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New Picture: Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen went to see Danielle Stori yesterday:

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

They are all so pretty! Adam especially LOL!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I recognize Danielle and Adam, but if that blonde is Sau;i he has had a radical 'do over' !!!!

Anonymous said...

which one's Sauli?

Anonymous said...

I see, Adam is back to his old more is more look..

Anonymous said...

Adam is morphing again.... I see more guy liner and is that silver tips? SA here he comes!


Anonymous said...

Danielle is very talented. great voice,better than a lot of what we hear from superstars. goes to show you how difficult it is to break into music biz.I am thankful for all these opportunities Adam is getting,maybe right now radio is like hitting against a brick wall. But he is still able to tour to sold out crowds,internationally a superstar and getting some good T.V. gigs like PLL and VH1 diva special. Only 100 tickets left to VH1!

Anonymous said...

Sauli was there, maybe he was taken this picture ;)

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam seems to be forging ahead and increasing his visibility and career regardless of radio play. Just goes to show that sales aren't the ONLY thing that matter. He has so much starpower and charisma that the media just cannot ignore. The sales will come.
I was looking for Sauli, too. Oh, well. Daneille is looking very fine, along with her friend. Adam outshines them all, of course. Lovin' his hair. Hopes he keeps it that way for a while.


Anonymous said...

he had on more guy liner cause he couldn't be outdone by Danielle..I like him better without so much make up..but it can always be washed off and a new Adam will

Anonymous said...

In those pics from the grocery store with Sauli Adam had no makeup on. That is when he looks the most gorgeous to me. He has a natural beauty and to die for features. But hey this is Adam and when he goes out he wears some makeup. He has always said he likes makeup, so I will enjoy looking at him any which way!

Anonymous said...

More and mention of Adam with Sauli lately . Lots of family time together. I smell some sort of announcement soon . I approve !!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Danielle what a sexy pair:)) gosh they are pretty 2 gether:)) the eyes say it all with those two!!

Anonymous said...

only 100 tickets left for VH1 gig? I wonder how many were for sale?

Anonymous said...

Don't think any Picts if Sauli available. Wonder if he is going to SA and China with Adam ? These flights must be expensive. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

If I were Sauli, I would go to South Africa and Bali... the rest... just stay at home and feel single for a while (but not act single)...

Anonymous said...

Comparing the two pics above. Adam is definitely more handsome with two-tone hair color and bangs hanging a bit on his forehead. He is incredibly good looking in 1st pic.

Anonymous said...

Adam is saling well world wide!he had some more sales with pretty little liar's. Really think this diva gig will sale bunch more and notch him up one in the industry! Sue

Adamluv said...

Does anyone know what event this was and where? Adam can never wear too much eye makeup for my taste. I like that he looks different from all the boring WGWG type singers. Too each her own. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

This was last night at Danielle's performance at The Rox, which is part of The Roxy, in Hollywood. It's what I heard on twitter...I think he looks good too...

daydreamin said...

Has anyone posted a link to and read the Heat magazine article? Adam talks about his upcoming "World Tour"!

The Heat interview
Adam Lambert

“I want to tear South African stages apart with no restrictions”

Sexy singer Adam Lambert chats to Heat’s Sonja Raath exclusively about his upcoming trip to our shores…

Most local Glamberts would sell a kidney to see their idol live, but luckily they don’t have to - Adam Lambert will be in SA, performing in Cape Town on 13 November. Having broken his American Idols runner-up stigma, the Grammy-nominated star is proving that even though he didn’t win the crown, he’s highly capable of making a name for himself without any help. As one of the most successful contestants to come out of Idols, and in light of his SA tour, we decided to sit down with Adam and chat about everything that makes him the fabulous superstar we know and love today… Here’s a hint: he’s as humble and down to earth as you think he is, if not more!

We’re stoked that you’ll be in SA next month. What are you looking forward to experiencing most in South Africa?
I’ve heard the nightlife in South Africa is pretty wild. I can’t wait to hit the town and experience the culture.

You’re guaranteed to have a good time here! Tell us a bit more about what your fans can expect with regard to your performance…
Well, you’re already a fan then you’ll hear all the songs you love. I want to tear the stage apart with no restrictions. I’ve got a whole new set-list and it’ll be a completely different vibe. A lot of the audience will be really surprised by what I’ll deliver. I can’t wait!

Neither can we! What song are you looking forward to performing for us?
Pretty much all of them… but the one that stands out the most is “Trespassing.” I really resonate with the lyrics and the bass has such attitude. It’s my favorite song to perform these days because of what it means. It’s also the title track off my new album.

It’s one of our faves too. Our local artist, Toya Delazy, will be opening for you in SA. Have you had a listen to any of her music yet?
Yes, I actually saw one her music videos last night. It was adorable and she’s super-talented. I’m stoked she’ll be opening for me.

“Trespassing” has made waves worldwide and especially here in SA. A lot of our readers want to know: are you working on another album?
[Laughs] No, not yet. But I hope to have the opportunity to make another one soon. Hold thumbs.

Thumbs held! We watched you on American Idol and now look at you. What was your biggest turning point?
Well, it pretty much came in chapters. There were so many different highlights after the show, but I could never have imagined how fast things were going to accelerate, especially with the whole American Music Awards controversy [when Adam kissed a man on stage] and the explosion of my first single, For Your Entertainment. I was also nominated for a Grammy and got to perform with Queen, so the job comes with a lot of cool perks and I’m very lucky. That’s not to say it doesn’t take a lot of work, but it all paid off in the end.

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daydreamin said...

The first time I heard Freddie, I was floored. He’s so intense and flawless, with a dynamic stage presence. But I don’t consider myself to be on par with him. He’s a legend and an icon. I’m really honored to be able to sing his music and perform with the rest of the band. It’s my tribute to him, really.

That’s awesome. Like Freddie, you’ve always been open about being fay, even throughout American Idol…
I figured it wasn’t an option to keep anything a secret. I’ve lived openly and comfortably my whole life. If I were to hide something like that, it would have stayed hidden. And it’s just not my style. I’m a very open book. But also, I understand the reluctance for people in the public to come out of the closet because all of a sudden that’s what it’s all about - and it can easily overshadow whatever else you’re in the public eye for.

Having said that, does it ever irk you that you’re still sometimes introduced as the “new-out” or “first gay runner-up on American Idol,” instead of “Grammy-nominated” or “Billboard chart-topping” Adam Lambert?
Yes, I have my frustrations about that. I guess it us a topical and interesting thing and it’s inevitable that the media cling to it because of that. It’s a part of me that’s definitely a focus point. But hey, you can’t reinvent the wheel so there’s no point worrying about it too much.

We couldn’t agree more. You’re world-renowned; was it hard adjusting to the fame and onslaught of fans, or did you get into it easily?
Well, it certainly had its hard parts. But I’m an extremely friendly guy: I’m easy to deal with and my fans know that. They do fuss over me and it can be really overwhelming at times because I’m like ‘Wow, I’m just a normal guy who wants to do his own thing.’ I’m still not used to the strangeness of it all yet.

You must have had a few bizarre fan encounters…
There hasn’t been a weird one, but I get a lot of crazy presents from my fans. I’m always blown away by them and the fact that they’re so incredibly creative. My fans are truly amazing!

daydreamin said...

Part 3:

They can’t stop talking about your Pretty Little Liars debut on Twitter. Did you anticipate that playing a “Glampire” would get such a massive response?
I didn’t know what to expect, actually. I’m overwhelmed by the response. It was really cool and the actors and actresses are stunning. I couldn’t believe how gorgeous they were in real life - as you see them on the screen is exactly as they are. It was a great experience and something completely different. It also gave me the opportunity to get my new music out there and I’m blown away that people enjoyed it so much.

Well, we can’t wait see the episode when it debuts in SA. Do you plan on doing more acting gigs?
Well, if the opportunity comes a’knocking, I wouldn’t say no. I’m at a place in my career where I’m open to anything. Music is my first priority and always will be, but I’d love to do more and acting would be a great place to start.

We’ll be on the lookout! We’ve always wanted to know: how do you get your eyeliner to look so flawless?
[Laughs] Well I just put it on and smudge it and there you go.

Did your make-up artist Raja (Sutan Amrull), give you a few pointers?
Yeah, she did. Raja was responsible for making me look like me every night when I first the scene and I love her for that. We’re super close ad I’m so proud of her that she won the third season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Not only is she the prettiest queen, but she’s also the most creative and resourceful.

We couldn’t agree more! So, will she be accompanying you on tour?
She probably won’t be on as a make-up artist because I’m kind of going down a different route. We talked about her helping with the art direction for my world tour but unfortunately she won’t be coming with me on my mini-tour to SA.

Boo. We were hoping to see her. And your love life: are you still dating Sauli Koskinen?
Yes, ma’am I am.

How has he adjusted to your fame and the fact that you’ve become quite the sex symbol?
[Laughs] Well, that you’ll have to ask him.
Ha ha. We will. How do you deal with all the rumors linking you to other men?
It creeps me out because they always show me having relations with someone I never had - and never would have - relations with. I find it funny that the fans get wrapped up in those myths, but if they want to, they can go on fantasizing about it.

daydreamin said...

This 14 year old girl (hard to believe she is only 14) does a bang up job of WWFM for an anti-bullying show.
Click HERE

Anonymous said...



On iHeartRadio Top 5@5

Every hour here:

Anonymous said...

8:30 I could never find where to vote on the 40 who will be number 1thanks for the links tho.

Anonymous said...

You can also vote on the home page of B104,It's not on the list but type in Adam's name and Trespassing comes up hit green arrow up and request.

HK fan said...

Some tweets from someone that saw Adam and Sauli at Danielles show, so sweet...

adam and sauli are at danielle’s show at the roxy’ on the rox. so sweet! i have questionable morals but my iphone camera sucks!

im so sorry. i tried but so blurry. they were very touch feely and i saw them kiss. but i seldom looked at them, i felt too conscious. i guess i dont have questionnable morals after all! both looked gorgeous! and i finally heard sauli talk in english.

i was surprised because sauli didnt have a strong accent and his voice was lower than i thought. they were just so adorable. they stood in front of me when danielle was singing and they were joined at the hip with adam resting and tapping his hand on sauli’s butt. they then moved around the room a lot and both seemed to know a lot of people. my friend is a fan of danielle and we never thought adam would come since he’s leaving for south africa. danielle has an amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

VOTE For The BEST ALBUMS Of 2012 (Part 1): January Through June Releases

The editors at Idolator are feverishly compiling their own list of what they consider to be the best popular music had to offer over the past several months.
But we’re also eager to let you have your say.
It’s also a two-part process. Once you vote, leave your thoughts in the comments box below on why you chose that particular album.
We’ll be sifting through your feedback and including it in our final writeup containing your top selections for the Best Albums Of 2012.

Anonymous said...

did Adam have some surgery done on his face shots or something. He looks better than ever I did not think that was possible but he does look great.I wish I knew I have thought about getting something done for my wrinkles across my for head now around my eyes but not brave enough yet.If Adam did it I would because I trust his judgement.

Anonymous said...

Quite a bit of interesting information especially about Adam wanting to tear the stage apart in SA; whoa, sounds spectacular. An Anon here reported some kind of scaffolding collapsed at a very recent concert there. But Adam has very conscientious people working for him; they'll probably double or triple check.

daydreamin said...

@Lam-my they better watch that stage around Adam or there will be a mob scene of Glamberts to watch for!

I can't wait for more info on the World Tour!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he had some dermabrasion done on his face.Maybe several treatments.That,and with healthy eating and juicing have really helped his skin.He had on no make-up at the grocery store w/Sauli..could only see a few freckles maybe,but they were very light.( I like them)

Anonymous said...

thank you he is so open about every thing I wish he would discuss the procedure & what he is doing I would sure give it a shot.He is the most handsome man alive & great personality oh and he can SING.I also pray he has a safe trip SA.

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin: thanks for answering my question. World Tour - YAY!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about how different the SA shows will be! New songs from TP!! Hope he sings Underneath. Would have loved to see a pic of Adam and Sauli at Danielle's show. They look so adorable together.
Love how Adam is actually talking about a tour!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Here's something FUNNY & TRUE

And here's something almost TOO BEAUTIFUL (*sigh*)

Anonymous said...


OMG! Thanks for that beautiful photo! Pure innocence!

Anonymous said...

Bless Leila for ADAM LAMBERT!
Thanks @4:39

Anonymous said...

Thank You 4:39pm!!!:)
for a beautiful angelic Adam Lambert pic!!!
Fabulous, Gorgeous, Stunning, Pure Innocence etccc
Adorable, Cute, Sexy, & morrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam and Danielle have shared lip pecks>>>> they have lived together before.