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New Picture: Adam Lambert with a fan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 23, 2012

@glam_alidol: gorgeous @adamlambert with a fan at benz gig


Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam looks gorgeous! What a lucky fan standing next to the incredibly handsome Adam......sigh


Anonymous said...

Love Adam in this picture! So cute and heart-warming!

Anonymous said...

did you see that girl's finger nails? Trespassing!!

Anonymous said...

9:23 have a great eye for details:) cool!

Anonymous said...


Thank you! I am Chinese Canadian, I kind of know what Chinese fans are doing in general.


Anonymous said... a very perceptive:) greetings from Finland:)

Anonymous said...

At my daughter's grand kid's kept me busy yesterday,. So here is a late greeting, Hope the entire Gamily of true Adam fan's had a lovely thanksgiving! Sue

Anonymous said...

That hope all Glambert's had a great thanksgiving! Sue

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

They look like they should be a couple.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the few music performers I actually see taking pictures with fans. He just seems so likeable and willing to spend a few minutes with a fan even down to the youngest ones. I don't actually follow other performers and their concerts, so maybe they do the same. He is so personable, and that smile just gets me every time. He and the gang seem to be having lots of fun on this tour and getting out a bit to see some sights and enjoy the nightlife. You can't expect him to sit in a hotel room and do nothing. Love to see any new pictures of Adam and, of course, any videos of a performance. He is just the best.

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl, handsome man. <3