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Fan Video: Adam Lambert at Hennessy Event

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 3, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 03, 2012


Anonymous said...

JAK here..........I like this. Being able to hear as well as see the excitement of the audience enhances the experience. Strange isn't it on one side of our planet he is recognized as a swirling storm of talent burning up the stage and on the other side recognition or maybe acceptance is very slow to catch fire. I am sure that our international Glamily is thrilled at the reception he is receiving during his recent travels.

Now it is the USA's turn to open their eyes and ears....I guess we'll have to wait and see if that becomes a reality.......

tess4ADAM said...

Hey! America! Take note ... THIS is the way that you treat an artist of ADAM's caliber!! They absolutely L.O.V.E.D. him & well they should!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I think the Worldberts don't give a damn anymore what America has to offer for our Rock God.... Nevertheless Adam still love his country right??:)

Adam is the symbol of equality and acceptance!!!:)

Adam is conquering the world!!:)

Next year after Asia he will go to South America he!he! Yes indeed!:))

Let's just follow his Journey folks.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! This fan video is awesome; captures the synergy between Adam on stage and the screaming fans. No wonder Adam had to recuperate; they practically sapped his entire energy from inside out, goodness gracious. Adam's wails might have shattered glass together with those super high decibel Adam screams! Hope you have revived from that 'tumultuous ordeal' lol! Would have energised and gratified you too! I love that new cha-cha Fever rhythm beat...sooo sexy; wished he had done some cha-cha. He's a very graceful sexy cha-cha-er lol! Yea Shanghai...You got it Adam style!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the most exciting male artist in my opinion today. That was hot,hot,hot! Loved it . So many trespassing colors and pictures and merchandise! They just are nuts for him, as well they should be! After seeing all this I am not worried about Adam at all! I think that man with grey hair Adam was with a lot was a Diva producer, I think. This was another amaizing show! vh1 oviiously wanted Adam bad they followed him all over the globe for promo's and to plan Diva show! Sue

Anonymous said...

I read a comment the other day that pretty much sums up everything. Someone made a very profound comment on the Grammy page. Something to the effect that Adam is a diamond in the music world of rubble.

I agree. If only half the 'artists' that are revered as artists had half the talent that this man possesses...

Mind boggling really.

Anonymous said...

@8:00 the music world is getting to be a bunch of rubble and junk! Adam is our diamond that will continue to sparkle and shine!No one can ouch his vocals and his charisma on stage!

Anonymous said...

sorry touch his vocals not ouch his vocals lol.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to touch his vocals!

Anonymous said...

What a great statement that Adam is "a diamond in the music world of rubble". I love it and him. The global audience has caught on very quickly to the best vocal talent in music today. Just listen to and look at their reactions to Adam's performance. He is on fire and smokin' hot on that stage. Wake up America. It's time to recognize and accept Adam as the caliber of artist that he a league of his own with no one coming near him in talent, charm, style and electrifying stage presence. Thank you for the fan video that just validates what those of us who have been fans from day one have known all along about him. Adam Lambert is a Rock God letting us accompany him on his journey to superstardom and I am enjoying it every step of the way.

Anonymous said...

I watched this fan video with a huge smile on my face and tears in my eyes! The audience screaming his name and reacting to his performance with such excitement!How wonderful that must have made Adam feel. Now wake up America and give Adam the same respect and recognition here!

Anonymous said...

I made reference to Adam as a diamond about 3 years ago and that this exceptional diamond was kept inconspicuously hidden in a drawer but that the international world seemed to be taking notice of it a lot quicker. But I'd rather not refer to the rest of the music world as 'rubble'. Any artist who has made it big always has something special or they wouldn't have taken the world by storm in their own unique way; yes definitely with a lot of business tactics included. They may or may not have Adam's exclusive talents, voice, expertise. A bit harsh to label the rest of the music world as 'rubble'...not open-minded enough for me. :)

Kiwi said...

Loved this video. As others have said, getting the crowd reaction really adds to the whole concert experience. Brilliant!Thanks to the videogapher.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! One Hell of an ADAM LAMBERT PARTY!!!
SO Cute that Chineseberts sing along with adam:):):)

Anonymous said...

I think once US sees well reception of Adam overseas then they will pay attention. Like Gaga and P!nk. For the time being US music charts is filled with artists from other countries. PSY, Carly Rae, One Diection, The Wanted, Bieber, Rihanna, etc. That is a loss of a lot tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

After I finished watching this video, I just had to send it to a friend of mine in So. Carolina. She likes Adam but doesn't really follow him on any sites and obviously there isn't much about him on the entertainment shows or in print that we get to read here. I also mentioned the VH1divas show to her. She watched it and thanked me for sending along this amazing performance and is looking forward to the divas show. I keep her informed about Adam's latest news/appearances and she is happy to get all of it.

Anonymous said...

My heart is full just seeing Adam get the love he deserves from his amazing fans who appreciate Adam so much! Adam is a superstar throughout the world. This is not by accident. Millions of people cannot be wrong - Adam is a star because of who he is and his wonderful gifts of talent and pure love that he radiates to his fans. Adam is on fire and the best is yet to come for him and us fans. So happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Mega party!! Can`t wait Helsinki!!