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'Trespassing' Bonus Track "Runnin" is a big hit on Youtube! Over 700,000 views!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Which is your favorite bonus track on 'Trespassing'?

Which 'Trespassing' Bonus Tracks Do You Like The Most? free polls 


Anonymous said...

'Runnin' shoud have been a single right from the start. Even my young daughter, whose musical, knew that one! Sometimes we wonder who actually passes these gems by because this tracek was badly overlooked. Song is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

My faves of the songs listed are "Map" and "Take Back". "Runnin'" is OK but it's not a fave.

Anonymous said...

Runnin' is a nice song but it's overproduced.

Anonymous said...

I love MAP. 700,000 views is nice but not a knock out.

Anonymous said...

For a bonus track with no promotion, 700,000 is A LOT.

I remember seeing Britney's bonus track getting less than 200,000 views.

RUNNING has to be a single!

HK fan said...

i voted for runnin, but I love Take Back too,

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......This is certainly no surprise, it's a great song. When I play my UK Trespassing album I start at #10 Underneath and go to #17 Map..then play the songs at the beginning. The latter part has more interesting songs IMO with the exception of Shady, that's a favorite too. I like Trespassing and Cuckoo and most of the others, but they sound similar to many current pop songs to me. I'm all for Adam having his own genre! I'd like his songs to sound different, to be distinctive, his voice is certainly distinctive.

Anonymous said...

does any one know if the diva show will be repeated.I am having a fit I have been waiting for this show & my boss said she needed me to work can't say know I work for the hosp. lot of people off do to flu & colds.So now I have to figure out how I am going to watch this I do not have a dvr.Please if some one knows if it will be on again I know it will be on computer but I want to see handsome on the big screen.Thank you

Anonymous said...

I thought Nile Rodgers was going to perform shady with Adam On the diva show that would be awsome.

Adamluv said...

@10:22 - suppose to repeat on Tues. Dec. 18 9-11 EST and then again on Fri. Dec.21 from 8-10 EST. At least that's what it said in the list of his upcoming appearances. . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Runnin' is definitely my favorite. I wish it could be a single, but alas, it cannot. Bonus tracks cannot be singles. Who the heck made that rule? It needs to change and now already.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

on Lake 102.3 said Dalton Dingus a 9 yr old boy from Salyersville,KY, living with stage 4 cystic fibrosis was sent home from hosp. Doctors can not do any thing else for him.they have said a couple weeks is all he has to live. He wants to beat the Guinness World Record for most Christmas Cards. the record is 35,000.I have been on this site since it started so I know every one will help.Bless his heart his last wish.He told his Mother he was tired & ready to go it was on AOL web page today. Dalton Dingus-H.C.62 Box 1249-Salyersville,KY 41465 Thank you & God Bless Dalton & family.

Anonymous said...

@10:02 I know it might be overproduced, and it's not my favorite either, but it's getting one of the best responses among the none released songs. Even though it's just a bonus track it might do Adam well to capitalize on what the majority, or seeming majority anyway, are leaning towards. Even with his international success, it might be a good way to reestablish a presence in the American Pop Chart.

daydreamin said...

I am thinking since Cuckoo broke into Star 101.3's playlist, that Runnin' might be able to also. Maybe in the somewhat near future!

If this is how we do it, this is how we do it. We should go radio station by radio station and make the requests as a team effort.

Anonymous said...

Thank you AdamLuv so I will be able to watch the Diva show.I am the one that posted about Dalton Dingus I hope his last wish is answered.This is Blueeyes I always post Anonymous any more for personal reasons but have been on the site since it started every day also adambertdaily.LOVE ADAM LAMBERT

Anonymous said...

Yea this should have been a regular track rather than a bonus track; it has great potential as a single. The drama in the song and Adam's singing make this a good movie soundtrack as well. Maybe we can petition to Adam and his management to release it as a single; it'll lend itself to a great movie-like video. There's a part Adam sings in low tenor and spurts to his extremely high alto...very emotional and powerful. Adam sings this line so mellowly like in surrender: Save me cause I'm falling...very nice voice tone. Love this song! :)


Anonymous said...

Runnin haiku

Save me cause I'm falling
Whoa, slippery, dizzying slope
Oops!...goodness gracious


daydreamin said...

Cool pic:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Map is one of my favorites - it's soooooooo beautiful. Cuckoo for next single, if there's going to be a next single.

daydreamin said...

The *kiss* in a few pics...(lucky girl!)
Click HERE

Anonymous said...


Adam doesn't look too passionate in those photos. LOL

daydreamin said...

Oh geeze, she goes in for the kiss again (in a pose). Kill me now!:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Ryan Seacrest is having a poll on who is your fav male artist and so far Adam has 86% of the vote:
It’s been one year for the fellas as the men took control of 2012 with their mega hits and sexy bods (Adam Levine, we’re talking to you). We compiled our top 10 male artists of 2012 and we need your help to pick your favorite! Vote in our poll below!
Who is your favorite male artist of 2012?
Adam Lambert (86%)
One Direction (5%)
Justin Bieber (5%)
Maroon 5 (1%)
Bruno Mars (1%)
The Wanted (1%)
Chris Brown (0%)
PSY (0%)
Drake (0%)

Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Fiasco photoshoot!
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Full size pic of Adam charging his iphone :
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

If I were his label, the singles would have been Cuckoo, Naked Love and Running. But for Asia, it would have been Trespassing...

HK fan said...

the lambrits‏@LambritsUK

RT @VH1DIVAS You hear? @KellyRowland @AdamLambert + @KeriHilson to perform Donna Summer tribute @ #VH1Divas So excited!

Hide summary Reply


Kelly Rowland, Adam Lambert, Keri Hilson To Perform Donna Summer...

Kelly Rowland, Adam Lambert and Keri Hilson will sing "Hot Stuff," "Bad Girls" and more on the VH1 Divas to pay tribute to "Disco Queen" Donna Summer

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the links to the pics and poll info.
The Fiasco pics & the mobile charging pics are the best.

Anonymous said...

I loved Runnin from the first listen. As far as Bonus tracks Nirvana,Map, Take Back and Runnin are my personal faves. If I put both Albums bonus tracks together then this would be the order: Voodoo, Can't Let You Go,Nirvana,Runnin,Map and Take Back.. Down the Rabbit hole and Master plan are great too! So hard to pick. PA Girl

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with JAK, I love the first half of the CD, but the second half I adore. Runnin is at the top for me. My husband who only listens to rock'n'roll music, Runnin is his favorite too, out of the CD.


Anonymous said...

...but i love them all :D i think some of the best songs on trespassing are bonus songs! not that i don't like the other songs too, but there's just something in b the rules, runnin, map..:)

Anonymous said...

Went to YouTube . . on page one for "Runnin" Fan videos and lyric videos . . .I counted 1,057,991 and there are 6 more pages to go of "Runnin" . . . . nice

Anonymous said...

I think first part of CD is Pop and Adam nailed it and the second part is Adam singing using his craft(voice) and personal feelings.
I think it's the best CD out there!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is how Adam's music will emerge. Kind of organically, not through the official singles. Look what's happening with Cuckoo. I love Runninn' (and the other bonus tracks, too. Let's keep requesting these songs on the radio, supporting them. You never know what will happen! Regardless, it all shows that Adam has incredible fan support and it gets those songs out there for all to hear.
"The Kiss" on that interview is so funny. I saw the interview, too. That girl was all over him like a cheap suit. But then, just about anybody who interviews him gets all giggly and fawning. Even the guys, LOL.
Just counting the hours before the Divaa!


Anonymous said...

I went to bed real late, in quite bit of pain, But this beautiful sound woke me up. Left tv on, and WEFM video was playing on VH1 this morning about 7.35. Had no sleep but woke up toy Adam, so good to hear itt! Imagine they will play if I had you maybe BTIKM, too this week, don't know but that video played right after an ad for Diva's. also had a sign on bottom saying he was hosting Diva's! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam has such sex appeal! Everyone wants to steal a kiss - can't blame them! The Diva hosting job will bring a lot of great press for Adam. This is just the beginning for him! I can't wait to see how everyone is going to fall in love with him and realize his great charm and wit. I'm counting the hours as well! Can't wait to see him host the DIVAS and, most importantly, perform - Duets - that would be just too wonderful! and I love seeming Adam on the commercials (with the microphone!LOL!). He was born to be on TV! Next, films! What a SUPERSTAR!!!!!!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Just discovered a radio interview posted on Adamtopia. It's from Hong Kong radio RTHK. He talks about his new tattoo in detail. He says it took a total of 10 hours to do and was very painful. He said he got through it by watching movies on his laptop! Lots of needles involved. OUCH!


Anonymous said...

I love Runnin! Also. just the idea of Adam "Runnin" does it for me. I know - I'm weird!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Blueeyes, I'm going to send the 9 year old Dalton Dingus a Christmas card tomorrow and I pray he gets his wish and make it to the Guinness Book of World Records.
He may be terminal but will pray for peace in his heart and to his family whatever happens.
Thanks for letting us know.

Runnin is at the top of my list and Take Back is next then Map.


Anonymous said...

6:pm Thank you so much for responding to Daltons wish.I sent flyers to three different schools my grand kids go to they are really working hard for this I want to help so much, Adam would be proud for us to help he has such a kind heart.Love all of you excited for diva show I know Adam will be great.Happy Holidays to all. Blueeyes

Anonymous said...

Thank you xyz. Blueeyes