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Adam Lambert recorded a new video for about Shanghai concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 25, 2013

Posted at : Monday, February 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hear about the earthquakes in Japan?(yesterday or early this morn)I'll be glad when Adam leaves now,or goes to China...Of course,LA has them,too,sometimes.just love the videos.Some are really great quality!

choons said...

How could anyone resist an invitation from this beautiful guy? I'm there! (in spirit).

Anonymous said...

He just so cute, how could anyone be mean to him! They say in China the smog is so bad, people wearing masks. They showed it on the news, couple weeks ago! Hope Adam protects himself! I just wonder how they figure out how hot and cold it is in places, abroad before they pack, snow in some places! Guess they take some for warm and cold climate, Adam also picks up pieces along the way! How bad was the earthquake, I alway's worry about that! And every other climate change! Guess it does no good to worry, they adjust best they can, but those earthquake's really scare me! Ps. I know earthquakes or not climate changes, like hot cold! It windy as all get out here, Texas! Sue

HK fan said...

people in China wear masks because it is flu and pneumonia season. Eversince Sars about 9 years ago, they have done it. They believe it will stop them catching virus's. It doesn't...especially when you see them pulling them down to their chins to smoke or eat, I've even seen people cut holes in them for their mouths....

Japan has earthquakes very frequently. There was one on Adams first trip there, where we got that clip of him saying 'mind the gap'. We had one here in HK on fri apparently, a 4.8, 180km north of HK...didn't feel a thing.

Anonymous said...'s the emotional songs that make me feel that get to me and touch my heart ( well, mostly my heart!)......^o^.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous message. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think that's my favorite message so far.