Fan Videos: Adam Lambert Leaving Shanghai
Filed Under (video ) by Admin on Monday, December 3, 2012
Posted at : Monday, December 03, 2012
Via @glam_alidol
Click on the links provided through these tweets to see videos of Adam Lambert at the Shanghai airport, getting ready to leave!
Via @glam_alidol
Click on the links provided through these tweets to see videos of Adam Lambert at the Shanghai airport, getting ready to leave!
fan vid of @adamlambert at airport today…
— alidol (@glam_alidol) December 3, 2012
fan vid 2 of adam lambert at airport today
— alidol (@glam_alidol) December 3, 2012
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Can't think of any particular comment
Awww they love Adam to its funny when she says OMG so sweet
why can't I run into Adam somewhere.!!
I have cross eyes trying to catch up on all the news for the last 4 days as havent been able to get to my computer. (Darn Grandkids)so much to catch up on, but I am done.
I just loved the WWFM performance from the MAMAs it was wonderful.
Those girls in the video above were so cute and polite, like little cooing doves.
So much good stuff happening for Adam. Incidently dont mind the new look, really loved it when his hair was down.
Lots to look forward to. Holding breath for Grammy nom, surely the music industry in the US will sit up and take notice soon and catch on to what the rest of the world already know. I feel for all you passionate fans in US I know you are all doing your own very best.
@10:55 - Dont know why but I think your comment is funny! . . . Adamluv
@ Adamluv....thank you...'twas I..JAK
So Cute Adam with his Chinese fans, even his voice's all soft & sweet " thanking' each other :) adorable!!!
And now he'll land in LAX with no crowd to greet him. Dammit!
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