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Tommy Ratliff Uploads New Picture On His Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 30, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

What a great looking bunch!

Anonymous said...

that's bizarre - lol

Anonymous said...

alidol ‏@glam_alidol

。@adamlambert will attend hennessy press conference tomorrow … in shanghai

Check out her twitter account @glam_alidol for pictures and videos. She is got tons of them.

Anonymous said...

Ashley is the only one without facial far as I can tell!......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, you're right! And she's the only one with hair on only one side of her head, too! LOL. Lovin' these pics of the Glamily throughout the world.
Can't wiat for the Hennessys press conference vid!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering why the band members of Adam are so exceptionally active and visible in twitter, instagram, facebook etc. They post pictures of the shows ok, but still more pictures of exotic places they are visiting, wonderful views of their hotel rooms, swimming pools, shopping, luxory after tourists. And I am wondering, because by other great stars you seldom see pictures or don´t even know the names of their
band members. Are the band members really promoting Adam´s album selling or are they just promoting themselves and telling the fans about their wonderful life. It is important that their work as a team but Adam being so generous and friendly the "Adam Lambert Band"-members have probably gone
too far. Just my opinion, of course.

Anonymous said...

Great pic of all of them.
Nice comment on the same pic by Terrance on his twitter:
After the MAMA show in Hong Kong #friends #glamily #rockandroll #trespassing #adamlambert

Anonymous said...

11:34, the high visibility of the band members, IMHO, is an indication of Adam's generous spirit and how much freedom they feel with their boss. Adam must have made them feel like musical family, which he has mentioned, and all the more for them. I mention in particular the generosity of Adam which comes from a secure place. As introspective as Adam is, he is an extrovert, and making other people happy comes natural to him because of that giving spirit. No harm in spreading the limelight; it gives us more of Adam. atm

Anonymous said...

atm thanks for writing my comment. You took the words right out of my mouth.Everyone in Adam's band is an artist in their own right and I enjoy all their tweets pictures keeks ect. They live their life and freq promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful that the band members all get along so well; it all speaks to Adam's ability to attract great musicians and good people.


Anonymous said...

Continuing (11:34): It is not the question if they are good musicians, nice people etc. (And other great names have good artists in their bands, too.)

What I wanted to say, is, that the whole concert tour of Adam must not begin to look like a bunch of tourists travelling around. Adam controls himself much better and gives the impression of hard work and performing - as it is for him.

I know f.ex. that they all made this week an one day trip to Macao, but there are no pictures published. I assume that Adam has forbidden it so that this all wouldn´t still more give an impression the main purpose of the tour being to have fun and sightseeing.

Anonymous said...

Why would the impression of having fun and sightseeing be derogatory?
There's no crime in having a good time at your job. I'm sure they did a few run throughs, but mostly they were killing time between gigs and sharing that fun with us.
Music is not the kind of job where you have to look busy to impress the boss. I doubt they are slacking this time they can play WWFM and TP in their sleep. Can't PICTURE Adam forbidding anyone to take PICTURES!

I've always felt that Adam is so appreciative of the support of his fans he wants us to feel included.
And I do. Go Guys, have a ball!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam Is considerate enough to share his life on stage & off which is the very personal touch that I love about him.Most other bands may not be as considerate of their fans as Adam is.I love seeing & sharing all of these places that I would not be fortunate enough to see any other way.11:34 you must be a new fan or an old one that does not under stand the warmth of Adam & his family.LOVE ADAM LAMBERT