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Sources Say Adam Lambert in talks to judge next season of `American Idol`

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 30, 2013

VIA myfoxchicago:

When the feuding between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey was intense, we heard a rumor about season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert--who's already carved out a big career--being considered for a judging slot next season.

Now, good "American Idol" sources are saying it again.


Do you want Adam Lambert to be a judge for American Idol? free polls 


Anonymous said...

I will leave that to Adam and his management.. Will say it would get me to watch Idol. Otherwise have no interest in the show.

tea said...

ARGH!!! American Idol is still using Adam to bring the Glamberts back to their viewing audience. grrrr

I think it's safe to assume they will have the same judges a 2nd year.

tess4ADAM said...

I WANT what ADAM WANTS! He is in control of his career ... not I. I'll support whatever decision ADAM makes ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Via twitter let @nbcsnl know that you would like Adam as #SNLMusic and/or #SNLHost guest.

You can also write your comments on following link:

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I feel. On one hand the exposure on TV would be great and the viewers would see Adam's charm and great personality as well as his knowledge. On the other hand I don't like how they strung him along and idol seems like a sinking ship, although Adam could save it. We'll see. It would be Adam's decision to see if the timing is right since by then he will have new music out!

glitzylady said...

Not sure Idol is so much worried about getting the Glamberts back in their viewing audience, as getting their viewing audience back in general, period!! ...Numbers are down this year..and I have to say this is the first year since Season 8 that my husband and I have not watched...We watched the first night..but not since. Just not interested so far.

As to whether I think Adam should do that, if asked, etc.,etc..: That's up to him....A little too early to even think about it, I would suspect. Sounds like "idle" ;)) speculation to me...

Anonymous said...

You see another of my recent predictions taking shape; I sensed it when Adam focused his attention on the judges panel in a recent tweet. Anyway as I've said before, he'll give Nicki a run for the money; that is if she's still on for another season. Also Adam is able to provide substantial feedback and advice to the contestants. One confused contestant told Ryan, he had no idea why the judges voted unanimously against him. Adam is professional and will know exactly how not to put anyone down, which is as good as killing off the talent right away. Randy will approve because on the quiet, not too ostensibly, he respects Adam a lot. He mentioned Adam Lambert loud and clear last week.


Anonymous said...

One choice on that poll should be:

"No, I wants him to cut all ties to Idol"

I feel like If he goes back as a judge he will forever be American Idol Adam Lambert, not just singer Adam Lambert. Kelly Clarkson cut all ties to Idol and look where she is now.

The one big difference would be if Adam as a judge could completely transform and reinvent Idol. Then, it could get appreciation also from the industry.

Anonymous said...

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux
@adamlambert Hope you finally get to sing La Freak. It'll be a challenge doing it again after 25yrs & not in pajamas & jumping on a bed.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@milestougeaux hahahha did I do that? Lol

Watch the video for La Freak:!

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro ‏@sam_sparro
Me and @nilerodgers @adamlambert adamlambert at rehearsal for WAFF Gala!! #shady

Anonymous said...

Timeslot...look a perfect 8 for fate! lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@nilerodgers bringin his signature funk to Shady. Great rehearsal today.!c31cbab

Anonymous said...

MTV Style ‏@MTVstyle
Who do YOU think wore this @Kokontozai hoodie better: @asvpxrocky or @adamlambert? WE CAN'T PICK!! *ducks for cover*

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@MTVstyle @kokontozai @asvpxrocky ha! it ain't no competition! It's just a sick piece of fashion! :) great minds (and stylists) think alike

Anonymous said...

I think it would be wonderful. They never promised Adam a job last year. I am not going to get all hyper about it this year like I did last year. WHO IS THIS SOURCE!! opps I forgot about my new calm already. I also think him and NM would be a hoot and a half together.

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro posted a new picture of Adam at rehearsal:

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam as a judge on Idol just because I want to see him each week. From what I have watched so far, this panel is boring and the two females are so dramatic, pretentious, always playing with their hair or sniping at each other with their comments. As far as the contestants, Adam spoiled all other shows for me since season8. No one has come close to him in vocal talent or stage presence. Please don't dangle this "sources say Adam is in talks to be an Idol judge next season" in front of us the entire year. The live shows haven't even started, no one has been selected the winner and who knows what will happen with the four judges. Let Adam work on his third album and do some touring here at home. I'd even like him to do a few concerts with Queen in the states. But time will tell what direction Adam's career will take in the next year. I will continue to follow him no matter what decisions he and his management make.

Anonymous said...

As long as they don't control him and don't take half of his earnings, I'm fine with it. Otherwise, Adam should work on his own music and work with big names for his third album.

Anonymous said...

Half of me says NO WAY, even if he gets an offer. The other half of me says YES! Look what that job did for Levine? Pushed him and M5 to the top. And it gives the judges lots of additional exposure to many other things. It's still a high profile show even if it's losing ratings. I don't watch anymore, but I would if Adam were one. Interesting that this has come up again. Remember, it is a rather short-lived gig if you just do it for one season. But you always have it on your resume. He'd be the first and maybe ONLY AI alum to do it. Chances are Nikki and Mariah won't do it again next year. And Keith may be burned out on it by then, too. I guess in a practical sense, if Adam gets the offer, he should take it. If he refuses the offer, someone else will get the job and reap the benefits. We'll see.



Anonymous said...

The viewers are too saturated with all these different talent reality TV shows. Too many of them and people usually move on to find something else for entertainment. Demographic of these shows are people from South as we notice country artists are dominating these shows.

It will be a good exposure for Adam to be a judge but I don't know if he will be able to bring viewers to watch the show.

Anonymous said...

Please not this again!! Idol is over let's focus on something better

Anonymous said...

Idol shot itself in the foot by picking Nickie Minaj. I actually like some of her songs but as a judge she is horrible. Her speaking voice is annoying. I bet either AI is trying to create buzz by using Adam's name in the news or they are regretting now that they didn't pick Adam as a judge.

Adam hold his album promo for one month, I think in September, waiting to hear from Idol. I wonder how he felt about this whole thing when they didn't pick him!?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Saturday Night Live: Five Artists We’d Like To See As Musical Guests This Season

2. Adam Lambert (article has Adam's picture in his Dragon Attack jacket on VH1Divas)
We might be biased towards our 2012 VH1 Divas host, so we’ll allow the people to explain this one:

Saturday Night Live ✔ @nbcsnl
It's #SNLHost #SNLMusic Suggestion Day so tweet us your picks for who you'd love to see on SNL! (Don't forget the #'s)

Anonymous said...

SweetReunion22 ‏@SweetReunion22 we go again. Does anyone think Adams #Idol13 tweet was a hint, not a typo? Does anyone care? Lol #OhLawd

Anonymous said...

WeAreFamilyFdtn ‏@WeAreFamilyFdtn
It's time to share @adamlambert 's birthday card! We're working non-stop to get all your messages up...more to come!

Anonymous said...

It's when artists especially those just starting, who need to build meaningful strong relations and the best way to do this is to work closely with them; because not only do they understand one another's work/music, for collaborations, the element of trust is most effectively formed when people work together as a team, which is stronger than banking only on one's own talents. some degree brought Adam to the forefront in this competitive music arena...Brian May and Roger and most recently Rickey Minor, one of the producers of Divas. Paula would have put in her enthusiasm as well. These relations were all forged on Idol/8. And yes you bet, Adam will change the face of Idol, exactly what he did on AI/8; and give it a new lease of life.


Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers
@sam_sparro me and @adamlambert at a kickA$$ rehreasl today.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would jump at the chance to be a judge...the exposure would widen his fan base... to know him is to love him, he would do a great job and selfishly....I'd get to see him weekly. It's not a year round job, lots of time for appearances and face it...he seems to hold no grudges against Idol only some of his fans do. If he wants it I see only pluses.....JAK

Anonymous said...

So obvious Idol is dangling Adam"s name again to get some viewers back for ratings. Whoever is the source of this news? As far as I have been watching without fail, there is no chance this is true because the show is sailing along fine with some of the most talented try-outs to come along and I'm guessing another country singer will take the title at the end.
I hated the decision to put Nicki on the panel but she has won me over for taking Mariah and Randy on with their non-sense and being corny comments. Mariah and Randy are the same banana, both no conviction and lightweights.
There's just no way idol is already looking for someone to be on the panel next year unless Mariah and Randy leave for they are simply useless.
Nicki and Keith are doing just fine and let me say the contestants though not on the level of Adam (because no one ever will be) are very impressive this year. But you don't have to watch to add to the ratings.

Anonymous said...

Adam should concentrate on his own musical career. He is beginning to reap the rewards of all his hard work over the last 4 years. He is known as Adam Lambert, singer now, not as anybody else. Now is not the time for him to go 'backwards' to AI. Slash said in a tweet that he would NEVER do Idol again as mentor. He only did it to see that amazing new guy "Adam Lambert".

Anonymous said...

I want to see Adam performing On Golden Globes and Academy Awards! I want to hear that he won this fucking Grammy's. But I will never care if he will perform on these fucking Grammys, AMA or whatever they are.Because they can't afford it. And I deff don't want to see Adam as a judge of dead fucking show. Just because they can't afford to get dwarf or GaGa or PSY to be the judge to get more viewers and save this fucking show!

Anonymous said...

This is so strange whereas I was so mad Nicki m got the job this season, but I have to say- I'm really liking her (even though I hate her music) Imagine wht it could do for Adam- in mainstream lke this- believe I was boycotting the show becuz of Nicki- now she's my favorite Go figure ? This would be fantastic coverage for adam if idol makes it another year. Numbers are way down this year. I think I'd rather see him on the voice whereas thier are two spots open?


Anonymous said...

JAK here...I looked up the La Freak link....oh memories flooding back. I had 2 teenage daughters(both with Farah Fawcett hairstyles) and when funk met disco I joined them in dancing till we dropped exhausted on the 43 I could keep up with them! We went to Donna Summer concerts and never sat down.
Those were the days!

Anonymous said...

How about GaGa and Adam for AI season 13th? this is win-win deal! AI got their views and billions back! And whole entire world will enjoy the team of smart and talented duet!Okay,we can get Simon as third judge. Just for fun:D

Anonymous said...

yep, it would be very smart if Sea fucking crest and CO will get Adam as judge! Because, they will get Adam's fans and Adam's haters to watch this dead show!As you know it is gonna millions of people invited!

Anonymous said...

My FOX Chicago: ADAM LAMBERT In Talks To Judge IDOL Next Season

By Bill Zwecker, FOX 32 News Entertainment Reporter
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) –

When the feuding between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey was intense, we heard a rumor about season 8 runner-up ADAM LAMBERT--who's already carved out a big career--being considered for a judging slot next season.
Now, good "American Idol" sources are saying it again.

Even though things have settled down between Nicki and Mariah, most in-the-know "Idol" experts doubt Nicki or Mariah--or likely both--will be back next season.
It's less about the feuding, and more about both superstars' huge careers and commitments.
In the final week of regional auditions prior to Hollywood week, the judges were in San Antonio and Long Beach, California.
They found some great talent in San Antonio -- especially single mom Savannah Votion.
We all know that perhaps the most successful "American Idol" is Chicago's own Jennifer Hudson.
But while Hudson confirms it was "American Idol" that launched her career, she has some "Idol" folks shaking their heads after she suggested the show should end its run after this season "and quit while you're ahead--on top."

Read more

Anonymous said...

To me that was not a positive take on why adam should be an idol judge. I took it as it's a dying show and they believe adam should take whatever he can because they don't belive he's a big enough star and should be on a reality show? Did anyone else feel that's what they were saying. NO to that for sure!!!

daydreamin said...

Pic by @FOLAMI: Coolest day ever!!!! The singing thats about to go down tomorrow.... You are not ready!!!!
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

10:35 that is not the impression I got at all.

Anonymous said...

Here we go with the judge mass hysteria already.

Anonymous said...

@10:35PM I don't think you got their idea. Adam is a big star and he has a lot of fans and fanatics and haters and media! And all of them will watch the show. Another day I found that nobody cares about Mariah in my office.And most of my co-workers don't like NM.So, as far as nobody cares about Randy only Keith has some real fans who like him as a judge and as a singer.
Anyhow, I wish Adam woudn't need some financial support for his next album.But he needs some $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and public appearance

Anonymous said...

The first paragraph seems to have been 'grafted' into the article. It has no time reference; this part of the report could be cut and pasted from previous news that is as AI judge referring to...S11 to S12 and not the "next season" to mean S13. Mmm I think I've been duped! Well it's okay for I do feel Adan will be appointed as AI judge; it's a matter of time and whether he would be available then or has moved on to greener pastures.


daydreamin said...

Here is video of this news on Idol Chatter:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Oh sorry the above is from My Fox News.

HK fan said...

Well, I am watching Idol this year, and so far it is way, way better than the last 3 years. I'm liking all the judges....well not Randy obviously:), although I will admit Nickis nasally voice gets a bit much....
I would like to see Adam as a judge, he can replace Randy, and we can keep the other 3...Hopefully he can get his album out by the end of the year, just in time for all the Idol promotion and it will rocket him to the top of the charts!!

Pan said...

Ladies, the distance and the fact that I'm not a fan of all these singing competitions do not affect my, I hope, objectivity. Me like the rabbi, always trying to find a middle way!I can agree with, "Adam is able to provide substantial feedback and...."(Lam-my), partially with"the exposure would widen his fan base" Jak, with many Anos saying the same thing. I can't disagree with Anons 8:27 PM and the picturesque 9:11PM
But ...but, AI and its viewers were not ready for a gay winner in season 8, are they ready for a gay judge now? Does middle America , apparently most of the votes come from there, seem more willing to accept Adam now? And I'm not talking about Glamberts! And I'm trying to avoid generalizations! Would AI be prepared to face the hoards of haters, bigots, homophobes week after week? Hmmm... .

Anonymous said...

@HK fan I think you are genious. Adam-Mariah-Keith-Minaj!Nobody will care about the next American Idol!

Anonymous said...

Heavens NO! Seems the old ratings are falling apart yet again prehaps!? I found the show format now lame, boring and tiresome which is a shame for the contestants. If I were Idol though I'd be recuiting Adam but personally other than a guest appearance I wanna see Adam working on that next album.

Anonymous said...

Just found that such a homophobics as Bill O'Reilly and Danny Gockey can change music history. Isn't it sad?

Anonymous said...

Darn I wanna be singing Le Freak with Nile, Adam and Sam tonight.
Sung it with Nile before and it was the biggest hoot.

Pan said...

A late PS, don't you remember the horrible reactions to Adam's professional comments on that movie? The haters(and so many of them!) reunited not to agree or disagree with his comments , they were there only to spill their hate!

Anonymous said...

Oh noooooo, not the AI Judge thing again! I was so upset when Adam didn't get the judge spot this year, and we all know he wanted it cuz he said so. Plus AI strung him along til the last minute..they really took advantage of him and I was not happy about that.

I just want Adam to be happy creating music/art whatever way he wants cuz he's a brilliant artist and a true gift to our society.

I hope we see some vids from the Gala tomorrow!


glitzylady said...

In the case of whether middle America is ready for a Gay American Idol judge: I don't think that would be a big issue to be honest. Things have changed in the past 4 years in many ways in America in general. There will always be those who are not accepting, but I do think Adam with his charm, his honesty, his respectful and thoughtful ways, and his sincere wish to be a true judge: ie one who truly wants to help the contestants be the best they can be (as he has commented recently)..would win over many doubters...and some haters. My state is one of those who voted to support Marriage Equality, the president has spoken openly about supporting our gay and lesbian I suspect that Adam would do well. Whatever happens, I would wish it to be his decision based on what is BEST for him and his career.....

I don't necessarily believe the article tho, that he is "in talks" to become a judge next year. Remains to be seen.....

Anonymous said...

daydreamin 11:07
Thanks and yea, I'm okay with Idol Chatter. For a moment I thought I needed to send my crystal-ball to the workshop again. lol! The other thing which I've mentioned before is, Adam wrote Idol/13 in his recent tweet; he couldn't have miscalculated; seems a bit encrypted to me, or he may just be referring to the year 2013. lol!


Anonymous said...

Agree with Glizy Lady And Lam-my! I think Idol thirteen was a hint! This year Idol 12, could be mistake or referring to this year, will known sooner or later! Adam would do well, you cannot let hater's run your life, as GL say's he would win over many. The people that just hate to hate, never will change, there not in that big of a majority! The Idol season starts in Sept. early oct. , it would be good because Adam's new Album be getting out! Good exposture, but he make it about contestants not just him! Anyway will see in do time, whatever best for Adam is what I want, it seems like this is early for talks but not, starts in sept. oct the season. Then live shows march give him, time for other stuff! Ratings are not good, probably improve, with talent, highly doubt these four judges back maybe KU, if he wants too! Time will tell! Sue

Anonymous said...

I don't claim to know Adam well but one thing I know is it doesn't bother him whether people are going to like him or not; he will just do exactly what he needs to do, boils down to his conviction and passion for his work. You do have a point though with regard to whether people are ready for him; as pointed out they were so obviously not ready for a gay AI winner. But now rumour has it that he may be on the AI panel next season. I like the way President Obama spoke so emphatically on the gay/equal rights issue; it definitely helps the gay community, a step at a time; like the saying goes and you will surely know...Rome wasn't built in a day. By the way your word, pantheon, got stuck in my brain! lol! I actually read up about it.


HK fan said...

America liked a gay idol enough to get him to 2nd place......and there seems to be lot of evidence out there about the voting scandal that may have meant that America was indeed ready for a Gay Idol
As to a gay judge, Idol had Ellen, Dancing with the stars has Bruno whatisname. Adam wouldn't be the first gay reality judge.

Pan said...

Lam-my glitzy
I sincerely admire your optimism , trust and love that "a change is gonna come", as for me I'm a skeptic by nature and lived enough to see that prejudices, hate, intolerance, seem to be stronger even than Rome itself which was built(not in 3 days lol),rose and fell eventually, homophobes will be forever homophobes, they raise/encourage their children to be bullies, future homophobes and the cycle seems to never end.
But now, let us rejoice, one joy at a time, Adam will shine again at the Gala and this is all that matters!

Anonymous said...

He not only is a great singer, he is a great communicator. Words just flow out of him, and he's a kind person, which makes what he says easy to hear. His laughter and smile are both contagious. He, indeed, would make a tremendous judge.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to what has been stated in multiple comments, Idol is NOT a sinking ship. Just yesterday I read that last week's Wednesday and Thursday night shows were #1 and #2 of all the shows shown on all the channels last week. (See USA Today entertainment section.) Their viewship is definitely down, but it is still beating EVERYTHING ELSE!

Anonymous said...

What?????????? Again?????????

I hope Adam Will be vary busy!!!! Not with this AI!!!!!

Enough of using Adams name please???


Anonymous said...

very busyyyy!:)


Anonymous said...

i can't stand to listen to nicki's voice, so i won't be watching idol at all this year. adam was spot on with his comments of les mis. he knows his music.

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting my hopes up on Idol. This rumour might even have been started by Adam's tweet the night he watched Idol - #Idol13.

It would be good for Adam, though. How many people do you mention Adam to and they say they love him and don't realize that he has a second cd out? It would give him profile, and a nice paycheque.

There are solid reasons for FOX to float his name. Idol is going live soon and Nikki and Mariah are a handful. FOX has no idea how they are going to behave together on camera week after week. FOX might just be floating this as a subtle reminder to them that they can be replaced next year if they take the nasty live.

The new judges are all one year contracts, aren't they? I'm not watching but the buzz is that Mariah is not delivering - she will be out. Nikki sounds entertaining she has said it's a lot of work and she needs to keep making music and touring to stay relevant.

Adam's name is going to continue to be floated because he's a decent possibility. He's a cheap date, has high TV EQ and is a reminder of AI's contestant bench depth. His fans are social media addicts -we make a lot of noise.

Doesn't man it's going to happen.

Keep calm and carry on.

Urethra_Franklin said...

That's the only thing that could ever get me to watch that train wreck again.

Anonymous said...

Keith may be planning to make this a one season deal......he has a busy career and has been on vocal rest, that may be why he took the temp job. Mariah seems bored at not being queen bee....there may be a complete sweep

Anonymous said...

Having Adam as a judge will get me more interested in watching Idol again. But is it a good career move for Adam, who knows? He and his management team will have to decide if he is presented with the offer. Being a judge on The Voice certainly has helped the careers of all four judges there. Would Idol do the same for Adam? Perhaps with the release of a third album, it might be good publicity. Whatever Adam decides to do, I am a devoted follower and only wish him the best in his personal life and his career.

Anonymous said...

I think this rumor is great, keep Adam's name out there in the media! I hope there will be more rumors spreading about this.

Adam puts out a 3rd Album, and also gets a judge gig on AI, just think what that would do for his sales, the more people see Adam, the more they buy! Not holding my breath of course, but let them talk about it!

I don't watch the show, and don't care about it, but if they want to throw his name out there, let them, keeps people talking about him.


Anonymous said...

Adam may be a cheap date, give him another 3 or 4 years, he will be an awfully expensive date! If they want him better get him now! idol down not just US. It in many world countries, many Adam big in! He would definitely pull in large amount Asian fans, plus others! He certainly give a big boost internationally! Will see! Some people may like this panel, I hate it! KU, fine, NM is ok but MC And Randy are useless, Randy is better than MC however! I only watch aittle bit, talent good judges boring, the IIHY thing with Adam song was funny that's it! I just watch few minutes here and there, I done . Would watch if he on it! What will be will be, not worrying about it. Adam is a busy boy, right now he will be starting feb. then album to put out, concerts and album! Only thing it would help new album, if meant to happen it will if not something else will happen, Diva proved just a bit of what Adam can do!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Didn't mean cheap date as an insult. He would become expensive very fast, for sure. He would add a lot to the show including audiences.
Nothing more than a rumour right now.

Anonymous said...

International audiences. My bad.

Anonymous said...

@JAK - I sure hope you're feeling better after your fall!

Regarding Idol, I seriously tried to watch the show again last night and it was sooooooooo boring! Even though I have always liked Mariah and thought Niki was kind of a character, they are absolutely no fun to watch. Also, I am someone who LOVES singing contestant shows, but this season Idol has sunk to it's lowest level. Only Adam could bring it back to life. Of course, I would love to see Adam on the show and the exposure would be great for him. I hope he makes gobs of money! Idol needs desparate help......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

My thoughts:

Adam's personality on the show as a judge would gain more fans, more sales. Non-fans simply don't see or hear him enough to know him as a person. Knowing him better will attract people to his music.

What judge HASN'T benefited from being on the show?

Haters are loud, but the probably benefit from being a judge far outweighs them.

Even with lower ratings, Idol is still the highest rated show in its time-slot.

If Adam was offered the job and didn't take it, another singer would take it and reap the benefits.

DRG (if the offer ever happens at all)

Anonymous said...

What a travesty; using Adam for media hype. Idol Bastards!

Pasha said...

Whatever makes him happy.

But if it was up to me, I'd say it's TOO SOON to talk about that for a coming season. So many things will happen and/or change until then.

The good thing about him becoming judge on the running season though was that he had new material to offer and Idol could be a platform, once again, for him showcasing his talent. Without that and also the sinking ship idol is becoming gradually, i don't think a job on that panel would do him THAT MUCH good.

With all that said, again, it's too soon to decide and he has the last say in this IMO.

Anonymous said...

rumor mill at it again.

Anonymous said...

Adam would not be the first gay American Idol judge. Don't forget about Ellen.