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New (Old) Picture of Young Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 10, 2012

Via @CherrryGaga


Anonymous said...

Cute young man but Adam's beautiful eyes stand out so much more when his eyebrows are dark.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen that one. Very hot. From what I've seen of Adam's childhood pics and stories, he has never suffered from low self-esteem. That's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good thing to be reminded that Adam did lots of media stuff as a quite young man. I know he did a few TV commercials. Snips have been posted. He had early professional photos, etc. done, too. He was always destined for stardom and worked hard toward that goal from a young age. Never lazy! He's been performing longer than most non-fans realize. He's not just an Idol from out of nowhere who never "paid his dues." I love these early pics of him. He has always been an absolute doll, with personality to match.


Anonymous said...

What an attractive young man. I still think his dark hair and eyebrows are most attractive. I didn't know he did a few TV commercials.

Anonymous said...


I agree dark eyebrows framing his beautiful eyes emphasize how tantalizing they are.


I think ADAM did have some issues with self-esteem when he was in high school when he said he didn't have many friends and didn't know who to sit with during school lunch.
And he had acne and weight problems on his last year as seen when he sang during his graduation.


Anonymous said...

JAK here...what a pleasant shock, an actual new to me photo from younger days. With a built in buying audience Leila should just open up the family albums and have an 'Adam Early Years' book published for Glamberts worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Adam may have been a bit overweight,not fat by any means. He says he has always had acne issues,but to me he still looked so cute as a young boy and teen. I still think even now Adam doesn't realizes just how gorgeous he is!

Anonymous said...

Adam's early struggles have helped shape him into the caring/giving young man he has become. I love the fact that he is such a huge talent yet he is so grounded..... there is absolutely no conceit about him. Great job Leila and Eber!


choons said...

looks like someone was playing with a black magic marker on his hair in this pic ... but what a cute face - that sideways half-smile.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Yes, a new to me picture as well and I thought I had seen them all. He was such a doll then and knew just how to do that sort of side smile.

HK fan said...

I posted the link to this photo a couple of days ago. The site it came from had loads of pictures that I hadn't seen before. I'll see if I can find it again.....

sorry can't find it at the moment:(

Anonymous said...

SPUNK!!!!!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

Adam said he weighed 250lb when he was at high school. Even at 6'1", that is overweight for him. His weight and acne were big issues for him when he was at high school ..... and look at him now!! He's drop dead STUNNING!!

daydreamin said...

Here is an old commercial he was in:
Click HERE
Click HERE
Adam promo on 9 on your side:

Anonymous said...

OH, I just love him in these early pictures. I'd just love it if he would return to his real roots and be a ginger blond again. It suits his freckled complexion, and he just looks so real in his natural coloring.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sweet when younger but I think most of us look better once we fully mature, he's grown into a very good looking guy no matter what color his hair is.