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Adam Lambert Listening to Solange's new EP

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 2, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 02, 2012

Check out some of Solange's music.


Anonymous said...

good to know you're getting a little rest and relaxation, Adam

Anonymous said...

She is Beyonce's younger sister. She does sound great but not as good as her sister. But she is still great.

Anonymous said...

Click on facebook Like icon and write your comments on this Billboard article about Adam's MAMA performance:

Anonymous said...

Just heard Adam duet with Aurea. Whoa! Fierce! So far I've heard 2 exceptionally fierce Adam duets, both in Shanghai. This duet should be featured on Adam's hosting of Divas classy, as raw as it can get. Will make a terrific single too. Hey Adam, sleep a lot, recuperate. :)

Anonymous said...

What does this duet got to do with upcoming Diva show?

Anonymous said...

Super singing / synchronising of two 'divas' !

Anonymous said...

Really really don't like the music, can't hear her voice so I don't know if I would like her or not. Just sounds noisy to me....
I'm in the wrong decade I guess. JAK

Anonymous said...

That's why I used the raw as it can get. The overall sound quality, not so good but despite that, their voices gel into each other's. Adam should do an EP of this genre of music...jazz-improvisation-rock. Adam's singing / persona fits this kind of music, also...Is This Love.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such an artist in everyway- his appearance, is take on music- I honestly don't love everything he throws at us, but I love him and so I listen so maybe I just learn alittle bit more about what makes him tick. Any one else do the same?


daydreamin said...

Anon 4:46 I was just gonna ask who she was so thank you. I really liked the 2nd song. Beyonce has an amazing voice but I haven't heard much from her lately.

@Brownie I am in agreement with you. I don't know that I have ever liked what Adam has thrown our way except his friend Scarlet Cherry.

@ anon 7:23 Adam will be singing a duet with someone on the VH1 Diva's show. He won't say with whom!

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my....JAK here....I was referring to the Solange music, I think I am just not a fan of 90's style music. Adam's duet on Hennessey Show was great, she had a strong voice so they sounded good together. I hope it is Kelly that he sings with on Divas show, but Jordin has a strong voice too, so either will be a treat.

I rarely like the music Adam recommends but then his ears are 47 years younger than mine!

Anonymous said...

Very old riddle from the 70's (and you can change Eve to Sauli if you prefer):

If Eve wore a figleaf, what did Adam wear?

A hole in it.
