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Adam Lambert Wins an Award at the Popdust Oscars

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 25, 2013

Posted at : Monday, February 25, 2013


"He may not be Daniel Day-Lewis or Ben Affleck, but Adam Lambert has now been awarded a distinction of near-equal repute to those Academy Award winners. Lambert has triumphed in the finals of our Popdust Oscars tournament, garnering over a million votes to defeat Bruno Mars’ hilarious appearance in the “Whatta Man” Funny or Die clip. The win is nothing new for Lambert, who previously claimed top honors in our tournament to decide Reality TV’s Greatest Pop Star earlier this year."



Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have no idea what significance Popdust has, but it's always better to win than lose. So kudos to Adam (yes, tess, I did vote frequently!) :))

I laughed at one of the comments saying Adam made a better vampire that Daniel Day-Lewis would have.
I disagree with that....Daniel is far more cadaverish looking than Adam, in fact he'd be a great lanky craggy faced vampire. However since he "lives" each role during filming I would pity his wife, what with him sleeping in his casket, having an earthy smell and having blood breath!
A true "method actor!"

Anonymous said...

I know couple of us spamming threads about importance of adding view counts to Adam's music videos on youtube/vevo.

Billboard recently announced taking into account online streaming of artists' music. Since radios don't play Adam's singles as much (though I hear it once in a while on my radio but not as much); we, fans, have the power to listen to Adam's music online cause it counts.

You can add the following link to your smartphones and/or tablets home screen and listen to Adam's music 24/7 at work, home, car, workout, etc.:

tess4ADAM said...

I voted as often as my computer would allow me to ... some stupid compatibility view problem ... sometimes it worked ... others I was blocked out ... (thanx JAK ... I knew I could count on you & the others) ... I was so frustrated ... but ADAM did WIN ... GOOD!!! ... now we need some positive comments there ... such SORE losers ... tsk. tsk. .. LOL

@Anon. 12:36 PM ... thanx for the link to ADAM's music 24/7 ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

JAK!!! Glad to see you back with us! Missed you. Figured you were taking a break from some of the recent threads. Looks like things have settled down, at least for now.
I voted a bunch on the poll and am happy Adam won. Watched the Oscars last night and kept visualizing Adam singing a killer song. Someday.

DRG (I agree that DDLewis is pretty cadaverish, but he made a darn good Lincoln!)

Adamluv said...

Love reading "Adam wins an award". OT - fell in love with Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans - wow what a hottie in that role. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yeah! adam should win all awards every day, small or big. keeps him in the news!

Anonymous said...

Over a million votes for Adam! Way to go Glamberts! I hope we have a little break before the next voting contest, so my fingers can recover.

Anonymous said...

did DDL star in My Left Foot? If that was him he was phenominal.
This is Adam's first Oscar with many more to come!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I would Appreiate if some of you more sterling writter's than I, would go on that pop dust sight and give a nice comment against the sore looser's! According to them Adam fans cheated, they have just as much opportunity to vote as we have, to vote! He has no fans, ect. Some how that small amount if fans got him way over a million votes! Not to mention all those sold out concerts, with very high priced tickets! That do not want to put in the work to get the wins, but it just easier to tear down the winner, of most of their contests Adam! Accusing his fans of cheating, it would be impossible to do and they easily could do the same thing, quite sure some of their fans put in many votes, just not as devoted as Adam's!! Just so much easier to trash the winner than, do all that voting. Also saying they just had more important things, if that the case why bother fussing about your loss! They are going on about all their Grammies and all! I been told that my posts on these things make the people on the post looks desperate, and I do not do this are that to please them! I do not want to embarrass anyone here so could some of you please give him a nice comment! We cannot fight them all, but a few very nice comments Adam does deserve that! Thank you Sue!

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv ( a woman of taste)....
JAK HERE.....I was completely cuckoo over Daniel Day-Lewis for a number of years, had a giant poster on my bedroom door (my husband is tolerant) know the one of him running thru the forest, flintlock in hand, long hair flowing. Boy oh boy! I still think he is an astounding actor. My Left Foot was stunning, his first Oscar,
Did you ever see the early comedy he made Stars and Bars? It was my first introduction to him. Fell head over heels.

Adamluv said...

OT - @JAK - I remember you commenting before on your love for him. Did you ever see him in a British film titled "My Beautiful Laundramat" (spelling is off). He plays a poor London kid having a love affair with the son of east Indian immigrants whose father runs a laundramat. Steammy, hot and heavy and he is gorgeous!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.....Oh my Yes! As I fan myself and blush modestly! The VHS tape is about 6 feet from my bed with my DDL library of films. It was My Beautiful Laundrette. The only film he ever made I didn't like was Nine!

I think I admitted this before...but when my daughters and I were staying in the Wicklow mountains in Ireland during the height of my "crush" I made them go with me to hunt up his home!
Crazy, but it made me happy!

I see where Donald Trump put his 2 cents in....DDL didn't "sound" like Lincoln! "He isn't even American"! ??????? Hasn't Trump had way more than his alloted 15 minutes of fame?...........JAK

Anonymous said...

I saw on twitter where a radio station in Australia played Adam's Stay and Underneath!!

Anonymous said...

I read those comments and laughed at most of them. Poor loserers. They sure care alot about a poll they claim is insignificant. Bahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Sue I am trying to focus on vevo views and not those clowns. If we knew a way to cheat so would they.

Anonymous said...

That great they played stay and underneath. Nobody sings like Adam period! DDL was amaizing in my left foot, only thing I ever saw him in! Did he win for Lincoln I am sure he did! I taped the Oscar's have not watched! The mention of the movie LM,ales me sick after all that bull they said about Adam, I did here they did not win best picture I was glad! DT alway's has to run someone down to get attention, I did not see it, heard he did a really good job in it! If it comes to pay per view I will rent it ! Now back to my favorite boy Adam's vids. Sue

Anonymous said...

I thought they were cheating

Anonymous said...

How in the heck can anybody cheat on these polls?

Anonymous said...

DDL did such a terrific job in My Left Foot. I was very young when I saw it and thought he was that way in real life.

Angelique said...

Hi beautiful. fans!!!so happy Adam won!is much better singer than BM.;)

Anonymous said...

I wish I did know how to cheat on these polls. It would free up a lot of time for me.

Angelique said...

Oh,I have been here for 4 years, only comment about3 times. sometimes too much fighting going on, but I'm here Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Which ever Tess M. That posted on the pop crush comment section! Thank you sweet heart I hope you read this! It was so very lovely. If u had done it some meanie that comes on here, would have said something mean to me! Inspite of that if I can figure out how to do it, I think I will later! That was if I had done it, not u! Correction of above comment! Anyway if you read this thank you a million for posting that nice comment! You know Adam is as popular as those people in asia! I honestly believe he more popular than BM in asia! Did not see any of them at the Moma awards, their Grammies! Adam did have I believe more than one nom. For that! No he had one! Someone said he won one, not sure u know he was for sure nimatef for best artist on a stage! Maybe someone should bring that up, one of these days! He sold out lots of the concerts, one of the upcoming ones had standing only huge prices on the tickets, let's hope Adam gets his fare share! Anyway thank you for posting that great comment Tess on pop crush! Sue

Anonymous said...

I like Bruno Mars very much but Adam is my favorite.I voted for hrs for Adam so happy he won it is good for Adam & PLL so win win all around.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Day Lewis was also incredible in the movie 'Gangs of New York', also starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Congrats to Adam on his current "We Are Glamiily" tour in Asia. The crowds seem really into these shows. And of course congrats to Adam on his Popdust Oscar win!

Anonymous said...

I love Bruno too and so does Adam. I never thought that the PLL kids might have voted for Adam. They are really into that program, I love reading their comments on Youtube about the programs.

Anonymous said...

Yea Daniel Day Lewis can play Dracula, he does have that handsome Dracula look lol! attired in long flowing robe. Adam plays Glampire in modern blue suit with little protruding sexy fangs lol! Title of film: Dracula Strikes, Glampire Rescues,! I've stopped watching movies for a long time but this projected movie, I'll watch on replay. lol! Oh Dracula sleeps in the coffin or some kind of fermented earth. Mmm Glampire doesn't sleep, he floats in his own magnetic field lol! and sometimes a celestial voice can be heard from this special ethereal capsule. lol!


Anonymous said...

wouldn't that be funny if one of his fans in Asia saw this and congratulated Adam on his Oscar for PLL. Adam doesn't seem to be doing many interviews lately.

Anonymous said...

Asian fans are not so particular what awards Adam won or not. Some time ago, I read an article promoting Adam's Asian tour and it stated in no uncertain terms...Adam Lambert American Idol alum etc...won a Grammy award in 2011...I read it again, yea that's what it says lol! and no one refuted it. lol! Personally I bet! lol!


Anonymous said...

I never said anything about cheating, except someone try to say the Glambert's did on the pop crush he won te and time again against most of the same people, for different poles! They have the same sore head attitude, running Adam down with non facts! Makes no sense if we can vote many times they can, same opportunity given to all! What ever the mean we had to vote they had, they are just lazier and Adam has a lot more fans and loyal fans than they have any idea of! They always are a bit lack and then lot to down Adam and fans, and cry someone cheated ! Nobody cheated there was no way for Adam's fans to cheat! Adam won lots of poles against same people, like Seacrest ones too! They alway's whine the same stuff! They like to put Adam down as usual, but some real loyal Adam fans straightened them out for the most part! I am glad all are doing the viewing I just have the I phone do not know how! Try get my daughter whenever I go up there to set that up if she can! The. Iewing or streaming! Sue

Anonymous said...

Poor losers. :-( When I voted, I kept an eye on the number of votes going through and there were a lot of times Bruno's voters were sending through more votes than Glambert voters. Maybe they couldn't maintain the momentum till the end. In any case, huge congrats go to Adam and his wonderful Glambert voters.

daydreamin said...

Hey @Angelique! A warm welcome from me and a thanks for coming out of lurking (so to speak). I agree with your comments btw.

@JAK I had to laugh at your comment about Trumps 15 minutes of fame. LOL!! Thanks for your rays of sunshine!

Anonymous said...

I find this picture to be uniquely and over-the-top sexy. Brings out the aggressive cougar in me.

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