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Adam Lambert, Sara Gore, and Jacque Reid

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 10, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

These women can't denied their excitement to have their shot with gorgeous, freaking handsome Rock God Adam Fierce Lambert indeed!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam makes such a wonderful center piece. Wish I was one of the book ends!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos!No funny or vampire faces. Just great smile! Adam, you made my day. Or evening:D

Anonymous said...

Adam also made my day with all the appearances he made on the various NYC shows. I know he was there to plug the VH1 divas show, but I wish there would have been a mention of Trespassing to the viewing audience. He was just so charming and personable on all the shows. Can't wait for the Morning Buzz on Tuesday for his final NYC appearance. I would love to have seen him on the Kelly and Michael Show or The View, but I suppose he couldn't fit all those shows in on the same day. I hope that as the host on the divas show that it brings a lot of attention back to him and his music in the best positive way.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Wendy Williams didn't pass out Adam's Trespassing album to the audience. Adam belongs on T.V. everyday singing and talking. He is just so at ease with everyone he speaks to and his energy is infectious!

Anonymous said...

Well, great picture but again Adam
commands the picture in every way.
Women just seem to fade (and collapse) into the background in picture shots with the Master.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so darn cool, centered
and mesmerizing.