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Another New Lex Tokyo Party Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 22, 2013

Posted at : Friday, February 22, 2013

VIA @dellosa


Anonymous said...

delish Adam

Anonymous said...

This guy in the pic says..

davindellosaLet me clear up the rumors... I dis not have sezual relations with @adamlambert #adamlambert ... I went to the Kebab shop then went home. Haha he left with @bobtry

Anonymous said...

Love this video, Adam's performance of Chokehold in S. Korea:

Anonymous said...

There's so much more that goes on in the life of Adam than anyone will ever know . So far he's kept his long time friends close and closed mouthed . Open Book? nah

funbunn40 said...

Adam's neck is an enticing morsel for any lurking vampires!

Anonymous said...

Amazing picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Egg`s and tomatoes is waiting for adam fucking lambert when he is in Finland

Anonymous said...

@bobtry? Really? Changed so much after Sauli or back to normal?

Anonymous said...

@5:17 AM.
Get yourself off this site, you are no fan of Adam's and have no right coming here with your spiteful words, as Adam would say "GET A LIFE".

Anonymous said...

@davindellosa Let me clear up the rumors... I dis not have sezual relations with @adamlambert #adamlambert ... I went to the Kebab shop then went home. Haha he left with @bobtry

Anonymous said...

That guy looking over Adam looks a bit creepy and Adam doesn't look to impressed, although he does look stunning as usual.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy this. Not Adam's type like Oli and Cody.

Anonymous said...

Why Adam is not with his love of life Tommy the pretty kitty :(

Anonymous said...

Or Artem Korolev?

Anonymous said...

this guy saying bad word to adam is jealous-roten attide and jerry springer type of guy no class.

Anonymous said...

tommy is working with adam-his band member-oh dont u know?-a friendis a friend tommy has a girlfriend pls you know that/

Anonymous said...

6:17 AM But Adam started following him after this club evening.

6:24 AM He follows also Artem, who seems to be more "Adam's" type. And asked his e-mail address and show hims some Moscow when he comes to Russia. They met in LA. Maybe Adam really is interested in him.

Anonymous said...

Where do the people on this site come from?? Has there been some invasion I don't know about yet? This is a AL fan site??

Anonymous said...

6:38 your guess is as good as mine I rarely come here anymore. I work all day with toddlers and want to get away from them when I surf the net.

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli so much and their relationship inspired me and many others. That's why I think that I have to leave the fansites. Maybe I´ll listen/buy to Adam's upcoming discs and hope him all the best. But I find out that these "Adam and the new men things" come to me too soon. He's like a free game for every man. I hope that does not happen to Sauli, too.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake, why don't you worry warts worry about your own lives rather than worry about Adam and Sauli's lives. They are grown men and are extremely capable at sorting out their own lives without any input from anyone. Some people are just way too invested in Adam's love/personal life.

Anonymous said...

6:46 am Their relationship inspired me too. I remember Adam's words: "Love of my life", "My man", "Love him to death" etc. and I thought I saw Adam's life was balanced, as he said himself too. He said that he lived boring life, sitting on the sofa, watching tv, making food and did not go to clubs so much. Now it seems like that all is gone. Of course this situation, the tour, is different. But he did some promo tours earlier but that was not this kind of publicity all the time,like speculating with whom he spends the next night. So, I decided too to leave the fan sites. Maybe I have to come and see some vids but the I'll leave the other stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who this guy is with Adam? No matter, Adam looks as though he was having fun.

Anonymous said...

Being a celebrity means that rumours will always follow you, especially with someone like Adam who is extremely popular and not afraid to be himself as far as being an open gay man. Naturally young gay men look up to him and of course they admire him. If Adam's relationship with Sauli is meant to last it will, but if not then it just wasn't meant to be. At the end of the day Adam's private life is just that it's private and fans need to respect that, his love life is his own personal thing and no one elses business. I hope both of them find happiness either with each other or without, if it doesn't last I'm sure they would always remain good friends, who knows where their lives will lead them but again it's is their life to sort out.

Anonymous said...

7:04PM I agree your every word. What a pity we can´t discuss more.

7:02PM I guess there are a lot of people who have over-invested in their relationship including me. But it is hard to be Adam´s fan without knowing his personal life while there is so much information all the time including this night in Tokio.

Anonymous said...

7:04 AM
I don't recall Adam ever saying Sauli was the love of hs life. He certainly said he was in love, but he also said time and again he never even thought about marriage, that he was still learning about relationships and that he wasn't ready for that kind of step.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame Adam for going out after performing, he puts so much energy and emotion into his performances plus interviews, photo-shoots, not to mention suffering jet-lag. He needs to unwind and relax after his concerts to revive himself, surely people don't expect him to stay in his hotel room the whole time. I wish people would stop placing so many expectations on him, I honestly don't know how he copes with all he has to do but I think he's doing a great job putting up with all the nonsense that comes his way.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh WOW Adam!

Anonymous said...

@7:23 AM.
I agree with you, Adam has stated many times that he is not ready for marriage any time soon and I'm sure Sauli would be fully aware of Adam's feelings. Adam is an honest person not the type to deliberately hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

wonder if AL could give a woman a manly piggy back ride?

Anonymous said...

@7:31 AM.
Yes! Oh Wow Adam! This is an Adam Lambert site after all, or maybe your too silly to understand that.

Anonymous said...

I usually comment as an anon, however I am slowly realizing the importance of using a tag due to so many negative comments regarding Adam that have been posted here of late. So from now on I will sign off with my tag name which will be Sara. I would also like to ask 24/7 if they please consider changing their format so people who come hear must sign in by name, hopefully this will put a stop to the growing number of abusive comments on this site lately.


Anonymous said...

So it seems that Sauli is not staying.

Anonymous said...

7:23 AM Solid,committed relationship does not mean marriage. They lived together two years. They could have continued that way without marriage for years if they were meant for each other and the love was strong enough. They "played home" for a while but Adam's comments about marriage just at the beginning of the relationship surely were a signal he was not taken the relationship for granted and there was lots of hesitation. I hope they had fun and stay friends. Adam is nowadays not saying or tweeting anything about his bf or his man, so I guess it's over. I hope they both have a good life. I'm not sure if Adam is gonna find a lifetime partner because he gets bored so easily. Sauli is a bit different and I hope he finds some "easier guy" like Jesse Ferguson (? not sure about the name) or Randy Harrison -type.

Don't get mad! It was fun speculating. None of my business. Adam's fan site! I know: "Get a life!" LOL I go.

Anonymous said...

6:38, I don't know what has happened. But it certainly feels like the fans have lost this site to trolls and haters. It's really sad. Maybe it's time for the anonymous option to go away and for trolls to be blocked.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with some people? Why can't they leave the people in the pics alone?

@dellosa ok these @adamlambert fans are starting to creep me out...

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Sara! Glad you're here with a tag. I used to say that I liked the ANON option here because it kept things interesting. Well, I have come around to agreeing with you. The meanness and intentional misinformation here is ruining my FAVORITE Adam site. I find mysself getting into arguments when it is really unwise to do so. Some posters here jump to conclusions every time they see a picture or a comment. So, Sara, I also hope this site changes to a tag requirement. Again, welcome!

8:43, And you know for sure that their relationship is over how?


Anonymous said...

Gosh can't they already announce their break-up. This is getting ridiculous and Adam is losing all my respect for him.

Anonymous said...

Between his dancer and the clubbing I'm about to lose respect also. He brought Sauli over here and he is showing so much disrespect.If they are broke up and his actions point that way, looks like he would take a little longer to get over it. Sauli seems such a class act and and I don't think he would put up with it.Adam didn't use to hang out like this. Adam seems to get bored. How can he get up there and sing Stay after his night out on the town.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any humour? Sauli's fans have more sense of humour than you ever will. The guy joked. Or are you just mad Adam didn't hang out with Tommy? I heard Adam and Tommy broke up last night.

Anonymous said...

@11:15 AM Noo really :(

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM
Lol, Adam has always hung out exactly like this - going out to bars during all his travels and taking pictures with people. This is not a change in his behavior at all

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM
I guess you missed the many picture of Sauli out having parties with friends without Adam the last few weeks. And the facebook post from a gay model who said he was having a late night dance party with Sauli. Sauli is having just as much fun-times as Adam is. Don't paint him as the injured party sitting home.

Anonymous said...

I checked this Artem Korolev guy and he really is Adam's type! Nice, classy guy, totally something else than these random party boys in these pictures.
I hope he's the next boyfriend.

It would be sad to see Adam going home lonely and depressed. He would start partying and getting fat and loosing his looks..