in your hand - be seen!

@ 8:54 pm Nov 12 - I can't stand it anymore - the word you want is disgusting - not discussing!

Anonymous said...

@Canadian - November 13, 2012 3:16 AM

Do you really think Adam would let some internet trolls ruin his relationship with Sauli?

Perhaps Adam and Kesha could tour together, great exposure for Adam and new fans.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes Kesha because behind all the glitter he sees the real person who is vulnerable and honest to a fault. They are in many ways kindred spirits!


Anonymous said...

Regarding Adam and Kesha, why can't they just be good friends? I see nothing weird or strange about it. Nothing to read into. I'm sure it must be difficult to find people who are "real" in the music industry. I am happy for Kesha and Adam that they are friends. His relationship with Sauli is totally different. Adam and Sauli are a couple.

Anonymous said...

My neighbors daughter and her best friend (gay guy) since childhood, moved to NYC when she got a designing job with Donna Karan, he's the usual aspiring actor/bartender...they've lived together for 2 years in a tiny apartment. Affectionate friends, no hanky panky. They both have boyfriends! It is possible. They love each other, but they don't LOVE each other!

Adam has lots of female loves.

Anonymous said...

6:57 AM
I feel the same way as you do. Adam, since he is a very sensitive and considerate person, can have and does have a few girls as his best friends. Adam may feel the same special connection with Kesha.

Anonymous said...

I have friends who are gay and friends who are straight and I value all of them..... but my gay friends generally are more sensitive, better cooks, better dressers and much better dancers.


Anonymous said...

8:54 You're either off your meds again or have been drinking too many adult beverages...

Anonymous said...

wonder if he sniffed the roses on her crotch yet?