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Sauli Koskinen Looking Great in Finland ELLE Magazine (December 2012 Issue)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SAULI KOSKINEN - the Best Male Dresser 2012

The cornerstones of my style are… tight jeans, formfitting jackets, boots, jewelry and imagination.

I will never appear… in public in matching windbreakers.

In ELLE Awards Gala… I dressed up in my own clothes. The jacket was from Unconditional and the pants from Kill City in Los Angeles. The shoes and jewelry I had pimped myself.

My worst dressing up disaster has been… a too big suit. I looked like a penguin.

My everyday outfit could be… anything. At home sweatpants, going out ripped jeans and a casual T-shirt in LA-style.

Scan and Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu) and Zinnia (@tiiqqu)


The Dark Side said...

I would also have a problem with matching windbreakers Sauli. Glad to see you have your own style and self worth. Also glad you are making LA your home and Adam happy. These were very nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Sauli oozes personality and good looks, just like Adam does. Two high-quality people with enthusiasm and drive.


Anonymous said...

Happy for ADAM for having found happiness with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli, such a great couple.It warms my heart that these two found each other and Adam is so happy!

Anonymous said...

Did you get a little 'happy heart' moment when he referred to his L.A. 'home", you know - the one with you know who?.....JAK <3 <3

HK fan said...

Love that smiley picture on the right, but the standing picture is a bit odd, looks like he's been caught peeing!!

love him though, he always looks great:)

Anonymous said...

Basically every fucking newspaper mentions Adams forthcoming concert in Finland. I almost spit out my morning coffee when I saw a small article in my local newspaper too, lol.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:10PM
So are you for it or against it?
Could not read it from your comment...sorry.

Anonymous said...

@3:22 of course it's a good thing. Although I might not be amused if Adam will be shoving pretty kitty down my throat too much. :)

Anonymous said...

I prefer Tommy as Tommy. I don't like Adam feeds the delusions. That is so awkward, it's far from funny.

Anonymous said...

the shoes and jewlery he pimped himself. He is so cute,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Sauli has his own career; I think it is important to their relationship. Sauli being a celebrity in Finland is also a plus.

And the fact he is kinda cute doesn't hurt either.


Anonymous said...

Always with the Tommy crap? please get a life!

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would treat Tommy like a band member - not a pet. It's a little Yuk!

Anonymous said...

love their love story.

Anonymous said...

Nice to be mentioned in Elle magazine.

Anonymous said...

Sauli`s interview and pics is also the newest finnish TRENDI magazine,
theme is "Nice, nicer, the Sauli Koskinen" : ) starting page 44.
how you could see it too?

Anonymous said...

Exactly WHAT career does Sauli have outside of Finland ? A blog and some pics in ELLE do not a career make .

Anonymous said...

ANON 6:15 pm Adam will never treat Tommy as just another band member because he's much more than that and always will be .

Anonymous said...

to 12.24 AM
Sauli has, for example, been a host for Näytös -show, which presented new, interesting fashion designers in Finland,has Tutka- show on web, has two blogs, done modelling jobs etc.
And we don't know what he does "behind scenes" at the moment. Try youself move to an other continent ans find a job as fast as your feet hits the ground.
I am happy for him and for the joy he bring to other people with his lovely pictures and writings!

Anonymous said...

ANON 7:56 am I'm glad Sauli makes you happy . I just dont see anything special in him , but I am a huge fan of Adam and none of this affects my feelings for him .

Anonymous said...

It isn't necessary you find him special. Adam finds him special.

Anonymous said...

ANON 8:13 am Well, what makes anyone special and who are we to define who is and who is not? Despite the fact that I am a career driven person I like to think that it is our personalities, our characters, that makes us unique and special. A career does not automatically imply great character, nor does it imply great talent. There are always such factors a ruthlessness and, dare I say, luck involved.

Adam has great talent, an amazing voice, but that is just genetics. It is how he uses his talent, how he cultivates it, how he presents himself and how he treats people that really sets him apart. I am willing to bet that Sauli embodies all of the qualities that Adam values (and that makes him special), and assuming that he would settle for anything less is just a case of undermining Adams abilities to make intelligent and healthy decisions. We can´t all be amazing singers, but that does not make us any less special <3

Anonymous said...

ANON 8:13 Any opinions at variance with those like you see on the posts following yours are not tolerated on this site . You will be thrashed and trashed . and you must realize that ,because he's Adams BF , he must be perfect in every way . and you must accept this . And you cant like Tommy cause people might get the wrong idea and think that Adam might like him too .

Anonymous said...

Anons 8:13 and 7:26PM (or maybe you are one and the same…)

1. Sauli IS Adam’s BF - there’s nothing you can do about it; so just leave him be (Sauli that is), ignore him and/or don’t comment about him - just comment about Adam & his music, try to be his fan for real. Simple as that.

2. Tommy IS Adam’s friend and co-worker. Sauli and Tommy are friends. I’m pretty sure they all love and respect each other. Why don’t you try and do the same? Cause there’s nothing you can do about these things (relationships) anyhow.

3. Yes, you can like/love Tommy, also on this site! I know I do, have liked him from the very fírst moment I saw him. You can like/love, even obsess about Tommy - however, do it without bashing or insulting anybody else (especially not Sauli and Adam)

4. Nobody’s perfect. Not even Adam (he comes pretty close, though…lol)! So lose the pitiful and pointless attitudes, grow up and deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:26 PM, Guess that I am very lousy at conveying my message here :D I was certainly not trying to trash anyone nor trying to say that Sauli is perfect. And I was definitely not trying to say that loving Tommy is wrong. Nothing in life is that black and white. Just trying to say that one should stay away from judging people that one does not know personally.