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Paula Abdul: Happy Holidays to Glamberts!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Anonymous said...

Thank you Paula! You're the greatest!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

She´s so supportive of Adam! So great:)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Paula! I'll be going to see your show when you come to Des Moines. ♥

Anonymous said...

Thank you Paula, for being so supportive of Adam, always so glad to see someone be supportive, of someone like Adam that do deserving of it, he refreshingly different and hugely talented. So nice to be that way rather being a jealous destructive person, like some such as PH, had been. Anyway you yourself are a beautiful, sweet talented lady and I know Adam thinks as much of you as you do him! Hope you and Adam have a wonderfully productive year! Sue

Anonymous said...

she's a feisty little cougar isn't she?;)?;;)):))

Anonymous said...

Paula Abdul that beautiful Christmas card! Thanks and same wishes for you, admired as an artist and human being. Fabulous Divas Starring with Adam! Wow! Always endorsing the talent of Adam!. HH

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula, for your part in shining the light on our Muse through all his days of diva training. Your Idol flailings and bon mots spoke to Adam and to us to our sheerest of delight, and for that this Glambert will always love you. atm

Anonymous said...

Paula you are a true gem. Happy Holidays to you too!!

Anonymous said...

Paula saw greatness in Adam from the moment she saw him. She just knew he had that "something" that set him apart. I love how she's continued to support and love him. When she said, "You will be iconic," she was SO right.


Anonymous said...

I always pray to bless Paula's words, "You'll be iconic!" that Heaven's blessing fulfill it. Bless her!

Adamluv said...

@9:46 - Paula is touring? Can you give any more info? Would love to go see her and give her all the love and support she has always given Adam. Now that woman knows talent!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love you Paula, wishing all the best for you in 2013!


Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK here

Yes, from the first audition you could 'read' Paulas's face. She knew a "find' when she saw it.
When I watch the entire journey of Adam on Season 8 I enjoy the camera shots of Paula as Adam is singing...his voice is going right thru her and she feels it and we can recognize that feeling!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely support of Adam. Paula is such a gorgeoous lady and definitely one of the good ones.