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Adam Lambert Tweets About Anne Hathaway's New Movie "Les Miserables"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam should now tweet that his comments were made in thinking of the many incredible singers/actors out there who could have been cast for some roles in the movie, and not thinking about himself. Otherwise, he may sound somewhat cocky which we all know he is not.

Anonymous said...

Can Adam do anything to suit you, 4:12?

Anonymous said...

oh dear Adam Adam... Then again, it proves that he has good judging qualities but not good timing...better have his New Years Eve gig first and then give all these Miserables comments..

Anonymous said...

Oops! Before we finish 2012, Adam is in the news again!!!! I love thisssssssssssss!!!

Truth hurts he!he! Now we wait if one of my favourite actor/singer Hugh Jackman will react???? But hey, they are all Professionals.

The only difference, Adam is honest and he can say it or tweet it baby!!! That his opinion and everyone has too.

He is not afraid to tell the world how he feels and not all in the Hollywood can do that baby!!!

That's why we know who really is the real singer indeed!!!:)

Adam will be a freaking good judge than anyone else aside from Mr. Cowell he!he!....

Adam still sweet when he said sorry but he didn't have to.

Harsh but it's the truth!!:)


Anonymous said...

Hate on twitter has already started. Agree with 4:33 (bad timing).

Anonymous said...

meh he is entitled to his opininon.

Anonymous said...

4:20 -- He surely can. Like knowing that when things are going great for you, you don't jeopardize it. He got great year end reviews worldwide for his CD, his QUEEN shows, etc. He often said that he sometimes regrets tweeting things on the spur of the moment. Judging by his last tweet on the subject, I'd say he already regrets sending those tweets (even if they're true!!)

Anonymous said...

so not liking a movie is going to do him in ?

glitzylady said...

Adam's comments reflect the consensus of what other critics are saying. Haven't seen the movie yet but have read many reviews, saying the same thing. Adam is a musical theater veteran and I'm sure his experience there cannot help but affect his viewing experience. My son is a musical theater geek and I suspect he'll have the same opinions. He's been dying to see it..and I do believe it will still be extremely impressive visually and emotionall. Adam was just expressing his opinion. His right...

Anonymous said...

so I guess his show will be cancelled NYE because he doesn't like some movie.

Anonymous said...

All right, all right -- it was his right to comment like he did. Got it. But not everyone knows Adam like we do.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a right to express his opinions and he never says anything in a demeaning way. I thought he made some constructive comments.


HK fan said...

Adams negativity re Les Miz is already being picked up by gossip sites…..

Unfortunately I haven't seen the movie so can't comment,.....I have 'liked' lots of the comments though.

Lots of twitter support in favour including these 3

CeCe Frey ‏@CeCeMissXtotheO

@adamlambert agreed 100% with your thoughts on Les Mis. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Mark Gilroy Music‏@markgilroymusic

@adamlambert Not harsh at all I’m sure! Besides, if anyone’s got the cred to critique a musical, it’s you.

Carlo Scibelli‏@tenorman29

@adamlambert Mr. Lambert as an opera singer and voice teacher I couldn’t agree with you more. You are exactly right!

(cece frey was on the xfactor)

I wonder why the gossip sites don't pick up on all the times he promotes other singers, only on the negative....

Anonymous said...


Adam is all over the news and they are bashing him from head to toe indeed!!!:)

Adam is real genius and not afraid he!e

The movie critics at the end will agree with my Rock God!!!

Adam has the experience and he knows what he is talking about no matter what these ignorant people think!!!

Adam is just smiling and sticking with his gun:) He is very powerful every time he opens his mouth....

Geez!!! I love him for that!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the movie. The singing wasn't great, but it made it more realistic, because not everyone sings like Adam. The movie was too long almost 3 hours of singing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right and more power to him for saying it like it is.


Anonymous said...

Adam says the same thing as all the other critics are saying and he gets picked on. You know, only the greats get picked on all the time. Gotta love him and I do. Such a talent and wonderful to the core.

Anonymous said...

must be a slow news day.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam, for taking my mind off the fiscal cliff. ::)

Anonymous said...

6:27 lol

Anonymous said...

Every day, he makes my day. Gotta love him!

Anonymous said...

I was not a fan of the book nor of it being turned into a musical. I am not a fan of any of the main character's singing abilities, I was only planning to watch it cause I am a fan of Eddie Redmayne!
He's one of my collection of UK actors I 'crush' on!....JAK

Adam has a right to his opinion.
The 'fuss' is only because Adam
has become a 'name'. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 4:33, "proves that he has good judging qualities but not good timing".
The AMA scandal the night before release of FYE.
The drunken scuffle with Sauli in Finland days before the release of BTIKM.
I'm almost relieved the year and the holiday season is almost over and no trouble or negativity in sight and then!!!!
But I agree with his opinion and ending the year with the BIG BANG!


Anonymous said...

For one who has set high standards for vocal excellence, Adam must have felt strongly enough to make his viewpoints known, offering constructive criticism with remedies. Few have the insight, credibility, and popularity for his two cents to have an impact. All the hue and cry about Adam's tweets may have stirred up some more Adam angst, but could bring more people to see what he meant, not to enjoy the movie less, but to create a fuller and more discerning experience, kind of like watching it without rose-colored glasses. atm

Anonymous said...

An additional tweet from Adam, which makes complete sense!

"adamlambert I'm so glad we are all discussing this now! Look-I grew up w this musical and so my expectations are quite high. Didn't mean to b negative."

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam never becomes a judge anywhere. He would take his job so serious by the end of the season he would have a stress related autoimmune desease. Especially a show like Xfactor you have to take a group under your wing and the judge is responsible for the whole production.

Anonymous said...

Please do not compare with the aMA, actually he sold very well after that his album! This was an honest opinion, much to do about nothing! Sue

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie and forming my own opinion.

Anonymous said...

The world will not come to an end because Adam has an opinion about a movie.

First of all, he is expressing an opinion that many other professional reviewers have.
Second of all, he has theater experience and know of what he speaks.

He also tempered his comments with praise for the acting. And he followed up with a tweet to encourage talking about the film, and to say he didn't mean to be negative. That's all pretty nice, if you ask me. He shouldn't have to shut up about something he is knowledgable about.


Anonymous said...

I guess people are listening when Adam talks . . .that's a "good thing"

Anonymous said...

Remember Meryl Streep and Pierce Bronsnan singing in Mama Mia. you just had to laugh and have fun right along with them.