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Adam Lambert Digs These High Heels

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 10, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

Oh Adam...NO!
You wouldn't
You couldn't
You shouldn't
sigh.........he might!
....JAK :(

Anonymous said...

I hope they only come in women's sizes! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Hey, if he wants to, he will! After all, he's Adam.


Anonymous said...

Yes I know he's Adam,but this would be a bit much ,he might be close to 7 feet in those heels lol!

Anonymous said...

oh noooooo why did she show them to Adam right before two major shows??lol

Anonymous said...

I'm praying they are women shoes- I love them BTW- for women!

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....I of the many qualities he shares in common with my grandson ! My Jamie will always find a way to have his way.
It's an admirable but worrisome quality for Mom and Grandma to deal with. Right now he's working 3 jobs so he can fly to Switzerland this summer to intern in theme park design (no pay) for 2 months! He has a one track mind and never veers from his objective. His dreams and plans exhaust my brain.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys voting like mad on the WMA it couldbe a biggie.!worlds-best-male-artist/c24k4

Anonymous said...

You do know that the winner of this awards show is not selected by popular vote! So this will not affect the outcome. The winners are chosen by music sales, therefore there is no way Adam can win.

Adamluv said...

A reminder here that the super high platform boots Adam wore on Idol while performing with KISS were from his own closet so never can tell what he'll wear! That was my favorite guest appearance ever on Idol. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

9:25 I don't think that is true, why would they go thru all this trouble to have a poll? It would be dishonest in fact.

Anonymous said...

Drag queen shoes

Anonymous said...

Adam just loves beautiful fashionable shoes/boots etc..:) he's just admiring them:)
Someone twit him the shoe pic right?

Anonymous said...

@10:16PM If you see Prince wearing them or Lenny Kravitz or Steven Tyler you won't call them wearing "Drag Queen Shoes". But since Adam is gay wearing anything out of the ordinary will make him a Drag Queen. That's hypocrisy at its best!

Anonymous said...

I have seen it written in several places, icluding a link from the site that you need to vote by clicking on the photo.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a dress-up doll fantasy. I would LOVE to see him rock those shoes. What a fun photo shoot that would make. WooHoo!

Anonymous said...

OOPS...forgot to sign...

12:42 am xolaura

In case "drag queen" scaredie pants needs to talk. hee hee.

Sweet dreams.

Of Adam in those SHOES!

daydreamin said...

@JAK or anon 8:54 my son has always wanted to start a theme park since he was small. I asked him about it the other day (he's now 20) and said it's still a dream of his!

I also read that WMA is based on sales, yet their website is having us vote. Maybe they are just getting website hits. Either way, I will give the direct link as someone asked for in a previous thread;
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

I had a fun thing happen tonight. I was tweeting away about Star 101.3 in SF playing Cuckoo at 10:20 tonight (it's been OFFICIALLY ADDED TO THE PLAYLIST TODAY!!!) and the DJ mentioned my twitter name on air along with 2 others and mentioned that twitter was going crazy in apprehension of Cuckoo being played. I was so surprised to hear him say it!

daydreamin said...

Maybe someone from Saturday Night Live will see the Diva's show and note his exceptional hosting skills.

daydreamin said...

Adam on NBC NEW York:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Hi Adam!
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

During the hurricane fashion season: We call 'em "swamp trotters".

Anonymous said...

Darn if you wanta see boots for Adam to get crazy over you need to check out those in OZ.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out why that station just doesn't play the released single TP. They just aren't going to play any of Adam's singles on the radio are they? They will probably play it for about a week after the Jingle Ball and claim there were no requests.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:12 P.M.....JAK here

The first time I went on the WMA voting site they stated that this poll was not the deciding factor in who won awards. That was decided by sales. This is not putting Adam in position to win the award. This explanation has been removed now. Devious!

Anonymous said...

I stopped voting on the WMA poll when I realized the show was on the 20th, all entertainers and winners have to know by now. It takes time to put these shows together. Just a gigantic rip off hit trap.IMO

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin....JAK here aka 8:54..OT

Didn't realize I forgot to tag my comment, but I guess I'm pretty recognizable tag or not!!

So you have a theme park geek too!
My grandson went to DisneyWorld at four, walked down Main Street, entered Fantasyland and spread his arms out and said "MINE"! Well, not literally, but it was implanted on his brain. The morning of his 16th birthday he stood at the entrance to Busch Gardens impatiently waiting to fill out work application...he knew more about the park than the personnel they hired him on the spot. He dogged the steps of the Swiss engineers who designed the roller coasters and has stayed in communication with them for 9 years now! He's worked at Busch, Sea World, Disney and Universal (always keeping another job too) right now he's a WHO in the Universal WHOVILLE XMAS SHOW.
Plus being a tour guide at
3 parks, plus his real life job as chief concierge at Orlando's swankiest hotel. He never has a minute when he's not working and is sublimely happy!

Anonymous said...

No Adam . . .can't afford to have you get hurt wearing these shoes . . . .you have a very busy schedule....

Anonymous said...

He might just wear those shoes.... like someone said it it our Adam.... but that's what makes him the most interesting man in the world....rose petal

Anonymous said...

just saw pics of Adam arriving at LAX and he looks so happy to be handsome

HK fan said...

gorgeous pics of Adam at LAX

He always seems to take the big blue case whether he's going away for a month or 1 night!

Anonymous said...

Sick of this story. Never been replied or retweeted to and this is what and who he responds to. Oh bro. End it already.
Geez. Who cares and why would he acknowledge this lame tweet anyway when fans tweet substantive things and are ignored.

Anonymous said...

Fun thread this morning! I don't think Adam will be wearing those shoes, but I think he loves them! I'm voting for the WMA poll simply on principle. Doesn't sound like there will be an actual "show" anyway, due to the date.
Love the theme park stories and how young people are following their dreams. That's the way to live your life!

Loved the NBC New York interview. Those two women were just atwitter in Adam's presence. He's such a natural in front of the camera. I agree with daydreamin. I hope that the Diva show gets lots of buzz and finds its way to the SNL people. I'm sure Adam will show some comic talents on the Diva show along with this incredible voice. He's long overdue for an SNL gig, as HOST and guest performer both.


Anonymous said...

OT: Just watched Adam on vHI morning buzz. He will be performing a Madonna song (per her request)That's cool, but hope he sings is own music to.


Anonymous said...
It's baaack

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm kicking myself because I didn't record the vh1 BUZZ interview, it was delightful.
I thought it would be a quick same old same old, but there were actually some new subjects brought in.

@ brownie, I'm wondering what Madonna song he might be singing??
I'm not terribly familiar with her music, just early early stuff.

And couldn't help but say "YES" when he was asked if he had one day to live who would he spend it with? HIS BOYFRIEND. So doomsayers and body language readers...take dark clouds hanging over them at present and no mention of TJR!

And...interviewer got a smack on the lips...she's the envy of many a Glambert!

I hope Admin. puts up whole interview for those who missed it.

Anonymous said...

He could give those shoes to Pee wee Herman for his next movie in case they want him to dance on the bar again. lol

Anonymous said...

6:51 waaaa waaaa