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Maori TV Interviews Adam Lambert at JB HiFi in New Zealand (10-10-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 2, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 02, 2012

Via @DariaBatina


Anonymous said...

So excited for Adam, these kids, and happy for them that they know his core attributes, that he's real and true. Doesn't take Maori to know the female interviewer is smitten with our guy. She and he said his name over and over with glee. Who wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE seeing fans go BSC for Adam all over the world. He is definately the whole package. The interviewer does seem smitten. How could she not be?


Anonymous said...

Adam's promo in NZ and Australia were my very favorite thing. I went through the whole trip with him and enjoyed every minute. I hope he gets back there soon.

Catharine Sloper said...

I am like, how come the Maori have all the fun of meeting Adam. Why can't he come to Connecticut? What don't I see him more on American TV? Honestly!

Anonymous said...

I know this has been said before but Adam's fans abroad seem much younger than his fans in the US. What is wrong with the youth in North America why are they not supporting this amazing talent and role model?

I really don't get it.


Anonymous said...

On unistar radio Belarus where the listeners top 9 million, Trespassing was #1 today!The U.S will have to eventually catch up to all the international success. When I get discouraged about U.S. radio I just think that Adam is having great success all over the world and I just keep requesting and voting. I know someday he will get the recognition he deserves here at home!

Anonymous said...

Those little girls are so cute! They make Adam look so marketable (which he is, mainstream just doesn't know it yet).

I hope all the young fans in USA are also as excited and seek out Adam concerts and meetings whenever possible.

Anonymous said...

@11:46- I wonder the same thing, why the youth here don't support adam. When- I hear what they listen to, autotuned rap crap- Nick m for one and a million more- I get my answer. They don't know talent at all. So sad and simon putting that rap group through on x-factor doesn't help either lol

Anonymous said...

rest of world seems more pop (less country, rap, or should i say crap) to see young crazy fans across the globe. Adam's marketing team may be smart in terms of the internatl market, esp coupled with TV in other countries:)

Anonymous said...

I thought the video contest Adam had showed that he has lots of younger fans in the US.
And I'm sure Adam picked up a lot of younger fans in the US from Pretty Little Liars.

choons said...

In a few years these young fans will have buying and voting power - Adam's insurance for the future!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, last day to get Adam nominated for a People's Choice Award. Ends at midnight eastern. (If we get him nominated, that voting starts Nov. 15)

Fav Album "Trespassing - Adam Lambert"

Fav Male Artist "Adam Lambert"

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the younger fans abroad are brought up to be more open minded... I amazed at the young people I work with lack of acceptance of gays. I listen to music a lot , they all know who I'm listening to .... It's no secret ... I can't count the number of times one of them had said but he's gay. So I say really... I knew there was something special I liked about's sad the think that way...our childern never thought thst way....they were taught better... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rosepetal I agree it is the way parents raise their children. So proud my 2 are very open minded as are myself and my husband. But there are so many conservatives in this country and if they hear their parents saying nasty things about being gay they learn these close minded ideas. Hopefully one day it will not be an issue and Adam is paving the way,hard as it might be. doing an awesome job IMO!

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal, in some countries it may be more acceptable but there are plenty of places abroad where it is against the law to be gay. I don't know what it is with the kids you work with, but that's not my experience with the younger people I know through work and friends.

Anonymous said...

It's all right for today's young teens to listen to rap and hip hop artists who use crude and vile
language and have videos where all you see are scantily clad women shaking everything to the so called music BUT it's a problem for them to listen to Adam's music because he is Gay???Where is the sense in this? I guess they don't recognize or understand talent, someone with a spectacular voice and amazing stage presence. Someone who is articulate, smart, personable, and honest are other qualities they don't understand either. I guess if he recorded some crap single, he would have a hit, but that's not Adam and he worked hard on this new cd to bring his persona into the final product. He does have a very strong, loyal older fan base here and internationally he is very popular with the younger groups. While these other no talent performers will fade from the music scene soon enough, Adam Lambert will have longevity in the music business and other creative arts.

Anonymous said...

if its this bad now for gay people hate to think how it will be if romney and the republicans win with there anti-gay beliefs.

Anonymous said...

I like rap and hip hop, lol.

Niko&Sauli (Let me take you)

Anonymous said...

Please get in some more votes at 102.9 Dallas for the top 5 at 5 less than an hour away. Home page click green arrow and hit request. If you don't see it go back a gain,they switch songs up. Thanks. Of course keep going with Peoples Choice!

Anonymous said...

I know it's illegal in some countries to practice homosexuality .... I guess I was thinking more about Euorpean countries.... glad its not that way with the kids u know ...

Anonymous said...

Omg.... I'm standing at a gas station in Joplin mo ....just heard trespassing coming out of an older mans's car.... He just drove by bobing his head to the music!!!!... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam has very busy holiday season! SA,Toronto,China,Bali!

Anonymous said...

@2:33PM, Oh good! :)

Anonymous said...

If you look back at footage of Adam on Idol( and right after) there were plenty of young screaming fans.
I think there may be 2 problems concerning younger fans in the US currently.
One is lack of radio play and exposure. Kid's listen to what is right in front of them. They would have to seek him out because sadly they don't hear him or see him on US media.
The other may be that some closed minded adults aren't purchasing Adam stuff for their young kids in fear of promoting being gay. I'm sure that is a minority but there are some parents (million moms - ugh - etc) who still think "gay is wrong" and don't want their kids around it. Imagine if their child began to accept it or became gay themselves (as if that is the way it works).

It is very sad that someone as talented as Adam, who also happens to be an amazing individual both inside and out, isn't a huge success and role model in the States. It does give me comfort to know that he is appreciated around the world and hopefully one day the US will wake up to what they are missing.

Anonymous said...


Adam will be in Toronto? Why couldn't I find any tickets selling info yet?

Anonymous said...


I agree. Adam's promo in NZ and Australia was fantastic!

Now back to voting for People's Choice!

Anonymous said...

@rose petal
You could be right about the younger fans not liking Adam because he is gay. I was an educator for over 35 years in Toronto mostly in very diverse high schools and I experienced a lot of homophobia in the general student population. Particularly, young men are very uncomfortable with any type of alternate sexuality. When a LGBT club was started at my school a few years ago it was not supported by most of the students. Their posters advertising the club were constantly defaced or ripped up. As an administrator I would hear many sad stories of out right bullying and discrimination. However, I am happy to say that by working with students and staff and bringing about awareness of LGBT issues there has been a slow but gradual change towards acceptance. I also agree that acceptance of each others differences starts at home first and foremost.


Jadam NZ said...

Last night while waiting for X Factor to start, there was a promo for the actual TV Channel, bits of other shows local celebs etc quoting the Channels promo line and guess who pops up Adams beautuful face. I was so excited just about fell of my seat. So all of TV 3 veiwers will be seeing that a lot over the next few months. Looking at the clothes it was done while here in NZ.
I have read all your comments and agree with most of them. It is a battle we will win for Adam, dont worry. Internationaly he is doing exceptionally well, hoefully the rest will follow. It must be heartbreaking to work so hard though and not get far in your own place of birth.
Mentioning X Factor I was so disappointed in the first live show, why do they want to take these kids individuality away and make them like everyone else. Silly costumes dying their hair etc. Horrible.

Anonymous said...

as an American citizen, I am disgusted with the way this country has, in a manner of speaking, dissed our Adam..and the answer, of course, is his sexuality and the fact that he does get a little, shall we say, frisky on stage..but this is who Adam is..and he is absolutely beautiful, in all ways..not perfect..but damned close enough..his talent, of course, far surpasses that of JB or even my heart of hearts, I do believe, cause I have to, that he will have a long lasting and successful, I wonder when he will pull together another tour..nothing scheduled, that we know about, beyond Dec...

Anonymous said...

@GMT Wow I am very surprised by your post. I thought in Canada people were very open minded and liberal. Does it depend where in Canada?I guess even if a person lives in a more liberal country there will always be those that are narrow minded.Adam has opened my eyes to the degree of prejudice toward gay people or anyone who is different.I believe everyone has a purpose in life. To me Adam's first purpose is to entertain us with his beautiful voice,but very importantly he is making some people rethink their close minded beliefs.Adam makes this world a better place!

Anonymous said...

Check out this rap/hip-hop duo. I'm in love with them and they have great messages in their music. They debuted at #2 and their current tour is nearly sold out.

Adam tweeted a link to this video from the new cd.

Anonymous said...

Youth outside America is more enthusiastic and knows the voice in music:))

Look Asian people especially kids they are in music and not going to waste money just to buy crap autotuned entertainers....

Liked Michael Jacksons history with Asian fans they know the real talent indeed :)

Adam will be a legend and I'm sure of that:)


Anonymous said...

Easy thumbs up requesting for Trespassing

Just click on Voter/Vote for Adam on these Canadian stations.

Write in Adam Lambert, Trespassing
Please specify that your request is Trespassing for the 9@noon.


Anonymous said...

Canadian, nice sweeping generalization.

Anonymous said...

Just found out that q102 in philly had a voting contest and Glamberts won as the best fan group. I'm completely shocked bec. i didn't even know they were having a contest despite the fact that i go on the site daily to ask them to play adam's songs. how did we win without my votes? LOL

Anonymous said...

@Canadian I agree that Asia is a huge market for Adam. They seem to be in total awe of his talent. Look at when he was in China and on the Voice of China. Such respect and admiration for Adam. It's a pretty big population too,to say the least.

Anonymous said...

@6:00pm I didn't know about this contest neither. But I request the Trespassing from q102 and many other radio stations every 3-4 hours. Thanks to my husband. He bought me the IPhone for my birthday!!! Now I can text as much as I can@check all news about Adam during the day!

Anonymous said...

Do not know about January, but in Febuary zadam has 5 concert's in Japan, anybody can they what they want Japan, has been super kind and supportive, of Adam. He also has one in Moscow, so in Febuary there are at least 6 big time concert's for Adam!! That is Adam has at least 6 concert's, it was Adam first line not Zadam, so sorry! Listening to find raiser, for the hurricane, what defistation, Houston where my oldest daughter and my Two precious special need's grandchildren, had an awful hurricane about four years ago! Galveston was pretty much wiped out, but has come back stronger! Houston had lot's damage power outages, God forbid could happen again, Any hurricane season! Adam travel's all the time, anything could happen, God forbid we could loose him in the blink of an eye, to an accident or anything so I not going to argue with some crazy lady on her anymore, those people or particular peron, has now chased off another regular DRG, slowly but surely people are going on there own to support, Adam. Not much fun. I say if you want to support your Idol go to the nearest, outlet mall, he will be there soon. That may sound mean, which I normally would never say, but this person or person's think same one posting and agreeing with her self, over and over! I want to be on here for Adam, to request and support, but these one or 2 people are messing it up, so I just will try and ignore what she say's. Because we are letting this poisoned tougued, pretend Adam follower win! With fans like this woman he needs no enemies!! She not a fan, certainly not a normal one. Please ignore her or his, sure it's a her,negative, and hateful remarks toward people here and Adam, all the time. We must continue to support him and not let, Perez Hilton's , side kick win! DRG you are to great a Adam fan, to let these fake Adam fan's run u off!

Anonymous said...

@6:45PM Sorry, what is "zadam"? Never heard this word before!

Anonymous said...

@1:27PM I didn't understand what are you talking about.

Anonymous said...

@2:10pm So, what are you doing on this blog?

Anonymous said...

DRG just posted on this thread. She is one of my favorites here. :)

Anonymous said...

@6:00pm I didn't know about this contest neither. But I request the Trespassing from q102 and many other radio stations every 3-4 hours. Thanks to my husband. He bought me the IPhone for my birthday!!! Now I can text as much as I can@check all news about Adam during the day!

Anonymous said...


People can enjoy multiple types of music AND be an Adam fan. Last I checked Adam likes many different types of music.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:33 PM,

I'm here in Toronto but no news yet for Adams tour dear.....:)

We r not going to miss it for sure!!Eek:)

Where did u get the information ha????

If u know anything let us know quickly!!!!

I'll buy for my family and friends too!!!

I always check but no news about coming here yet?????

Shoot!!! Now I have to ask everyone here in Toronto fans the real deal eh:)


Anonymous said...

@6:45PM What are you talking about? Who wants run off ? Where did you read the comments against herr?

Anonymous said...

Well, I must have missed something, because I'm DRG and I haven't gone anywhere. Nobody will run me off. I'm here to stay unless I drop dead or something.

DRG (voting and requesting)

Anonymous said...

Adam will be in Shanghai again in Dec. 2. Here is the URL:

Anonymous said...

Can anyone translate this Maori interview?

@November 2, 2012 9:00 PM
Thanks for the heads-up re Shanghai.

Anonymous said...

I like the language. Never heard it before. Is it close to japanese?

Anonymous said...

No, it's closer to being native New Zeeland before the British came.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's about 3500 miles as the crow flies...

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