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More Halloween Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 1, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 01, 2012


Anonymous said...

Great pics!

Anonymous said...

One day left to get Adam on the People's Choice Awards Offical Nominee list! Go vote! Repeatedly :)

Write in Trespassing for Favorite Album
and Adam Lambert for Favorite Male Artist

Anonymous said...

Those boobs are scandalous!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:45

Oh no... I have lost 3 days w/o power. Is there a voting limit?

Anonymous said...

don't think there's a voting limit.I've voted over and over.

Anonymous said...

@6:52 PM If you'are talking about the red dress girl you are absolutely correct.These boobs are scandalous .....wait for it.....AWESOME!!! And this girl is so cute and sexy.
However, on family:) photo #1 some boobs are scandalously discussing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant photo #2

Adamluv said...

Isnt the last picture Danielle? Peeps have been asking about her since we havent seen her in a while. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Fun is fun but I've been looking at Adam like this for days. Can someone post one of there favorite beautiful pics of Adam, Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

I kept voting on People's Choice Awards all the while watching the Country Music Awards.
Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert won all the major awards: Male and Female vocalist, song of the year, entertainer of the year.....
I didn't like Carrie's rendition of her Blown Away some kind pitchy> Kelly Clarkson is all over, pop and now nominated for country music as well.
I hope ADAM gets some from People's and Grammy!

Anonymous said...

I steer clear of country music. Don't care for it at all. Yes, Kelly is all over the place. Diversify! Seems like the country music world has awards shows every other week.

I PRAY that Adam gets a Grammy nom. Even a nom is worth a lot in the world of music cred. And the People's Choice would be great, too. We ARE his PEOPLE! LOL.

DRG (Still voting!)

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add: yes, I'm pretty tired of Adam in his Halloween costume. Time for a change!


Anonymous said...

Let's focus on voting for Adam's nominations!!! Please vote!

daydreamin said...

@Adamluv you are correct! That is Danielle.

Anon 7:48 here is my new fav pic:
Click HERE

I too seem to feel like there Are country music awards every couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Glampire Part 3

Shapeshifter vampire returns, swoops, makes a beeline strike at Glampire Adam; who instantly aims his skull laser-ring to fend off the pugnacious spook
Glampire slams shut the door; the loathsome creature stretches out its winged-skin, soars to the fifth floor; dead-set on indulging in its parasitic scoop
What is the commotion about? His handsome, agitated butler races down the spiral staircase, muttering...kill that blood-sucker nincompoop!
Yea, vampire is back to instigate trouble, get ready; this time he'll get a load of my high-intensity, ostentatious electric-shock therapy!
Pandemonium breaks out on the fifth floor; an abominable creature with clawed tentacles, yanks its fangs abhorrently
Aggravated, Glampire immediately fires an infrared laser, asphyxiating the decadent's undulating, blood-laden belly
Squelching, belching, regurgitating, it thrusts upward in a desperate attempt to devour Glampire...instead loses its balance
Somersaults five floors down from the balcony in an explosive cacophony; slithers away wallowing in self-pity, into the wooded periphery
Glampire Adam saunters down the spiral staircase, deep in thought; life has been somewhat taut, out of sorts without his close companion's support
Sits alone at the long rosewood table; his butler has laid out a scrumptious spread of beef and crunchy vegetables, two glasses of red wine
He ponders on the nostalgia of the two silver lit candles flickering in the mild draft, sifting through the antiquated dragon-window
Suddenly there's a knock on the door followed by the usual sultry, mournful chime
Glampire's ears perked but this time he's not irked nor alert to check it out first; continues nonchalantly, his meal of beef-vegetable curd; though he much prefers blood! He!
His butler answers the door; all at once exclaims with exhilaration...It's you! To the rescue!
Glampire continues savouring his stew...and at that moment, he feels a familiar touch on his shoulder...turns round, gasps, jumps up...Sauli!
They hug, misty-eyed; reminiscing their chanced meeting, not so long ago at the club; they renew, review; lying in the moonlight halo hue
At this juncture, you might like to wave a wand and sprinkle a slew of sexy, convoluted, rhapsodic, sparkling dew
On these two boyfriends, as fuel on their long and winding road; filled with frills, thrills, spills; as they carve out their niche and scale the highest peak for!


Anonymous said...


Just to let you know I've read your post.
Know I include Scott in my daily prayers as well as for all those who need healing in this fandom.
GOD bless!


Anonymous said...

Request Line: 1-800-242-0100


Requests 519-571-BEAT (2328)


1-866-553-2020 press #1 & leave message requesting @adamlambert #Trespassing @SiriusXM 20 on 20!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daydreaming:) 8:29pm
for the gorgeous pic of Adam!

Adam looks so Fresh & Handsome!!!
His eyesssssss!!!& smile! Beautiful face!

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my, vampires don't eat, they only drink blood.

Anonymous said...

phew need a finger break I have been voting like mad woman on People's Choice Awards. I only vote for the album anything else slows me down. I guess I'll do some radio requests on my break. TTFN

Anonymous said...

Hurricane Sandy haiku

Elements of nature
Converge on East Coast people
Fiery, darkness...


daydreamin said...

Hey guys, would you mind texting this station now (tex 73389)to get Trespassing played in Calif???


107.9 The End ‏@1079theend
Gonna play @JustinBieber #AsLongAsYouLoveMe at 9:47. BTW the #Text10At10 is 20 mins away! Text vote ur fav song into the countdown 73389

Anonymous said...

Hey Timeslot
Haven't heard from you for quite a while...hmm 9:44...a very convoluted numerology number. I smell a rat! You do too, huh?!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin How often we can text them?Can I do it every 2 minutes?:)LOL

Anonymous said...

Yea this number 9:52 is a lot more enticing than the rat! lol!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! you gave me my favourite number...9:55 / No.1 ! Bingo with Nov 1..Happy All Saints Day everyone!...also my baptism day; Thank you Timeslot dear friend !

Anonymous said...

Great fun but get the promotional stuff done for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween! Adam, Sauli and Mompire! lol!

Anonymous said...

I have been voting since 9pm both for Best Male Artist and Album!!!
For The Love Of ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's a collage of Adam & co's Glampire photos posted on Australia's Take 40 site. Kudos to Take 40 for doing this. They promoted Adam's concert in Sydney in August this year. I was there and Adam was FANTABULUSH!!!

Voting like mad for Adam re the People's Choice Awards.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the pictures from Take40 very good, enjoyed them all. I was listening to Adam's cover of Is this Love? right before I came here from Take40.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

I hope we will live stream from SA

Anonymous said...

Don't know anything about this movie but they seem to like Adam!

Anonymous said...

What did happen with this blog?

Anonymous said...

@8:51 what do you mean

Anonymous said...

IN my haste of voting for male vocalist Adam may have some votes for female vocalists. Not intentionally or to be mean, just my carelessness. Sorry Adam.

Anonymous said...


Your post cracked me up!!!
I believe I made the same mistake the first time and put ADAM's name in other categories where he does not belong.

Anonymous said...

Haiku East Coast

Return home and find
It's not there; belongings dangling
What does that feel like?


daydreamin said...

@HAL I think we are only supposed to request once per day.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

You know how Hitler sounded? I doubt that. Actually I do, he screeched and yelled and pounded his fists when he talked. Whereas our President Obama is quiet, reasonable and precise. He is not a Muslim, he has not asked anyone to vote out of revenge and you are an embarrassment to this site.
Must you lie? Can't you just say you don't like President Obama? We'll accept your opinion or reject it quietly.

Are you perhaps Rush Limbaugh's sister?

Anonymous said...

"quiet, reasonable and precise"?
Where do you live that your President is like that? Not in the US!

Anonymous said...

In Delaware and I believe what my ears hear and what my fact checking tells me.

Adamluv said...

@9:29 - here in California too.

Anonymous said...

Ditto in FLA. Politifacts is my favorite reading. Romney has rated "pants on fire" for lies so many time he should have been consumed by flames by now.

Anonymous said...

"Quiet, reasonable and precise"???? Laughable!!! Obama has no humility and snarky and obnoxious. Get a hearing aid.

Anonymous said...

Get a brain!

Anonymous said...

Are we having fun?