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Evan Rachel Wood and Adam Lambert's Twitter Convo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

She's one of Adam's girl crushes, he says he has many. That's understandable. I have a large collection of crushes, male and female.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Evan thinks he's one sexy motherfucker. they should heat it up:))

Anonymous said...

Don't be ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

And vulgar.

Anonymous said...

Adam mentioned a long time ago he admired her. Admired....not lusted after! There's a difference......JAK

funbunn40 said...

Adam likes and admires a lot of women, but the only bones he wants to jump is Sauli's. lol Adam doesn't set out to offend anyone IMHO, just calls it as he sees it. I think he's also surprised that media places more importance on his tweets than his music. Adam doesn't often criticize other performers and he didn't name names.I'm sure he's well aware that he could have done a magnificent job, had he been cast, especialli in the part of Marius.

Anonymous said...

It's more of Evan saying she has a crush on Adam.

Anonymous said...

ADAM being so famously gay has limited himself in getting roles for movies, TV or Broadway.
I don't even see him getting any invitation ever to sing the Star Spangled banner in one of the sports arena.
Or even get to have his own fragrance to market.
Sigh . . . xyz

Anonymous said...

Crushes are totally non- threatening....... I think Adam and Kris had this discussion once. I'm also sure that all of us on this site have a crush on Adam even if some of us are old enough to be his mother/grandmother.


Anonymous said...

Evan should take him up on that hot coffee date. she should bring the sugar and cream. and i'll be as vulgar I choose.

Anonymous said...

Adam said Evan rachel is beautiful. physically beautiful. Her eyes are gorgeous.

Adamluv said...

Wasnt this lovely woman once or currently the girlfriend of that horrid Marilyn Manson guy? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

he will jump Kesha when the mood is right.

Anonymous said...

omg the troll on here is so big and bad. Talk is cheap.

Anonymous said...

I will never understand a so called fan being so gross and disrespectful to the entertainer they say they admire. If you aren't a juvenile, you are definitely juvenile minded. Trash talking makes you appear so.

Anonymous said...

9:09 the key word is troll, she is not a fan.

Anonymous said...

It seems Adam and Evan have a mutual crush. :) That's really sweet and I hope they have that "date" some time. Adam being gay doesn't preclude him from appreciating female beauty.

Anonymous said...

Some of Adam's fans get all bent out of shape when he is associated with a female, but the worst part is some of Adam's fans putting him in a 'no girls aloud' career box. In case some of you haven't noticed, Adam is quite flirtatious with women. Adam did say that if he wanted a child that he could do the deed himself. There are gay men married to women and have fathered children. Adam also stated that on a scale that he's not at the highest number. As fans, I think that we should get out of Adam's bedroom and let him decide whom he will or will not do the deed with.... and not put him in that proverbial box.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has alot of girl fantasies going on in that mind of his. it is delusional to think otherwise. I wonder what his partner thinks of the coffee date advances made to a woman? Evan is a beauty and has caught his eye for sure.

Anonymous said...

9:09 I'm a pot stirrer. u?

Anonymous said...

9:02 u are a big baby. grow the hell up.

Anonymous said...

EVAN should attack him from behind.

Anonymous said...

she should have said " I will bring the sugar baby" Anytime!